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Relationship power, which refers to the ability to influence one’s romantic partner, is an important organizing principle in the assessment and treatment of couples. Power imbalance is predictive of various dimensions of marital quality, which explains why it is often a central focus of couple therapy. Despite the importance of relationship power in couple therapy, assessing power in clinical settings has been hindered by the lack of a validated measure of power that has high clinical utility. Data from 640 married couples associated with the Flourishing Families Project were used to develop the Perceived Power Imbalance Scale by conducting exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, dyadic predictive validity analysis, and measurement equivalence analysis. Although power has been conceptualized as consisting of both outcome power and process power, results indicated that the final scale consisted of four items that only tapped aspects of process power. The scale demonstrated good reliability and was a significant predictor of marital quality, marital instability, and depression.


Eight studies with data from 2316 students are presented describing the development and preliminary validation of the Physical Appearance Perfectionism Scale (PAPS), a brief measure with two subscales: Worry About Imperfection and Hope For Perfection. Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the measure’s two-dimensional structure. Moreover, correlation analyses provided first evidence for the two subscales’ differential validity: Worry About Imperfection showed negative correlations with positive self-perceptions of one’s appearance (e.g., appearance self-esteem) and positive correlations with maladaptive concerns aspects of perfectionism, physical appearance concerns (e.g., body image disturbances), and body weight control whereas Hope For Perfection showed positive correlations with positive striving aspects of perfectionism, positive self-perceptions, and impression management. In addition, all PAPS scores showed high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) and temporal stability (test-retest). Overall the findings suggest that the PAPS is a reliable and valid instrument to assess positive and negative aspects of physical appearance perfectionism.  相似文献   

Opinion poll research suggests that a significant number of Westerners hold negative and fearful perceptions toward Muslims and their religion. Although evidence of Islamophobia has been documented in a number of poll studies, no psychometrically based, multifaceted measure that focuses exclusively on fear related attitudes and is not confounded with a particular group currently exists in the scientific literature. The authors of this study describe the development and psychometric properties of the Islamophobia Scale, which measures cognitive and affective-behavioral facets of fear-related attitudes toward the religion of Islam and Muslims. The results of the study demonstrate a measure of Islamophobia that yielded acceptable psychometric properties of reliability and validity.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - This study presents the development and initial psychometric evaluation of the Religious Discrimination Scale (RDS). This 11-item instrument identified three...  相似文献   


In China, many people are converting to various world religions. Nonetheless, religious adherence for them, as with many people, can still function as a double-edged sword with regards to mental health. In particular, religious perfection can become either a healthy commitment or a rigid outlook that leads to distress. Thus, we developed the Religious Perfectionism Scale (RPS) from Chinese religious believers. In the first phase (N = 171), we collected qualitative data through an open-question survey from different religious groups (i.e., Buddhism, Protestantism, and Islam). Then, we developed an item pool based on themes that emerged from these qualitative data. In the second phase, participants (N = 1055) were randomly split into two subsamples. Exploratory factor analyses were performed on the first subsample (N = 519) to select the scale items. The nine-item RPS subsequently includes two dimensions—Zealous Religious Dedication and Religious Self-Criticism. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were performed on the second subsample (N = 536) to cross-validate the factor structure. Results indicate that the internal consistency reliability for the RPS subscale scores was all adequate. Furthermore, the construct validity of the RPS was supported through its correlations with measures of perfectionism perceived to have come from God (or a higher power), psychological indicators, and a personality variable (i.e., discipline) in expected directions. Results of the psychometric evaluations of this newly developed scale suggest that the RPS is a promising measure in that it can facilitate future research that leads to a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of religious perfectionism on psychological well-being.


Journal of Child and Family Studies - Adolescence can be a difficult developmental period for children and their parents. During this time, parents need to develop new skills, and their perceived...  相似文献   

Intercultural development in global employees will aid organizations to function successfully in the current global work scene. However, there is a need for a psychometrically valid and reliable measure, which can be used by practitioners and academics to assess the capabilities of individuals. This vignette based intercultural development scale was conceived on the basis of Bennett’s developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. The content was generated using interviews with international employees and subject matter experts. Psychometric properties were established with both qualitative and quantitative analysis. A sample of 461 international employees was used to test the validity of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis and construct validity was established with cosmopolitanism and openness to experience scales. The study confirms the scale’s dimensionality and established convergent, discriminant and nomological validity. The applications of this scale in building capabilities, talent management and strategic decisions in both practical and theoretical assessment are outlined.  相似文献   

Pastoral Psychology - This paper presents two studies concerned with developing a brief version of the 32-item God Mysticism Scale (GMS; Hood Jr. and Williamson Journal of Psychology and...  相似文献   

