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组织公正是员工对工作场所公正环境的心理感知, 研究层面有个体与群体之分。以往研究多集中在个体层面, 以致研究结果缺乏对群体现象的有效解释。进入新世纪学者们开始关注群体层面的公正氛围研究, 并在理论和实证方面取得了较大突破。通过回顾相关研究可以发现:(1)在理论机制上, 公正氛围的形成可以通过社会信息加工理论、吸引-选择-磨合模型、公正传染概念和公正启发理论来解释; (2)在研究视角上, 主要存在维度视角、整体视角、感知来源视角、氛围属性视角和第三方视角; (3)在研究主题上, 主要涉及领导、团队和组织三方面对公正氛围的影响, 以及公正氛围对个体、团队和组织三个层面的影响效果。未来研究可着重从多种领导行为对不同公正氛围影响的比较、其他领导因素对公正氛围的影响、不同公正氛围对结果变量影响的比较、新视角公正氛围测量方法的尝试, 以及文化因素对公正氛围的影响研究等方面入手。  相似文献   

创新氛围、创新效能感与团队创新:团队领导的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋杨  陈云云  王辉 《心理学报》2012,44(2):237-248
在团队层次探讨创新氛围、创新效能感以及团队领导对团队创新绩效的影响。对51个工作团队的研究结果表明, 团队创新氛围与团队创新绩效有显著的正向关系, 而团队创新效能感在这一关系中起到中介作用。同时, 引领创新的团队领导调节了创新效能感与团队创新绩效之间的关系, 团队领导越倾向于引领创新, 创新效能感与创新绩效之间的关系就越强, 经由创新效能感传导的创新氛围对创新绩效的效应也就越大。研究结果深刻揭示了创新氛围、创新效能感、创新领导和团队创新之间的关系。  相似文献   

杨付  张丽华 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1383-1401
采用问卷调查法,以国内十三家大型企业集团75个工作团队共334名团队成员为研究对象,运用分层线性模型分析技术,探讨了团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为的影响,以及创造力自我效能感对此关系的调节作用.结果表明,团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为有倒U形的影响;创造力自我效能感调节团队沟通、工作不安全氛围与团队成员创新行为之间的关系:员工的创造力自我效能感越高,团队沟通、工作不安全氛围对团队成员创新行为的倒U形影响越小.  相似文献   

中学生对学校道德氛围感知的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以663名中学生为调查对象,以<学校道德氛围调查问卷>为研究工具,就中学生对学校道德氛围感知的现状做了调查.结果表明:(1)他们对关爱氛围的感知程度明显高于对宽恕氛围、对公正氛围的感知.(2)中部地区中学生对学校道德氛围的感知程度明显高于东部、西部.(3)初一学生对公正氛围、关爱氛围的感知程度明显高于高二、初三学生.(4)男生对公正氛围的感知明显高于女生.  相似文献   

团队情绪氛围对团队创新绩效的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小禹  刘军 《心理学报》2012,44(4):546-557
基于85个团队的团队领导和475名团队成员的配对数据, 考察了团队情绪氛围、情绪劳动及团队效能感对团队创新绩效的影响机制。结果发现:团队中有两种类型的情绪交换—— 团队情绪氛围是团队内部的情绪交换, 而情绪劳动是团队成员对外的情绪交换。高强度的情绪劳动(高外部情绪交换)具有情绪资源攫取的效果, 削弱了团队积极情绪氛围与团队创新绩效之间的关系; 当团队工作的情绪劳动程度较高时, 团队较低的积极情绪氛围对于团队创新反而有更强的促进作用。团队积极情绪氛围(团队内部的积极情绪交换)对于团队效能感有促进作用。团队情绪氛围与情绪劳动的交互作用以团队效能感为完全中介进而影响团队创新绩效。  相似文献   

采用实地问卷调查和纵向现场实验相结合的研究方法,从社会信息加工理论视角探讨了教师辩证反馈对大学生团队创造力的作用机制。结果发现:教师辩证反馈与团队创造力呈正相关关系;团队信息深加工中介了教师辩证反馈对团队创造力的影响;精熟氛围在教师辩证反馈与团队信息深加工关系间起正向调节作用,而绩效氛围在二者间起负向调节作用;教师辩证反馈能够通过团队信息深加工对团队创造力产生有条件的、正向的间接影响,当精熟氛围水平高、绩效氛围水平低时,教师辩证反馈对团队创造力的间接促进作用更为显著。研究从理论上提出教师辩证反馈并实证探索其对团队创造力的作用机制,从团队创新层面上丰富和深化了“教育与发展”这一经典理论范畴,并为促进大学生团队创造力发展提供了实践启示。  相似文献   

