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党的十八大以来,特别是全国宗教工作会议召开以及新修订《宗教事务条例》颁布后,宗教工作呈现新局面。本文以广东为例,探讨新形势下宗教公益慈善新情况新特点新趋势,分析存在问题和努力方向。一、广东省宗教公益慈善现状与新特点新趋势(一)宗教公益慈善事业继续保持良好的发展势头。  相似文献   

This research examined the phenomenon of spiritual growth in students taking an online religious education course at Brigham Young University–Idaho. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 students who reported positive gains in spirituality as a result of the course. Students described their experience in the online course and the factors that contributed to their success.

Results suggest participants took a great deal of ownership in their own spiritual growth. Although it seems likely participants were already highly self-directed, aspects of the online experience appeared to encourage self-direction. The course design was flexible enough for research participants to explore ideas on their own while also being structured enough to provide a guided experience. Online instructors acted as guides and facilitators, playing a less prominent role than face-to-face instructors. Frequent engagement in and reflection through writing appeared to be important for students’ spiritual growth, whereas online interactions with other students seemed to have minimal impact. However, some responses suggested online interaction with peers was an area with potential for greater influence.  相似文献   

This paper proffers an example of a new form of religious dialogue. It subverts, rather than assumes the philosophical tradition of universal reason, upon which religious dialogue has traditionally proceeded. To this end, I call into question the frequently perceived affinity between Buddhism and radical postmodern a/theology. Whereas the latter works within a framework of oppositions inherited from the modern philosophical tradition, Buddhism is innocent of such a framework, and jettisons its 'either-or' antinomies. In this respect, I argue that there is a striking 'coincidence in outlook' between Buddhism and conservative postmodern theology, which also seeks to subvert the modern philosophical framework which it regards as being essentially secular. I suggest that this 'coincidence in outlook', which contrasts with the modern outlook, opens the way for a religious dialogue based on a mutual affirmation of difference, rather than on the distorting universalist quest for affinity at all costs.  相似文献   

元代的中国(1271—1368)幅员辽阔,"北逾阴山,西极流沙,东尽辽左,南越海表。"在广袤的国土上,众多民族共同生活。伴随着"海上丝绸之路"等商路的兴盛,很多外国商人来到中国,在诸如泉州这样的大型商业都市定居、生活,这些被称为"蕃商"的外国人也带来了自己的宗教信仰和生活方式。  相似文献   

William Alston proposed an understanding of religious experience modeled after the triadic structure of sense perception. However, a perceptual model falters because of the unobservability of God as the object of religious experience. To reshape Alston’s model of religious experience as an observational practice we utilize Dudley Shapere’s distinction between the philosophical use of ‘observe’ in terms of sensory perception and scientists’ epistemic use of ‘observe’ as being evidential by providing information or justification leading to knowledge. This distinction helps us to understand how religious experience of an unobservable God can be an epistemic practice that satisfies our epistemic obligations and justifies religious belief.  相似文献   

Most of us spend a significant portion of our lives learning, practising, and performing a wide range of skills. Many of us also have a great amount of control over which skills we learn and develop. From choices as significant as career pursuits to those as minor as how we spend our weeknight leisure time, we exercise a great amount of agency over what we know and what we can do. In this paper we argue, using a framework first developed by Carbonell [2013], that in many real-world circumstances we have moral obligations to develop some skills rather than others.  相似文献   

