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Driver distraction due to cellular phone usage is a major contributing factor to road crashes. This study compares the effects of conversational cognitive tasks using hands-free cellular phone on driving performance under three distraction conditions: (1) no distraction (no cellular conversation), (2) normal conversation (non-emotional cellular conversation), and (3) seven-level mathematical calculations. A car-following scenario was implemented using a driving simulator. Thirty young drivers with an average age of 24.1 years maintained a constant speed and distance between the subject vehicle and a leading vehicle on the driving simulator, and then respond to the leading vehicle’s emergency stop. The driving performances were assessed by collecting and statistically analyzing several variables of maneuver stability: the drivers’ brake reaction times, driving speed fluctuation, car-following distance undulation, and car-following time-headway undulation. The results revealed that normal conversation on a hands-free cellular phone impaired driving performance. The degree of impairment caused by normal calculation was equivalent to the distraction caused by Level 3 mathematical calculations according to the seven-level calculation baseline. The calculation difficulty of Level 3 is one double-digit figure plus a single-digit figure, and non-carry addition mental arithmetic is required, e.g., 44 + 4. The results indicated that an increase in the level of complexity of the calculation task was associated with an increase in brake reaction time. The seven-level calculation-task baseline could be applied to measure additional distraction effects on driving performance for further comparison.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of the n-back task on cognitive workload while driving. Results of 20 studies with over 800 participants in total show a moderate to high mean effect size. That means the n-back task varies cognitive load while driving in a substantial matter. Further analysis reveals several moderator variables: experiments conducted in a driving simulator showed larger effect sizes than on-road studies. This effect decreases with increasing driving simulator fidelity. Furthermore, the specific driving task assignment moderates the effect: lane change task scenarios result in higher effects than other situations. Regarding the different measurement methods of cognitive workload, subjective questionnaires seem to have very high sensitivity. In contrast, n-back performance measures, detection response task measures, and physiological measurements result in moderate effect sizes, and driving performance measures show reduced sensitivity. Regarding different implementations of the n-back task itself, surprisingly, no moderators are found. Overall, the findings highlight the suitability of the n-back task as a method of inducing cognitive load in transportation research. The moderator analysis gives an overview of different methodological designs and how these designs will affect effect sizes.  相似文献   

The effects of imagery-induced distraction on hazard perception and eye movements were investigated in 2 simulated driving experiments. Experiment 1: sixty participants viewed and responded to 2 driving films containing hazards. Group 1 completed the task without distraction; group 2 completed a concurrent imagery inducing telephone task; group 3 completed a non imagery inducing telephone task. Experiment 2: eye-tracking data were collected from forty-six participants while they reacted to hazards presented in 16 films of driving scenes. 8 films contained hazards presented in either central or peripheral vision and 8 contained no hazards. Half of the participants performed a concurrent imagery-inducing task. Compared to undistracted participants, dual-taskers were slower to respond to hazards; detected fewer hazards; committed more “looked but failed to see” errors; and demonstrated “visual tunnelling”. Telephone conversations may interfere with driving performance because the two tasks compete for similar processing resources, due to the imagery-evoking aspects of phone use.  相似文献   

Contemporary scientific research and public policy are not in agreement over what should be done to address the dangers that result from the drop in driving performance that occurs as a driver talks on a cellular phone. One response to this threat to traffic safety has been the banning in a number of countries and some states in the USA of handheld cell phone use while driving. However, research shows that the use of hands-free phones (such as headsets and dashboard-mounted speakers) also accompanies a drop, leading some to recommend regulation of both kinds of mobile phones. In what follows, I draw out the accounts of the driving impairment associated with phone use implicit in research and policy and develop an alternative account grounded in philosophical considerations. Building on work in a school of thought called postphenomenology, I review and expand concepts useful for articulating human bodily and perceptual relations to technology. By applying these ideas to the case of driving while talking on the phone, I offer an account of the drop in driving performance which focuses on the embodied relationships users develop with the car and the phone, and I consider implications for research and policy.  相似文献   

Mobile phones represent one of the most common distractions for drivers and phone use while driving is particularly problematic in Finland. The aim of this research was to explore the Finnish sample of responses from ESRA2 (E-Survey of Road users' Attitudes) with a specific focus on the distracting behaviours related to mobile phone usage while driving. ESRA2 data is derived from online surveys amongst a representative sample of the adult populations in each participating country. In total a sample of 994 responses were collected in Finland for ESRA2, which included 703 responses from participants who held a driver’s licence and reported driving a car in the 30 days prior to the survey.The results provide evidence of the problematic usage of mobile phones while driving in Finland. Mobile phone use was considered across three specific types of usage: (1) handheld phone calls while driving; (2) handsfree phone calls while driving; (3) texting, emailing or social media use while driving. Almost half (49.4 %) of the sample reported using a handheld mobile phone to make a call while driving at least once in the 30 days prior to the survey. A similar percentage (41.4 %) of the sample had used a phone hands-free and 35.6 % had texted, emailed, or used social media.The study highlights how mobile phone usage is a complex and multifaceted issue and that there are a broad range of underlying factors that influence mobile phone usage depending on the way in which people engage with their mobile phone while driving. The findings suggest that a systematic approach to reducing mobile phone distraction is needed that addresses the issue through a combination of legislation, enforcement, and education.  相似文献   