组织氛围是员工对组织环境的主观知觉。文章在回顾组织氛围研究起源、总结归纳组织氛围定义的基础上, 给出了组织氛围的新定义。组织氛围有个体、团队和组织三个分析水平, 分别对应着不同的测量方法。组织氛围与组织文化既存在区别又密不可分。组织氛围的形成机制及可能的影响因素常用社会信息加工、社会交互作用、吸引选择磨合、涌现和意义建构等理论来解释。未来研究应进一步加强对组织氛围概念、研究方法、影响因素等方面的深入探讨, 拓展组织氛围的跨文化及其差异研究。  相似文献   

当前关于亲社会违规行为的研究主要集中于个体层面,但实践和理论都表明我们有探究团队亲社会违规氛围的必要性。为此,本研究聚焦于团队亲社会违规氛围这一概念,以和谐管理理论为基础,分别引入团队和谐作为中介变量和团队互依性作为调节变量,探讨团队亲社会违规氛围对团队绩效的影响机制和作用边界。本文以74个团队和334名团队成员为研究对象,通过对三阶段所获取的数据进行分析,结果显示:(1)团队互依性对团队亲社会违规氛围与团队和谐的关系具有调节作用:当团队互依性高时,团队亲社会违规氛围对团队和谐的负向影响更强;(2)团队和谐对团队绩效具有显著的正向影响;(3)团队互依性调节了团队亲社会违规氛围通过团队和谐对团队绩效的间接效应:当团队互依性水平较高时,团队亲社会违规氛围通过团队和谐对团队绩效的负向效应会被增强。本研究证实了团队亲社会违规氛围对团队绩效的作用机制与边界条件,拓宽了亲社会违规行为和团队和谐的相关研究。  相似文献   

容琰  隋杨  杨百寅 《心理学报》2015,47(9):1152-1161
本研究共收集了74个工作团队的数据, 探讨了领导情绪智力对团队层面绩效(任务绩效、利他行为)和态度(满意度、团队承诺)的影响、公平氛围的中介作用以及团队权力距离的调节作用。研究结果表明:领导的情绪智力对团队绩效和态度均有显著的正向影响; 程序公平氛围中介了领导情绪智力对团队任务绩效和利他行为的影响, 交互公平氛围中介了领导情绪智力对团队任务绩效、满意度和团队承诺的影响; 团队权力距离调节了领导情绪智力和交互公平氛围的关系, 该调节关系通过交互公平氛围的中介作用影响团队任务绩效、满意度和团队承诺。  相似文献   

分配公正、程序公正、互动公正影响效果的差异   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
以大学生奖学金评比为例,探讨了组织公正各维度影响效果的差异。以661名大学生为被试,采用2×2×2的完全随机设计,以情境故事法(scenarios)呈现刺激,研究了奖学金评比中分配公正、程序公正、互动公正对大学生学习投入、班级荣誉感、班级归属感、与辅导员的关系的影响。结果表明,组织公正三个维度与效果变量之间存在清晰的对应影响关系:分配公正主要影响具体、以个人为参照的效果变量;程序公正主要影响与组织有关的效果变量;互动公正主要影响与上司有关的效果变量。  相似文献   

The importance of perceived fair treatment and its effect on employee job satisfaction cannot be overlooked. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that structural procedural justice, interpersonal procedural justice, and distributive justice each accounted for significant unique variance in employee job satisfaction. In addition, when job satisfaction was regressed on all three types of organizational justice, all three justice perceptions significantly predicted job satisfaction. However, interpersonal procedural justice and distributive justice were more strongly related to job satisfaction with distributive justice having the strongest relationship of the three fairness perceptions.  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论,以56名直属主管和274名下属的配对数据为样本,考察了多层次的领导–部属交换对个体和团队层次上的帮助行为的影响及作用过程。跨层次分析结果表明:(1)个体层次的人际公平中介了个体和团队层次的领导–部属交换对员工帮助行为的影响;(2)团队层次的人际公平氛围中介了团队平均领导–部属交换对个体和团队层次的帮助行为的影响;(3)领导–部属交换关系差异化对个体和团队层次的领导–部属交换与帮助行为之间的正向关系均具有显著的负向调节作用,即相对于较高的领导–部属交换关系差异化,较低的领导–部属交换关系差异化强化了个体和团队层次的领导–部属交换对帮助行为的影响。  相似文献   