本文考察了中国宗教实践中家户宗教服务供给者这种形态及其在中国宗教实践中的角色.文本首先介绍了中国大陆近来出现的一个新叫法:"迷信专业户",并将之放入改革时期中国的社会经济和政治脉络中进行分析.这一称呼显示了现在中国政府怎样将仪式专家概念化的,譬如灵媒、阴阳先生、算命先生及其他依靠民间宗教挣钱的人,包括在寺庙节日表演的民间乐师和戏剧演员、寺庙看管人、家户型的佛教仪式专家和道教法师、迷信用品制造商等等,此种轻蔑和非难的称呼却把这些人归类为备受赞美的个体户并使之显得合法化.然后,笔者展示了自己在陕北做的民族志田野调查中的两个场景,以说明家户型宗教服务供给者是如何运作的,场景之一关于灵媒,之二关于阴阳先生.阴阳先生和灵媒是依照不同的原理经营的,阴阳师依靠秘传的知识和仪式作法,灵媒依靠神的威力与灵验.二者都是充分利用"家户形态"的宗教生意人,跟附属于制度性的寺庙或者行会形成强烈的对比.接着介绍了笔者称为"法事互助"的实践,指家户型宗教供给者通过临时聚集的办法以作更大的法事来满足一些客户更复杂的仪式需要.笔者也透视了家户型宗教供给者这一形态,并考察其与宗教团体形态在基层的法事服务提供相比所体现的优势,以及它是怎样平安通过政治压迫的.最后,笔者就中国宗教文化的家户型宗教服务供给者的未来提出了一些推测.  相似文献   

本文立足于长沙市网络基督徒的宗教生活现实,通过问卷调查和个别访谈的方法,试图考察网络宗教生活对于基督徒的宗教性的实际影响状况.结果表明,网络宗教生活不仅没有削弱信徒的宗教性水平,反而加强了信徒的宗教性水平.在对于结果的进一步讨论中,我们认为有两方面的原因导致了信徒宗教性的不降反升.一,在网络化逻辑下宗教所实现的电子物质化过程;二,宗教性作为人所潜藏的天性,当遇到适宜的社会环境时,它就有可能茁壮地成长起来,成为人的"第二伦理语系".  相似文献   

Those with differing levels of religious fundamentalism (RF) may be selective in their memory for religious information. In Study 1, participants read a text about money or sex, with a judgmental or not-judgmental message. Higher RF was associated with more accurate recall and fewer intrusions. In Study 2, participants high or low in RF read texts about sex. High-RF participants had more accurate recall and fewer intrusions. However, high-RF participants had more recognition false alarms to sentences that were not presented. High RF may aid memory for religious information, but also increase familiarity of related but not presented information. Exposure to not-judgmental messages decreased RF scores, suggesting that textual messages can impact responses to fundamentalism scales.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the internationalization of survey methodology by discussing a case from a totalitarian state, the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 2020, GAMAAN (The Group for Measuring and Analyzing Attitudes in Iran) conducted an online survey on religion. The survey had 50,000 participants, around 90 percent of whom lived in Iran. This article discusses the result that, after weighting, 8 percent identified as Zoroastrian—many times the number of Zoroastrians as recorded by scholarship on Iranian Zoroastrianism. We dub this phenomenon “Survey Zoroastrianism” and offer an explanation for this finding. After describing the position of Zoroastrianism in modern Iran and adding two further online surveys conducted by GAMAAN in 2022, we discuss the Survey Zoroastrians’ demographics and their religious and political views. The analysis shows that participating in surveys beyond the government's control provided affordances for performing alternative identity aspirations tied to notions of nationalism and civilizational heritage.  相似文献   

This essay is a critical engagement with recent assessments of comparative religious ethics by John Kelsay and Jung Lee. Contra Kelsay's proposal to return to a neo‐Weberian sociology of religious norm elaboration and justification, the authors argue that comparative religious ethics is and should be practiced as a field of study in active conversation with other fields that consider human flourishing, employing a variety of methods that have their roots in multiple disciplines. Cross‐pollination from a variety of disciplines is a strength of comparative ethics, which has enlivened recent and ongoing research on ethics, not a problem to be resolved by convergence on a single, distinctively comparative project. The authors also argue in response to Lee and Kelsay that while individual comparative studies of virtue and personal formation can be flawed in various ways, this line of research has been productive and at times very compelling. Moreover, attention to comparative virtue ethics shows how scholarship on some ethical topics necessitates drawing on a variety of perspectives and disciplinary backgrounds, a conclusion relevant to all work in religious ethics today.  相似文献   

