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Hartonas  Chrysafis 《Studia Logica》1997,58(3):403-450
Part I of this paper is developed in the tradition of Stone-type dualities, where we present a new topological representation for general lattices (influenced by and abstracting over both Goldblatt's [17] and Urquhart's [46]), identifying them as the lattices of stable compact-opens of their dual Stone spaces (stability refering to a closure operator on subsets). The representation is functorial and is extended to a full duality.In part II, we consider lattice-ordered algebras (lattices with additional operators), extending the Jónsson and Tarski representation results [30] for Boolean algebras with Operators. Our work can be seen as developing, and indeed completing, Dunn's project of gaggle theory [13, 14]. We consider general lattices (rather than Boolean algebras), with a broad class of operators, which we dubb normal, and which includes the Jónsson-Tarski additive operators. Representation of l-algebras is extended to full duality.In part III we discuss applications in logic of the framework developed. Specifically, logics with restricted structural rules give rise to lattices with normal operators (in our sense), such as the Full Lambek algebras (F L-algebras) studied by Ono in [36]. Our Stone-type representation results can be then used to obtain canonical constructions of Kripke frames for such systems, and to prove a duality of algebraic and Kripke semantics for such logics.  相似文献   

整体护理与新医学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整体护理作为当代护理的基本工作模式和护理学发展的基本趋势,是与生物心理社会医学模式的确立直接相联系的。在临床护理中,落实新医学模式,是推行整体护理所必需的。在整体护理中落实新医学模式应从转变护理人员观念、整体护理规范化、改变护理队伍的知识和技能结构、提供护士职业道德水平等方面做起。  相似文献   

The paper discusses regularisation of dualities. A given duality between (concrete) categories, e.g. a variety of algebras and a category of representation spaces, is lifted to a duality between the respective categories of semilattice representations in the category of algebras and the category of spaces. In particular, this gives duality for the regularisation of an irregular variety that has a duality. If the type of the variety includes constants, then the regularisation depends critically on the location or absence of constants within the defining identities. The role of schizophrenic objects is discussed, and a number of applications are given. Among these applications are different forms of regularisation of Priestley, Stone and Pontryagin dualities.  相似文献   

汉字认知过程中整体与部分关系论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章回顾了整体与部分在认知中的作用争论的历史,讨论了部分与部分、整体与部分的关系在汉字认知中的作用.作者认为,部分与部分、整体与部分的关系是影响汉字认知过程和策略的重要变量,人们加工汉字的过程和方式视汉字的部分与部分、整体与部分的关系而定.  相似文献   

组织结构图标记对文章整体信息理解与保持的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜晓新  宋永宁  黄昭鸣 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1101-1103
本研究采用实验的方法,研究了组织结构图标记对被试文章整体信息理解与保持的影响。结果表明:(1)用组织结构图进行标记能有效提高被试对文章整体信息的通达;(2)组织结构图标记类型与文章难度之间存在显著的交互作用,即在文章容易时,标记效应不显著;在文章较难时,标记效应极显著;(3)当阅读材料较难时,在半标记条件下,被试得分最高;全标记次之;无标记最低。  相似文献   

整数偏向普遍存在于分数认知中,它指儿童在应用分数知识时,常使用先前形成的有关整数的独立单元计数图式来解释分数的倾向。学者们提出了先天约束假设、未分化量假设和学习的负迁移假设分别从先天和后天角度对其成因做了解释。以往研究常采用纸笔测验或口语报告揭示它的存在,近年来有研究采用了心理数字线假设的相关效应考查了成人的整数偏向,使其研究方法和被试得以扩展。在该领域,今后应在定义、理论解释、研究方法以及教学干预方面加强研究。  相似文献   

It is often held that according to Aristotle the city is a natural organism. One major reason for this organic interpretation is no doubt that Aristotle describes the relationship between the individual and the city as a part-whole relationship, seemingly the same relationship that holds between the parts of a natural organism and the organism itself. Moreover, some scholars (most notably Jonathan Barnes) believe this view of the city led Aristotle to accept an implicit totalitarianism. I argue, however, that an investigation of the various ways Aristotle describes parts and wholes reveals that for Aristotle the city has a unity (and thus a nature) quite different from that of a natural organism.  相似文献   

关于古代术数中内算与外算易位问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在古代,传统术数(也称数术)中的内算与外算是一个整体。在两千多年的历史时期中,从教育史、从业者的身份认同与知识结构,以及史籍对二者的记载和二者在数术整体功能中的权重等方面来看,"外算"是以"内算"的婢女身份出现的。从《四库全书》起,这一观念发生改变,而在阮元等人所编《畴人传》中,内算与外算之关系发生了易位。通过对晚明前清中西术数、中西文化会通的考察而发现,这一易位有其必然性。但是从人类文化的未来发展来看,二者关系及各自前景值得深入思考。  相似文献   

Leibniz claims that nature is actually infinite but rejects infinite number. Are his mathematical commitments out of step with his metaphysical ones? It is widely accepted that Leibniz has a viable response to this problem: there can be infinitely many created substances, but no infinite number of them. But there is a second problem that has not been satisfactorily resolved. It has been suggested that Leibniz's argument against the world soul relies on his rejection of infinite number, and, as such, Leibniz cannot assert that any body has a soul without also accepting infinite number, since any body has infinitely many parts. Previous attempts to address this concern have misunderstood the character of Leibniz's rejection of infinite number. I argue that Leibniz draws an important distinction between ‘wholes’ – collections of parts that can be thought of as a single thing – and ‘fictional wholes’ – collections of parts that cannot be thought of as a single thing, which allows us to make sense of his rejection of infinite number in a way that does not conflict either with his view that the world is actually infinite or that the bodies of substances have infinitely many parts.  相似文献   

