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词跳读促使了阅读高效地进行。被跳读的词主要根据前文语境和副中央凹预视提前得到加工。分析跳读的影响因素可知,相比于语境因素(特别是预测性)和副中央凹词汇因素(如词频),副中央凹词的视觉词长信息对跳读的影响最大。跳读密切联系当前眼动控制的两大内容,理想的阅读眼动控制模型需区别语境不同信息(即预测性、语义合理性和句法合理性)对跳读的作用。未来可扩展中文跳读的研究,解决中文跳读单元问题及相关争论。  相似文献   

本研究考察中文聋生读者利用语境预测性信息促进词汇加工的过程特点。实验采用3(组别:高阅读技能聋生组vs.高阅读技能聋生的能力匹配健听组vs.低阅读技能聋生组)×2(句子背景对目标词的预测程度:高预测vs.低预测)混合设计。结果发现:(1)目标词的左侧词汇上,能力匹配健听组在凝视时间和总注视时间两个指标上可见语境预测性效应,两个聋生组在任何指标上均没有语境预测性效应;(2)目标词上,能力匹配健听组在首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间三项指标上均可见显著的语境预测性效应,高阅读技能聋生组仅在总注视上可见语境预测性效应,低阅读技能聋生的任何眼动指标均没有语境预测性效应。由此可见,聋生在利用语境预测性促进词汇加工方面与健听读者有所差异;相对于低阅读技能聋生,高阅读技能聋生读者识别词汇时能更多地利用语境预测性信息。  相似文献   

采用EyeLink-Ⅱ眼动记录仪,探讨了大学生阅读句子时的词跳读率.实验采用2(语境预测性:可预测语境、不可预测语境)×2(词语熟悉度:高熟悉度、低熟悉度)的两因素重复测量设计.结果发现:(1)中文阅读中的词跳读率存在着语境效应,在可预测语境下对高熟悉度词的跳读率为45%,对低熟悉度词的为27%;在不可预测语境下对高熟悉度词的跳读率为10%,对低熟悉度词的为8%;(2)中文阅读的词跳读率存在着词汇的主观熟悉度效应,不论在何种语境下,高熟悉度词的跳读率为28%,而低熟悉度词的跳读率为18%;(3)中文阅读中,语境预测性和词汇的主观熟悉度共同作用于词跳读.  相似文献   

本研究借助眼动仪通过两个实验考察了熟练阅读中快速读者与慢速读者对语境预测性的利用是否有差异。实验1比较快速组与慢速组在中央凹加工高、低预测词的差异。实验2对比两组读者利用副中央凹预视(相同、相似假字、低预测词和不相似假字)加工高预测词的差异。实验1结果显示两组读者有相似的预测性效应:对高预测词的注视时间比低预测词更短。实验2结果显示两组读者的预视效应存在差异:慢速组在相同预视下对目标词的跳读率高于低预测预视,而快速组在这两种预视下的跳读率差异不明显但高于慢速组;慢速组在低预测和不相似预视下注视目标词的时间分别长于相同预视,而快速组的这两种效应较小。结果表明,两组读者利用预测性的差异表现在副中央凹加工阶段,即慢速读者比快速读者利用相似预视激活预测性信息的效率更低,且在低预测或无效预视下对词汇的识别和语义整合更困难,这说明慢速读者在词汇加工中更依赖语境且对无关信息的抑制更弱。这些结果支持词汇质量假说。  相似文献   

在阅读过程中,读者并不会注视每一个词,而是不断地跳过很多词。在英文阅读中至少有30%的词被跳读,在中文阅读中近50%的字词被跳读。那么被跳读的字词是否得到加工,何时得到加工,是当前阅读过程中眼动控制模型关心的基本问题:具体包括(1)词跳读是基于副中央凹处词汇的完全识别还是部分识别后发生;(2)中央凹加工负荷是否影响对下一个词的跳读;(3)副中央凹和中央凹加工效率与词跳读的关系是什么;(4)较低水平的视觉信息(如词长、复杂性)和较高水平的语言信息(如词频、预测性)如何交互作用决定一个词的跳读。文章对上述问题进行系统分析,最后结合中文阅读中书写系统的特点,对未来中文阅读中词跳读研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录法,控制词汇视觉复杂性和词频变量,考察词汇视觉特征和语言学特征对汉语搜索阅读的影响。让被试完成简单和复杂搜索任务,结果发现在首次注视时间、凝视时间和跳读率上,复杂性变量主效应显著;词频变量主效应不显著。结果表明:不同任务难度条件下,词汇视觉复杂性影响汉语搜索阅读,词频不影响汉语搜索阅读。汉语搜索阅读对文本的加工可能没有达到词汇语言学水平,而是通过视觉匹配完成搜索阅读。  相似文献   

