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ABSTRACT— Processes of selective attention and emotion operate together in prioritizing thoughts and actions. Abundant evidence suggests that emotionally salient stimuli and affective states can determine how visual attention is allocated. However, the brain regions mediating the effects of attention and emotion include shared and reciprocally connected structures. This raises an intriguing question about a reciprocal effect: Does attention also influence emotional responses? Here we review a series of studies that show that indeed it does. The results indicate that attention has a negative affective impact for otherwise neutral visual stimuli (abstract patterns and unfamiliar faces) that must be ignored or otherwise inhibited during the performance of a task. Finding that selective attention has distinct affective consequences for visual stimuli represents a new, fundamental discovery about the relation between the two main systems of prioritization in the human brain.  相似文献   

以往研究发现自然环境能激发个体积极情绪,恢复集中注意。当个体对自然环境的依恋程度不同时,环境的情绪启动和注意恢复功能是否存在差异?研究以96名初一学生为被试考察地方依恋对环境的情绪和注意恢复作用是否产生影响。根据被试对某自然环境的依恋水平将其分为高依恋和低依恋组,并在被试参加情绪启动实验(实验1)和集中注意实验(实验2)时将其分为实验组和控制组以考察对环境依恋水平不同的被试观看该环境图片后情绪启动和注意恢复状况是否存在差异。实验1显示低依恋实验组对厌恶的反应时显著短于其他三组;实验2结果表明高依恋实验组被试在观看自然环境图片后在注意后测任务上的反应时显著短于低依恋实验组和控制组。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine whether attentional biases would be noticed among individuals differing in levels of fear of failure (FF) as they viewed pictorial and lexical stimuli depicting various affective content. Indices of natural selective attention, namely, viewing time and self-reported affect, were assessed in 137 college students during free viewing picture and word presentation conditions. As hypothesized, FF was (a) negatively associated with self-reported dominance and valence for failure- and unpleasant-themed stimuli, and (b) positively associated with arousal ratings for unpleasant pictures. Although initially suppressed by neuroticism, partial correlation coefficients revealed a significant positive relationship between FF and viewing time for failure pictures. Results are discussed in the context of current theories of emotional reactivity and attentional biases pertaining to the nature of FF. Recommendations are provided for future research to elaborate the mechanisms involved in detrimental effects of FF.  相似文献   

Many experiments have found that emotional experience affects self-focused attention. Several approaches to cognition and emotion predict that conscious emotional experience may be unnecessary for this effect. To test this hypothesis, two experiments primed emotion concepts without affecting emotional experience. In Experiment 1, subliminal exposure to sad faces (relative to happy faces and neutral faces) increased self-focused attention but not subjectively experienced affect. In Experiment 2, a scrambled-sentences task that primed happy and sad emotion concepts increased self-focused attention relative to a neutral task. Thus, simply activating knowledge about emotions was sufficient to increase self-focused attention. The discussion considers implications for research on how emotional states affect self-awareness.
Paul J. SilviaEmail:

贾磊  郑峥  王沛  王成  汪俊 《心理科学》2021,(4):770-778
采用脑电时频分析技术,对情绪诱发视盲任务中的情绪控制机制进行了分析。实验设置负性图片、中性图片及填充图片三种干扰刺激条件,关注被试正确完成目标识别时的干扰刺激加工过程。实验结果发现,负性与中性干扰刺激在注意加工阶段均较控制性的填充图片条件诱发前额中央分布的theta同步化效应,而且负性刺激所诱发的此效应又较中性情绪刺激更多分布在左侧前额和颞枕部。实验结果表明:(1)情绪诱发视盲任务下被试确实存在对于情绪干扰刺激的自上而下控制;(2)相比中性干扰刺激,负性干扰刺激在EIB中的情绪注意控制机制不仅包括前人所发现的后部颞枕区对刺激识别的注意控制,而且包括前额叶参与下的负性情绪控制。  相似文献   

