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Abstract— This article presents a social-cognitive analysts of cross-situational coherence in personality functioning. Social-cognitive analyses are contrasted with those of trait approaches in personality psychology. Rather than attributing coherence to high-level constructs that correspond directly to observed patterns of social behavior, social-cognitive theory pursues a "bottom-up" analytic strategy in which coherence derives from interactions among multiple underlying causal mechanisms, no one of which corresponds directly to a broad set of responses. Research investigating social and self-knowledge underlying cross-situational coherence in a central social-cognitive mechanism, perceived self-efficacy, is presented. Idiographic analyses revealed that individuals' schematic self-knowledge and situational beliefs give rise to patterns of high and low self-efficacy appraisal across diverse, idiosyncratic sets of situations that do not, in general, correspond to traditional high-level trait categories Bottom-up analyses in personality psychology are related to other disciplines' analyses of organization in complex, adaptive systems.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍与知觉加工   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
近年来许多行为实验和神经生理学实验都发现 ,发展性阅读障碍与基本知觉障碍有关。在视觉领域研究者提出了巨细胞障碍假设 ,这种假设认为阅读障碍者视觉神经系统中的巨细胞障碍导致他们对某种类型的视觉刺激加工存在困难 ,进而影响阅读。在听觉领域研究发现阅读障碍者加工快速、系列、短暂呈现的声音刺激存在障碍。研究者认为阅读障碍者加工快速刺激输入障碍反映了普遍的时间知觉障碍。这方面的研究发展非常迅速 ,理论观点非常明确 ,并且直接与内在的神经机制相联系 ,形成了与传统的“语言障碍”理论迥然不同的“知觉障碍”理论。“知觉障碍”理论综合了行为、认知和神经等多个层次的研究 ,反映了神经科学发展所带来的巨大影响和认知加工模块化理论的渐渐衰退。  相似文献   

Perception is shown in a block diagram which includes the instrumental errors in the sensing device, the transmission distortion in the nerves and the perceptual misjudgment in the high center. The perceptual misjudgment originates from the variation of comparison standards and the method of comparison, and would correspond to the mis-programming of the computer. A general mathematical formula for perception under the influence of various background stimuli is presented. The mechanism and equation for predicting the Ebbinghaus illusion are also presented.  相似文献   

It is proposed that perceptual adaptation is basically an immediate localized consequence of stimulation but can become generalized through a process of conditioning by temporal contiguity. Experimental conditions were designed to assess the aftereffect of adaptation to curvature under various combinations of eye position and eye movement activity for adapting vs. test periods. In general, the results support the hypothesis that perceptual adaptation to a visual stimulus can be associated with the nonvisual factors present at the time the adaptation occurs.  相似文献   

Aptitudes perceptives des Temne et des Esquimaux. — Des épreuves de discrimination et d'aptitude spatiale ont été administrées à des sujets appartenant à deux sociétés différentes, les Temne du Sierra Leone et les Esquimaux de la Terre de Baffin (des sujets écossais ont été utilisés comme groupe de référence), pour vérifier l'hypothèse selon laquelle les aptitudes perceptives seraient plus développées chez les Esquimaux qui vivent de la chasse que chez les Temne, qui sont cultivateurs. La langue, les arts, les techniques et les méthodes éducatives des deux sociétés ont été étudiés pour voir si les caractéristiques culturelles peuvent de façon cohérente aider à l'énergence des aptitudes requises par le milieu. Bien qu'appariés en ce qui concerne l'acuité visuelle et le degré d'occidentalisation, les sujets des deux populations montrent des différences hautement significatives qui confirment l'hypothèse. l'A. en conclut que des différences perceptives doivent exister entre les membres des différentes sociétés et que ces différences sont, de façon significative, en liaison avec les caractéristiques culturelles et écologiques propres à chacune d'elles.  相似文献   