Bicycles have become one of the major modes of urban public travel. Moreover, the high number of bicycle accidents has created challenges for road traffic safety. In addition, a relationship exists between single-handed use of handlebars and the use of mobile phones while cycling, which increases the risk of cycling. The current study considers not only the impact of mobile phone use while cycling on the safety of cyclists but also the impact of the mental load of a distracting task on cycling safety. Thirty-two college students were recruited to participate in a cycling experiment with distractions that was carried out on both campus and off-campus roads. A paired t-test was used to analyze cyclists' performance under different distraction states. The results show that when performing distracting tasks, the speed of cycling is significantly reduced, the acceleration and rate of change in the deflection angle are significantly increased, and the saccade frequency is significantly reduced. In addition, texting while cycling has a greater negative impact on cycling performance than does calling or listening to music. This study reveals the harm of mobile phone use while cycling by analyzing the effects and characteristics of manipulation performance and visual strategy. The study results can contribute to improving cyclist awareness regarding distraction safety and reducing the occurrence of mobile phone distraction issues. Furthermore, this approach provides a theoretical research basis for scientific and effective intervention and improvement measures in the future.  相似文献   

There is extensive evidence that using a mobile phone while driving causes degradation in driving performance, and thereby results in reduced safety on the road. The present study examined intentions to use mobile phones while driving using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). A total of 212 Ukrainian drivers (mean age = 35 years SD = 10 years; males = 82%) completed a survey that included measures of the TPB components related to intentions to send or read text messages or to make or receive handheld phone calls across two different scenarios; one where they were running late, and the other when they were not in a hurry. Measures of the frequency of mobile phone use were also collected. The results showed that 63% of the sample reported using a mobile phone while driving at least daily, with the most frequent types of usage being making and answering a phone call with a handheld device. The most consistent predictor of intentions to interact with a mobile phone while driving was having a positive attitude towards doing so. Perceived behavioural control was also significantly and positively associated with mobile phone use while driving, but only a small number of associations were found with subjective norms. Our results suggest that intentions to interact with mobile phones while driving may be context specific.  相似文献   

Predicted to diminish task performance were (a) distraction by telephone conversation and (b) older age. 38 participants pointed to letters on a randomized or alphabetized letter matrix during distraction by telephone conversation or no distraction. In a within-subjects design, telephone conversation negatively affected completion time but there were no age differences. Implications for cellular telephone use while driving are discussed.  相似文献   

Smoking cessation failures are frequently thought to reflect poor top-down regulatory control over behavior. Previous studies have suggested that smoking cues occupy limited working memory resources, an effect that may contribute to difficulty achieving abstinence. Few studies have evaluated the effects of cognitive load on the ability to actively maintain information in the face of distracting smoking cues. For the present study, we adapted an fMRI probed recall task under low and high cognitive load with three distractor conditions: control, neutral images, or smoking-related images. Consistent with a limited-resource model of cue reactivity, we predicted that the performance of daily smokers (n = 17) would be most impaired when high load was paired with smoking distractors. The results demonstrated a main effect of load, with decreased accuracy under high, as compared to low, cognitive load. Surprisingly, an interaction revealed that the effect of load was weakest in the smoking cue distractor condition. Along with this behavioral effect, we observed significantly greater activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) in the low-load condition than in the high-load condition for trials containing smoking cue distractors. Furthermore, load-related changes in rIFG activation partially mediated the effects of load on task accuracy in the smoking-cue distractor condition. These findings are discussed in the context of prevailing cognitive and cue reactivity theories. These results suggest that high cognitive load does not necessarily make smokers more susceptible to interference from smoking-related stimuli, and that elevated load may even have a buffering effect in the presence of smoking cues under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Background: Modern technologies that offer an alternative to face‐to‐face therapy have gained ground in the NHS. Critics have argued that some of the important elements of the therapeutic change process necessarily require a human therapist. Yet, the traditional understanding of the change process in psychotherapy is challenged by evidence that some computerised cognitive behaviour therapy (cCBT) programs may be as effective as face‐to‐face therapy, suggesting that in certain cases the interaction between user and a cCBT product satisfies sufficient criteria for personal change without the need for actual human contact. Aim: This study used the cCBT package Blues Begone as a means of investigating the process by which a computer‐mediated program helped adults with mild depression help themselves. Method: Seven qualitative interviews were conducted with mildly depressed users who had completed Blues Begone in their own homes without any additional human help or support. Findings: Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) was performed with four main themes emerging. These were: the meaningful relationship; shape from confusion; stimulation and empowerment. This study illustrates some of the ways that some depressed users make use of cCBT self help.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between attention and road complexity in a convenience sample of older drivers. The study sought to examine the impact of age-associated changes in attention in response to situations with an elevated risk of crash. Scenarios were manipulated in terms of handling and information processing complexity. Twenty-six older drivers and 30 mid-aged drivers completed a series of 20 simulated driving scenarios incorporating either rear-end or crossing path situations. For each scenario, the complexity of the driving environment was systematically manipulated in terms of vehicle handling and information processing elements. The attentional demands of half of the scenarios were assessed by means of a peripheral detection task (PDT) as well as through a subjective measure of overall difficulty. The results indicated that when information processing demands were increased, through the addition of traffic, and buildings, all participants exhibited greater workload regardless of age. While no main effects of age were observed, older drivers did exhibit significantly longer PDT responses in the low vehicle handling condition of the crossing path scenario. The results confirm the impact of environmental complexity on attention but suggest that the PDT may not be the most appropriate means of assessing attentional demands among older drivers, particularly when the driving complexity is elevated.  相似文献   

