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We report data on eye movements in a patient (MP) with unilateral visual neglect, in a task of searching a real-world scene. We demonstrate that MP missed some contralesional targets after fixating on them. On such “miss”; trials, MP's eye movements were similar to those on objects in target-absent trials trials, where MP was cued to search for a target that was not actually present. In addition, MP showed little evidence of memory for the locations of objects that remained across a trial, though poor memory fails to explain performance on trials where targets were fixated. We suggest that, in this case, neglect reflected the poor uptake of information from the contralesional side of space, so that even fixated targets sometimes failed to match a “template” held in his memory.  相似文献   

In search of remembrance: evidence for memory in visual search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observers searched for a target among distractors while the display items traded places every 110 ms. Search was slower when the target was always relocated to a position previously occupied by a distractor than when the items remained in place, showing the importance of memory for locations in a visual search task. Experiment 2 repeated a previous study in which items could move to any location within the display, but used a larger range of set sizes than tested in the earlier study. A cost in search times to relocating items was found at the larger set sizes, most likely reflecting that the probability that the target would replace a distractor increased witht he set size. The findings provide strong evidence for the role of memory for locations within trials in a visual search task.  相似文献   

Motivated by the fact that previous visual memory paradigms have imposed encoding and retrieval constraints, the present article presents two experiments that address how observers allocate eye movements in memory and comparison processes in the absence of constraints. A comparative visual search design (Pomplun, Sichelschmidt, et al., 2001) was utilized in which observers searched for a difference between two images presented side by side. Robust time course effects were obtained, whereby search was characterized by brief fixations and a high proportion of comparative saccades. Then, upon target detection, fixations were extended, more comparative saccades were elicited, and the search focus was narrowed. The saliency and presence of differences did not guide attention, and detection was contingent upon direct fixation of the targets. The results indicate that, when full control is given, observers adopt a strategy that cuts down on memory usage in favor of restricted encoding and active scanning.  相似文献   

Eye movements and the integration of visual memory and visual perception   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Because visual perception has temporal extent, temporally discontinuous input must be linked in memory. Recent research has suggested that this may be accomplished by integrating the active contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) with subsequently perceived information. In the present experiments, we explored the relationship between VSTM consolidation and maintenance and eye movements, in order to discover how attention selects the information that is to be integrated. Specifically, we addressed whether stimuli needed to be overtly attended in order to be included in the memory representation or whether covert attention was sufficient. Results demonstrated that in static displays in which the to-be-integrated information was presented in the same spatial location, VSTM consolidation proceeded independently of the eyes, since subjects made few eye movements. In dynamic displays, however, in which the to-be-integrated information was presented in different spatial locations, eye movements were directly related to task performance. We conclude that these differences are related to different encoding strategies. In the static display case, VSTM was maintained in the same spatial location as that in which it was generated. This could apparently be accomplished with covert deployments of attention. In the dynamic case, however, VSTM was generated in a location that did not overlap with one of the to-be-integrated percepts. In order to "move" the memory trace, overt shifts of attention were required.  相似文献   

We present a computational model and corresponding computer simulations that mimic phenomenologically the eye movement trajectories observed in a conjunctive visual search task. The element of randomness is captured in the model through a Monte Carlo selection of a particular eye movement based on its probability, which depends on three factors, adjusted to match to the observed saccade amplitude distribution, forward bias in consecutive saccades, and return rates. Memory is assumed to operate through tagging of objects already recognized as nontargets, which, in turn, requires their processing within the attentional area of conspicuity (AC). That AC is adjusted so that computer simulations optimally reproduce the distribution of the number of saccades, the failure rate for capturing the target, and the return rate to previously inspected locations. For their viability, computer simulations critically depend on memory’s being long-ranged. In turn, the simulations confirm the formation of circulating or spiraling patterns in the observed eye trajectories. We also relate consistently the average number of saccades per trial to the saccade amplitude distribution by modeling analytically the combined roles of the AC in attention and memory. The full Supplemental Appendix A for this article may be downloaded from http:// app.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

