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The opposition between behaviour- and mind-reading accounts of data on infants and non-human primates could be less dramatic than has been thought up to now. In this paper, I argue for this thesis by analysing a possible neuro-computational explanation of early mind-reading, based on a mechanism of associative generalization which is apt to implement the notion of mental states as intervening variables proposed by Andrew Whiten. This account allows capturing important continuities between behaviour-reading and mind-reading, insofar as both are supposed to be just different kinds of generalization from perceptual experience. Specifically, I will argue that the projection of inner experiences to others which is involved in early mind-reading does not imply a computational leap beyond associative generalization from perceptual experience.  相似文献   

O'Grady W  Lee M 《Brain and cognition》2001,46(1-2):226-230
This paper evaluates the relative merits of the trace deletion hypothesis, which attributes agrammatic comprehension difficulties to the loss of traces, and the isomorphic mapping hypothesis, which proposes that agrammatics have difficulty understanding sentences in which there is a nonisomorphic mapping between the syntactic representation and the corresponding event in the real world. (The two are isomorphic if the order of NPs reflects the place of entities in the event's 'action chain.' Since agents act on themes and transmit them to goals, the agent-theme-goal order is isomorphic with the corresponding event but the agent-goal-theme order is not.) The two hypotheses contrast in the predictions they make concerning goal-theme and theme-goal patterns in Korean: the TDH predicts degraded performance on the theme-goal structure (which is derived from the goal-theme structure); the IMH predicts difficulties on the goal theme structure, since it is nonisomorphic. Results of a comprehension study involving four Korean Broca's aphasics provide strong support for the IMH over the TDH.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which subjects performed two forced-paced serial reaction time tasks separately and together at their maximum sustainable rates of information processing. Experiment 1 investigated the effects on the relationship between single- and dual-task performance of using tasks with the same or different input and output modality characteristics; an additional condition tested the effects on this relationship of using tasks with higher S-R compatibility. Experiment 2 investigated the effects on the relationship between single- and dual-task performance of varying information load (number of S-R alternatives). No significant differences were found in subjects' capacities to process information in single- and dual-task conditions. This finding was unaffected by: (a) the absolute information levels of the tasks, (b) whether inputs and/or outputs involved the same or different modalities, or (c) the level of S-R compatibility. The data from both experiments provide strong support for the single-channel hypothesis.  相似文献   

Articulatory disorders have been associated with developmental phonological dyslexia in the literature. However, very few information is available about the articulatory movements involved in speech production in dyslexic children. This study uses aerodynamic/acoustic data to explore how dyslexic children produce bilabial stops in French (/b, p/) within a sentence where they occurred in two positions and in three vowel environments. Average durations of articulatory closure and release were calculated in 10 phonological dyslexic children and two groups of age-matched and reading age-matched controls. Moreover, deviation from a standard pronunciation of the same material was evaluated separately by blind examiners. Our results reveal differences in the timing of the articulatory movements between dyslexics and normal controls, as well as more deviations from the target consonant for the dyslexics than for the controls. These observations are consistent with recent findings pointing to a general deficit in fine motor control in dyslexia.  相似文献   

Left-handers with an inverted handwriting posture have been found by Levy and Reid to have relatively bilateral representation of tachistoscopically tested verbal and spatial functions. On the assumption that such bilateral representation is inefficient, it was hypothesized that left-inverted subjects (N = 20) would score lower than left- and right-handers with normal handwriting postures (Ns = 64, 66 respectively) on spatial reasoning. Results were consistent with the hypothesis. Possible alternative explanations and directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Motor theories of speech perception have been re-vitalized as a consequence of the discovery of mirror neurons. Some authors have even promoted a strong version of the motor theory, arguing that the motor speech system is critical for perception. Part of the evidence that is cited in favor of this claim is the observation from the early 1980s that individuals with Broca’s aphasia, and therefore inferred damage to Broca’s area, can have deficits in speech sound discrimination. Here we re-examine this issue in 24 patients with radiologically confirmed lesions to Broca’s area and various degrees of associated non-fluent speech production. Patients performed two same-different discrimination tasks involving pairs of CV syllables, one in which both CVs were presented auditorily, and the other in which one syllable was auditorily presented and the other visually presented as an orthographic form; word comprehension was also assessed using word-to-picture matching tasks in both auditory and visual forms. Discrimination performance on the all-auditory task was four standard deviations above chance, as measured using d′, and was unrelated to the degree of non-fluency in the patients’ speech production. Performance on the auditory–visual task, however, was worse than, and not correlated with, the all-auditory task. The auditory–visual task was related to the degree of speech non-fluency. Word comprehension was at ceiling for the auditory version (97% accuracy) and near ceiling for the orthographic version (90% accuracy). We conclude that the motor speech system is not necessary for speech perception as measured both by discrimination and comprehension paradigms, but may play a role in orthographic decoding or in auditory–visual matching of phonological forms.  相似文献   

