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幼儿在等级图形知觉中的整体优先现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
严霄霏  苏彦捷 《心理学报》2001,34(2):142-147
研究采用Navon的干涉实验范式和等级图形刺激模式研究4-6岁幼儿的整体优先现象。实验中所用刺激的结构关系有一致、无关、矛盾。实验1研究自由注意条件下,不同年龄儿童自发形成整体或局部反应策略的比率,发现被试自发形成对整体特征反应策略的比例较大,且该比例是随年龄而增长的;实验2比较注意整体和注意局部两种实验条件下,不同年龄儿童对整体或局部的反应正确率。结果发现在注意整体和注意局部的条件下,4-6岁幼儿的整体/局部干涉效应呈相互影响到相互独立再到整体优势的发展过程。这表明幼儿对整体特征的注意选择可能是随着年龄增长和视觉经验的积累而逐渐成型的。  相似文献   

采用Triad Classification法和等级图形模式研究了4~6岁幼儿在辨别过程中图形维度显著性效应。实验1让幼儿进行自由辨别任务,发现颜色显著性强于形状,局部特征的显著性强于整体特征;随被试年龄增长,整体特征和颜色的显著性逐渐增强;对维度显著性等级模式的信息加工比对整体局部特征等级模式的加工反应时长。实验2进行按指定标准来辨别的任务,发现仍然出现图形维度显著性效应。这些结果说明图形维度显著性效应可能是自动发生的,可能比整体局部特征的认知加工更复杂。  相似文献   

成人的大脑左侧VWFA对正字法信息更敏感,而右侧FFA优先处理面孔信息。然而,这种偏侧化互补模式的发展机制还亟待阐明。神经元再利用假设认为,在文字阅读学习过程中,文字识别会与面孔表征在左侧FG竞争神经加工资源,导致文字识别出现VWFA的左侧化,并推动了面孔识别FFA的右侧化。分布式半球组织的观点提出了神经计算加工三原则,试图系统阐释文字与面孔偏侧化竞争性发展的多层次双向动态加工机制。近期,FG的结构分区与功能特征研究取得了一些新成果,并据此构建了一个文字与面孔识别的多维度计算加工模型。因此,有必要基于神经元再利用假设和分布式半球组织的观点,并结合FG的结构与功能特征和近期研究证据,以系统探讨文字与面孔识别的半球偏侧化互补模式竞争性发展的认知神经加工机制。未来研究应进一步探究文字与面孔竞争加工的皮层空间位置和功能神经组织学基础、汉字与面孔竞争的加工机制、面孔识别的右侧化发展机制以及数字和音符阅读学习导致大脑可塑性改变的机制。  相似文献   

大脑两半球与整体和局部性质的选择性加工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张昕  韩世辉 《心理学报》2004,36(5):507-514
研究大脑两半球在加工整体和局部性质中的优势以及两半球能否同时分别选择两个复合刺激的整体和局部性质。实验中把一个复合字母随机呈现在左视野或右视野,或者把两个复合字母同时分别呈现在左视野和右视野。实验一发现,在单侧呈现条件下,被试检测左右视野的整体或局部靶目标的反应时没有显著差别,但在双侧同时呈现条件下,检测右视野局部靶目标比检测左视野局部靶目标时的反应时短。实验二要求被试检测同时呈现在左右视野的整体或局部靶目标,发现当两个视野的靶目标处于同一水平时(整体或局部)反应时较短,两个视野的靶目标处于不同水平时(一侧处于整体水平而另一侧处于局部水平)反应时较长。这些结果提示,当两个复合刺激同时呈现在左右视野时,大脑左半球在选择性加工局部性质时具有优势;左右两半球更容易选择两个复合刺激同一个水平的性质,分别选择两个复合刺激不同水平的性质比较困难。  相似文献   

合成-人脸错觉指当加工合成人脸的上半部分时,下部分人脸由于人脸的整体加工优势而难以被忽略的现象。研究者采用合成-人脸错觉与Navon刺激发现,启动Navon刺激的整体或局部加工会影响人脸的整体加工,对理解人脸的加工机制起了重要作用。然而,该种影响的神经机制尚不明确。考虑到大脑左、右半球分别在加工局部与整体信息上存有优势,笔者预测Navon刺激启动是通过调节左、右半球的参与程度来影响对人脸的加工。本研究首次采用EEG技术,以枕区α节律为指标对该假设进行了检验。笔者重复以往行为研究结果,然而,无论对Navon刺激进行整体还是局部加工,α节律的能量总是右侧比左侧高,提示Navon刺激对人脸加工的影响并非通过改变大脑两半球的参与程度实现。  相似文献   