Studies investigating memory for events during anesthesia show a confusing pattern of positive and negative results. To establish whether there are any consistent patterns of findings across studies, we conducted a meta-analysis of the data from 2517 patients in 44 studies. The meta-analysis included two measures of the effects of positive suggestions on postoperative recovery: (a) the duration of postoperative hospitalization and (b) the amount of morphine administered via patient-controlled anesthesia, as well as two measures of memory for specific information presented during anesthesia: (c) direct tests and (d) indirect tests. The meta-analysis indicated that positive suggestions presented during anesthesia have little or no effect on postoperative recovery. On the other hand, the meta-analysis showed that specific information is remembered following surgery, as long as testing is not delayed longer than 36 h. Studies of memory for events during anesthesia provide a useful avenue for exploring unconscious cognition.  相似文献   

A scale measuring generalized expectancies for negative mood regulation (NMR) was developed. The construct was defined as the expectancy that some behavior or cognition will alleviate a negative mood state. Data from five samples of college undergraduates (N = 1,630) were reported. Internal consistency, discriminant validity from social desirability, and temporal stability were demonstrated for a 30-item scale derived from an initial pool of 50 items. Further analyses revealed (a) modest correlations of the 30-item scale with internal-external control, (b) that high scorers on the NMR scale reported few symptoms of depression, and (c) that the NMR scale predicted a different pattern of emotions than the Beck Depression Inventory did. Discussion focused on possible roles for expectancies for negative mood regulation in the coping process and directions for future research on the mood regulation process.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years we have gained a comprehensive understanding of self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism, but our understanding of other-oriented perfectionism (OOP)—and how it differs from the other two forms of perfectionism—is still underdeveloped. Two studies with university students are presented examining OOP’s relationships with social goals, the dark triad, the HEXACO personality dimensions, and altruism. OOP showed unique positive relationships with narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy and unique negative relationships with nurturance, intimacy, and social development goals. Furthermore it showed unique relationships with social dominance goals (positive) and emotionality, agreeableness, and altruism (negative) dependent on the OOP measure used. The findings suggest that OOP is a “dark” form of perfectionism associated with antisocial and narcissistic personality characteristics.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships of perceived discrimination and religious coping with hypertension in a sample of Black and White Seventh-day Adventists. Data come from a community-based sample of 6128 White American, 2253 African American and 927 Caribbean American adults (67% women; mean age = 62.9 years). Results indicate lifetime unfair treatment was significantly associated with hypertension regardless of race/ethnicity. Positive religious coping was associated with lower odds of hypertension and did not interact with unfair treatment. Both positive and negative religious coping were indirectly associated with increased hypertension risk through an increase in perceived discrimination.


This study examined the psychometric characteristics of the Child Adjustment and Parent Efficacy Scale (CAPES). The CAPES was designed as a brief outcome measure in the evaluation of both public health and individual or group parenting interventions. The scale consists of a 30‐item intensity scale with two subscales measuring children's behaviour problems and emotional maladjustment and a 20‐item self‐efficacy scale that measures parent's self‐efficacy in managing specific child problem behaviours. A sample of 347 parents of 2–12‐year‐old children participated in the study. Psychometric evaluation of the CAPES revealed that both the intensity and self‐efficacy scales had good internal consistency, as well as satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. Potential uses of the measure and implications for future validation studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Cluster analyses supported the existence of 2 groups of perfectionists (labeled “adaptive” and “mala daptive”) and a group of non perfectionists in a sample (N = 312) of college students. Maladaptive perfectionists evidenced the poorest adjustment of all 3 groups. Adaptive perfectionists and nonperfectionists generally evidenced comparable aspects of emotional adjustment and academic integration. No differences between groups were observed in cumulative grade point average. Adaptive and mal‐adaptive perfectionists reported disruptions in self‐development. Differences between the perfectionist groups suggested that the roles of idealized parental images in self‐development might be important sorting points for adaptive or maladaptive trajectories toward perfectionism.  相似文献   

该研究以293名年龄在60-97岁老人为研究对象,通过开放式问卷和探索性因素分析得到老年人的身体自我量表,包含六个因素:运动特征、相貌特征、功能特征、身材特征,性特征,行为特征。检验了量表内部一致性系数和严格平行模型的信度系数及两个效标,发现该量表具有较好的信度和效度。对老年人身体自我特征分析表明,研究中,老年人在总体上对身体较满意,且不存在性别、年龄和体型指数的差异。但在身材特征上,存在性别和年龄的交互作用,性别和体形指数的交互作用,性别、年龄和体形指数三者的交互作用。其它五个维度均不存在性别、年龄和体形指数的差异。  相似文献   

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