We present two ERP studies on the processing of word order variations in Japanese, a language that is suited to shedding further light on the implications of word order freedom for neurocognitive approaches to sentence comprehension. Experiment 1 used auditory presentation and revealed that initial accusative objects elicit increased processing costs in comparison to initial subjects (in the form of a transient negativity) only when followed by a prosodic boundary. A similar effect was observed using visual presentation in Experiment 2, however only for accusative but not for dative objects. These results support a relational account of word order processing, in which the costs of comprehending an object-initial word order are determined by the linearization properties of the initial object in relation to the linearization properties of possible upcoming arguments. In the absence of a prosodic boundary, the possibility for subject omission in Japanese renders it likely that the initial accusative is the only argument in the clause. Hence, no upcoming arguments are expected and no linearization problem can arise. A prosodic boundary or visual segmentation, by contrast, indicate an object-before-subject word order, thereby leading to a mismatch between argument "prominence" (e.g. in terms of thematic roles) and linear order. This mismatch is alleviated when the initial object is highly prominent itself (e.g. in the case of a dative, which can bear the higher-ranking thematic role in a two argument relation). We argue that the processing mechanism at work here can be distinguished from more general aspects of "dependency processing" in object-initial sentences.  相似文献   

Consciousness might help to mobilize and integrate brain functions that are otherwise separate and independent. Evidence for this 'conscious access hypothesis' was described almost two decades ago, in a framework called global workspace theory. The theory had little impact at first, for three reasons: because consciousness was controversial; the evidence, though extensive, was indirect; and integrative theory was unfashionable. Recent neuroimaging evidence appears broadly to support the hypothesis, which has implications for perception, learning, working memory, voluntary control, attention and self systems in the brain.  相似文献   

The relationship of religiousness with the HEXACO (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness) model of personality was studied in Iran and the United States. Correlations of personality factors and religiousness were generally similar across the two societies. In both countries, religiousness was associated with higher scores on Honesty-Humility, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. The Honesty-Humility factor was one of the strongest correlates of religiousness in both countries. These findings support Saroglou's observation that the main personality characteristics of religiousness are consistent across different religious contexts and personality measures and models.  相似文献   

Several phonological and prosodic properties of words have been shown to relate to differences between grammatical categories. Distributional information about grammatical categories is also a rich source in the child's language environment. In this paper we hypothesise that such cues operate in tandem for developing the child's knowledge about grammatical categories. We term this the Phonological-Distributional Coherence Hypothesis (PDCH). We tested the PDCH by analysing phonological and distributional information in distinguishing open from closed class words and nouns from verbs in four languages: English, Dutch, French, and Japanese. We found an interaction between phonological and distributional cues for all four languages indicating that when distributional cues were less reliable, phonological cues were stronger. This provides converging evidence that language is structured such that language learning benefits from the integration of information about category from contextual and sound-based sources, and that the child's language environment is less impoverished than we might suspect.  相似文献   

《Cognitive psychology》2008,56(4):259-305
Several phonological and prosodic properties of words have been shown to relate to differences between grammatical categories. Distributional information about grammatical categories is also a rich source in the child’s language environment. In this paper we hypothesise that such cues operate in tandem for developing the child’s knowledge about grammatical categories. We term this the Phonological-Distributional Coherence Hypothesis (PDCH). We tested the PDCH by analysing phonological and distributional information in distinguishing open from closed class words and nouns from verbs in four languages: English, Dutch, French, and Japanese. We found an interaction between phonological and distributional cues for all four languages indicating that when distributional cues were less reliable, phonological cues were stronger. This provides converging evidence that language is structured such that language learning benefits from the integration of information about category from contextual and sound-based sources, and that the child’s language environment is less impoverished than we might suspect.  相似文献   

Support for the weak version of the facial feedback hypothesis has been obtained repeatedly with the dynamic pose paradigm. In contrast, support for the strong version, which is tested with the static pose paradigm, has been inconsistent. We attributed this to methodological limitations in some studies rather than to problems intrinsic to the static pose paradigm. Utilizing a methodology that improved upon the hypothesized limitations, we obtained the facial feedback effect for the static poses of joy and anger with 142 male undergraduate students. The effect was uniform across levels of stimulus intensity and stimulus affect. Facial feedback did not vary with skills in nonverbal affective communication, self-monitoring, and the ability to form mental images.This article is based on a thesis submitted by the first author to California State University, Long Beach, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.A. degree. The second author was chair of the thesis committee. John Jung and Robert W. Kapche were members of the thesis committee; their contributions to the thesis are gratefully acknowledged. The first author is currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program in clinical-community psychology at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29108. This work was described in a paper presented at the meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Sacramento, April 1982.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between morphological regularity and form during lexical processing using a visual priming paradigm varying the prime duration. We addressed the effect of regularity on morphological facilitation in nouns and verbs by exploiting particular characteristics of a highly inflected language, Greek, in which it is possible to manipulate morphological regularity while controlling the degree of orthographic overlap between morphological relatives. The effects of morphological regularity were found to crucially depend on the time course of lexical access. Moreover, morphological regularity was found to affect nouns and verbs differentially. We interpret these findings with respect to the distinction between affix processing and allomorph retrieval and discuss the issues of form overlap and orthographic boundaries in morphological processing.  相似文献   