对大脑语言功能偏侧化的探索起始于早期对脑损伤病人的研究。现代脑影像学研究发现, 语言功能偏侧化涉及额叶、颞叶、扣带回、梭状回和辅助运动区等脑区。语言偏侧化与利手和静息态功能连接之间的关系表现为:右利手的语言优势位于左半球, 而左利手的则分布在左半球、右半球或两个半球; 语言功能偏侧化与利手系数、静息态半球内功能连接之间具有正相关关系, 与半球间功能连接呈负相关, 并且语言功能偏侧化与静息态功能连接之间的关系在左右利手个体之间存在差异。总之, 大脑语言功能偏侧化、利手和静息态功能连接三者之间存在相互影响, 基于脑连接和遗传机制的研究将有望揭示出其底层的神经生理机制。  相似文献   

以复合汉字为材料,通过两个实验探讨在心理旋转加工中是否存在整体/局部优先效应。实验一检验视知觉中的整体优先效应,实验二考察心理旋转加工中是否存在整体优先效应。结果表明:延长刺激呈现时间直至被试做出反应,在正镜像判断的纯视觉任务中不存在视觉整体优先效应;在心理旋转任务中,大汉字(整体)旋转条件反应时与小汉字(局部)旋转反应时差异不显著。这些结果说明复合汉字刺激心理旋转加工中不存在整体优先效应。  相似文献   

杏仁核情绪功能偏侧化的成像研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从意识水平、性别、情绪类型3个方面讨论了大脑两半球杏仁核在情绪功能方面表现出的不对称性。初步证据显示大脑两侧的杏仁核功能的确存在偏侧化,并且与右侧杏仁核相比,左侧杏仁核出现更多激活。右侧杏仁核可能负责的是早期的、基础的、不易被检测到的“幕后”的情绪工作;左侧杏仁核负责随后具体的、持续的、容易被检测到的“幕前”的情绪工作。由于目前针对杏仁核偏侧化的专门研究不多,其具体机制不清楚。该文还对杏仁核偏侧化的理论假设和未来研究方向做了简要的介绍  相似文献   

采用Navon型复合刺激识别任务,考察中文独体字知觉加工的优先效应。结果表明:构形关系上独体字识别有笔画数效应,呈局部优先性,受练习、认知组块影响。定向关系中复合独体字识别呈整体优先性,慢于单体字和复合图的识别,不受笔画、局部性质影响,当局部构件有独立语义或构形意义时,优先效应反转,局部优先性增强。结论认为局部与整体构形优先关系,局部意义负载影响视知觉加工模式,独体字识别由局部和整体加工合力完成。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了语言范畴影响面部表情知觉的时程及大脑偏侧化特点。采用从快乐到恐惧渐变的4张人类面孔表情图片为实验材料,以分视野呈现刺激的oddball范式设计脑电实验,并以分心任务使被试不注意实验表情图片之间的差异。实验结果显示,表情知觉诱发的ERP成分N1和N2上均出现了偏右视野-左脑表情范畴知觉,即在右视野呈现的条件下,范畴间偏差刺激比范畴内偏差刺激诱发了更大的vMMN效应,而在左视野呈现的条件下,两类偏差刺激诱发的vMMN效应无显著差异。这一结果表明表情范畴知觉发生在表情知觉的早期感觉水平加工及后知觉加工阶段,且具有偏右视野-左脑特性,提示语言范畴会同时影响早期、注意前表情知觉及后知觉加工,支持了沃尔夫假说。  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of ways in which the total duration of perception of transient visual stimuli may be determined by means of psychophysical judgments of the simultaneity (or relative precedence) of two sensory events. This analysis yields a new method for measuring the duration of perception that only requires judgments of the simultaneity of the offset of one visual target with the onset of another (“offset-onset” judgments), and is thus free of differential biases between onset-onset and offset-onset judgments of simultaneity which could be involved in previous measurements. When three or more perceived durations need to be determined, the new method is more efficient than earlier methods; it requires measurement of only one PSE in order to evaluate one response duration as compared to two PSEs per response duration for previous methods. We also describe ways of determining the presence of some kinds of biases and quantitatively evaluating the magnitude of bias in the new method, as well as bias in onset-onset or offset-offset judgments of simultaneity alone; such evaluations of differential bias were not possible for the earlier methods. An experimental example of a bias analysis is described. No significant biasing effects were detected in the measures of perceived duration that were extracted as either retinal location or background luminance was changed, although background luminance itself markedly influenced the values of perceived duration.  相似文献   

Perfectionism is a putative risk factor for depressive symptoms. However, most research in this area uses cross-sectional designs (which fail to address temporal precedence) and mono-source designs (which are influenced by various biases). The present study overcomes these limitations by using a novel design involving both self- and informant reports of self-critical perfectionism (i.e., negative reactions to perceived failures, concern over others’ criticism and expectations, doubts about performance abilities, and intense self-rebuke). It was hypothesized that self- and informant reports of self-critical perfectionism would correlate moderately and that self- and informant reports of self-critical perfectionism would predict increases in depressive symptoms over time. A sample of 155 target participants and 588 informants was recruited and studied using a prospective longitudinal design. All study hypotheses were supported, including evidence that self- and informant reports of self-critical perfectionism each add incrementally to the understanding of the self-critical perfectionism–depressive symptoms connection. Informant reports may provide a more complete picture of the self-critical perfectionist and her or his vulnerability to depressive symptoms.  相似文献   


