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马一浮一生将发明自性视作为学宗旨,以阐明儒家六艺之教统摄一切学术。他所说六艺者,即《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》《易》《春秋》六经。他认为,六艺之教,莫急于礼,礼主于义,以敬为本,礼以导行,循理践形,制度文为,皆在于礼;礼乐之源,本于孝弟,移风易俗,莫善于乐,乐以道和,法界一性。马一浮论儒家礼乐教之大义既明,近代以来"礼教吃人"等对于儒学的偏见自会不攻自破。  相似文献   

六艺与六经的关系,乃课程与课本的关系,二者不能完全等同起来,六艺除了六经还包括解释六经的传.经之得名,乃对传而言,并非推崇六艺的产物.六艺是从课程的角度对诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋的总称,六经是从课本的角度对诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋的总称.汉朝人在使用诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋等概念的时候,有时是从课程的角度出发的,有时是从课本的角度出发的.至于六艺为何会出现礼、乐、射、御、书、数和诗、书、礼、乐、易、春秋两种不同说法,则与中国教育史上的一场变革有关.  相似文献   

马一浮以“六艺论”自觉挺立了儒学的教化维度。马一浮非常重视《论语》,并将其置于“六艺之教”的观照下以显现“大义”。他认为《论语》处处都体现了“六艺”大旨:《论语》有“问仁”“问政”“问孝”三大问目,其中凡答问仁都是“‘诗’教”义,答问政都是“‘书’教”义,答问孝为“‘礼乐’教”义。又“‘易’教”是“礼乐教”之原,因而“‘礼乐’教”即蕴涵“‘易’教”;“‘春秋’教”是“‘诗’教”“‘书’教”之用,因而“‘诗’教”“‘书’教”中自然有“‘春秋’教”。这一诠释进路的意义在于:一是将《论语》融摄于“六艺之教”,继承并贯彻了儒学“教化”观念,使“六经”在儒学现代化这一学术视野中依然可以“在场”。二是重新绾合“六经”和《论语》在本源意义上的联系,为“六经”是孔子之教提供了极为有力的佐证。  相似文献   

鲁非 《思维与智慧》2023,(24):18-19
<正>书法教育自古有之,历史悠久,从先秦时期开始即有明确的书法教育记载,如在《周礼·地官司徒·保氏》中的记录“养国子以道,乃教之六艺:一曰五礼,二曰六乐,三曰五射,四曰五御,五曰六书,六曰九数。”六艺就是礼、乐、射、御、书、数。其实这里的“书”也就是指书法教育。历朝历代对书法的教育都尤其重视,并且都作为单独的学科去发展。  相似文献   

武树臣 《孔子研究》2024,(1):72-85+158
“儒者柔也”是古人对儒字最经典的注释。“柔”的古字是“揉”“扰”“犪”,本义为“驯扰”即教育约束。“驯扰”是游牧时代先民驯服动物的经验总结。“柔远能迩”体现了远古先民以礼乐教化治国的传统理念。“多需”和“多胥”是殷商的礼乐之师,其职能是通过教授诗歌音乐舞蹈来实行教化。他们与周之乐官“大胥”“小胥”有传承关系。殷亡周衰,礼乐之师失去俸禄而散落民间,仍以相礼和传授礼乐知识为生。孔子的贡献是通过民间教育,传授《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》等三代经典,使儒者从相礼训俗之师演变为六艺传经之师。儒家至此问世。  相似文献   

论六经并称的时代兼及疑古说的方法论问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过分析《论语》、《庄子》、《礼记》、《史记》和帛书易传、郭店楚简的记载,证明六经的形成,源于孔子;早在先秦时期,《周易》就已与《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《春秋》并列,进入儒家群经之中,说孔子乃至先秦儒家与《周易》无关,否定先秦有《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》、《春秋》六经并列的事实,是完全错误的。指出执著于这些错误观点的疑古学者,应该反省、检讨自己的方法论。  相似文献   

陈坚 《周易研究》2007,(1):34-41
孔子晚年“读《易》,韦编三绝”,但是,孔子既没有像民问那样把《易经》看作是一部占卜之书,同时也没有像对待《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》那样对它进行一定整理,以期从中发(?)出进行社会教育的资源并找到根治社会疾病的良方。孔子之读《易》只是为了使自己的个人生活合乎《天命》从而提升个己的生命品质。可以说,孔子的“读《易》”只是他个人的一种宗教生活,体现了他对《易经》的宗教诉求;相反,孔子之删定整理《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》则是他面对社会公众的学者生活,体现了他对《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》的学术诉求,换言之即,孔子与《易经》之间的关系是一种宗教关系,而孔子与《诗》,《书》、《礼》、《乐》之问的关系却是一种学术关系,两者不可同日而语。  相似文献   