Eye movements and the span of the effective stimulus in visual search   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The span of the effective stimulus during visual search through an unstructured alphanumeric array was investigated by using eye-contingent-display changes while the subjects searched for a target letter. In one condition, a window exposing the search array moved in synchrony with the subjects' eye movements, and the size of the window was varied. Performance reached asymptotic levels when the window was 5 degrees. In another condition, a foveal mask moved in synchrony with each eye movement, and the size of the mask was varied. The foveal mask conditions were much more detrimental to search behavior than the window conditions, indicating the importance of foveal vision during search. The size of the array also influenced performance, but performance reached asymptote for all array sizes tested at the same window size, and the effect of the foveal mask was the same for all array sizes. The results indicate that both acuity and difficulty of the search task influenced the span of the effective stimulus during visual search.  相似文献   

To investigate how attentional capture in visual search is affected by generalized top-down search strategies, ERPs and behavioral performance were measured in two experiments where spatially nonpredictive color singleton cues preceded visual search arrays that contained one of two equally likely color singletons. When both singletons served as targets, irrelevant-color singleton cues produced behavioral attentional capture effects and elicited an N2pc component, indicative of a singleton search mode. When responses were required to only one of the two color singletons, the same cues no longer elicited behavioral spatial cuing effects, and the N2pc to these cues was attenuated and delayed, in line with the hypothesis that search was now guided by a feature-specific search strategy. Results demonstrate that the ability of visual singleton stimuli to capture attention is not simply determined by their bottom-up salience, but strongly modulated by top-down task sets.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of spatial probabilities in target location during participants' performance of a visual search task. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that spatial probabilities could serve as a powerful attentional bias that produced faster detection of targets in high-probability locations than of those in low- or random-probability locations. The effect could not be explained by repetition priming alone. Moreover, responses to targets in low-probability locations were slowed only when a distractor was present in the high-probability location. In Experiments 3-5, we compared the effects of spatial probability with an explicit endogenous cue and a salient exogenous cue. Facilitation due to spatial probability was independent of any benefit afforded by the explicit endogenous cue but interacted with the salient exogenous cue, such that the exogenous cue validity effect was compressed for targets in the high-probability location. Together, these results suggest that the spatial probabilities governing target location constitute a potent bias of visual processing and, as such, can be considered an attentional cue that differs from both typical explicit endogenous and salient exogenous cues.  相似文献   

Individual differences in visual attention have been linked to thinking style: analytic thinking (common in individualistic cultures) is thought to promote attention to detail and focus on the most important part of a scene, whereas holistic thinking (common in collectivist cultures) promotes attention to the global structure of a scene and the relationship between its parts. However, this theory is primarily based on relatively simple judgement tasks. We compared groups from Great Britain (an individualist culture) and Saudi Arabia (a collectivist culture) on a more complex comparative visual search task, using simple natural scenes. A higher overall number of fixations for Saudi participants, along with longer search times, indicated less efficient search behaviour than British participants. Furthermore, intra-group comparisons of scan-path for Saudi participants revealed less similarity than within the British group. Together, these findings suggest that there is a positive relationship between an analytic cognitive style and controlled attention.  相似文献   

Saccade-contingent change detection provides a powerful tool for investigating scene representation and scene memory. In the present study, critical objects presented within color images of naturalistic scenes were changed during a saccade toward or away from the target. During the saccade,the critical object was changed to another object type, to a visually different token of the same object type, or was deleted from the scene. There were three main results. First, the deletion of a saccade target was special: Detection performance for saccade target deletions was very good, and this level of performance did not decline with the amplitude of the saccade. In contrast, detection of type and token changes at the saccade target, and of all changes including deletions at a location that had just been fixated but was not the saccade target, decreased as the amplitude of the saccade increased. Second, detection performance for type and token changes, both when the changing object was the target of the saccade and when the object had just been fixated but was not the saccade target, was well above chance. Third, mean gaze durations were reliably elevated for those trials in which the change was not overtly detected. The results suggest that the presence of the saccade target plays a special role in trassaccadic integration, and together with other recent findings, suggest more generally that a relatively rich scene representation is retained across saccades and stored in visual memory.  相似文献   