THE PRICE OF EXPERTISE:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— When shown a idled container, people often fail to appreciate that the surface of the liquid contained within should remain horizontal with respect to the ground. This study investigated how amenable this bias is to experience in relevant everyday situations. Surprisingly, liquid surfaces that waitresses and bartenders considered natural deviated even more from horizontal than was the case for comparison groups. This finding is, to our knowledge, the only documented case in which performance declines with experience. We suggest that practical experience promotes a functionally relative perspective, in which the orientation of the liquid's surface is evaluated relative to that of its container as opposed to being related directly to the surrounding environment. The container-relative perspective, in turn, evokes a perceptual bias that is responsible for the systematic errors observed on this task.  相似文献   

Three personality variables - field dependence-independence cognitive style, tolerance of ambiguity and machiavellianism - and two social value variables - conformity-self-assertion and fatalism-personal efficacy - were used to investigate the relationship between attachment to norms of social traditionalism and personality orientation. Subjects were 218 first-level supervisors from five industrial plants in Auckland, New Zealand. They were classified into four cultural groups depending on whether they were immigrant or indigenous Polynesians or Europeans. It was found that, with the exception of fatalism-personal efficacy and machiavellianism, social values were significantly correlated with personality attributes. The direction of these associations supported the hypothesis that attachment to norms of social traditionalism is associated with low levels of psychological development, while attachment to norms of modernity is associated with high levels of psychological development.  相似文献   

The main purpose was to examine whether ratings of the 'natural speed of behaviour' are related to factors of 'personal tempo' found by common types of tempo tests. Psychomotor performance of varying levels of complexity was studied. In addition to standard tempo tasks, tests of maximum tempo were used. There were significant positive correlations between the ratings of the 'natural speed' and the tests of personal tempo, especially in ideomotor and drawing tasks, in subjects aged 13 to 14 years. In younger age groups the correlations were low. An attempt is made to interpret the results in terms of 'working habits'.  相似文献   

Hewes and Haight question the utility of a multiple act approach for understanding the relationship between traits and communicative behavior. Based upon data collected in two separate studies, they suggest that previous investigations have overestimated the contribution of the multiple-act approach. However, an analysis of their report suggests that their findings are ambiguous and less than compelling. A taxonomy of behavioral measures is explicated to provide a framework for the discussion of the prediction of behavioral criteria. In addition, various approaches to the prediction of single acts are discussed.  相似文献   

嫉妒与人格的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王晓钧 《心理学报》2002,34(2):66-73
旨在考察嫉妒与人格维度及人格因素的关系 ,通过对 2 31名被试者施测Bringle自我报告嫉妒量表 ,Hup ka爱情嫉妒量表 ,White习惯及关系嫉妒量表 ,Buunk嫉妒量表和大 5人格量表 (NEO -PI-R) ,对施测结果进行相关分析和逐步回归分析 ,发现在大 5人格量表中所包含的神经质 ,外向性 ,开放性 ,顺同性和严谨性 5种人格维度中 ,只有神经质维度与嫉妒呈现一致性密切关系 ;外向性维度与嫉妒的一致性关系尚不明确 ;开放性维度、顺同性维度和严谨性维度与嫉妒关系并不密切。在 30种人格因素中 ,除焦虑、自我意识、正性情绪和信任 4种人格因素与嫉妒呈现一致性密切关系外 ,其他人格因素与嫉妒的关系不明显甚至无关。研究结果表明 :在 5种人格维度中 ,神经质人格维度在嫉妒的形成和发展中起主要影响作用 ;在 30种人格因素中 ,焦虑、自我意识、正性情绪和信任 4种人格因素是影响嫉妒心理和嫉妒行为的重要因素  相似文献   

Berkeley subscribed to the principle of heterogeneity, that what we see is qualitatively and numerically different from what we touch. He says of this principle that it is “the main part and pillar of [his] theory.” The argument I present here is that the theory to which Berkeley refers is not just his theory of vision, but what that theory was the preparation for, which is nothing less than his idealism. The argument turns on the passivity of perception, which is what is at stake in the principle of heterogeneity. The author targeted by Berkeley's theory is Descartes, who explicitly denies heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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