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2003年,我国开展了新型农村合作医疗制度(以下简称"新农合")试点工作.利用新农合试点县卫生服务调查资料,从卫生服务需要量、利用率、医疗费用以及从新农合得到的费用补偿等方面分析不同收入水平的参合农民的受益情况.结果显示,贫困农民卫生服务需要量大,卫生服务需求的未满足程度较高,从合作医疗中受益相对较少.认为不同经济状况的参合农民在卫生服务利用中存在不公平现象.  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗的受益公平性研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
2003年,我国开展了新型农村合作医疗制度(以下简称“新农合”)试点工作。利用新农合试点县卫生服务调查资料,从卫生服务需要量、利用率、医疗费用以及从新农合得到的费用补偿等方面分析不同收入水平的参合农民的受益情况。结果显示,贫困农民卫生服务需要量大,卫生服务需求的未满足程度较高,从合作医疗中受益相对较少。认为不同经济状况的参合农民在卫生服务利用中存在不公平现象。  相似文献   

为分析广西桂林新农合参合农民卫生服务利用与受益的公平性,采取分层整群抽样的方法,利用集中指数和集中曲线对其卫生服务利用与受益的公平性进行评价。新农合参合农民门诊和住院服务利用的集中指数分别为0.178 5和0.198 9;补偿总费用的集中指数分别为0.404 5和0.161 6;门诊受益率和次均门诊补偿费用的集中指数分别为0.294 6和0.292 1;住院的集中指数分别为0.201 1和-0.018 8。新农合参合农民卫生服务利用与受益均存在不公平现象,门诊服务利用公平性好于住院服务,但门诊受益公平性较住院差,基层医疗机构的受益公平性好于市级及以上医疗机构。  相似文献   

顾海  王川 《学海》2011,(2):206-209
新型农村合作医疗制度的补偿标准及受益情况是制度的核心所在,直接关系到参合农民的切身利益以及制度本身的发展完善。在东中西部三县新型农村合作医疗制度所设定的补偿标准中,东部海门市最为苛刻;但是在实际发生的受益情况中,东部海门市却又是最为优厚。可以看到,在制度设定的补偿标准与实际发生的受益情况之间出现了逆向发展的区域差异化现象。公共医疗卫生服务供给的非均衡、省际差异化的报销药物目录、区域差异化的筹资结构和财政补贴机制是造成这一特殊现象的重要原因。为此,必须增强中央政府财政转移支付能力,均衡配置医疗卫生资源,强化中西部地区基本公共卫生服务的供给能力,以促进参合农民更为公平地享受基本医疗卫生权益,推动新型农村合作医疗制度的进一步发展与医疗卫生体制改革的逐步深入。  相似文献   

以国家助学金分配为背景,选取755名大学生为被试,运用量表测量和验证性因素分析办法考察不同卷入度人群的组织公平维度结构.结果表明:不同卷入程度个体的组织公平维度不一致.卷入程度低和卷入程度高但同时作为分配者的个体的组织公平是三因素结构.卷入程度高且只作为接受分配者的组织公平是四因素结构.同时,指出了信息公平在组织公平中具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

收入分配公平判断是人们对自己收入所得公平与否的主观评价。通过对参照点和收入金额的控制,探讨参照依赖和损失规避对收入分配公平判断的共同影响。结果发现,(1)民众的收入公平判断受参照点的影响,在有参照点的情景下比无参照点情景下更感觉不公平;(2)不同工资水平下,民众的公平判断具有显著差异,而且民众对低于平均工资的“受损”比高于平均工资同等金额的“受益”赋予的公平感的权重更大,即存在得失感受的不对称;(3)不同的工资参照点、多得和少得的分配结果共同影响民众的公平判断,即损失规避在参照依赖对公平判断的影响中起调节作用。  相似文献   

本研究考察社会比较对大学生公平感知的影响,并探讨主观社会经济地位在其中的调节作用。控制社会比较的方向、不公平程度及有无代价等因素,结果发现,社会比较会影响大学生的公平感知,在向上社会比较条件下,大学生更愿意选择平等选项;主观社会经济地位能够调节社会比较对大学生公平感知的影响,低主观社会经济地位大学生在向下社会比较时更愿意选择平等选项。大学生具有较强的公平感知,关注自身利益是否最大化。  相似文献   

虽已开展瑞德西韦、抗疟药磷酸氯喹、血浆疗法等临床研究,但迄今无任何新型冠状病毒肺炎的特效疗法。为最大程度确保患者及时获得治疗的权利,可借鉴抗击埃博拉疫情经验,新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的试验性治疗可在伦理上得到辩护。应确保试验性治疗的科学性,包括前期安全性和有效性数据,不同治疗方案的优先次序及持续评估。也从透明性、公平分配、知情同意和评估风险受益等考虑其伦理性。可从利益冲突管理、严密监测、确保数据完整性和社会参与等方面监管试验性治疗。以期为未来突发传染病的疫情防控提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