本研究通过对比老年与青年人在阅读中词长、词频和语境预测性效应上的差异,探讨中文阅读中眼动控制的年老化问题。结果发现:(1)词长的年龄主效应显著,注视时间和首次注视位置指标上年龄与词长的交互作用显著;(2)在注视时间指标上发现了显著的词频和语境预测性效应,年龄与语境预测性之间交互作用显著。综合而言,中文阅读中老年读者的词长效应和语境预测性效应不同于青年读者,由此可见,视觉功能和词汇加工功能衰退都是中文阅读眼动控制年老化的诱发原因。  相似文献   

本研究探讨年老化影响中文阅读中词汇加工过程的特点,包含两项实验。实验一探讨老年与青年读者在词频效应上的差异,实验二探讨老年与青年读者在语境预测性效应上的差异。结果发现:(1)相对于青年读者,老年读者注视目标词汇的时间较长、再注视回视较多、跳读较少;(2)在首次注视时间、凝视时间和眼跳参数上,年龄组别与词频之间交互作用不显著,但对目标词汇的总注视时间上,年龄组别与词频之间交互作用显著;(3)在所有注视时间指标和回视概率上,均发现年龄组别与语境预测性影响之间交互作用显著。结论:中文老年读者阅读时的词汇加工效率低于青年人;中文阅读中眼跳策略与词汇加工的年老化模式有语言特殊性特点。  相似文献   

采用呈现随注视变化的边界范式(boundary paradigm),操作目标词的语境预测性和预视类型,考察高、低阅读技能儿童在词汇预视加工中语境预测效应的差异。结果发现,高、低阅读技能儿童对语境预测性的使用在发生时程上存在差异,高阅读技能儿童从词汇副中央凹预视加工阶段开始利用语境预测性信息,而低阅读技能儿童则在加工晚期更加依赖语境预测性信息,符合预测编码框架理论对儿童语境预测性效应差异的解释。  相似文献   

本文系统总结了20年来汉语阅读眼动控制的研究成果。在阅读过程中眼动控制主要回答两个问题:(1)哪些因素决定眼睛的注视时间(when);(2)哪些因素决定眼睛的注视位置(where)。对于第一个问题,已有研究从词边界信息、词频、熟悉性、预测性、语义透明度、具体性、非注视词的特性、词汇获得年龄进行了探讨;对于第二个问题,已有研究从汉字字号、笔画数、字结构、词长、词结构、词间空格、词频、预测性、合理性、年龄和阅读能力进行了探讨。通过比较发现,汉语阅读的眼动控制特点与拼音文字的眼动控制特点既有共同之处,又有差异之处。因此,汉语阅读的研究者需要在现有眼动控制模型的基础上,构建适合于汉语特性的眼动控制模型。  相似文献   

在中文阅读中, 预视量是否存在个体差异及其是否受中央凹加工调节, 尚不清楚。本研究采用眼动技术和边界范式, 通过操纵前目标词的加工负荷(高、低)与目标词的预视(相同、假字)来考察快速与慢速读者的中央凹加工对副中央凹预视的影响。结果显示, 中央凹负荷主效应显著; 快速读者对低负荷词的首次和单次注视短于高负荷词, 而慢速读者对两种负荷词的首次和单次注视无差异, 表明快速读者能更快利用词汇特性加工中央凹词汇。预视主效应显著, 即与假字预视相比, 相同预视使两组读者都对目标词的注视更短、向前眼跳更长、跳读率更高; 而且该效应与中央凹负荷没有交互作用。这表明快速读者与慢速读者提取了等量预视, 且不受其中央凹加工的调节。E-Z读者模型和SWIFT模型不能完全解释当前结果。  相似文献   

The independent and the combined influence of word length, word frequency, and contextual predictability on eye movements in reading was examined across processing stages under two priming-context conditions. Length, frequency, and predictability were used as predictors in multiple regression analyses, with parafoveal, early, late, and spillover eye movement measures as the dependent variables. There were specific effects of: (a) length, both on where to look (how likely a word was fixated and in which location) and how long to fixate, across all processing stages; (b) frequency, on how long to fixate a word, but not on where to look, at an early processing stage; and (c) predictability, both on how likely a word was fixated and for how long, in late processing stages. The source of influence for predictability was related to global rather than to local contextual priming. The contribution of word length was independent of contextual source. These results are relevant to determine both the time course of the influence of visual, lexical, and contextual factors on eye movements in reading, and which main component of eye movements, that is, location or duration, is affected.  相似文献   