One sceptical rejoinder to those who claim that sensory perception is cognitively penetrable is to appeal to the involvement of spatial attention. While the sceptic is correct that some putative cases are accurately deflected in this way, the rejoinder oversimplifies the possible roles that attention might play in relevant contexts. This paper identifies alternative ways that selective attention might play a role in cognitive effects on perception. What emerges is a plausible and well-evidenced mental schema that describes attention-mediated cognitive penetration.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, most personality psychology research has been focused on assessing personality via scores on a few broad traits and investigating how these scores predict various behaviours and outcomes. This approach does not seek to explain the causal mechanisms underlying human personality and thus falls short of explaining the proximal sources of traits as well as the variation of individuals' behaviour over time and across situations. On the basis of the commonalities shared by influential process-oriented personality theories and models, we describe a general dynamics of personality approach (DPA). The DPA relies heavily on theoretical principles applicable to complex adaptive systems that self-regulate via feedback mechanisms, and it parses the sources of personality in terms of various psychological functions relevant in different phases of self-regulation. Thus, we consider personality to be rooted in individual differences in various cognitive, emotional–motivational, and volitional functions, as well as their causal interactions. In this article, we lay out 20 tenets for the DPA that may serve as a guideline for integrative research in personality science. © 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

李改  方平  姜媛 《心理科学进展》2008,16(2):290-294
情绪反应的时间动力性系指情绪反应在时间方面的动力性质,是情感风格、情绪调节、情绪恢复等内容的重要特征,其研究对促进身心健康、完善情绪理论具有重要的理论和实践意义。文章阐述了情绪反应时间动力性的内涵与外延、相关理论,以及情绪反应时间动力性的各个参数及其影响因素的研究现状,并就未来研究增加自主生理反应指标、文化背景等因素予以展望  相似文献   

海洛因戒断者吸毒及情绪注意偏向的ERP研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王岩  徐平  姜迎萍 《心理科学》2007,30(1):202-204,208
海洛因戒断组对吸毒、正、负性线索注意偏向是理解戒断者复吸脑机制的重要手段之一。研究采用dot-probe实验范式,海洛因戒断组及正常被试各10名,分别记录64个电极点脑电数据。结果表明,戒断者吸毒线索注意偏向P200振幅显著高于正负性情绪线索,也显著高于正常组,提示戒断者存在吸毒线索注意偏向;N300振幅显著低于正常组,说明戒断者具有较低的情绪评价;吸毒线索诱发P300振幅显著高于正常组,表明戒断组对吸毒线索可能附加情绪加工。  相似文献   

本研究对已有负面身体自我个体注意偏好研究采用的实验范式的问题进行了分析,提出胖负面身体自我个体对胖相关信息的注意偏向存在的另一种可能,即胖负面身体自我个体对胖相关信息可能存在注意维持时间更长的假设。共设计了3个实验对假设进行验证。实验1a采用线索范式研究高胖负面身体自我个体对胖相关词语的注意警觉和注意维持,线索目标SOA为300ms,实验1b采用同样的实验范式,只是将实验材料变为更具直接意义的身体轮廓图。两个实验的结果均支持实验假设,但是未能排除反应准备和线索对目标产生掩蔽等因素的影响。因此,实验2在身体和花瓶轮廓图周围呈现字母,要求被试对字母进行辨认,对被试的注意维持成分进行直接的测量。结果验证了高胖负面身体自我女大学生对胖身体轮廓图注意维持时间更长。综合几个实验的结果,得到以下结论:在本实验条件下,胖负面身体自我女大学生对胖身体信息的注意偏差成分是注意维持时间更长。  相似文献   

采用改进的点–探测范式,考察熟练双语者在情绪注意偏向中对情绪信息加工的优势效应及该效应产生的原因。采用2(熟练双语者和非熟练双语者)×3(靶刺激与消极词汇出现的位置一致、不一致和中性条件)×2(线索呈现时间为100 ms和400 ms)的混合实验设计,记录被试对靶子的按键反应时和错误率。结果发现:线索呈现100 ms和400 ms时,两组被试在注意定向分数上无显著差异;线索呈现100 ms时,两组被试的注意解除分数无显著差异;线索呈现400 ms时,熟练双语者的注意解除分数显著小于非熟练双语者。结果表明,在情绪注意偏向任务中,熟练双语者比非熟练双语者表现出了对情绪词汇信息更好的注意抑制控制能力,体现出对情绪信息加工的双语优势效应,产生这一优势效应的原因是熟练双语者在注意的晚期阶段比非熟练双语者具有更好的情绪信息注意解除能力。  相似文献   