企业社会责任归因是指个体对企业践行社会责任背后的动机进行主观推理和判断的过程与结果, 也是影响企业社会责任发挥积极作用的关键因素。通过梳理以往研究, 从个体、领导及组织三个层面总结了影响员工企业社会责任归因的因素, 同时从社会交换和组织认同视角深入剖析企业社会责任归因对员工态度和行为的影响及作用机理。未来研究可以进一步明晰不同企业社会责任归因的独特影响因素与作用效果, 基于归因理论探索企业社会责任归因的形成机制, 同时研究多种因素对企业社会责任归因的影响, 考察归因对企业社会责任公平启发机制的影响, 并基于中国情境开展本土化研究。  相似文献   

公平敏感性研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公平敏感性是基于对Adams公平理论的批评提出来的,反映的是人们在公平问题上的个体差异性。该文首先对公平敏感性概念的提出与修正进行了回顾,并介绍了公平敏感性的测量方法和分类标准;然后分析了公平敏感性对于结果变量的直接及调节效应,个人及社会文化因素对公平敏感性的影响,并介绍了公平敏感性的跨文化比较;最后指出该领域未来的研究应着重澄清对概念理解的差异,改进分类标准,加强对公平敏感性影响因素以及中国人公平敏感性的研究  相似文献   

Marital satisfaction and perceptions of global marital equity were assessed in a sample of 373 Australian husbands and wives drawn from four phases of the family life cycle: preparenthood, childrearing, launching, and the empty nest. For wives only, satisfaction levels across successive phases described the U-shaped curve predicted from previous research. Sex differences emerged in perceptions of marital equity: During childrearing and the empty nest, more wives than husbands experienced equity; and in all phases except preparenthood, inequitable marriages were more likely to produce overbenefit for husbands and underbenefit for wives. For the sample as a whole, and for the preparenthood and childrearing groups individually, marital satisfaction was predicted both by the relative level of benefit a respondent gained from marriage, and by how closely the balance of exchange in the marriage matched strict equity. During launching, however, relative benefit eclipsed strict adherence to the rule of equity as a predictor of satisfaction, whereas during the empty nest phase, strict equity eclipsed relative benefit. Possible explanations for these life-cycle variations are discussed.  相似文献   

美国卫生保健的公正和分配问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
除了卫生保健服务的费用问题以外,美国社会中关于医疗卫生保健的比较严重的问题是服务的公平和分配问题,在美国无论是城市还是农村,在经济上处于弱势地位的人,在医疗上也处于不利地位,另一个由公平性问题影响的社会层面是;大量的美国人没有参加健康保险,他们中的大多数人是生活贫困的究人或接近于贫穷的人。此外,美国卫生保健提供体系在地理分布上是不均衡的,初级保健医生或家庭医生在医生中也没有充分的代表性,医生的矩缺不只限于农村,也扩展至城市的某些区域。  相似文献   

This research project was undertaken to provide family professionals with the basic information necessary to work appropriately with Muslim families. The Muslim population represents 4–6 million people in the United States, yet it is significantly underrepresented in the family literature. Qualitative analysis of focus groups and interviews revealed multiple key findings. Emergent themes include an interest in gender respect rather than gender equity, the importance of extended family, the centralism of Islam in daily life and the qualified acceptance of professional interventions. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple perspectives on the assessment of children's development at the school-community interface in rural areas of Zambia are discussed in the light of several empirical studies conducted between 1974 and 2005. A longitudinal trace study of a cohort of 46 young people born into a rural, Chewa community in Katete District found that girls' scores in early childhood on a battery of ecoculturally grounded cognitive tests correlated less well than they did for boys with two educational outcomes: number of grades of schooling completed, and adult literacy scores. Conversely, ratings of the children on indigenous conceptions of intelligence by adults familiar with the children in the context of their home village lives predicted the same outcomes better for girls than for boys. A separate, linked experiment compared the performance of 76 Katete school children with that of 84 school children in the capital city of Lusaka on the US standardized Draw-a-Person Test (DPT) and the Panga Munthu Test (PMT), an expanded version of one of the tests developed for the Zambian trace study. Analysis of the correlations among scores on these two tests, age, and teacher ratings suggests that aptitudes evident in the home and school domains are less well integrated for rural girls than for urban boys, and that for a low-income, rural population, the PMT taps the domain of home cognition better than school cognition, while the converse is true of the DPT. Implications for educational assessment in Zambia are discussed, and supportive documentation is cited from two ongoing programs of test development. The authors conclude that if educational testing is to support the process of enhancing educational equity across gender, family socioeconomic status, and residential location, its focus should be broadened to include other dimensions of psychological development such as multilingual and personal-social competencies.  相似文献   

