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This review is organized in three sections in order to evaluate if expressive writing (namely, to report emotions and deep thoughts concerning positive or negative personal experiences) has a beneficial impact on the physical and psychological well-being of writers. Part 1 reviews studies that showed a beneficial influence of expressive writing. Part 2 is devoted to the examination of the theories for explaining the processes of emotional and cognitive regulation at work during writing disclosure (Disinhibition theory, Cognitive-processing theory, Self-regulation theory, Exposure theory). Findings of several meta-analyses designed to probe the power and validity of results and models are presented. The necessity of a better understanding of the processes by which expressive writing can transform emotional state and intrusive thoughts among writers is examined within the framework of concepts of cognitive psychology involved in writing productions. It is now crucial to use the knowledge of the cognitive approach of written productions for identifying the cognitive-emotional operations that are involved in disclosures and their dependency upon attentional resources of working memory.  相似文献   

This research aims at a better understanding of one aspect of emotional labor in child welfare: coping with intense negative emotions. It is based on 15 interviews conducted with social workers from Child Protective Services. Results indicate that the drivers of this aspect of emotional labor are characterized by unpredictability and interpersonal conflict. They give rise to surprise, anxiety and especially anger, particularly against institutions. Emotional regulation is carried out implicitly with a professional instrumental purpose. Different strategies are mobilized sequentially: social sharing of emotions and cognitive strategies allow recovery. The team social support during informal times appears central. These results underline the role of the team and plead for the recognition and professionalization of emotional work in this sector.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2014,20(4):231-248
This study focuses on the burnout framework and aims at examining the links between, on the one hand, the psychological burden, decision latitude, organizational justice and self-esteem and, on the other hand, the burnout. We measure the mediator effect of the social support. The data derived from a questionnaire submitted to 122 managers allowed us to establish a correlation matrix, linear regressions on the burnout and mediation analyzes. The results indicate that the predominant variables would be the organizational justice, support from colleagues, self-esteem and affects. The mediator effect of the social support between the different types of justice and the burnout was partially validated.  相似文献   

In relation to the professional commitment and the emotional exhaustion, this research explored the differences between the national executive commuters (NEC, 349 participants) and the international executive commuters (IEC, 242 participants) through a survey questionnaire. Regarding the professional commitment and the emotional exhaustion, no statistically significant differences emerged. For the IEC, the hierarchical support was irrelevant whereas support from colleagues was essential. The hierarchical responsibility seemed to positively impact their professional commitment and to negatively affect their emotional exhaustion. The study highlighted their great professional commitment level and their low emotional exhaustion. The results suggested examining these dynamics in order to identify specific management policies.  相似文献   

Adopted children seem to imply specific challenge for themselves and their adoptive parents regarding the recovery of their attachment representations. Based on the hypothesis relating parental sensitivity of adopting parents and children's attachment representations, this study aims to create an intervention based on parental sensitivity for adoptive French-speaking families. Nine adoptive families took par to this study whose children are between 2 and 11 years old. In this exploratory research, the recovery of the children's attachment representations and the moderation of parental self-efficacy were assessed. Our results highlighted the relevance of this intervention.  相似文献   

This study compares the efficacy of two kinds of flooding techniques: flooding in fantasy and flooding in vivo. The aversive stimulus in this experimental study was a harmless snake. The scenes described to the flooding in fantasy group were identical to the behaviors that subjects of the flooding in vivo group were asked to do. The length of treatment was 1 h. Avoidance tests were given at different stages of the experiment. Subjective measures were also taken. Although the analysis of variance did not show any significant differences, orthogonal comparisons revealed superiority for the flooding in vivo group on the avoidance test.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a review of the research on core self-evaluation or positive self-concept, a broad personality trait indicated by four narrow traits: self esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control and emotional stability. We review evidence suggesting that the four core traits are highly related and load on a single unitary factor. We more generally investigate the construct validity of core self-evaluation through its relation with job satisfaction, job performance and the five-factor model. Finally, we also report on the development and validation by T. Judge of the first direct measure of the concept.  相似文献   

Associations between maternal internal working models (IWM) (adult attachment projective: AAP) [George, C., West, M., Pettem, O., 1997. Adult attachment projective: protocol and classification scoring system. Manuscrit non publié. Mills College, Californie], preschool child attachment (separation–reunion procedure) [Cassidy, J., Marvin, R. S., 1992. Attachment organization in preschool children: procedures and coding manual. Manuscrit non publié. MacArthur Working Group on Attachment; Dev Psychol 24 (1988) 415–526] and stressful life-events were examined in 119 dyads. A convergence for transmission similar to what has been reported in the literature [Psychol Bull 117(3) (1995) 387–403] was found (76% for security, kappa = 0.53; p < 0.001). Moreover, unresolved mothers with disorganized–controlling children reported more stressful life-events (F [3, 106] = 4.70; p < 0.01). The present study therefore indicates the importance of including contextual factors [van IJzendoorn, M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., 1997. Intergenerational transmission of attachment: a move to the contextual level. In: Atkinson et, L., Zucker, K.J. (Eds.), Attachment and Psychopathology. The Gilford Press, New York, pp. 135–170] to better understand attachment transmission and offer support for the validity of the AAP.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2020,2020(164):111-128
Medical doctors are often asked by patients victim of harassment, or even by the authorities, to establish medical certificate. Harassment is a complex phenomenon, covering a wide range of behaviours occurring in multiple situations. The writing of such a certificate can prove to be difficult, can be a cause of legal proceedings for clinicians, especially at a disciplinary level. Moreover, the evaluation is all the more complex since the qualification of harassment by the judge sometimes requires an evaluation of the impact on the victims under the form of a Total Work Incapacity (TWI) duration, but not under all the circumstances existing in French law. In this article, we first propose to address general consideration towards the writing of the certificate, before doing a systematic review of the successive evolutions of French penal and labour law regarding harassment in its most frequent forms. Finally, we propose to address the matter of victims evaluation, especially towards TWI duration evaluation, which does not seem to us an adapted tool regarding the fact that harassment is usually a chronical and durable phenomenon.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to deal with the questions of stress and emotions in the sports fields based on transactional theory and reversal theory. Competitive marathon runners (n = 36) completed self-report questionnaires a few hours before and after a marathon. Results highlighted the importance to precompetitive phase in terms of the subjective states of tension–stress, effort–stress, anxiety and excitation. Interesting links were observed between some of these expressions of emotional experience and the performance. It was also demonstrated that the same coping strategy could be associated with pleasant and unpleasant emotions. The limits of this study and the practice perspectives for marathon running will be reviewed in this study.  相似文献   