阈下情绪启动效应和Stroop效应之对比实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
杨丽珠  蒋重清  刘颖 《心理科学》2005,28(4):784-787
采用同一批正常成人被试,在相同的情绪刺激启动下,进行颜色判断和对模糊刺激表情判断,以考察在一定条件下情绪对认知效率和认知偏向的影响差异。结果未见显著的情绪Stroop效应,但发现消极情绪刺激启动使被试对模糊刺激的判断发生显著的情绪一致性偏向。讨论将该结果归因于被试面对颜色判断任务采取直接进入策略而对于模糊刺激则采取启发式策略所致。分析认为对情绪一认知关系进行发展性研究会富有成效,另外也指出在我们注重效率的今天可能忽视隐性环境扭曲我们认知的可能。  相似文献   

杜忆  吴玺宏  李量 《心理科学进展》2013,21(6):1020-1027
利用有限的认知资源应对多变的环境刺激,选择性注意和情绪加工一个重要的共同机制是优先化关键信息的加工。尽管情绪性刺激(特别是威胁刺激)能够影响注意资源的分配,但一些关键脑区(如杏仁核)的对情绪性刺激的加工是自动化过程还是受到注意调节一直是个有争议的问题。最新的结合高时间分辨率和高空间分辨率的神经生理记录研究表明,情绪加工的重要核团,杏仁核,对情绪性刺激的加工包含早期快速的不依赖于注意资源和认知加工负荷的自动化加工成分和晚期受到额-顶叶皮层自上而下的注意调控成分,这种功能整合证实杏仁核情绪性加工存在并行的皮层下和皮层通路。  相似文献   

崔翔宇  许百华 《心理科学》2007,30(2):498-499,484
视觉标记是国外新近提出的有关注意选择机制的一种假设。该假设认为,在任务目标预先设定的条件下视觉系统是通过抑制旧刺激所处的位置来实现对新刺激的优先选择。本文主要介绍了视觉标记研究的经典实验范式、视觉标记理论的行为实验依据和脑成像实验依据,还概述了三种质疑视觉标记理论的观点。最后对视觉标记的未来研究做了展望。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that emotional expressions can be rich communicative devices. We can learn much from the tears of a grieving friend, the smiles of an affable stranger, or the slamming of a door by a disgruntled lover. So far, a systematic analysis of what can be communicated by emotional expressions of different kinds and of exactly how such communication takes place has been missing. The aim of this article is to introduce a new framework for the study of emotional expressions that I call the theory of affective pragmatics (TAP). As linguistic pragmatics focuses on what utterances mean in a context, affective pragmatics focuses on what emotional expressions mean in a context. TAP develops and connects two principal insights. The first is the insight that emotional expressions do much more than simply expressing emotions. As proponents of the Behavioral Ecology View of facial movements have long emphasized, bodily displays are sophisticated social tools that can communicate the signaler's intentions and requests. Proponents of the Basic Emotion View of emotional expressions have acknowledged this fact, but they have failed to emphasize its importance, in part because they have been in the grip of a mistaken theory of emotional expressions as involuntary readouts of emotions. The second insight that TAP aims to articulate and apply to emotional expressions is that it is possible to engage in analogs of speech acts without using language at all. I argue that there are important and so far largely unexplored similarities between what we can “do” with words and what we can “do” with emotional expressions. In particular, the core tenet of TAP is that emotional expressions are a means not only of expressing what's inside but also of directing other people's behavior, of representing what the world is like and of committing to future courses of action. Because these are some of the main things we can do with language, the take home message of my analysis is that, from a communicative point of view, much of what we can do with language we can also do with non-verbal emotional expressions. I conclude by exploring some reasons why, despite the analogies I have highlighted, emotional expressions are much less powerful communicative tools than speech acts.  相似文献   