新时期我国农村卫生服务体系的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
解决好占中国人口将近70%的农民的健康问题,是全面建设小康社会中非常重要的问题。如何完善现有的卫生服务体系、构建真正惠及全体农业人口的卫生服务体系又是农村卫生事业发展的重中之重。试从制度经济学的角度出发,探讨新时期我国农村卫生服务体系的路径选择。  相似文献   


British students were given scenarios about family and business situations and were asked to rate various cost allocation decisions in terms of fairness and justice, and conflict. In terms of fairness/justice, there was no difference between the need and equity allocations in the family situation, though equity was preferred in the business situation. The equality division was the least preferred in all situations, and equity was judged to be the division the least likely to evoke conflict in all situations.  相似文献   

The likelihood of benefit is fundamental to decision making about newborn screening. But benefit is construed in different ways by different stakeholders. This article begins with a review of benefit as considered historically by various expert panels and organizations. We then show how 78 conditions fared when experts recently rated them on benefit using a scoring system recommended by a task force of the American College of Medical Genetics. Finally, we analyze how benefit is reflected in the public comments submitted in response to the ACMG report. Results show that benefit has been and remains a core consideration for screening decisions. Historically the focus has been on improved physical health as a result of medical treatment; however, in only 4 of the 78 conditions rated does newborn screening prevent all negative consequences. In fact the majority of both core conditions (51.7%) and secondary targets (87.5%) recommended in the ACMG report were rated as having treatments that prevented only some negative consequences. All conditions rated had perceived benefits for family and society, but currently no conditions are screened on the basis of family or societal benefits alone. No agreed-upon threshold exists for what would be considered meaningful benefit, and stakeholder groups differ in their perceptions of benefit. We conclude by suggesting several key research studies needed to further inform public policy.  相似文献   

We examined whether relationship satisfaction mediates the association between perceptions of equity in central areas of a relationship (feelings and attractiveness) and the experience of sexuality in a sample of 93 couples. Results reveal that greater levels of an individual's own relationship satisfaction significantly predict greater levels of an individual's affective and physical sexual attraction. Furthermore, findings also provide some support for the mediating role of relationship satisfaction between an individual's own equity perceptions and an individual's own experience of sexuality within the dyad. Moreover, males benefit from the females' perception of equity in the sense that equity considerations among females significantly contribute to their partners' relationship satisfaction, which, in turn, intensifies their partners' experience of passionate and emotional sex.  相似文献   

The Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system is dedicated to providing high-quality mental health services to all veterans, including the nearly 40% of enrolled veterans living in rural areas. Family education programs regarding mental illness and posttraumatic stress disorder, mandated for delivery in all VA medical centers and some community-based outpatient clinics (CBOCs), have been developed and provided primarily in large, urban medical centers. This qualitative investigation involved interviews with CBOC providers and veterans and families who live in rural areas and/or seek care in CBOCs to ascertain their perceptions of the benefits, feasibility, structural and cultural barriers, and logistical preferences regarding family education. The perspectives and concerns that emerged in these interviews were combined with expert knowledge to identify the resources and considerations a VAMC would want to address when translating and implementing similar programming into CBOCs. Although institutional, logistic, and attitudinal challenges were described, all three stakeholder groups endorsed the need for family education, did not see the barriers as insurmountable, and provided creative solutions. Administrators and CBOC clinicians may benefit by anticipating and problem solving around the key issues raised when developing family programming.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between grandparental co-residence and child academic and behavioral outcomes using a sample from Shanghai, China (n = 1,763), and was built on two theoretical perspectives: intergenerational solidarity theory and the contextual model of family stress. These models integrate the impact of residential and relational proximity to grandparents on child well-being and underscore the importance of family context. This study also explored the moderating effects of family resources using proxies that prior theoretical and empirical studies have found to be important to such associations: family income, parental education, hukou status, and subjective social status. Results indicated that among families without co-residing grandparents, rural and low-income parents reported their children to have more externalizing behavioral issues than their respective urban and non-low-income counterparts. In addition, children who resided in poorly resourced families (i.e., low family income, low parental education, low subjective social status, or rural hukou status) tended to benefit from living with grandparents compared to their well-resourced counterparts in terms of lower externalizing and internalizing behaviors reported by teachers. These results do not negate the potential beneficial effects of living with grandparents for children in well-resourced environments. Implications for practice and policy, as well as future research directions, are discussed.  相似文献   

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