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The present research was designed to investigate the correspondence between the phenomenological definition of helplessness and its laboratory analogue—the learned helplessness paradigm. In experiment 1, subjects were exposed to unsolvable, solvable, or no problems. It was found that exposure to unsolvable problems increased the report of helplessness feelings and impaired subsequent performance. In addition, experiment 1 demonstrated a negative and significant correlation between performance and the report of helplessness feelings. Experiment 2 isolated the cognitive component of helplessness by measuring the amount of expectancy changes following success and failure. The amount of expectancy changes was negatively correlated with the belief in an outcome's uncontrollability. Finally, experiment 3 showed that exposure to only one unsolvable problem was associated with the reports of coping and anger feelings, whereas exposure to four unsolvable problems was related to surrender feelings. These results demonstrated that laboratory-induced helpless situations elicit the same feelings as real-life helplessness situations.The study was conducted by the first author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.A. degree at Bar Ilan University under the supervision of Prof. R. E. Lubow.  相似文献   

The investigation of learned helplessness (LH) in children is integrated with (a) research on LH in adults and (b) basic developmental research relating to the processes which theoretically mediate LH. It is concluded that developmental changes in perceptions of noncontingency, causal understanding, and expectations of future noncontingency are all likely to influence the process whereby children of different ages manifest LH. Several sets of hypotheses relating to each of these variables are presented. In addition, it is argued that developmental research on LH should examine the relationship between the components of the attributional reformulation of LH and should be explicit about the conceptual status of these variables. Finally, several approaches to understanding the origins of individual differences in LH are evaluated. It is proposed that exposure to noncontingency, performance feedback, modeling, and parental attributions may each contribute to the ontogenesis of individual differences in LH.  相似文献   

The importance of cognition in the facilitation and reinforcement of criminal behavior has been highlighted and recognized in numerous offender populations. In particular, professionals have theorized that various offender populations hold offense-supportive schemas or implicit theories that require treatment in therapy. However, the role of cognition in deliberate firesetting has received no focused conceptual or theoretical attention. Using current research evidence and theory relating to general cognition and the characteristics of firesetters, this paper outlines a preliminary conceptual framework of the potential cognitions (in the form of implicit theories) that are likely to characterize firesetters. Five implicit theories are proposed that may be associated with firesetting behavior. The content, structure, and etiological functions of these implicit theories are described as well as the cognitive similarities between firesetters and other offender types. Future research implications and practical implications of the proposed implicit theories are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the theoretical statements of the reformulated helplessness hypothesis (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978). The argument is that the reformulated hypothesis should be regarded primarily as a psychological framework. However, most interpretations of the hypothesis have treated it as a specific, experimental model. Consequently, some of the more essential ideas presented in the original helplessness statements have been criticized inappropriately. If the helplessness position is acknowledged as a framework, the possibility of resolving some of these questions will be more realistic. Examples of research strategies which rely on interdisciplinary approaches are presented as potential means to this end.  相似文献   

Debriefing was assessed as means of reversing helplessness deficits through reattribution. Fifty-five subjects listened to escapable or inescapable tones. One inescapable group, prior to anagrams, was debriefed regarding noise uncontrollability. A second inescapable group was administered anagrams by a different experimenter. While exposure to inescapable noise led to performance deficits, switching experimenters obviated these deficits. Debriefing actually facilitated anagram performance. All inescapable subjects—debriefed or not—attributed their lack of control on the noise task to experimenter interference, casting some doubt on reattribution as an explanation of debriefing's effects. Results were discussed in terms of the reformulated learned helplessness model and the ethical implications of debriefing in learned helplessness research.  相似文献   

Treatment of the depressed client with low self-esteem, external locus of control, and an absent spouse often is frustrating due to the limitations of modifying the social context. An approach to the problem using a systemic view which is based on examining the notion of power and examining the problems in their context is presented. Interventions which sidestep the temptation of emphasizing self-esteem of the client and, instead, utilize client strengths and interactional dynamics within the marriage are presented.  相似文献   

A trimodal behavioral conceptualization of pain is outlined in the current article. It proposes that pain should be viewed as an interacting cluster of gross motor, cognitive, and physiological responses. Such a conceptual system is thought to contain the basic properties needed to incorporate current divergent views of pain held by medical and behavior science into a common conceptual framework.  相似文献   

Introductory texts in psychology create the misleading impression that I. P. Pavlov was concerned solely with conditioned reflexes. In fact, influenced by Woodworth's Contemporary Schools of Psychology (1931), Pavlov also became interested in learning. Pavlov proposed a two-factor learning theory according to which all learning was based on association, but conditioning and trial and error learning had specific functions. According to Pavlov, conditioned reflexes were temporary and unstable and therefore more flexible in the interaction of higher organisms with the changing environment. Trial and error learning provided knowledge and was relatively more stable. Scientific discovery was based on facts obtained by trial and error; valid relations were reinforced by experimental results, whereas incorrect relationships were extinguished. Some suggestions are made that would allow authors of introductory texts to describe more informatively the contributions of Pavlov to modern psychology.  相似文献   