本研究以老年抑郁量表、自评抑郁量表和汉密顿抑郁量表为工具筛选出老年抑郁个体和老年正常对照组为研究对象,通过空间线索化范式,以及分离的情绪Stroop范式考察了刺激呈现时间、线索呈现条件对老年抑郁个体注意偏向的影响,并探讨了老年抑郁个体注意偏向的发生阶段。研究结果表明:(1)在空间线索任务中,当刺激呈现时间为250ms或500ms时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的返回抑制效应在各种情绪刺激下均无显著差异(P>0.05),即老年抑郁个体没有呈现出对任何情绪刺激类型的注意偏向现象;当刺激呈现时间为750ms或1000ms时,老年抑郁组的返回抑制效应在不同情绪刺激条件下差异显著,F(2, 66)=3.22,P=0.046,而老年正常组则不存在返回抑制效应在情绪刺激类型上的差异(P>0.05),提示老年抑郁组对不同情绪类型的刺激注意返回抑制能力不同;进一步检验得知:返回抑制效应在悲伤条件下,存在组间差异,分别是F(1, 33)=10.03,P=0.003;F(1, 33)=18.21,P=0.000,即老年抑郁组的返回抑制效应弱于老年正常组。(2)在Stroop实验中,老年抑郁组在单中性、双中性与单悲伤面孔、中性悲伤面孔、双悲伤面孔线索类型下的反应时差异显著;且当线索类型为单悲伤面孔、中性悲伤面孔、双悲伤面孔时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的反应时差异均显著,即老年抑郁组的反应时明显长于老年正常组,F(1, 41) = 5.37,P=0.026;F(1, 41) = 7.08,P=0.011;F(1, 41) = 7.28,P=0.010;而当线索类型为单中性和双中性面孔时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的反应时差异不显著(P>0.05);提示抑郁组可能在自动化注意选择分配期存在注意偏向。研究认为,老年抑郁个体的注意偏向可能发生在注意初始分配阶段和解释阶段,且受加工深度的影响。在刺激呈现时间较长的条件下,注意偏向的效应更明显。  相似文献   

浅谈情绪智力与人工智能中的感情计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于情绪智力是加工、处理情绪及情绪信息的能力,而人工智能中的感情计算是要赋予计算机与人互动过程中情感信息的加工能力,人脑处理情绪信息的能力与电脑处理情绪信息的能力可以进行类比。近几年来,人工智能专家已经认识到情绪智力在感情计算中的重要作用和意义,把人类识别和表达情感的能力赋予计算机,开发了具有部分感情能力的计算机。新一代感情计算机的研发和应用依赖于人工智能专家与心理学家之间的密切合作,两者的研究成果可以相互借鉴和互补  相似文献   

郑志伟  黄贤军  张钦 《心理学报》2013,45(4):427-437
采用韵律/词汇干扰范式和延迟匹配任务, 通过两个ERP实验, 考察了汉语口语中情绪韵律能否、以及如何调节情绪词的识别。实验一中, 不同类型的情绪韵律分组呈现, ERP结果显示, 同与情绪韵律效价一致的情绪词相比, 与情绪韵律效价不一致的情绪词诱发了走向更负的P200、N300和N400成分; 实验二中, 不同类型的情绪韵律随机呈现, 上述效价一致性效应依然存在。实验结果表明, 情绪韵律能够调节情绪词识别, 主要表现在对情绪词的音韵编码和语义加工的双重易化上。  相似文献   

视觉选择性注意脑机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视觉选择性注意一直是认知心理学的研究热点之一。注意的早晚期选择问题和基于空间与基于客体的选择问题是选择性注意研究中长期争论的两大理论问题。脑成像研究不仅为解决这些争论提供了有力的证据 ,而且深化和拓展了这两大问题的研究。该文介绍了脑成像研究在上述两个领域的主要研究成果 ,并展望了今后相关问题的研究重点。  相似文献   

赵欣  袁杰  徐依宁  傅世敏 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1708-1722
视觉选择性注意的研究是认知心理学领域的热点之一。注意选择的表征不仅可以基于空间, 也可以基于物体。基于物体的注意(object-based attention, OBA)的研究范式主要有双矩形提示范式和侧干扰范式, 有关基于物体的注意的机制的理论有感觉增强理论、注意优先理论和注意转换理论。影响基于物体的注意效应的因素主要有刺激本身的特征(如刺激呈现时间)、其它知觉过程和经验因素等。视觉物体的概念既包括格式塔知觉组织原则定义的物体, 也包括无意识下的物体、变化之后的物体和自上而下的物体。  相似文献   

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