To improve the quality of the national justice system, the aim is to test the validity of a questionnaire on the justice perceptions of the criminal procedures and the justice decisions. One hundred and thirty-two defendants were questioned. A factorial analysis directs to a four factors solution: the distributive justice, the procedural justice, the interpersonal justice and the informative justice. After regression analyses, the procedural justice predicts the sentence satisfaction and the procedure satisfaction as well as the anger and the trust. The interpersonal justice predicts the procedure satisfaction and the trust, and the informative justice the satisfaction of the procedure. The results confirm the importance of the perceptions of the justice dimensions to favor positive attitudes towards the judicial institution.  相似文献   

Two studies show that thinking about justice can both enhance and impede forgiveness, depending on whether thoughts about distributive and procedural justice for self and others are activated. In Study 1 (n = 197), participants expressed more forgiveness towards a prior transgressor when primed to think about justice for self or procedural justice for others, and less forgiveness when primed to think about distributive justice for others. Study 2 (n = 231) used an alternate priming method and replicated these effects by inducing an interpersonal transgression and measuring forgiveness intentions, emotions and behavior. Study 2 also showed that priming justice influences forgiveness especially when the perceived severity of an interpersonal offense is high. The current research shows that activating justice cognitions can enhance or impinge on forgiveness in predictable ways. We discuss contributions to emerging justice theory, potential implications, and future directions.  相似文献   



Researchers agree that procedural justice and distributive justice interact so that high procedural fairness reduces the negative consequences of distributive unfairness.


Our objective was to test the hypothesis that employees in Pakistan (i.e., an underdeveloped economy) would be more focused on rewards than procedures. Therefore, procedural and distributive justice will not interact in predicting employee behaviors.


Using independent measures for organizational justice and job outcomes, we conducted two field surveys (n = 372 and n = 550 paired responses) in Pakistan to examine the direct and combined effects of procedural and distributive justice on job performance, citizenship behaviors, and creativity.


In both studies, the results suggest that distributive justice is a more consistent and relatively stronger predictor of job outcomes as compared to procedural justice. The results also showed that procedural justice did not moderate the relationship between distributive justice and employee behaviors.


The findings suggest that workers in an underdeveloped economy like Pakistan may be more concerned with fairness in the distribution of rewards than procedural fairness. Therefore, in such context, procedures may be less likely to reduce negative consequences of unfair reward distribution.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify the standards people invoke when judging the fairness or unfairness of outcomes of everyday events, and to determine whether their standards of judgment vary according to the fairness of the outcome and to their perspective, i.e. whether the outcomes are ones they personally experienced or witnessed. The standards of fairness laypeople were found to invoke, even when unprompted, coincided with the standards social scientists have emphasized (e.g. distributive, procedural) in their theories of psychological justice. However, laypeople emphasized these standards differently when accounting for the fairness–unfairness of personal experiences versus those they had witnessed, and when accounting for fair versus unfair outcomes. As predicted, they were more likely to invoke procedural and interpersonal criteria when judging the fairness–unfairness of their own outcomes, but more likely to invoke distributive criteria when judging others' outcomes. Regardless of perspective, laypeople cited procedural criteria as the major determinants of their fairness judgements; but cited procedural, distributive and interpersonal criteria as comparably influential in determining their unfairness judgments. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

组织公平文献综述及未来的研究方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林帼儿  陈子光  钟建安 《心理科学》2006,29(4):1016-1018
文章的主要目的在于回顾组织公平自其产生至今的主要文献,并介绍Colquitt(2001)的组织公平四因素结构(即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平)[1]。文章还讨论了组织公平的工具性和非工具性模型。最后,文章介绍了组织公平今后的几个研究方向。  相似文献   

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