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Each of three pigeons was studied first under a standard fixed-interval schedule. With the fixed interval held constant, the schedule was changed to a second-order schedule in which the response unit was the behavior on a small fixed-ratio schedule (first a fixed-ratio 10 and then a fixed-ratio 20 schedule). That is, every completion of the fixed-ratio schedule produced a 0.7-sec darkening of the key and reset the response count to zero for the next ratio. The first fixed-ratio completed after the fixed-interval schedule elapsed produced the 0.7-sec blackout followed immediately by food. These manipulations were carried out under two different fixed-interval durations for each bird ranging from 3 min to 12 min. The standard fixed-interval schedules produced the typical pause after reinforcement followed by responding at a moderate rate until the next reinforcement. The second-order schedules also engendered a pause after reinforcement, but responding occurred in bursts separated by brief pauses after each blackout. For a particular fixed-interval duration, post-reinforcement pauses increased slightly as the number of pecks in the response unit increased despite large differences in the rate and pattern of key pecking. Post-reinforcement pause increased with the fixed-interval duration under all response units. These data confirm that the allocation of time between pausing and responding is relatively independent of the rate and topography of responding after the pause.  相似文献   

Responding by one pigeon was reinforced with food on fixed-interval schedules of 30, 60, and 300 sec duration. A second pigeon was studied under fixed-interval durations of 60 and 300 sec. For both birds, the average post-reinforcement pause was one-half the duration of the fixed interval. Autocorrelation coefficients revealed first-order sequential dependencies in series of post-reinforcement pauses. On the 300-sec fixed-interval schedule, successive post-reinforcement tended to alternate between long and short durations. At the shorter fixed-interval durations there was less evidence of alternation sequences. A second experiment was conducted to determine if the time intervals between the first response after reinforcement and the next reinforcement (the work periods) were responsible for the alternation patterns in the series of post-reinforcement pauses. To evaluate the role of the work period, several procedures were used to modify the work period from that obtained on the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule. Adding a schedule to the fixed-interval schedule that set the minimum amount of time that could elapse between the first response after reinforcement and the next reinforcement eliminated the alternation pattern. Control schedules indicated that the elimination of alternation patterns resulted from constraints on the work period per se and not from confounded changes in the interreinforcement intervals.  相似文献   

Delayed reinforcement versus reinforcement after a fixed interval   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
When interreinforcement intervals were equated, pigeons demonstrated little or no preference between reinforcement after a delay interval and reinforcement presented on a fixed-interval schedule. The small preferences sometimes found for the fixed interval (a) were considerably smaller than when the delay and fixed intervals differed in duration, and (b) were caused by the absence of light during the delay. These results suggest that the effects of delayed reinforcement on prior responding can be reproduced by imposing a temporally equal fixed-interval schedule in place of the delay; and, therefore, that the time between a response and reinforcement controls the probability of that response, whether other responses intervene or not.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to four different schedules of food reinforcement that arranged a fixed minimum time interval between reinforcements (60 sec or 300 sec). The first was a standard fixed-interval schedule. The second was a schedule in which food was presented automatically at the end of the fixed time interval as long as a response had occurred earlier. The third and fourth schedules were identical to the first two except that the first response after reinforcement changed the color on the key. When the schedule required a peck after the interval elapsed, the response pattern consisted of a pause after reinforcement followed by responding at a high rate until reinforcement. When a response was not required after the termination of the interval, the pattern consisted of a pause after reinforcement, followed by responses and then by a subsequent pause until reinforcement. Having the first response after reinforcement change the color on the key had little effect on performance. Post-reinforcement pause duration varied with the minimum interreinforcement interval but was unaffected by whether or not a response was required after the interval elapsed.  相似文献   

Alternative reinforcement effects on fixed-interval performance   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons' key pecks were reinforced with food on a fixed-interval schedule. Food also was available at variable time periods either independently of responding or for not key pecking (a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior schedule). The latter condition arranged reinforcement following the first pause of t seconds after it became available according to a variable-time schedule. This schedule allowed separation of the effects of pause requirements ≤ five-seconds and reinforcement frequency. The time spent pausing increased as the duration of the pause required for reinforcement increased from 0 to 30 seconds and as the frequency of reinforcement for pausing increased from 0 to 2 reinforcers per minute. Key pecking was more evenly distributed within each fixed interval with shorter required pauses and with more frequent reinforcement for pausing. The results complement those obtained with other concurrent schedules in which the same operant response was reinforced in both components.  相似文献   

