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MBTI人格类型量表:新近发展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾雪英  胡湜 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1700-1708
MBTI是Katherine Briggs与Isabel Myers共同研制出的一种人格类型评估工具.近些年来,伴随其理论的演进,MBTI量表本身也经历了三个阶段的发展.通过系统梳理MBTI的发展历程并总结相关应用研究的主要结论,发现:该量表的内在发展脉络是“从类型间差异评估,到类型内差异评估,直至个体差异评估”.而未来研究应注重:调查我国职业基础人群MBTI人格类型,建立数据库;深化MBTI量表研究;开展MBTI跟踪研究及跨文化研究;深入并拓展MBTI人格类型的应用研究领域.  相似文献   

心理类型量表(MBTI)的修订初步   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
MBTI是基于荣格的心理类型理论编制而成的一个自陈量表.此量表包括四个维度,每个维度包括两个相对的极点,代表不同的偏好倾向.对四个维度的基本偏好不同组合便构成了16种人格类型.本研究首次将其翻译成中文并修订,以258名大学生作为试测样本,结果表明,绝大多数项目都具有相当高的鉴别力;量表信度和效度良好,尤其结构效度极佳.  相似文献   

MBTI人格类型量表的效度分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的探讨中文版MBTI人格类型量表的内容效度、效标关联效度和结构效度,为其在中国应用提供操作性技术,方法大学本科和专科学生2123名,陆军初级军官276名;MBTI-G量表中文修订版;效标测验包括EPQ、16PF、MMPI-2、A-Type和PM测验。结果(1)经专家评判、中英文版相关分析、自评他评和信度分析,表明中文版MBTI有较好的内容效度。(2)效标关联效度研究发现EI维度具有明显的内外向人格特征;感觉型个体温和、现实和谨慎,直觉型个体则恃强、敢为、果断和中强度A型行为特征;对事型个体稳重、安详、恃强、自律;判断型个体善于交往和社会化程度高,做事有强的责任感、计划性和有恒性,适应新环境能力较强,成就感强。以上发现与MBTI原设计和国外研究吻合。(3)97项题目因子分析最大负荷落在主因素上平均占82.81%,次级负荷占11.02%,仅6题因子分析不理想。(4)修订版MBTI人格类型测验与PM领导行为类型测验间有一定相关;中国军队初级指挥员以ESFJ、ISTJ人格类型为主。结论本研究修订的中文版MBTI具有较好的内容效度、效标关联蚊度和结构效度。  相似文献   

The ability of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Myers & McCaulley, 1985) to predict performance on social cognitive tasks tapping information processing effort was assessed. Judgment and intuition interacted to predict amount of attributional adjustment on a dispositional attribution task. The MBTI scales predicted processing above and beyond measures of the five factors, rational-experiential preferences, and causal uncertainty. The relevance of these results for interpretation of the MBTI indexes is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Myers & McCaulley, 1985) to predict performance on social cognitive tasks tapping information processing effort was assessed. Judgment and intuition interacted to predict amount of attributional adjustment on a dispositional attribution task. The MBTI scales predicted processing above and beyond measures of the five factors, rational-experiential preferences, and causal uncertainty. The relevance of these results for interpretation of the MBTI indexes is discussed.  相似文献   

首先从MBTI的理论基础入手分析了MBTI评估与其他人格评估的差异,指出MBTI评估的优势。接着从理论研究和实践应用两方面介绍了国内外的相关研究,前者包括MBTI的信度、效度、常模资料,国内的修订情况,以及MBTI与其他量表的相关关系分析;后者包括MBTI在组织发展与团队建设中的应用,在职业辅导、师生互动、家庭治疗等领域的应用。最后指出使用中存在的问题,并给出相关建议  相似文献   

<甘水仙源录>(以下简称<仙源录>,若无说明,本文所引皆出自此书)十卷,元代著名道教学者李道谦撰,前八卷录自王重阳以下全真教派约五十人之传记、碑文、祭文等.后二卷录全真道宫观碑记及七真传序赞.各篇大抵出自当时名流,如元好问、姚遂、王磐、王鹗、金源(王寿)、陈时可、秦志安等,故历来被史家所重,是研究全真道历史的重要典籍.本文拟从其对全真教发展史的记述、对全真教与士人关系的反映、对道观经济的记述等方面,进一步揭示其史料价值.  相似文献   

Estimates of the diameters of the sun and moon expressed in centimetres have been reported by several authors in the past. These estimates imply that the sizes of the sun and moon are perceived as if these bodies are only some tens of metres distant. In this study five units of length that were used by ancient astronomers to estimate arcs on the celestial sphere were investigated. The purpose was to determine whether the lengths and angles represented by these units imply a specific registered distance of the star sphere. The sizes of the Babylonian cubit, Arab fitr and shibr, Greek eclipse digit, and Chinese chang support the conclusion that the registered distance of the stars was about 10 to 40 metres in these four cultures over the last two millennia.  相似文献   

This study presents an initial investigation of the degree to which personality, as classified by the four dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) affects an individual's choice of online or offline means for conducting social interactions. Results yield some evidence that personality affects choice of online or offline options, with an especially significant correlation between online/offline choices and the dimension of Extraversion and Introversion. Significant results are also seen for the Judging-Perception and Thinking-Feeling dimensions, but the Sensing-iNtuition dimension showed no correlation.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to date 28 ‘recent’ public events that had occurred in the previous 7 years, and 28 ‘historical’ events that occurred between 1765 and 1947. For both kinds of event, the age of older events was underestimated and that of more recent events overestimated, a result agreeing with previous research. Whether the events were well or poorly known, as rated by a separate sample of subjects, affected the dating error of historical but not recent events. The results suggest that both recent and historical events are dated by a rather abstract, constructive process, rather than by cues relating to the age of the memory or the time of its formation.  相似文献   

Some suggest that the duty of humanitarian intervention should be discharged by states that are historically responsible for the occurrence of violence. A fundamental problem with this suggestion is that historically responsible states might be ill-suited to intervene because they are unlikely to enjoy support from the local population. Cécile Fabre has suggested a way around that problem, arguing that responsible states ought to pay for humanitarian interventions even though they ought not to take part in the military operations. We claim that Fabre’s idea is subject to two concerns. First, the duty to perform might not be appropriately transferrable from the historically responsible state to another state because it would allow the primary duty bearer to escape the worst costs of intervention. Second, an intervention might be as unlikely to generate local support when a historically responsible state pays for an intervention as when it performs it. These problems are enough to cast doubt on Fabre’s idea. However, the idea is helpful because it highlights as yet neglected questions about how the financial and material burden of humanitarian intervention is to be shared.  相似文献   

Differences in ingroup identification can influence the accessibility of historical memories. In Study 1, the authors examined individual differences in identity; in Study 2 they experimentally manipulated identity. In Study 1, high identifiers recalled fewer incidents of ingroup violence and hatred than did low identifiers. High and low identifiers did not differ in their recall of ingroup suffering. In Study 2, participants in the high-identity condition recalled fewer incidents of violence and hatred by members of their group than did those in the low-identity condition but a similar number of good deeds. Control participants recalled more positive than negative group actions; this bias was exaggerated in the high-identity condition and eliminated in the low-identity condition. The authors interpret the results as indicating the effects of social identity on individual-level memory processes, especially schema-consistent recall. They evaluate other explanations of the bias, including collective censorship of negative histories.  相似文献   

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