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大学生择业心理归因结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施章清  孙昕怡 《心理科学》2006,29(3):665-667
为了解大学生择业心理,根据归因理论编制了“大学生择业心理归因问卷”。该问卷包括原因源与可控性两个分量表。通过对596名大学生进行问卷调查,对该问卷的项目进行了筛选和修订,最后共保留了20个项目。研究结果表明:(1)分量表一可抽取负性情绪与择业目标两个因子,分量表二可抽取自身努力与社会支持两个因子;(2)问卷的信度与效度都达到了测量学的基本要求。  相似文献   

主动脉夹层患者手术前的心理危机对其治疗有极大的负影响.本文作者首先列举了主动脉夹层患者手术前心理危机的主要危害,并详细分析了其心理危机的产生原因.然后针对性地提出了该类患者手术前心理危机可能的干预对策,同时列举一些采取了这些心理干预取得显著疗效的医院,充分证明心理干预在该类患者治疗中的重要性,最后面对目前该类患者手术前医疗状况的不足,进行了深刻的思考.  相似文献   

主动脉夹层患者手术前的心理危机对其治疗有极大的负影响。本文作者首先列举了主动脉夹层患者手术前心理危机的主要危害,并详细分析了其心理危机的产生原因,然后针对性地提出了该类患者手术前心理危机可能的干预对策,同时列举一些采取了这些心理干预取得显著疗效的医院,充分证明心理干预在该类患者治疗中的重要性,最后面对目前该类患者手术前...  相似文献   

王歆睿  韩布新 《心理科学》2023,46(1):230-237
积极心理学提出三件好事(three good things,TGT)练习可有效减轻抑郁症状,提升幸福感和心理健康。为检验基于微信社交平台的“三件好事”练习(TGT-SN)能否提升幸福感,本研究招募北京某高校研究生232名,自愿加入三个被试组(TGT-SN组133人,TGT组53人,对照组46人),体验、评估40天TGT前后及干预后一个月幸福感、抑郁水平、人际关系以及干预效果。研究发现抑郁得分持续改善,其他问卷得分无显著差异,但被试自评干预效果评估确认练习有积极作用。TGT练习效果有限,涉及方法有效性、样本量、参与者动机以及外部影响因素等,未来可基于优秀传统文化开展进一步研究以提高被试依从性及主动健康行为。  相似文献   

心理应激与心理干预   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
自塞里提出应激理论以来,学者们对应激引起的疾病更加重视并进行了深入研究.目前对应激反应的机理认为是当生物体受到各种刺激时,能引起下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质系统功能活动增强而引起的反应.应激反应本身能够协调机体的适应力,所以有"应激无害论"一说.如果过激就会引起机体的生理、病理、心理改变.如同中医的七情学说,在正常情况下,七情是人的正常情绪反应,如果过激就会致病.  相似文献   

在地震期间和震后,对于受到严重精神创伤的灾区孩子们来说,心理危机干预主要分为四种情况:  相似文献   

尽管又到了应届大中专毕业生离开校园走向社会的时节,但计多未落实用人单位的大学生们仍在就业市场苦苦寻找工作。在当前较为严峻的就业形势下,许多学校在就业指导时提出了“先就业后择业”的理念,以提高一次性就业率。  相似文献   

问题1:除了倾诉自己的感觉之外,我还可以用什么方法来平复心情?  相似文献   

夏天 《四川心理科学》2014,(16):227-227
大学生失恋心理危机是指大学生在面临失恋时,既不能回避,又无法通过平常经验解来解决该恋爱问题时所出现的心理失衡状态。主要表现为精神抑郁、报复性攻击行为和自杀等。本文对大学生失恋心理危机的界定、特点、表现以及危机干预手段做简要阐述。  相似文献   

The evolution of Romanian psychology followed several stages, similarly to other countries in Eastern Europe, yet with its own particularities. The first psychology institutes were introduced by former students of Wilhelm Wundt, and the field saw a rapid development, with distinguished scholars making relevant scientific contributions. However, after the communist regime was enforced, psychology stagnated somewhat due to ideological, financial, and political reasons, and, in 1977, it was even removed from academia. After 1989, psychology revived in academia and research, and as a profession as well. This article summarizes the evolution of Romanian psychology through these stages, focusing on its postcommunist revival.  相似文献   

This study explored the moderating role of positive affect and negative affect in the link between employees’ career resilience and their career anchors . A convenience sample (N=143) of predominantly black African people (86%) and staff level (80%) employees with more than 10 years of service (60%) participated in the study (mean age: 41 years; men: 52%; women: 48%) . Correlational analysis showed significant associations between the variables . Hierarchical moderated regression analysis indicated low positive affect as a significant moderator of the career resilience-managerial competence career anchor relationship . High negative affect and low negative affect significantly weakened the career resilience-entrepreneurial creativity, career resilience-pure challenge and career resilience-lifestyle relationships . The findings add new insights that may be useful for career development support programmes in the contemporary workplace .  相似文献   

This article outlines the significant organizational and scientific changes that occurred in Bulgarian psychology after the fall of the totalitarian regime in 1989. These included the establishment of new university and research centers in psychology, the abolition of ideological censorship in psychology publications, free choice of research methodology and methods, free communication, and exchange of ideas with foreign psychologists, and the development of psychoanalytic practice and psychological services. The liberalization of the social conditions for the development of science, in general, made psychology a much sought-after science and practice. In this time of social transition, its authority grew significantly due to the fact that its calling was to study and solve, above all, the problems of the people, especially as they were faced with new social conditions. In the last 30 years, psychological science in Bulgaria has been significantly humanized. These changes allowed scientists to propose new methodological approaches not only to the study of the psyche, but also to the study of both Bulgarian and foreign history of psychology. Although in the last 30 years not all measures taken in the institutional management of the psychological science were positive, Bulgarian psychology was given a new opportunity to join the international scientific community.  相似文献   