Fitts’ law was found to hold for discrete movements executed by subjects controlling the velocity of a cursor with a control stick. The slope of movement time versus index of difficulty was approximately twice as large as for a comparable position control system. Target uncertainty also increased the slope of total time versus index of difficulty, and this effect is interpreted in terms of adaptive tuning of the human movement system.  相似文献   

Developmental research on Gestalt laws has previously revealed that, even as young as infancy, we are bound to group visual elements into unitary structures in accordance with a variety of organizational principles. Here, we focus on the developmental trajectory of both connection‐based and object‐based grouping, and investigate their impact on object formation in participants, aged 9–21 years old (N = 113), using a multiple‐object tracking paradigm. Results reveal a main effect of both age and grouping type, indicating that 9‐ to 21‐year‐olds are sensitive to both connection‐based and object‐based grouping interference, and tracking ability increases with age. In addition to its importance for typical development, these results provide an informative baseline to understand clinical aberrations in this regard.

Statement of contribution

What is already known on this subject?
  • The origin of the Gestalt principles is still an ongoing debate: Are they innate, learned over time, or both?
  • Developmental research has revealed how each Gestalt principle has its own trajectory and unique relationship to visual experience.
  • Both connectedness and object‐based grouping play an important role in object formation during childhood.
What does this study add?
  • The study identifies how sensitivity to connectedness and object‐based grouping evolves in individuals, aged 9–21 years old.
  • Using multiple‐object tracking, results reveal that the ability to track multiple objects increases with age.
  • These results provide an informative baseline to understand clinical aberrations in different types of grouping.

The use of vibrating platforms has become increasingly available, and popular at sports and rehabilitation institutes. Given the discrepancies in the literature regarding whole body vibration (WBV) and human reflexive responses, the purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of WBV on postural response latencies, as well as associated electromyography measures of the lower extremities during balance perturbations. Reflexive responses during backward and forward balance perturbations were examined before, after, and 10 min after a bout of WBV. The findings suggest that following an acute bout of whole body vibration, muscle activity of the lower extremities is decreased during a reflexive response to an unexpected perturbation, and may be associated with faster reaction time.  相似文献   

采用多级估量法,通过分析不同隶属度的部件样例组合成的面孔样例对原型的隶属度,考察耳朵、脸型、眼睛和嘴巴等部件在面孔相似性判断中的作用。结果发现,面孔相似性判断中,人们对不同面孔部件赋予的权重并不相同,对脸型和嘴巴赋予的权重较大,而对耳朵和眼睛赋予的权重较小。表明,面孔各部件在面孔相似性判断中的作用不同,相对于耳朵和眼睛,脸型和嘴巴的作用更大;面孔内部特征和外部特征的划分方法并不一定适合于面孔相似性判断。  相似文献   

Accurately predicting other people's actions may involve two processes: internal real‐time simulation (dynamic updating) and matching recently perceived action images (static matching). Using a priming of body parts, this study aimed to differentiate the two processes. Specifically, participants played a motion‐controlled video game with either their arms or legs. They then observed arm movements of a point‐light actor, which were briefly occluded from view, followed by a static test pose. Participants judged whether this test pose depicted a coherent continuation of the previously seen action (i.e., “action prediction task”). Evidence of dynamic updating was obtained after compatible effector priming (i.e., arms), whereas incompatible effector priming (i.e., legs) indicated static matching. Together, the results support action prediction as engaging two distinct processes, dynamic simulation and static matching, and indicate that their relative contributions depend on contextual factors like compatibility of body parts involved in performed and observed action.  相似文献   

Body part terms (BPTs) are used extensively in Mesoamerican languages to name object parts. The process through which BPTs might be extended to refer to a part of an object and further serve as a relator in describing the relation between objects in space has often been attributed to metaphorical processes. This study proposes an alternative analysis following a Structure–Mapping Theory approach (Gentner, 1983, inter alia), based on data from Diidxazá (Isthmus Zapotec, Otomanguean) obtained through elicitation and experimental tasks. The data show that structure mapping does not depend on a 1:1 match of attributes; frequency of use shed light on principles that constrain the semantic extension of most BPTs; a core set of six BPTs are extended by abstraction of the set of intersecting axes of the body. The detailed nature of this study enables an analysis of the mental representations underlying the semantic extension of BPTs. This in turn elucidates on aspects of the relation between spatial language and spatial cognition. In addition, this study allows us to address questions about the categorial status of BPTs in Diidxazá and their lexicographic representation.  相似文献   

It is a feature of scientific inquiry that it proceeds alongside a multitude of non-scientific interests. This statement is as true of the scientific inquiries of previous centuries, many of which brought scientists into conflict with institutionalised religious thinking, as it is true of the scientific inquiries of today, which are conducted increasingly within commercial and political contexts. However, while the fact of the coexistence of scientific and non-scientific interests has changed little over time, what has changed with time is the effect of this coexistence on scientific inquiry itself. While scientists may no longer construct their theories with various religious dictates in mind, growing commercial and political interests in science have served to distort the interpretation of science. Using the U.K.’s recent crisis with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) as my context, I examine two ways in which this distortion has occurred – the interpretation of the science of BSE by politicians and by commercial parties for the purposes of justifying policy decisions and informing the public of risk, respectively. Fallacious reasoning, I contend, is the manifestation of this distortion in these contexts. In demonstration of this claim, I examine how politicians and commercial parties alike have employed two fallacies in their assessments of the science of BSE. These fallacies extend in novel ways the set of so-called traditional informal fallacies. The interpretation of science, I conclude, is a rich context in which to conduct a study of fallacious reasoning; moreover, such a study can contribute in significant ways, I argue, to the public understanding of science.  相似文献   

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