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利用自我意识量表中的公众自我意识分量表和社交焦虑分量表,人际能力量表和青少年孤独感量表调查465名高中生,探索社会观点采择、公众自我意识和同伴交往中的人际能力对青少年情绪适应的影响。结果表明:青少年社会观点采择和公众自我意识直接正向预测其人际能力和社交焦虑;人际能力分别负向预测青少年的孤独感和社交焦虑;人际能力在青少年的社会观点采择和孤独感之间,以及在公众自我意识和孤独感之间分别起完全中介作用;人际能力在青少年的社会观点采择和社交焦虑之间,以及在公众自我意识和社交焦虑之间分别起部分中介作用。进一步分析表明,社会观点采择以及公众自我意识对不同情境下的人际能力的影响存在显著差异。讨论了从社会观点采择和公众自我意识出发,提高青少年人际能力,对缓解其孤独感和社交焦虑的重要意义。  相似文献   

以389名大学生为被试,采用自我对话量表、自我意识量表和情绪智力量表,考察了三者之间的关系,以说明自我意识在自我对话与情绪智力的关系中所起的中介效应。结果表明,在中国大学生群体中,自我对话的自我激励维度得分最低,其次是社会评价维度,自我批判和自我管理维度得分最高;自我意识在自我对话和情绪智力的关系中起着完全中介作用;自我意识包含两个维度即私我意识与公我意识,私我意识在自我对话与情绪智力的关系中起着部分中介作用,公我意识在自我对话与情绪智力的关系中起着部分中介作用,并且私我意识的中介效应大于公我意识的中介效应。  相似文献   

采用物质主义价值观量表、冲动性购买行为量表以及金钱态度量表对720名大学生进行调查,考察了物质主义价值观(包括以财物定义成功和以获取财物为中心)与大学生冲动性购买行为的关系,以及金钱态度在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)金钱态度与以财物定义成功、以获取财物为中心、冲动性购买行为呈正相关,冲动性购买行为与以财物定义成功、以获取财物为中心呈正相关;(2)金钱态度分别在大学生以财物定义成功与冲动性购买行为、以获取财物为中心与冲动性购买行为之间的关系中起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

本研究基于生命历程范式,探讨父母物质主义与大学生网络强迫性购物的关系,并在此基础上建构了一个序列中介效应模型,考察大学生物质主义和社会比较的中介作用。采用方便抽样法对武汉市一所综合性大学858名具有网络购物经验的学生进行问卷调查,结果显示:(1)父母物质主义、大学生物质主义、社会比较和网络强迫性购物两两显著正相关;(2)在控制了性别和家庭社会经济地位之后,父母物质主义对大学生网络强迫性购物具有显著正向预测作用;(3)大学生物质主义和社会比较在父母物质主义与大学生网络强迫性购物之间起中介作用。具体而言,父母物质主义通过两条路径影响大学生网络强迫性购物,一是大学生物质主义的单独中介作用;二是大学生物质主义和社会比较的序列中介作用。上述结果表明,父母物质主义对大学生网络强迫性购物具有一定影响,且这种影响是通过个体因素(物质主义)和同伴互动因素(社会比较)共同作用形成的。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察前后机会比较对不作为惰性的影响,探索社会比较的调节作用以及预期作为后悔和价值评估的中介作用。本研究采用问卷法和实验法,以842名大学生为研究对象进行调查,采用Bootstrap方法对中介效应进行分析。结果显示:(1)社会比较在前后机会比较与不作为惰性之间的调节效应显著;(2)预期作为后悔和价值评估在前后机会比较与不作为惰性之间起中介作用。(3)社会比较的调节效应以预期作为后悔和价值评估为中介变量。  相似文献   

本研究从消费者社会需求层面,探讨在中国新奢侈品会给哪些人带来优越感,什么样的产品可以带来优越感,以及为何会带来优越感等问题。本研究使用一个混合设计的实验,结果发现:(1)相比较非社会排斥状态,社会排斥状态增加了消费者的身份消费需求。(2)在产品炫耀性大时,相比较传统大众产品和奢侈品,社会排斥增加了消费者对新奢侈品的购买意愿。而在产品炫耀性小时,社会排斥的影响不显著;(3)社会排斥、产品种类和产品炫耀性三者的交互作用影响消费者购买意愿的中介变量是消费者感知的产品身份价格比。结论表明,相比较传统大众产品和奢侈品,炫耀性新奢侈品以相对低的价格满足了社会排斥消费者的身份消费需求,为他们提供了一个获得优越感的渠道。  相似文献   