Many deaf individuals do not develop the high-level reading skills that will allow them to fully take part into society. To attempt to explain this widespread difficulty in the deaf population, much research has honed in on the use of phonological codes during reading. The hypothesis that the use of phonological codes is associated with good reading skills in deaf readers, though not well supported, still lingers in the literature. We investigated skilled and less-skilled adult deaf readers' processing of orthographic and phonological codes in parafoveal vision during reading by monitoring their eye movements and using the boundary paradigm. Orthographic preview benefits were found in early measures of reading for skilled hearing, skilled deaf, and less-skilled deaf readers, but only skilled hearing readers processed phonological codes in parafoveal vision. Crucially, skilled and less-skilled deaf readers showed a very similar pattern of preview benefits during reading. These results support the notion that reading difficulties in deaf adults are not linked to their failure to activate phonological codes during reading.  相似文献   

在熟练的中文阅读中,个体阅读效率越高,词汇加工效率是否越高,目前还缺少直接证据。本研究通过记录快速读者与慢速读者在阅读含有高频或低频目标词句子时的眼动轨迹来考察该问题。结果发现,在第一遍注视时间、回视路径时间和总注视时间上,快速读者对高频词与低频词的注视时间无显著差异,但都短于慢速读者;而慢速读者对低频词的注视时间显著长于高频词。即快速读者的早期词汇识别和后期词汇整合效率都较高,不受词频影响;而慢速读者的整个词汇加工效率较低,受词频影响较大。这些结果表明两组读者的词汇加工模式具有本质差异,符合个体差异性观点与词汇质量假说。  相似文献   

研究探讨汉语读者选择眼跳目标时, 中央凹注视词的加工负荷是否影响副中央凹获取信息量, 进而调节随后的眼跳长度。采用眼动追踪技术, 操纵了中央凹注视词的词频(高频、低频)和副中央凹词的笔画数(多笔画、少笔画)。结果发现:从中央凹词到副中央凹少笔画词的眼跳长度显著地长于到多笔画词的, 且这种笔画数效应并不受中央凹加工负荷的调节; 从高频中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度显著地长于低频词的。在本实验条件下结果提示:中央凹加工负荷在眼跳目标选择中的作用不是通过调节副中央凹获取信息量的多少来实现的。  相似文献   

The illiteracy rate in the deaf population has been alarmingly high for several decades, despite the fact that deaf children go through the standard stages of schooling. Much research addressing this issue has focused on word-level processes, but in the recent years, little research has focused on sentence-levels processes. Previous research (Fischler, 1985) investigated word integration within context in college-level deaf and hearing readers in a lexical decision task following incomplete sentences with targets that were congruous or incongruous relative to the preceding context; it was found that deaf readers, as a group, were more dependent on contextual information than their hearing counterparts. The present experiment extended Fischler's results and investigated the relationship between frequency, predictability, and reading skill in skilled hearing, skilled deaf, and less-skilled deaf readers. Results suggest that only less-skilled deaf readers, and not all deaf readers, rely more on contextual cues to boost word processing. Additionally, early effects of frequency and predictability were found for all three groups of readers, without any evidence for an interaction between frequency and predictability.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that, compared with hearing people, deaf people have enhanced visual attention to simple stimuli viewed in the parafovea and periphery. Although a large part of reading involves processing the fixated words in foveal vision, readers also utilize information in parafoveal vision to preprocess upcoming words and decide where to look next. In the study reported here, we investigated whether auditory deprivation affects low-level visual processing during reading by comparing the perceptual span of deaf signers who were skilled and less-skilled readers with the perceptual span of skilled hearing readers. Compared with hearing readers, the two groups of deaf readers had a larger perceptual span than would be expected given their reading ability. These results provide the first evidence that deaf readers' enhanced attentional allocation to the parafovea is used during complex cognitive tasks, such as reading.  相似文献   

This study offers a glimpse of the moment-by-moment processes used by highly skilled and average readers during silent reading. The eye movements of adult readers were monitored while they silently read sentences. Fixation durations and the spatial-temporal patterns of eye movements were examined to see whether the two groups of readers exhibited differential effects of frequency and/or predictability. In Experiment 1, high- and low-frequency target words were embedded in nonconstraining sentence contexts. In Experiment 2, the same participants read high- and low-frequency target words that were either predictable or unpredictable, embedded in highly constraining sentence contexts. Results indicated that when target words appeared in highly constraining sentence contexts, the average readers showed different effects of frequency and predictability from those shown in the highly skilled readers. It appears that reading skill can interact with predictability to affect the word recognition processes used during silent reading.  相似文献   

近年来,国外儿童阅读发展的眼动研究已逐渐成为阅读研究热点领域。本文就国外儿童阅读的眼动研究成果进行概述,从儿童阅读眼动研究的基本问题、字词、句子、篇章和相关理论等方面对儿童的阅读过程进行考察,总结其阅读发展的一般规律和特点。最后,文章从阅读材料、统计方法以及研究设计几个方面对儿童阅读研究的方法性问题进行展望,以期为中文阅读发展的眼动研究提供借鉴  相似文献   

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