Temporal control of behavior: schedule interactions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In Experiment I the response that terminated the postreinforcement pauses occurring under a fixed-interval 60-second schedule was reinforced, if the pause duration exceeded 30 seconds. The percentage of such pauses, rather than increasing, decreased. There were complex effects on the discriminative control of the pause by the reinforcer terminating the previous fixed interval, depending on whether the fixed interval and the added reinforcer were the same or different. In Experiments II(a) and II(b), each reinforcement initiated an alternative fixed-interval interresponse-time-greater-than-t-sec schedule, the schedule values being systematically varied. When the response following a pause exceeding a given duration was reinforced, fewer such pauses occurred than when they were not reinforced, i.e., on the comparable simple fixed-interval schedule. There was no systematic relationship between mean interrinforcement interval and duration of the postreinforcement pause. The pause duration initiated by reinforcement was directly related to the dependency controlling the shortest pause at that time, regardless of changes in mean interreinforcement interval.  相似文献   

Contrast effects in multiple fixed-interval reinforcement schedules   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were exposed to a multiple fixed-interval one-minute fixed-interval three-minute schedule of reinforcement following training on either a multiple fixed-interval one-minute fixed-interval one-minute schedule or a multiple fixed-interval three-minute fixed-interval three-minute schedule. For all birds, large negative local contrast effects developed during the first of four three-minute intervals in a component; response rate was depressed and postreinforcement pause lengthened in this interval. Positive local contrast effects were evident during the first of 12 one-minute intervals in a component for five of six birds; at asymptote, the pause was very short and response rate slightly elevated during this interval. Overall positive contrast was generally transient and varied considerably across subjects, while overall negative contrast effects, if they occurred, appeared only after a large number of sessions.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on fixed-interval schedules of food delivery. In Experiments I and II, the fixed interval was initiated by the previous fixed-interval reinforcer; in Experiment III, the fixed interval was initiated by the first key peck following the preceding fixed-interval reinforcer (a chain fixed-ratio one, fixed-interval schedule). During the postreinforcement pause, variable-time schedules delivered food independent of any specific response. Rate of food delivery during the pause had only small effects on pause duration in Experiments I and II. In Experiment III, however, pause duration increased systematically with the rate of food delivery during the pause. These data suggest that the momentary proximity to reinforcement delivered via the fixed-interval schedule exerts potent control over pause termination. Additional analysis revealed that pause termination was unaffected by the intermittent delivery of food during the pause. Such data suggest that the temporal control by fixed-interval schedules is highly resistant to interference.  相似文献   

Operant reinforcement of aggression was studied in food-deprived pigeons by delivering food for attacks against a target pigeon. The food was delivered according to a fixed-interval schedule and attack behavior was recorded automatically. Attack could be conditioned and extinguished, and the proportion of time spent in attack was a direct function of the frequency of reinforcement of the attack. The fixed-interval schedule produced an increasing rate of attack during the interval between food reinforcements. This positive curvature was an inverse function of the duration of the interval. The findings revealed that the duration and temporal patterning of the complex social behavior of attack can be influenced in a substantial and predictable manner by the schedule and frequency of operant reinforcement.  相似文献   

Key pecking of three pigeons was studied under a conjunctive schedule that specified both a fixed-interval and an adjusting fixed-ratio requirement. The fixed-interval schedule was 6 min for one pigeon and 3 min for the other two. The size of the ratio requirement was determined within each cycle of the fixed interval by the duration of the pause before responding began. The fixed-ratio value was at maximum at the start of each fixed interval and decreased linearly until the first response occurred (adjusting fixed-ratio schedule). A peck produced food when the number of responses remaining on the fixed-ratio schedule was completed and when the fixed interval had elapsed. If no response occurred during the interval, the fixed-ratio requirement decreased to one and a single response after the interval elapsed produced food. The initial value of the adjusting fixed-ratio schedule was studied over a range of 0 to 900. Increases in the adjusting fixed-ratio schedule to about 300 responses increased both pause duration and running response rate and also modified the pattern of responding from that obtained under the fixed-interval schedule. Higher values of the adjusting fixed ratio generally decreased pause duration and running response rate and also disrupted responding. Interreinforcement time under the conjunctive schedule was increased substantially when the adjusting fixed-ratio size exceeded 300 responses.  相似文献   

A fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement was modified by dividing each interval into 4-sec trial periods. No more than one response could occur during each trial because the operandum was inactivated for the remainder of any trial in which a response occurred. For example, under a 28-sec schedule, no more than seven responses could be emitted between reinforcements. Probabilities of responding by pigeons under six values of this discrete-trial fixed-interval schedule were best described by a two-state model: responding was either absent or infrequent immediately after reinforcement; then, at some variable time after reinforcement, there was an abrupt transition to a high and constant probability of responding on each trial. Performances under the discrete-trial procedure were less affected by uncontrolled sources of variance than performances under equivalent free-operant fixed-interval schedules.  相似文献   

Seven albino rats were exposed to a multiple schedule of reinforcement in which the two components (fixed interval and extinction) alternated such that a presentation of the extinction component followed each fixed-interval reinforcement. In baseline sessions, the duration of the extinction component was constant and always one-third of the fixed-interval value. Probe sessions contained a probe segment in which the duration of the extinction component was increased; the response rate in fixed-interval components during the probe segment was compared with the response rate in the segments preceding and following the probe. The effect of increasing the duration of the extinction component was studied under three values of fixed interval: 30 s, 120 s, and 18 s, in three successive conditions. Response rate within fixed intervals was a direct function of duration of the extinction component. Pausing at the beginning of the fixed interval decreased as extinction duration increased. These effects were larger and more consistent for the shorter fixed-interval values (18 s and 30 s). These results indicate a functional relation between relative component duration and responding. For the component providing more frequent reinforcement, this could be stated as an inverse relationship between relative component duration and response rate. This relation is similar to findings regarding the ratio of trial and intertrial duration in Pavlovian conditioning procedures, and suggests that behavioral contrast may be related to Pavlovian contingencies underlying the multiple schedule.  相似文献   

Three rats were trained on a temporally defined avoidance schedule logically similar to a fixed-interval, limited-hold positive reinforcement schedule. This avoidance schedule was composed of time periods during which responses had no scheduled consequences alternating with time periods during which a response precluded shock. As with fixed-interval length and response rate on positive reinforcement schedules, an inverse relationship was obtained between the length of the no-consequence interval and response rate during the no-consequence interval. An inverse relationship was also obtained between the length of the no-consequence interval and the per cent of shocks avoided. A rate increase within the no-consequence interval, similar to that typically produced by fixed-interval positive reinforcement procedures, was displayed by one of the rats where the no-consequence interval was at intermediate values and frequency of shock was relatively high. The introduction of a discriminative stimulus correlated with the avoidance interval produced typical discriminated avoidance behavior as well as alterations in temporal patterning of responses during the no-consequence interval in the two rats exposed to this procedure. These alterations in temporal patterning disappeared when the discriminative stimulus was removed. The results were consonant with those reported in the literature involving food reinforcement and fixed-interval, limited-hold schedules.  相似文献   

Reinforcement omission on fixed-interval schedules   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments with pigeons and rats showed that: (1) When a brief blackout was presented in lieu of reinforcement at the end of 25% of intervals on a fixed-interval 2-min schedule, response rate was reliably and persistently higher during the following 2-min intervals (omission effect). This effect was largely due to a decrease in time to first response after reinforcement omission. (2) When blackout duration was varied, within sessions, over the range 2 to 32 sec, time to first response was inversely related to the duration of the preceding blackout, for pigeons, and for rats during the first few sessions after the transition from FI 2-min to FI 2-min with reinforcement omission. Post-blackout pause was independent of blackout duration for rats at asymptote. These results were interpreted in terms of differential depressive effects of reinforcement and blackout on subsequent responding.  相似文献   

The present study manipulated the number of responses in a modified fixed-interval schedule by imposing a blackout after each unreinforced response during the interval. The blackout duration was varied, and the duration of the fixed interval was held constant. The subjects were initially exposed to a fixed-interval 300-sec schedule. Blackout durations of 0, 10, and 50 sec were used. Following this, a fixed-interval 30-sec schedule was used with blackout durations of 0, 1, and 5 sec. Under the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule, the number of interreinforcement responses varied over a wider range than occurred under the fixed-interval 30-sec schedule. The duration of the postreinforcement pause decreased as blackout durations were increased and number of responses decreased on the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule, but pause length did not vary with changes in blackout duration and number of responses for the fixed-interval 30-sec schedule. The differences in the effects of blackout duration and response manipulation on the two fixed-interval schedules were attributed to relatively greater changes in the number of interreinforcement responses for the fixed-interval 300-sec schedule.  相似文献   