The results of experiments reported by Oakes and Curtis (1982), Tennen, Drum, Gillen and Stanton (1982), and Tennen, Gillen, and Drum (1982) are seen as inconsistent with the cognitive learned helplessness theory of Seligman and his associates (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978; Alloy & Seligman, 1979). Comments on the Oakes and Curtis studies by Alloy (1982) and by Silver, Wortman, and Klos (1982) are seen as employing three defensive strategies: (1) Declaring the research findings to be irrelevant to the theory; (2) declaring the experiments to be flawed; and (3) modifying the theory to accommodate the research findings. This rejoinder argues that the research findings are relevant and that the criticisms are of questionable validity. It is suggested that the questions of the validity of the theory raised by these findings not be declared to be resolved, but that additional data bearing on the questions be sought.  相似文献   

This article reports the transfer of learned helplessness from one aversive motivator, shock to another, frustration. In experiment 1, animals were trained to approach food in a runway and concomitantly exposed to either escapable, inescapable, or no shock in a different situation. Extinction was conducted in the runway, and subsequently the animals were tested for hurdle-jump escape from the frustrating goal box. Inescapably shocked rats failed to learn to hurdle-jump, whereas escapably or nonshocked animals learned the frustration escape response. Experiment 2 replicated the basic finidngs of Experiment 1 and showed transfer of learned helplessness from shock to frustration when no running response had been first acquired in the runway.  相似文献   

Based on helplessness/hopelessness theories of depression, the 12-item Coping Competence Questionnaire (CCQ) was designed to assess resilience against helplessness and depression. Evidence from a study involving 2,224 participants indicates that the CCQ is highly reliable, stable over a 1-month period, unidimensional, and internally valid. The CCQ converged negatively with measures of depression, neuroticism, and stress reaction and showed discriminant validity with a variety of other personality constructs. Compared to a measure of attributional style, the CCQ proved to be a superior predictor of depressed mood. Path models support the assumption that the CCQ buffers the effects of stress and negative life events on depressed mood and that dysfunctional coping mediates the effects of coping competence deficits on depression.  相似文献   

Despite increased research attention, the emotional labor construct remains without a clear conceptualization and operationalization. This study designed a conceptually grounded, psychometrically sound instrument to measure emotional labor with an emphasis on the experience of discrete emotions—the Discrete Emotions Emotional Labor Scale (DEELS). This conceptualization and operationalization of emotional labor departs from existing efforts because it focuses on the behavior of emotional expression, encompassing genuine, faked, and suppressed positive and negative emotional displays. Results provide initial evidence for the convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity of the DEELS.  相似文献   

This research utilizes the geometric structure of the two‐dimensional Interpersonal Circumplex (IPC), and adds the Five‐Factor Model (FFM) dimension of conscientiousness to create a three‐dimensional spherical model of personality; the interpersonal sphere (IPS). A sample of 250 participants was initially used to select items that conformed to the geometric locations of 26 different characteristics on the IPS. A separate sample of 251 participants confirmed the geometric structure of these characteristic measures using randomization tests. To demonstrate an application of this three‐dimensional model, the IPS was employed as a geometric taxonomy to map various personality constructs. The combined sample of 501 participants was used to cartographically locate 164 scales from the NEO Personality Inventory, (NEO‐PI‐R), the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ), and the Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI‐R) onto the IPS. The spherical conception of traits provided by the three‐dimensional IPS is discussed as both an extension of the FFM and the two‐dimensional IPC. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A conceptualization and measure of argumentativeness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A conceptualization and measure of argumentativeness is reported. Argumentativeness was conceptualized as a trait Which is composed of the tendency to approach arguments and the tendency to avoid arguments. A 20-item, self-report scale was developed in a series of three factor analytic studies. The internal consistency and test-retest reliabilities of the scale were high. A series of additional studies yielded considerable evidence as to the validity of the scale. The conceptualization of argumentativeness accounts for state as well as trait components. The state components consisted of the individual's perceptions of the probability and importance of success and failure in a particular argumentative situation. A hypothesis was supported which posited response to a particular argument would be predicted better by trait and state components together than by the trait component alone.  相似文献   

The current study tests three alternative explanations (learned helplessness, cognitive interference, and egotism) for poor performance following unsolvable problems. In Experiment 1, subjects were exposed to no feedback or to failure in unsolvable problems and were further divided according to the importance of a test task (unstipulated, low, and high importance). In Experiment 2, during the training phase subjects were exposed to either no feedback, failure, or failure plus explicit hypothesis instructions. Then, subjects in each group received either low or high test-importance instructions. Results bring support to the cognitive interference explanation of performance deficits. Exposure to unsolvable problems was found to impair performance in a high importance task, but not in a low importance task. Such a deleterious effect of prior failure and high importance instructions was reversed by discouraging people from engaging in state-oriented actions. The theoretical implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

Substantial knowledge has been gained about the information processing that underlies attribution, biases and errors in the perception of causation and responsibility, and several types of consequences of attribution. We have far less systematic information about the adequacy of those measures typically employed to elicit attributions. Several issues in the conceptualization and measurement of attributions are explored in this paper, drawing on confirmatory factor analyses of attributions in two related samples. Central issues include: (1) the validity and reliability of several types of attributional measures; (2) the relationship between dispositional and situational attributions; and (3) the specificity and meaning of particular attributional categories.  相似文献   

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