探讨生活方式对大学生在线音乐购买意向的影响机制。采用生活方式量表、在线音乐感知价值量表、神经质量表以及在线音乐购买意向量表对2011名大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)时尚品味、完美主义和崇尚自由正向预测大学生在线音乐购买意向;(2)在线音乐感知价值在时尚品味与大学生在线音乐购买意向之间起部分中介作用,在线音乐感知价值在崇尚自由与大学生在线音乐购买意向之间起完全中介作用,在线音乐感知价值在中庸内敛、积极进取与大学生在线音乐购买意向之间起遮掩效应;(3)神经质调节了在线音乐感知价值对大学生在线音乐购买意向的影响。  相似文献   

王财玉 《心理科学》2005,(6):1416-1421
绿色消费虽然备受关注但消费者积极性却不高,这可能和个体差异性有关。为了考察绿色消费的积极性,本研究从个体差异的视角出发,引入购买时间距离这一变量,以揭示面对绿色产品的矛盾性消费者究竟更愿现在购买还是将来,决策模式是否会存在个体差异。研究发现,时间距离调节绿色消费观与产品购买意愿的关系,而产品价值感知部分中介了该调节作用。具体来说,绿色消费者不会受到时间框定的影响,而非绿色消费者则表现出时间框定效应即更倾向于在将来而不是现在购买绿色产品;这是因为绿色消费观以自上而下的方式影响绿色消费者动机加工,使绿色产品的价值感知较为稳定,而非绿色消费者的价值感知则根据购买时间距离的不同而变化。研究结果说明在生态文明建设日益紧迫的当下培育个体绿色消费观具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

王财玉 《心理科学》2019,(6):1416-1421
绿色消费虽然备受关注但消费者积极性却不高,这可能和个体差异性有关。为了考察绿色消费的积极性,本研究从个体差异的视角出发,引入购买时间距离这一变量,以揭示面对绿色产品的矛盾性消费者究竟更愿现在购买还是将来,决策模式是否会存在个体差异。研究发现,时间距离调节绿色消费观与产品购买意愿的关系,而产品价值感知部分中介了该调节作用。具体来说,绿色消费者不会受到时间框定的影响,而非绿色消费者则表现出时间框定效应即更倾向于在将来而不是现在购买绿色产品;这是因为绿色消费观以自上而下的方式影响绿色消费者动机加工,使绿色产品的价值感知较为稳定,而非绿色消费者的价值感知则根据购买时间距离的不同而变化。研究结果说明在生态文明建设日益紧迫的当下培育个体绿色消费观具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

周元元  胡杨利  张琴  赵彦成 《心理学报》2017,(11):1439-1448
本文研究时间压力下消费者冲动性购买怎样受参照组的影响。通过二手数据和实验的方法发现时间压力和参照组影响类型对冲动性购买具有交互作用:时间压力低,信息性影响更能激发冲动性购买;时间压力高,规范性影响更能起作用;即时喜悦和规范性评估起中介作用。而且不同的信息性影响类型也会产生差异:时间压力高,数量性信息更容易使消费者冲动性购买;时间压力低,内容性信息更能起作用。本文的研究丰富了冲动性购买的相关理论和管理经验。  相似文献   

Materialism is a way of life characterized by the pursuit of wealth and possessions. Several studies have documented that a materialistic lifestyle is associated with diminished subjective well-being. In spite of this, many people continue to pursue materialistic goals rather than pursue goals that are more beneficial for their well-being. The current paper investigates one mechanism that may contribute to the continued pursuit of materialism. In particular, we propose that luxury consumption may reinforce a materialistic lifestyle. To test this possibility, we investigate the relations between luxury consumption, materialism and cognitive and affective subjective well-being aspects simultaneously, in a structural model. The results of a large scale survey in Dutch-speaking Belgium demonstrate that materialistic consumers are more inclined to consume luxury goods than less materialistic consumers. In addition, luxury consumption leads to enhanced positive mood, diminished negative mood and increased satisfaction with life. Furthermore, although the impact on negative and positive mood is not moderated by materialism, the impact of luxury consumption on satisfaction with life is more pronounced for materialistic consumers than for less materialistic consumers. Together, these results indicate that materialistic consumers not only engage more in luxury consumption than less materialistic consumers, but also benefit more from it (at least in the short run). As a result, luxury consumption may be more rewarding for the former than for the latter and consequently, ??lock in?? materialists in their lifestyle, irrespective of the long-term adverse consequences for self and society.  相似文献   