Pigeons' key pecking was studied under a number of discrete-trial fixed-interval schedules of food reinforcement. Discrete trials were presented by briefly illuminating the keylight repetitively throughout the interreinforcement interval. A response latency counterpart to the fixed-interval scallop was found, latency showing a gradual, negatively accelerated decrease across the interval. This latency pattern was largely invariant across changes in fixed-interval length, number of trials per interval, and maximum trial duration. Frequency of responding during early trials in the intervals varied, however, with different schedule parameters, being directly related to fixed-interval length, inversely related to number of trials, and complexly affected by conjoint variations of fixed-interval length and number of trials. Response latency thus was found to be simply related to elapsed time during the interval while response frequency was complexly determined by other factors as well.  相似文献   

In three experiments, behavior maintained by fixed-interval schedules changed when response-independent reinforcement was delivered concurrently according to fixed- or variable-time schedules. In Experiment I, a pattern of positively accelerated responding during fixed interval was changed to a linear pattern when response-independent reinforcement occurred under a variable-time schedule. Overall response rates (total responses/total time) decreased as the frequency of response-independent reinforcement increased. Experiment II showed that the response-rate changes in the first experiment were controlled by the response-reinforcer relation, but the changes in patterns of responding were similar whether concurrently available reinforcement at varying times was response-dependent or response-independent. In the final experiment, the addition of response-independent reinforcement at fixed times to a fixed-interval schedule resulted in changes in both local and overall response rates and in the occurrence of positively accelerated responding between reinforcements. These results suggest that the temporal distribution of reinforcers determines response patterns and that both the response-reinforcement dependency and the schedule of reinforcement determine overall response rates during concurrently scheduled response-dependent and response-independent reinforcement.  相似文献   

Tolerance to effects of cocaine can be modulated by schedules of reinforcement. With multiple ratio schedules, research has shown an inverse relationship between ratio requirement and amount of tolerance that resulted from daily administration of the drug. In contrast, tolerance to the effects of cocaine on behavior under multiple interval schedules generally has developed regardless of interval value. Under interval schedules reinforcement depends on the animal making one response following a time interval. Thus, as time to respond increases, the time to reinforcement decreases. On the other hand, fixed ratio schedules require a specified number of responses to be made prior to reinforcement. Therefore, delaying the initiation of responding does not coincide with a significant decrease in the time to reinforcement. In the current experiment, 6 pigeons were trained to respond under a three-component multiple schedule, with a different tandem fixed-ratio 1 fixed-interval schedule in each component. The multiple schedule required one response, which was followed by one of three fixed-interval values (5, 15, or 60 s). Thus, the multiple schedule was interval-like because after the fixed-ratio 1, only one more response was required for reinforcement, but it was also ratio-like because the length of the pause at the beginning of each interreinforcer interval affected the time until the next reinforcer. Acute administration of cocaine generally resulted in dose-dependent decreases in responding. Chronic (i.e., daily) administration of a rate-decreasing dose resulted in tolerance patterns similar to those usually obtained with multiple ratio schedules. That is, the magnitude of tolerance was related inversely to schedule size. These results suggest that delay to reinforcement from the initial response may play a role in the development of schedule-parameter-related tolerance.  相似文献   

In pigeons responding under a 180-sec fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement, the frequency distribution of the duration of the final interresponse time before the reinforcer was compared with the distribution of the preceding two interresponse times. The results confirmed qualitatively and quantitatively the expected preferential reinforcement of longer interreinforcement times under fixed-interval reinforcement. Requirements at reinforcement were then changed to eliminate the preferential reinforcement of longer interresponse times. Local patterns and mean rate of responding could change, without the characteristic fixed-interval pattern of increasing responding through the interval (scalloping) being much affected. It is concluded that this characteristic pattern of fixed-interval responding does not depend crucially on effects of the reinforcer at the moment of reinforcement, but rather to effects extending over much longer periods of time than just the last interresponse time.  相似文献   

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