Beyond the search surface: visual search and attentional engagement.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Treisman (1991) described a series of visual search studies testing feature integration theory against an alternative (Duncan & Humphreys, 1989) in which feature and conjunction search are basically similar. Here the latter account is noted to have 2 distinct levels: (a) a summary of search findings in terms of stimulus similarities, and (b) a theory of how visual attention is brought to bear on relevant objects. Working at the 1st level, Treisman found that even when similarities were calibrated and controlled, conjunction search was much harder than feature search. The theory, however, can only really be tested at the 2nd level, because the 1st is an approximation. An account of the findings is developed at the 2nd level, based on the 2 processes of input-template matching and spreading suppression. New data show that, when both of these factors are controlled, feature and conjunction search are equally difficult. Possibilities for unification of the alternative views are considered.  相似文献   

Eye movements are now widely used to investigate cognitive processes during reading, scene perception, and visual search. In this article, research on the following topics is reviewed with respect to reading: (a) the perceptual span (or span of effective vision), (b) preview benefit, (c) eye movement control, and (d) models of eye movements. Related issues with respect to eye movements during scene perception and visual search are also reviewed. It is argued that research on eye movements during reading has been somewhat advanced over research on eye movements in scene perception and visual search and that some of the paradigms developed to study reading should be more widely adopted in the study of scene perception and visual search. Research dealing with “real-world” tasks and research utilizing the visual-world paradigm are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of the spatial scale of attention on feature and conjunction search were examined in two experiments. Adult participants in three age groups—young, young-old, and old-old—were given precues of varying validity and precision in indicating the location of a target letter subsequently presented in a visual array. Systematic decreases in the size of a valid precue (toward the size of the target) progressively facilitated both feature and conjunction search, with a greater benefit accruing to conjunction search. Age-related slowing in conjunction search was mitigated by precise (small and valid) precues, presumably because they reduced the need for participants in the young-old group to focus and to shift attention. Nevertheless, this benefit was reduced in the old-old group. The effects of valid location precue size varied with cue-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) in a manner that interacted with search difficulty: Effects of cue size developed more rapidly in feature search but more slowly in conjunction search. Finally, when precues were invalid for target location, search was faster with larger sized precues. Thus, in both easy feature search and hard conjunction search, the scale of visuospatial attention modulates the speed of visual search. Furthermore, when the SOA is sufficiently long for cue effects to develop, the ability to dynamically adjust the scale of visuospatial attention appears to decline in advanced age. These results go beyond current models in suggesting that visuospatial attention possesses two dynamic properties—shifting in space and varying in scale—that are deployed independently, depending on task demands.  相似文献   

Concave cusps and negative curvature minima play an important role in many theories of visual shape perception. Cusps and minima are taken to be part boundaries, used to segment an object into parts. Because of their important role in determining object structure and because there is some evidence that object structure is processed in parallel, it might be expected that concave cusps and negative curvature minima are processed preferentially. We tested this conjecture in several visual search experiments. Visual search for a target with a concave cusp among totally convex distractors yields nearly flat slopes (< 10 msec/item) for both present and absent trials. Reversing the roles of the target and the distractor results in inefficient search. The same asymmetry is found when the concave cusp is replaced by other types of concavity. We conclude, therefore, the concavities can serve as basic features in visual search experiments. This conclusion implies that the unit of selection in a visual search task is an object, rather than a location.  相似文献   