The Work Ability Index (Ilmarinen, Tuomi, & Klockars, 1997; Ilmarinen, 2007) is a validated tool extensively used in epidemiological studies to measure older workers work ability. The WAI is relatively focused on health. The VOW/QFT (Hellemans, 2010, 2011, 2013) proposes to expand the notion of work ability with these competences, beyond the issue of functional ability. This contribution aims to test convergences and divergences between the WAI and the two work ability indices of the VOW/QFT, and also their respective predictors. Analyzes, conducted with 254 workers subject to medical visits, have shown especially that WAI scores and evolution of ability scores from the VOW/QFT are highly correlated, generally and among laborers, but not among employees. The results highlight the interest accounting for perceived competence for assessing work capacity among employees.  相似文献   

Using two empirical studies, this article compare assessment methods and tools used in personnel selection and career counseling. Subjects are requested to point up their methods and assessment tools, on the one hand by 327 recruiters, on the other hand, by 318 competences reports. The results indicated a spread tendency to use interview and personality assessment tools. This spread tendency to use work psychology tools whatever the assessment context raises thought about choices and representations associated with psychometrical methods.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2023,29(2):107-123
There are many studies exploring the link between meaning and learning. However, none of it examines the link between parental educational practices and the meaning of schooling. Based on a review of the literature, the objective of this article is to test the hypothesis of a link between the educational practices that high school students benefit from and the meanings that they attribute to school. Thus, we assume that educational practices play a predictive role in different processes of elaboration of the meaning of education by high school students (GH). The analysis of the results collected with the help of a measurement instrument consisting of two variables: the PEP – measuring parental educational practices – and the meaning of education (MOE) – measuring the meaning of education – questioning 390 French high school students, confirm our general hypotheses. Furthermore, it appears that a flexible educational practice is associated with a high level of meaning attributed to the school; conversely, a rigid educational practice is associated with a low level of meaning attributed to the school; and finally, a weak educational practice is not associated with an absence of meaning attributed to the school.  相似文献   

The aim of Patient Education (PE) is to make patients with chronic diseases more autonomous by facilitating their adherence to treatments and improving their quality of life. It is a multidisciplinary and expanding device. This article's aim is to propose a state of play of PE and its perspective in relation to psychology, especially health psychology, as a discipline and a practice. First, the development of PE in its historical context is presented as well as its definition. Then, the place and contribution of health psychology and psychologists in PE is presented. The following points deal with the contributions of research to understand the efficacy of PE, the difficulties that the different professionals face and the place of relatives. Finally, a reflexion about the links between the training of psychologists and the training for PE is proposed.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2021,2021(169):59-63
Forensic expertise becomes dominant in our society. Several reports questioned the competence of medical experts. We analysed the scientific competence of the 136 experts in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine from senior courts in France. For that purpose, we made the choice of the H-Index and the number of scientific publications as markers of quality, using Google Scholar and PubMed databases. Thirty-five percent of experts have an H-Index equal to zero and 27 % never published. Out of the 104 experts who published at least one scientific article, 27 (26 %) did not publish for at least 10 years. The present study illustrates the great heterogeneity of the medical expert population regarding our criterions of judgement. This questions the selection and the operating mode of legal experts. There is a major difference with the selection process performed by the French Conciliation and Compensation Commissions. We propose that the official scholarly societies should be consulted during the appointment process.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2022,2022(172):8-14
Health data is the object of covetousness by many actors, of course by the healthcare industry, in particular the drug and medical device industry, by hospitals and research institutes, but also by all types of merchant companies which would like to derive substantial benefits from it. Faced with this phenomenon, the European Commission, within the framework of the replacement of the European Directive on health data of 1995, by the General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR) has strengthened the protection of health data which is particularly sensitive data for everyone and, consequently, carrying out studies on health data. Researches that does not involve human beings, improperly called “Data studies”, are closely regulated by the GDPR and, for France, by the Data Protection Act, which has been amended accordingly. This article describes the steps to be taken for the implementation of data studies and what are the rights of participants/patients in the context of these researchs. Ethical vigilance would require that such research be reviewed by an ad hoc committee.  相似文献   

If we consider the evolution in the patterns of psychopathology during the 20th century, we discover the evolution of ethical values implicit in the theory and their implications as far as our technical choices are concerned. The therapeutic relationship is asymmetrical, not only because of different role positions but also because of an inherent power differential. The therapist is consciously recognized as occupying a superior role because of his or her professional status and at the unconscious level, too, through transfer and projection of different fantasies. Being in charge of the therapeutic process carries with it the professional responsibility for handling this asymmetry. The therapist's theoretical and technical decisions in this regard reflect his or her ideology about power and how it should be used to establish the therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

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