佛学与易学的关系是佛教在中国发展过程中与本土思想文化深入交融比较深刻的一个方面。本文尝试由义理和思想发展脉络作为问题探讨的切入途径,以相关问题比较突出的华严学说与易学的关系作为重点研究方面; 其中,又以华严四祖清凉澄观著作中引用《周易》的线索作为个案,审视和分析了其华严注疏中引用《周易》的目的、作用及其特点; 认为澄观之用《易》,无所谓以易解经,主要是在本质的义理相通及义理比较意义上的借语。  相似文献   

In some situations in which undesirable collective effects occur, it is very hard, if not impossible, to hold any individual reasonably responsible. Such a situation may be referred to as the problem of many hands. In this paper we investigate how the problem of many hands can best be understood and why, and when, it exactly constitutes a problem. After analyzing climate change as an example, we propose to define the problem of many hands as the occurrence of a gap in the distribution of responsibility that may be considered morally problematic. Whether a gap is morally problematic, we suggest, depends on the reasons why responsibility is distributed. This, in turn, depends, at least in part, on the sense of responsibility employed, a main distinction being that between backward-looking and forward-looking responsibility.  相似文献   

青海省地处高原,平均海拔约4500米,其中约98%的面积是藏区,寺庙多、僧人多、信徒多。每年春节藏历新年前后,寺庙里都会举行重大法会和群众聚集活动,新冠肺炎疫情发生在这一时期,给宗教领域的疫情防控工作带来了巨大挑战。  相似文献   

This research uses differential association, techniques of neutralization, and rational choice theory to study those who operate “booter services”: websites that illegally offer denial-of-service attacks for a fee. Booter services provide “easy money” for the young males that run them. The operators claim they provide legitimate services for network testing, despite acknowledging that their services are used to attack other targets. Booter services are advertised through the online communities where the skills are learned and definitions favorable toward offending are shared. Some financial services proactively frustrate the provision of booter services, by closing the accounts used for receiving payments.  相似文献   

This randomized controlled study measured the effect of chaplain interventions on coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients over time. One hundred sixty-six CABG patients, received pre- and post-surgery testing at 1 month and 6 months with four instruments. Five chaplain visits were made to the intervention group, the control group received none. Comparison scores for anxiety, depression, hope, positive and negative religious coping, and religious coping styles were analyzed. Significant difference was found between groups in positive religious coping (PRC) (p = .023) and negative religious coping (NRC) (p = .046) scores over time. PRC increased in intervention group, decreased in the control group while NRC decreased in intervention group and increased in the control group. Demographics were comparable between groups. Moderate chaplain visits (average total visits time, 44 min) may be effective in helping CABG patients increase positive religious coping and decrease negative religious coping.
Paul S. BayEmail:

The use of psychopharmaceuticals as an enhancement technology has been the focus of attention in the bioethics literature. However, there has been little examination of the challenges that this practice creates for religious traditions that place importance on questions of being, authenticity, and identity. We asked expert commentators from six major world religions to consider the issues raised by psychopharmaceuticals as an enhancement technology. These commentaries reveal that in assessing the appropriate place of medical therapies, religious traditions, like secular perspectives, rely upon ideas about health and disease and about normal human behavior. But unlike secular perspectives, faith traditions explicitly concern themselves with ways in which medicine should or should not be used to live a “good life”.  相似文献   

试论网络视域中的宗教传播——以佛教网站为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以佛教网站为例讨论网络视域中的宗教传播.认为佛教网站就是有独立域名、独立服务器、独立IP地址或虚拟主机的以传播、交流、弘扬佛教教义、佛教文化、佛教精神为主旨的网站;而且,现有的佛教网站,虽然主体上多属宗教的网络化,但其局部也正在具有在线宗教的某些特质.以此,作为网络传播之主体的网站主办者便应以最大化宗教的积极功能为第一要务.  相似文献   

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