In a crisis, societal needs take precedence over a patient’s best interests. Triage guidelines, however, differ on whether limited resources should focus on maximizing lives or life-years. Choosing between these two approaches has implications for neonatology. Neonatal units have ventilators, some adaptable for adults. This raises the question of whether, in crisis conditions, guidelines for treating extremely premature babies should be altered to free-up ventilators. Some adults who need ventilators will have a survival rate higher than some extremely premature babies. But surviving babies will likely live longer, maximizing life-years. Empiric evidence demonstrates that these babies can derive significant survival benefits from ventilation when compared to adults. When “triaging” or choosing between patients, justice demands fair guidelines. Premature babies do not deserve special consideration; they deserve equal consideration. Solidarity is crucial but must consider needs specific to patient populations and avoid biases against people with disabilities and extremely premature babies.  相似文献   

Do attention and decision follow perception Comment on Miller   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In response to Miller's discussion of global precedence, I argue that (a)although perceptual precedence is not the only explanation for asymmetric interference, in some cases it is the most reasonable one; (b) since global precedence does not entail that local and global information cannot interact in their effects on responses, the finding that they do is not incompatible with global precedence; (c) it is dubious that attention or decision are applied just to the resultant of perception rather than determining it or constituting part of it. However, I share some of Miller's doubts about the unique contribution of asymmetric interference data in deciding the issue of global precedence.  相似文献   

视觉信息加工中的整体优先性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
韩世辉 《心理学报》2000,32(3):337-347
该文综述了视知觉的整体优先性理论,以及关于整体优先性机制的理论及其面临的困难,特别介绍了本文作者近年来开展的一系列关于整体优先性的行为和事件相关电位研究结果,以及根据这些结果提出的一个基于知觉组织和选择性注意相互作用的复合刺激加工的理论模型。  相似文献   

复合字母刺激心理旋转加工中的整体优先效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用复合字母材料结合正镜像判断任务,首次揭示了心理旋转加工中的整体优先效应。实验一延长复合字母材料的呈现时间,检验心理旋转实验常用的正/镜像判断任务中的视知觉整体优先效应;实验二将实验一的复合字母材料旋转一定角度,考察心理旋转加工中的整体优先效应。结果发现:(1)延长复合字母呈现时间后的字母正镜像判断任务中,被试判断大字母和判断小字母的时间没有显著差异,并且大小字母是否一致对大字母判断和小字母判断的影响无显著差异;(2)在排除了视知觉的整体优先效应存在的情况下,发现心理旋转加工中存在明显的整体优先效应,大字母(整体)旋转条件下的反应时显著短于小字母(局部)旋转条件下的反应时;(3)旋转角度一致性对大字母旋转和小字母旋转条件下的反应时均无显著影响,表明心理旋转的整体优先效应模式可能有别于视知觉加工的整体优先效应模式  相似文献   

Macrae and Lewis (2002) showed that repeated reporting of the global dimension of Navon stimuli improved performance in a subsequent face identification task, whilst reporting the features of the Navon stimuli impaired performance. Using a face composite task, which is assumed to require featural processing, Weston and Perfect (2005) showed the complementary pattern: Featural responding to Navon letters speeded performance. However, both studies used Navon stimuli with global precedence, in which the overall configuration is easier to report than the features. Here we replicate the two studies above, whilst manipulating the precedence (global or featural) of the letter stimuli in the orientation task. Both studies replicated the previously reported findings with global precedence stimuli, but showed the reverse pattern with local precedence stimuli. These data raise important questions as to what is transferred between the Navon orientation task and the face-processing tasks that follow.  相似文献   

It has frequently been reported that recognition performance is impaired when faces are presented in an inverted rather than upright orientation, a phenomenon termed the face inversion effect (FIE). Extending previous work on this topic, the current investigation explored whether individual differences in global precedence—the propensity to process nonfacial stimuli in a configural manner—impacts memory for faces. Based on performance on the Navon letter-classification task, two experimental groups were created that differed in relative global precedence (i.e., strong global precedence [SGP] and weak global precedence [WGP]). In a subsequent face-recognition task, results revealed that while both groups demonstrated a reliable FIE, this effect was attenuated among participants displaying WGP. These findings suggest that individual differences in general processing style modulate face recognition.  相似文献   

严霄霏  苏彦捷  王甦 《心理科学》2006,29(3):588-592
采用2种元素疏密程度的复合数字刺激和启动范式,7岁和11岁2个年龄组的小学生分别在注意整体水平和注意局部水平的条件下对探测刺激进行选择反应。结果发现元素疏密程度可以影响知觉优先,而知觉优先与整体局部水平间的负启动之间没有一致的发展关系,说明与负启动有关的注意分配机制可能比知觉组织发展的晚。  相似文献   

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