Boys between the ages of 9 and 10 participated in one of three experimental activities. One involved movement and aggression, the second movement devoid of aggression, and the third minimal movement of a nonaggressive nature. Aggressive fantasy decreased in the aggressive movement and minimal movement groups but increased in the nonaggressive movement group. The results are consistent with a cathartic view of the functional relationship between aggressive behavior and aggressive fantasy when the effects of movement and completion of an aggressive response are considered. This study supports the notion that the enactment of an aggressive goal response is essential to the occurrence of a cathartic effect and points up the importance of controlling for movement in investigations of the relationship between aggressive fantasy and aggressive behavior. An additional, exploratory investigation of daydreaming suggests that children who are high in aggressive fantasy are likely to daydream more frequently than children low in aggressive fantasy.  相似文献   

Recurrent involuntary memories are autobiographical memories that come to mind with no preceding retrieval attempt and that are subjectively experienced as being repetitive. Clinically, they are classified as a symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder. The present work is the first to systematically examine recurrent involuntary memories outside clinical settings. Study 1 examines recurrent involuntary memories among survivors of the tsunami catastrophe in Southeast Asia in 2004. Study 2 examines recurrent involuntary memories in a large general population. Study 3 examines whether the contents of recurrent involuntary memories recorded in a diary study are duplicates of, or differ from, one another. We show that recurrent involuntary memories are not limited to clinical populations or to emotionally negative experiences; that they typically do not come to mind in a fixed and unchangeable form; and that they show the same pattern regarding accessibility as do autobiographical memories in general. We argue that recurrent involuntary memories after traumas and in everyday life can be explained in terms of general and well-established mechanisms of autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

McKone E  Robbins R 《Cognition》2007,103(2):331-336
In Robbins, R. & McKone, E. (2006). No face-like processing for object-of-expertise in three behavioural tasks. Cognition this issue, we showed face-like holistic/configural processing does not occur for objects-of-expertise on standard paradigms including inversion, part-whole, part-in-configurally-transformed-whole, and the standard composite task. In this reply to the discussion by Gauthier, I., & Bukach, C. (2006). Should we reject the expertise hypothesis? Cognition, this issue, we focus on several issues: the fact that they do not dispute our review of previous data; the strength of null effects obtained from multiple studies and paradigms; the evidence for domain-specificity of the neural substrate supporting face processing; the difference between the expertise hypothesis (as a theory about the origin of face processing) and studies of how experience affects object processing in general; and the problems with G&B's proposed alteration to the standard composite paradigm. We argue that overwhelming evidence suggests the expertise hypothesis should be put to rest so that researchers can focus on what the origin of "special" processing for faces actually is, and investigate the many interesting changes to object recognition that do occur with experience.  相似文献   

Nnety male subjects were either attacked or treated in a more neutral manner by a male confederate. On a subsequent maze-learning task, one third of the subjects shocked the confederate, one third observed as the experimenter shocked the confederate, and one third waited for a period of time during which the confederate was not shocked. Finally, all subjects shocked the confederate as part of a code-learning task. Subjects who had been attacked and had shocked the confederate during the maze task delivered shocks of greater intensity on the code task did subjects in the other two conditions, and the former subjects also experienced a greater reduction in diastolic blood pressure than did the latter. The results contradict the hypothesis of aggression catharsis and are discussed in terms of feelings of restraint against aggressing that a subject experiences after committing an aggressive act.  相似文献   

The notion that developmental dyslexia may result from a general, nonspecific, defect in perceiving rapidly changing auditory signals is a current subject of debate (so-called "temporal processing deficit" hypothesis). Thirteen phonological dyslexics (age 10-13 years) and 10 controls matched for chronological and reading age were compared on a temporal order judgment (TOJ) task using the succession of two consonants (/p/-/s/) within a cluster. In order to test the relevance of the temporal deficit hypothesis, the task also included two additional conditions where either the two stimuli were artificially slowed or the interstimulus interval was expanded. As expected, the TOJ performance was significantly poorer in dyslexics than in controls. Moreover, in the "slowed speech" condition dyslexics' performance improved to reach the normal controls' level, whereas no significant improvement occurred when increasing the interstimulus interval. Finally dyslexics' performances, especially on the slowed condition, were found correlated with several tests of phonological processing (phoneme deletion, rhyme judgment, and nonword spelling tasks). These results lend support to the general temporal deficit theory of dyslexia.  相似文献   

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