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The present study examined whether the locations of patterns on the skin affected the ability to process information about their shapes. In Experiment 1, pairs of spatial vibrotactile patterns, using the array from the Optacon, were presented sequentially to subjects’ left index fingerpads. The location of each pattern in a pair was varied randomly among four locations on the skin. The subjects responded “same” or “different” on the basis of the shapes of patterns, regardless of their locations. Discrimination accuracy was highest and response time fastest when patterns occupied identical locations (ILs), and performance suffered with increasing distance between patterns. In Experiment 2, pairs were presented to corresponding points or to noncorresponding points on separate fingerpads. When patterns occupied corresponding points on separate fingers, accuracy was lower than when patterns occupied ILs on a single finger, but higher than when patterns occupied noncorresponding points on separate fingers. The results suggested that discriminability declined partly because patterns did not occupy ILs, and partly because separate locations had different densities of innervation.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to measure the temporal integration of vibrotactile patterns presented to the fingertip. In Experiment 1, letters were divided in half and the time between the onsets of the first half of the letter and second half of the letter, stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), was varied. The recognizability of the letters declined as the SOA was increased from 9 to 100 msec. In Experiment 2, the time between two patterns constituting a masking stimulus was varied and the stimulus effectiveness in interfering with letter recognition was determined. The amount of masking increased as the SOA increased from 9 to 50 msec. In Experiment 3, the SOA between a letter and its complement (the portions of the tactile array not activated by the letter) was varied. Increasing SOA from 9 to approximately 50 msec led to increasingly accurate letter recognition. The results of the three experiments suggest that the skin is capable of complete temporal integration over a time period of less than 10 msec, and that the temporal integration function becomes asymptotic in 50 to 100 msec. The results also suggest that the onset of a vibrotactile pattern is critical for generating contours. The implications of the results for modes of generating tactile patterns and for temporal masking functions are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus orientation of letters presented either visually or vibrotactually was examined to obtain basic information on sensory substitution using the tactile sense. The reaction time (RT) to identify the letters F and R presented in normal or mirror-image form at four orientations each was measured. In addition, conditions of 0 degree and 270 degrees of head rotation from vertical and arm rotation from the midline axis were employed. Data from 5 trained subjects showed that vibrotactile RTs were always longer than visual RTs. Stimulus rotation away from normal orientation increased visual RTs significantly but not vibrotactile RTs. Visual orientation effect then seemed to be determined by the body-coordinate system but not the vibrotactile orientation. Although further studies are warranted, from the results of this experiment, any convenient and constant stimulus orientation could be used with a wearable vibrotactile display system to exploit passive touch.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects’ left index fmgerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects' left index fingerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

This study quantified human short-term-memory decay functions for delayed vibrotactile frequency discriminations. Subjects indicated which of two successive intervals contained the higher or lower frequency of a pair separated by delay periods of 0.5–30 sec. Performance decreased as a function of length of delay and was higher when delays were unfilled than when they were filled with a backwardscounting task. This interpolated task may have interfered with rehearsal of a coded representation of the remembered vibrotactile frequency. A change in decay rate after 5-sec delays suggests a switch from reliance on sensory memory to the coded frequency representation. Performance and decay rate depended on presentation order of higher or lower frequency within pairs. Reciprocal performance asymmetries seen in high- versus low-frequency ranges did not result from simple response bias.  相似文献   

Reported estimates of the frequency difference limen (DL) for tones show considerable variability. To determine the extent that the differences are dependent on psychophysical method, three estimates of the DL at 1,000 Hz were obtained from the same subjects for each of three psychophysical procedures. The three estimates were: (1) the standard deviation of final settings in a methbd of adjustment, (2) the average of several reversals in an adaptive two-interval forced-choice procedure, and (3) the 76%-correct point in a two-interval forced-choice procedure using constant stimuli. The two forced-choice procedures yielded very similar DLs. The adjustment procedure yielded significantly smaller estimates. Possible reasons for the different values produced by adjustment procedures and the nature of the underlying decision process are discussed.  相似文献   

Target patterns presented to uncued locations on a single fingerpad were followed by either same-shape (SS) maskers or different-shape (DS) maskers presented to either the same location (SLoc) or a different location (DLoc). DS maskers interfered with identification more when they were at SLoc than when they were at Dloc, but the reverse was true for SS maskers; they interfered more at DLoc than at SLoc. When targets were presented to cued locations, performance in the absence of maskers improved, but the pattern of interference from maskers resembled that for uncued presentation. The proportion of masker responses on incorrect trials revealed that both temporal masking and response competition may be involved in the effects of location on pattern identification.  相似文献   

Sixty Ss individually sorted eight decks of 50 cards each. A deck contained 25 cards each of two stimulus patterns. The patterns were drawn from different sets of five-dot patterns judged to be equivalent. The eight decks represented pairs of patterns drawn (a) from the same equivalence set, (b) from different equivalence sets of the same size, and (c) from different equivalence sets of different sizes. Sorting times were shown to increase with increasing size of equivalence set, and were shown to be greater for patterns drawn from within the same equivalence set than for patterns drawn from different equivalence sets. Ratings of pattern goodness were found to be useful predictors of sorting time only in their capacity to discriminate between equivalence sets of different sizes. The results were interpreted as supporting the importance of equivalence set membership in a discrimination task where the S logically does not have to consider stimuli other than the given criterion stimuli.  相似文献   