奢侈品品牌热衷于使用可爱风格与消费者进行互动。本文以理想自我理论为基础,通过4个实验探索奢侈品品牌可爱风格类型对消费者偏好的影响机制和边界条件。实验1表明奢侈品品牌的可爱风格(婴儿图式/古灵精怪)会显著地影响消费者的品牌偏好,验证了主效应的因果链模型。实验2进一步明确了主效应的边界,结果表明品牌可爱风格对消费者偏好的影响只在奢侈品品牌的情境下才存在。实验3探索了自我监控水平对主效应的调节作用,发现对于低自我监控的个体,奢侈品品牌的可爱风格难以有效地影响品牌偏好。实验4分析了个体发展阶段对主效应的调节作用,结果表明对于成年期个体,古灵精怪可爱风格比婴儿图式可爱风格更能提高个体的奢侈品品牌偏好,对于童年期个体,婴儿图式可爱风格比古灵精怪可爱风格更易获得青睐。  相似文献   

奢侈品品牌热衷于使用可爱风格与消费者进行互动。本文以理想自我理论为基础,通过4个实验探索奢侈品品牌可爱风格类型对消费者偏好的影响机制和边界条件。实验1表明奢侈品品牌的可爱风格(婴儿图式/古灵精怪)会显著地影响消费者的品牌偏好,验证了主效应的因果链模型。实验2进一步明确了主效应的边界,结果表明品牌可爱风格对消费者偏好的影响只在奢侈品品牌的情境下才存在。实验3探索了自我监控水平对主效应的调节作用,发现对于低自我监控的个体,奢侈品品牌的可爱风格难以有效地影响品牌偏好。实验4分析了个体发展阶段对主效应的调节作用,结果表明对于成年期个体,古灵精怪可爱风格比婴儿图式可爱风格更能提高个体的奢侈品品牌偏好,对于童年期个体,婴儿图式可爱风格比古灵精怪可爱风格更易获得青睐。  相似文献   

Marketing managers of luxury brands often use exclusionary marketing tactics that can lead consumers to feel rejected by those brands. In our research, we examine whether consumers with independent self‐construals are more likely than those with interdependent self‐construals to downgrade their evaluations of a luxury brand when feeling rejected by it. Results of three studies support this hypothesis. Using a manipulation of brand rejection with hypothetical future scenarios, study 1 provides evidence that consumers with a higher chronic independent (versus interdependent) self‐construal are more likely to lower their brand attitudes and purchase intentions of a desirable luxury brand that rejects them. Study 2 replicates the moderating effect of self‐construal at a cultural level, comparing Chinese and American respondents. Study 3 again compares self‐construals at a cultural level, but manipulates brand rejection by asking respondents to recall a prior rejection experience. Importantly, Study 3 reveals a mediating influence of self‐brand connection. That is, independents, when recalling an experience of luxury brand rejection, were more likely than interdependents to report a decrease in their feelings of connectedness to the rejecting brand, which in turn resulted in lower attitudes toward the brand and lower purchase intentions. Our findings provide luxury brand marketers with insights for both niche branding strategy design and cross‐cultural customer relationship management.  相似文献   

This research explores the influence of consumers’ body‐related information on beliefs and purchase intentions toward products for which the consumption experience is significantly and directly determined by body‐related information (e.g., feel, fit, sense of safety) when the products are bought in body‐absent purchase environments such as the Internet. We examine the effects of consumers’ body esteem (i.e., like or dislike of one's body) and body boundary aberration (variation in the perceived location of the edges of one's body) in the context of apparel purchases that are made on the Internet. Body esteem had a positive influence on involvement with apparel, and body boundary aberration had a negative influence on consumers’ overall concern with the fit of apparel. Involvement with apparel and overall concern with fit, in turn, significantly influenced consumers’ intentions to purchase apparel online. Consequently, consumers with high body esteem were less likely to buy on the Internet and those with high body boundary aberration were more likely to buy.  相似文献   