A gaze-contingent short-term memory paradigm was used to obtain forgetting functions for realistic objects in scenes. Experiment 1 had observers freely view nine-item scenes. After observers' gaze left a predetermined target, they could fixate from 1-7 intervening nontargets before the scene was replaced by a spatial probe at the target location. The task was then to select the target from four alternatives. A steep recency benefit was found over the 1-2 intervening object range that declined into an above-chance prerecency asymptote over the remainder of the forgetting function. In Experiment 2, we used sequential presentation and variable delays to explore the contributions of decay and extrafoveal processes to these behaviors. We conclude that memory for objects in scenes, when serialized by fixation sequence, shows recency and prerecency effects that are similar to isolated objects presented sequentially over time. We discuss these patterns in the context of the serial order memory literature and object file theory.  相似文献   

Theories of selective attention often have a central memory component, which is commonly thought to be limited in some way and is thereby a potential bottleneck in the attentional process. There have been only a few attempts to validate this assertion, and they have produced mixed results. This study presents a specific examination of the link between working memory and attention by engaging active rather than passive memory operations. Two experiments are reported that provide evidence for the involvement of working memory in the attentional blink (AB) phenomenon. Memory loads of increasing size had a detrimental effect on attentional performance within the blink-sensitive interval, but not beyond. Speeded response requirements proved to modulate the AB, but were independent from the memory load effect. Theoretical implications for current models of selective attention are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the use of semantic information about the world seems ubiquitous in every task we perform, it is not clear whether we rely on a scene’s semantic information to guide attention when searching for something in a specific scene context (e.g., keys in one’s living room). To address this question, we compared contribution of a scene’s semantic information (i.e., scene gist) versus learned spatial associations between objects and context. Using the flash-preview–moving-window paradigm Castelhano and Henderson (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 33:753–763, 2007), participants searched for target objects that were placed in either consistent or inconsistent locations and were semantically consistent or inconsistent with the scene gist. The results showed that learned spatial associations were used to guide search even in inconsistent contexts, providing evidence that scene context can affect search performance without consistent scene gist information. We discuss the results in terms of hierarchical organization of top-down influences of scene context.  相似文献   

Search, memory, and strategy constraints on change detection were analyzed in terms of oculomotor variables. Observers viewed a repeating sequence of three displays (Scene 1-->Mask-->Scene 2-->Mask...) and indicated the presence-absence of a changing object between Scenes 1 and 2. Scenes depicted real-world objects arranged on a surface. Manipulations included set size (one, three, or nine items) and the orientation of the changing objects (similar or different). Eye movements increased with the number of potentially changing objects in the scene, with this set size effect suggesting a relationship between change detection and search. A preferential fixation analysis determined that memory constraints are better described by the operation comparing the pre- and postchange objects than as a capacity limitation, and a scanpath analysis revealed a change detection strategy relying on the peripheral encoding and comparison of display items. These findings support a signal-in-noise interpretation of change detection in which the signal varies with the similarity of the changing objects and the noise is determined by the distractor objects and scene background.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate whether surprising color singletons capture attention. Participants performed a visual search task in which a target letter had to be detected among distractor letters. Experiments 1 and 2 assessed accuracy as the dependent variable. In Experiment 1, the unannounced presentation of a color singleton 500 ms prior to the letters (and in the same position as the target letter) resulted in better performance than in the preceding conjunction search segment, in which no singleton was presented, and performance was as good in this surprise–singleton trial as in the following feature search segment, in which the singleton always coincided with the target. In contrast, no improvement was observed when the color singleton was presented simultaneously with the letters in Experiment 2, indicating that attentional capture occurred later in the surprise trial than in the feature search segment. In Experiment 3, set size was varied, and reaction time was the dependent variable. Reaction time depended on set size in the conjunction search segment, but not in the surprise trial nor in the feature search segment. The results of the three experiments support the view that surprising color singletons capture attention independently of a corresponding attentional set.  相似文献   

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