It is proposed that there are two types of visual movement perception, absolute and relative. The former occurs when an object is seen to move in an otherwise homogeneous (or at least locally homogeneous) visual field. Relative judgments occur when one object is seen to move with respect to another, i.e., the separation between them is seen to change. Quantitative models for both processes are developed, and an experiment reported for which the models seem appropriate. The results appear relevant to a theory of size of length perception as well as to the general perceptual issue of absolute and relative judgments.  相似文献   

Pairs of vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects’ left middle and index fingerpads (unilateral presentation) or left and right index fingerpads (bilateral presentation), using two Optacon arrays. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed sothat they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, was a major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Subjects’ abilities to identify one member of the pair of patterns were measured in Experiment 2. There were no significant differences in performance between pattern sets or type of presentation when subjects attended to a single pattern. However, when subjects were required to attend to both patterns, identification performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. The results suggest that there are limited attentional resources for processing vibrotactile patterns and that more resources are available bilaterally than are available unilaterally.  相似文献   

We report a vibrotactile version of the common n-back task used to study working memory. Subjects wore vibrotactile stimulators on three fingers of one hand, and they responded by pressing a button with the other hand whenever the current finger matched the one stimulated n items back. Experiment 1 showed a steep decline in performance as n increased from 1 to 3; each additional level ofn decreased performance by 1.5 d' units on average. Experiment 2 supported a central capacity locus for the vibrotactile task by showing that it correlated strongly with an auditory analogue; both tasks were also related to standard digit span. The vibrotactile version of n-back may be particularly useful in dual-task contexts. It allows the assessment of cognitive capacity in sensory-impaired populations in which touch remains intact, and it may find use in brain-imaging studies in which vibrotactile stimuli impose a memory load.  相似文献   

Participants lifted pairs of successively presented weights and compared them for heaviness, using the constant method with 2, 3, or 6 judgment categories. The standard weight (St) was 100, 200, or 300 g, either roving or fixed within a block. For each St, there were 5 comparison (Co) weights. The lifting orders were St-Co and, with 6 categories, Co-St. Time-order errors were negatively related to St magnitude, particularly with roving St. In terms of Hellstr?m's sensation-weighting theory, this result was accounted for by a smaller weighting coefficient for the first-presented stimulus than for the second. Time-order errors were negative on average, which was explained as the result of this weighting in conjunction with a low position of the reference level because of light background heaviness. With roving St, the dispersion of the subjective intrapair difference increased with St magnitude, providing evidence for Ekman's law (G. Ekman, 1956, 1959).  相似文献   

Rapid visual discrimination in children (9 to 11 yr.) and adults was investigated using two tasks in which the subject had to search for a target pattern embedded in 35 background patterns. The time available for inspecting the search arrays was altered by varying the stimulus duration. In one task, there was a large difference in the feature or 'texton' content of patterns between the target and the background; in the other, this difference was small. In the first task, the children could detect the target pattern in a briefly flashed search array with high accuracy, because the target 'popped out' perceptually from the array, but in the second task the same detection rate was not reached until the stimulus duration was much longer, since a serial searching strategy was required. Results achieved by children and adults were similar. It seems that serial visual search is as efficient in children as in adults.  相似文献   

A within-subjects comparison was made of pigeons' performance on two temporal discrimination procedures that were signaled by differently colored keylight samples. During stimulus trials, a peck on the key displaying a slanted line was reinforced following short keylight samples, and a peck on the key displaying a horizontal line was reinforced following long keylight samples, regardless of the location of the stimuli on those two choice keys. During position trials, a peck on the left key was reinforced following short keylight samples and a peck on the right key was reinforced following long keylight samples, regardless of which line stimulus appeared on the correct key. Thus, on stimulus trials, the correct choice key could not be discriminated prior to the presentation of the test stimuli, whereas on position trials, the correct choice key could be discriminated during the presentation of the sample stimulus. During Phase 1, with a 0-s delay between sample and choice stimuli, discrimination learning was faster on position trials than on stimulus trials for all 4 birds. During Phase 2, 0-, 0.5-, and 1.0-s delays produced differential loss of stimulus control under the two tasks for 2 birds. Response patterns during the delay intervals provided some evidence for differential mediation of the two delayed discriminations. These between-task differences suggest that the same processes may not mediate performance in each.  相似文献   

Past research has demonstrated that the occurrence of unexpected task-irrelevant changes in the auditory or visual sensory channels captured attention in an obligatory fashion, hindering behavioral performance in ongoing auditory or visual categorization tasks and generating orientation and re-orientation electrophysiological responses. We report the first experiment extending the behavioral study of cross-modal distraction to tactile novelty. Using a vibrotactile-visual cross-modal oddball task and a bespoke hand-arm vibration device, we found that participants were significantly slower at categorizing the parity of visually presented digits following a rare and unexpected change in vibrotactile stimulation (novelty distraction), and that this effect extended to the subsequent trial (postnovelty distraction). These results are in line with past research on auditory and visual novelty and fit the proposition of common and amodal cognitive mechanisms for the involuntary detection of change.  相似文献   

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