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石敏敏 《宗教学研究》2008,2(1):122-126
本文讨论了现代基督教三位一体神学的巴特和托伦斯的基本框架.从三个方面阐释了其上帝观的基本内容(1)自我启示的上帝与内在三一/经世三一的关系;(2)内在三一/经世三一和homoousia(本质同一)的关系;(3)现代基督教上帝观与古典基督教上帝观的视界融合.  相似文献   


The Trinity Hymnal, published in 1990, is a complete hymnal for churches of Presbyterian and Reformed convictions. The hymnal is a major revision of the original version prepared in the 1950s. Trinity is unique in that it has neither capitulated to current trends in contemporary Christian music, nor broadened its doctrines to encompass a lowest-common-denominator theology. This article is written by the editor who guided the production of the hymnal through its seven years of “gestation.” He provides personal reflections of the behind the scenes work of the committee describing how they made their decisions.  相似文献   


A theology of creation requires clarity about trinitarian doctrine, especially the relation of the one divine essence to the three persons, the distinction between immanent and transitive acts, and the indivisibility of God's outer works. The triune God is one undivided essence in an irreducible threefold personal modification. The persons of the godhead are distinguished from each other by mutual relations and by each person's proper characteristics; these relations constitute God's immanent perfection anterior to creation. The work of creation is a non-necessary, novel and voluntary work of the Trinity. As an outer work it demonstrates God's unity: the work of creation is not divisible into three distinct actions. But distinct and eminent appropriation of specific acts to specific persons is permissible if each person is understood as a mode of the one divine essence. Creation is thus a common work of the undivided three-in-one; there are not three creators, but three who create.  相似文献   

By  Fred Sanders 《Dialog》2005,44(3):264-272
Abstract :  The doctrine of the Trinity has, in the past couple of decades, reclaimed its central place in Christian God talk. Theologians are now using it to render every doctrine more explicitly Christian, and to sharpen interreligious dialogue. There is a strong drive toward vindicating the doctrine as relevant, but also a recognition that if it is truly a teaching about God it must remain somewhat theoretical. Finally, the field of historical theology is undertaking a fresh examination of the basic primary texts of trinitarian theology.  相似文献   

Roughly, the problem of the Trinity is the problem of how God can be one and yet be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which are three, not one. That one thing is identical with three distinct things seems to violate traditional laws of identity. I propose a solution to this problem according to which it is just an ordinary claim of one-many identity. For example, one pair of shoes is identical with two shoes; and my one body is identical with its six limbs of arms, legs, head, and torso. The pair of shoes is not identical with each one of the two shoes, nor is my body identical with each one of its six limbs, but rather identical with all of them taken together, or collectively. I argue that the problem of the Trinity should be understood accordingly: God is identical with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit collectively, but not with each one of them distributively. According to the way I develop this proposal, no traditional laws of identity are violated, but merely generalized in an intuitive way. I argue that this is compatible with Christian Orthodoxy as given by the Athanasian Creed. I end by responding to some anticipated objections.  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Trinity and Religious Pluralism: The Doctrine of the Trinity in Christian Theology of Religions. Reviewed by John Flett Princeton Theological Seminary  相似文献   

Abstract:  Karl Rahner developed his influential axiom concerning the identity of the immanent Trinity and the economic Trinity largely as a polemical reaction to their separation in the Western tradition, a tradition heavily shaped by Augustine. An analysis of Augustine's De Trinitate , however, reveals that Augustine was not guilty of most of the charges of which Rahner accuses him. Furthermore, Rahner's outworking of his fundamental axiom leads him into numerous difficulties that he could have avoided had he adhered to Augustine's view of a close but differentiated relationship between the immanent Trinity and the economic Trinity.  相似文献   

德尔图良是早期基督教的重要思想家,他的三一神学是尼西亚神学,尤其是拉丁基督教教义传统的重要组成部分。本文讨论了他的经世三一,阐释了oikonomos[经世/排列/安排]与monarchia[君主/独一性]的辩证关系,以此为基础论述了德尔图良用“本质”和“位格”所表达的神性一元中的位格分殊的特殊含义。  相似文献   

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