Decision makers and forecasters often receive advice from different sources including human experts and statistical methods. This research examines, in the context of stock price forecasting, how the apparent source of the advice affects the attention that is paid to it when the mode of delivery of the advice is identical for both sources. In Study 1, two groups of participants were given the same advised point and interval forecasts. One group was told that these were the advice of a human expert and the other that they were generated by a statistical forecasting method. The participants were then asked to adjust forecasts they had previously made in light of this advice. While in both cases the advice led to improved point forecast accuracy and better calibration of the prediction intervals, the advice which apparently emanated from a statistical method was discounted much more severely. In Study 2, participants were provided with advice from two sources. When the participants were told that both sources were either human experts or both were statistical methods, the apparent statistical‐based advice had the same influence on the adjusted estimates as the advice that appeared to come from a human expert. However when the apparent sources of advice were different, much greater attention was paid to the advice that apparently came from a human expert. Theories of advice utilization are used to identify why the advice of a human expert is likely to be preferred to advice from a statistical method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the associations of Slovenian emerging adults’ individuation characteristics (in relation to mother and father) with career goals and career optimism. We were interested in contributions of age, gender, certainty of study choice, and individuation dimensions when predicting intrinsic/extrinsic career goals and career optimism. The participants provided self‐reports on the Individuation Test for Emerging Adults, the Career Goals Scale and the Career Futures Inventory. The results showed that age did not relate to emerging adults’ career goals; however, older students reported lower career optimism than their younger counterparts. Furthermore, certainty of study choice was the most important predictor of career optimism, and, along with gender, of intrinsic career goals. Emerging adults who reported higher connectedness with both parents and self‐reliance in relation to mother had higher intrinsic career goals, while self‐reliance in relation to mother was positively associated with stronger optimism about an individual's future career. Fear of disappointing both parents significantly contributed to the prediction of extrinsic career goals and optimism, while parental intrusiveness did not add significantly to the prediction of the two measured career outcomes. The study confirmed the correlational effects of positive and negative aspects of individuation on career outcomes in emerging adulthood.  相似文献   

This special issue presents the theory of sociocultural models (TSCM) and its applications in diverse areas of psychology, including education, health care, clinical practice, gender relations, and general research. As many theories already exist in the social sciences, some readers may ask: “Why do cross‐cultural, cultural, and indigenous psychologists need another theory?” This question is comprised of two aspects: culture/cultural and theory/theoretical. Therefore, to answer it, it is important to clarify both issues. The first relates to cultural and its relation to psychological. The second, theory, considers its relation to cultural and psychological. These issues have long‐range implications for all culture and psychology disciplines as they pose many questions: What role does culture play in the mental functioning of people? How is culture constituted? Is cultural related to social? Does people’s mental functioning exert reciprocal influences on their cultural and social functioning? While working toward answering these questions, researchers quickly determine that more questions arise: What role should theories play in answering these questions? What constitutes theory in culture and psychology disciplines? How should such a theory (or such theories) address the triad of cultural, social, and mental? Consequently, in an effort to provide an overview of the TSCM and to begin to answer these questions, this introduction consists of two parts. The first part addresses the sociocultural turn in modern psychology; this part discusses its implications for research in culture and psychology disciplines. The second segment examines the topic of the theoretical backgrounds of cultural and cross‐cultural research and connects the philosophical paradigms of interpretivism and realism with the theory of sociocultural models. This introduction concludes with a brief overview of the articles included in this issue.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to (1) examine swimmers' and basketball players' perceptions of their dual career development (2) explore these perceptions for possible differences between male and female participants as well as between swimmers and basketball players.Design and methodSemi-structured interviews with 12 retired Slovene elite level swimmers and basketball players (six males and six females) were used to discuss about transitions, demands and challenges which occurred throughout their dual career development. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the qualitative analytic software program Nvivo 10.ResultsQualitative analysis of interviews revealed that athletes perceived their athletic career in strong and reciprocal connection to other domains in their lives, i.e. academic/vocational, psychological, psychosocial, financial level. Some of the transitions occurring in their dual career were experienced as particularly important (e.g., transition to university, finishing university study) and connected to several challenges occurring at different levels of development. Differences between male and female participants, swimmers and basketball players in this study were identified.ConclusionThe study revealed a usefulness of using a holistic perspective when investigating athletes' dual career development, and a reciprocal nature of transitions occurring at different levels of athletes' development.  相似文献   

In 2008, the European Council agreed on a Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. The Resolution promoted lifelong guidance as a policy to support people during the multiple transitions provoked by a more volatile labour market. However, when looking into the guidance policy of Denmark, the Resolution does not seem to have taken effect. Whereas, the career guidance system is relatively developed in terms of transitions from basic schooling into youth education and from youth education to higher education, when it comes to transitions during a working life, adult career guidance structures are patchy and scattered across different policy areas and institutions. The objective of this article is to investigate the potential of adult career guidance as a support structure for Lifelong Learning, career transition and labour market mobility. To this end, we draw on Holzkamp's concept of ‘disruption of the cyclicity in everyday life’ to analyse working life narratives. We focus on the potential contact points between the individual and public structures supporting working life transitions. This article hereby contributes to ongoing discussions concerning access to career guidance as part of a social contract underlying flexible labour markets.  相似文献   

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