Research on materialism has burgeoned in the last two decades, yet little is known about how people higher versus lower in this consumer values orientation differ in their day-to-day spending habits and in their emotional reactions to spending on purchases. The present study used an event-sampling method over a 3-week period to address these questions in a community adult sample. Results showed that over the course of the sampling period, high materialists made more discretionary purchases and spent more money on necessity purchases than did those lower in materialism, even though their incomes did not differ. Despite higher levels of spending, high materialists experienced a “letdown” after spending, as they reported more post-purchase unpleasant affect than did low materialists. This result was not moderated by level of dispositional unpleasant affect, purchase type, or purchase amounts.  相似文献   

People frequently observe others’ consumption, making inferences about both the consumer and the consumed brands. Although these observations are often beneficial for brands, this research demonstrates that observing luxury brand consumers whose consumption arose from unearned (vs. earned) financial resources reduces observers’ brand attitudes when observers place a high value on fairness. When fairness values are high, observers do not perceive luxury brand consumers who use unearned (vs. earned) consumption resources as prestigious, and in turn, lower prestige perceptions adversely affect observers’ brand evaluations for luxury brands. Consistent with our theorizing regarding the signaling of prestige, the joint effect of consumers’ consumption resources and observers’ fairness values on observers’ brand attitudes does not hold for nonluxury brands, which are not associated with prestige and thereby are not denigrated when the consumer is not perceived as prestigious. This research sheds light on the role of moral values in marketplace judgments of luxury consumption and brand attitude by considering the influence of consumption resources on observers’ judgments.  相似文献   

Luxury goods symbolically represent social segregation and exclusion, thereby communicating superiority, exclusivity and distance. In three experiments, we tested the hypothesis that exposure to luxury advertisements in Chinese samples activates mental representations similar to those of social exclusion. Participants were more likely to perceive being rejected by models in the luxury advertisements than models in the non‐luxury advertisements. Moreover, exposure to luxury advertisements increased participants' expectations of being rejected in a subsequent ambiguous social interaction. Finally, looking at luxury advertisements resulted in decreased life satisfaction, and this effect was more pronounced for participants with high rejection sensitivity than those with low rejection sensitivity. Overall, the results suggest that luxury advertisements evoke feelings of social exclusion in Chinese.  相似文献   

音乐契合度指的是背景音乐与广告、消费环境及商品特征等消费要素的契合程度。背景音乐与消费要素的契合可以体现在音乐特性、社会隐义和文化意蕴三个方面,这些契合程度能够对消费者的认知、情绪和行为等方面产生影响。若背景音乐的音乐特性与消费要素之间存在较高契合度,则能够提升消费者的注意效果、加强对商品的记忆并提升购买意图;背景音乐的社会隐义也能与消费要素产生契合关系,两者之间的契合程度决定了消费者对品牌的态度、情绪状态、对商品的记忆和选择;背景音乐与消费要素在文化意蕴方面的高度契合则能够促进消费者对品牌的态度、提升购买意愿、促进购买行为。未来研究应探索背景音乐更多的结构属性,进一步挖掘背景音乐影响消费者的边界条件,突破现有理论探索更深入的理论机制,并进一步探索音乐契合对于消费者认知和情绪的影响效应及其影响机制。  相似文献   

物欲之蔽:物质主义对亲环境态度及行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古典  王鲁晓  蒋奖  孙颖  张玥 《心理科学》2018,(4):949-955
纵观现有研究,物质主义较稳定地负向预测个体的亲环境态度、公领域亲环境行为以及私领域亲环境行为中的资源回收和节约行为。至于私领域亲环境行为中的绿色消费,研究结果在发达国家和发展中国家间存在不一致。基于环状价值观模型和价值-信念-规范理论,物质主义可以同时影响亲环境态度及行为,也能通过亲环境态度影响行为。未来研究应当增加对物质主义与亲环境态度、行为间因果关系、内在机制的探讨,以及提升现有研究结果的应用价值。  相似文献   

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