正一、六经的知识类型中国最有权威的典籍是六经,中国古代的知识大量地保存在六经中。但六部经典各自性质不同,它们包含、承载的知识类型也不同。《庄子》说:"《诗》以道志,《书》以道事,《礼》以道行,《乐》以道和,《易》以道阴阳,《春秋》以道名分。"(《庄子·天下》)《礼记·经解》也说:"温柔敦厚,《诗》教也。疏通知远,《书》教也。恭俭庄敬,《礼》教也。广博易良,《乐》教也。洁净精微,《易》教也。属辞比事,《春秋》教也。"《诗》以赋、比、兴等形象思维,宣发人们的情感、意志,描述对劳动的歌颂、对爱情的憧憬,对  相似文献   

汉初帝国文化建构及思想专制景观下的河间学术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汉初帝国文化建构及思想专制景观下的河间学术陈开先生于汉初景、武之世的河间献王刘德,修学好古,崇尚儒术,学举六艺,广集先祖旧书,天下儒者俊秀,皆从其游。河间儒家,撰《周官》,作《书序》,补《尚书》,兴《毛诗》,彰《左传》,辑《逸礼》古经,辑撰《礼记》。...  相似文献   

<正> 孔子一生主要是办学教书。他从30岁左右起收徒讲学,以礼、乐、射、御、书、数教授弟子。在教学过程中,删《诗》《书》,定《礼》《乐》,赞《周易》,修《春秋》,整理古代文献以充作教材之用。孔子弟子三千,身通六艺者七十又二,开创了儒家学派。冯友兰在30年代著的《中国哲学史》中称:“孔子是一教育家”,“孔子只是一个‘老教书匠”。冯友兰的这一评价是很恰当的。今天人们对孔子的评价虽褒贬不一,但有一点似乎是共同的:承认他是中国古代的伟大教育家。毛泽东青年时代曾有志于教育,自称:“我是学教育的一个人”(《致黎锦熙信》,《  相似文献   


Examination of recent debates about belief shows the need to distinguish:
  • (a)?non–linguistic informational states in animal perception;

  • (b)?the uncritical use of language, e.g. by children;

  • (c)?adult humans' reasoned judgments.

If we also distinguish between mind-directed and object–directed mental states, we have: 1. Perceptual ‘beliefs’ of animals and infants about their material environment.

2. ‘Beliefs’ of animals and infants about the mental states of others.

3. Linguistically-expressible beliefs about the world, resulting from e.g. the uncritical tendency to believe what we are told.

4. Uncritically-formed beliefs about the mental states.

5. Beliefs about the material world arrived at by the weighing of evidence.

6. Beliefs about mental states formed by critical assessment.


Six views of embodied cognition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The emerging viewpoint of embodied cognition holds that cognitive processes are deeply rooted in the body’s interactions with the world. This position actually houses a number of distinct claims, some of which are more controversial than others. This paper distinguishes and evaluates the following six claims: (1) cognition is situated; (2) cognition is time-pressured; (3) we off-load cognitive work onto the environment; (4) the environment is part of the cognitive system; (5) cognition is for action; (6) offline cognition is body based. Of these, the first three and the fifth appear to be at least partially true, and their usefulness is best evaluated in terms of the range of their applicability. The fourth claim, I argue, is deeply problematic. The sixth claim has received the least attention in the literature on embodied cognition, but it may in fact be the best documented and most powerful of the six claims.  相似文献   

Six regularities of source recognition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In recent work, researchers have shown that source-recognition memory can be incorporated in an extended signal detection model that covers both it and item-recognition memory (A. Hilford, M. Glanzer, K. Kim, & L. T. DeCarlo, 2002). In 5 experiments, using learning variables that have an established effect on item recognition, the authors tested further implications of that extended model. The results establish 6 source-recognition regularities that support the model. An important regularity in that set is the linkage of source and item recognition: Any learning variable that increases item recognition increases source recognition.  相似文献   

Because of confusion between science and scientism, many people react negatively to the idea of scientific investigation of near-death experiences (NDEs), but genuine science can contribute a great deal to understanding NDEs and helping experiencers integrate their experiences with everyday life. After noting how scientific investigation of certain parapsychological phenomena has established a wider world view that must take NDEs seriously, I review six studies of a basic component of the NDE, the out-of-body experience (OBE). Three of these studies found distinctive physiological correlates of OBEs in the two talented persons investigated, and one found strong evidence for veridical, paranormal perception of the OBE location. The studies using hypnosis to try to produce OBEs demonstrated the complexity of a simple model that a person's mind is actually at an out-of-body location versus merely hallucinating being out, and require us to look at how even our perception of being in our bodies is actually a complex simulation, a biopsychological virtual reality.  相似文献   

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