There is overwhelming evidence of genetic influence on cognition. The effect is seen in general cognitive ability, as well as in specific cognitive domains. A conventional assessment approach using face-to-face paper and pencil testing is difficult for large-scale studies. Computerized neurocognitive testing is a suitable alternative. A total of 267 parent-child dyads were selected from a larger database of computerized neurocognitive test results. Correlations were determined between parent-child dyads, as well as matched parent-child dyads. Univariate regression analyses were estimated to determine the extent to which children's performance could be accounted for by that of their parents, compared with matched control parents. Multiple significant positive correlations in neurocognitive test performance were found in parent-child dyads. Parent performance accounted for a greater proportion of variability in every case. These findings indicated that a computerized neurocognitive battery is an effective tool for studying heritability in cognitive performance in a large sample.  相似文献   

Reducing the number of traffic accidents due to human errors is an urgent need in several countries around the world. In this scenario, the use of human-robot interaction (HRI) strategies has recently shown to be a feasible solution to compensate human limitations while driving. In this work we propose a HRI system which uses the driver’s cognitive factors and driving style information to improve safety. To achieve this, deep neural networks based approaches are used to detect human cognitive parameters such as sleepiness, driver’s age and head posture. Additionally, driving style information is also obtained through speed analysis and external traffic information. Finally, a fuzzy-based decision-making stage is proposed to manage both human cognitive information and driving style, and then limit the maximum allowed speed of a vehicle. The results showed that we were able to detect human cognitive parameters such as sleepiness –63% to 88% accuracy–, driver’s age –80% accuracy– and head posture –90.42% to 97.86% accuracy– as well as driving style –87.8% average accuracy. Based on such results, the fuzzy-based architecture was able to limit the maximum allowed speed for different scenarios, reducing it from 50 km/h to 17 km/h. Moreover, the fuzzy-based method showed to be more sensitive with respect to inputs changes than a previous published weighted-based inference method.  相似文献   

Do sexual words have high attentional priority? How does the ability to ignore sexual distractors evolve with age? To answer these questions, two experiments using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) were conducted. Experiment 1 showed that both younger and older participants were better at identifying a target (the name of a colour) when it was preceded by 336 ms by a sexual word rather than by a musical word. Strikingly, the sexual‐word advantage was more pronounced for older adults than for younger adults. Experiment 2 showed that introducing a variable delay between the distractor and the target eliminated the sexual‐word advantage. This finding suggests that the sexual‐word advantage found in Experiment 1 was due to learning to utilize the sexual word as a temporal cue with a fixed duration between the distractor and the target. Contrary to previous research [Arnell et al., 2007, Emotion, 7, 465), neither experiment showed that sexual words produce an attentional blink.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia involves multiple communication impairments, including (a) disorganized speech, or formal thought disorder (FTD); and (b) decreased speech output, or poverty of speech. Both FTD and poverty of speech have been hypothesized to be associated with deficits in executive functioning or cognitive control. The current study examined whether FTD and poverty of speech were differentially associated with two distinct aspects of cognitive control, working memory and controlled retrieval. Compared with control participants (n = 30), people with schizophrenia (n = 47) exhibited poorer performance on both working memory and controlled retrieval tasks. However, only FTD (and not poverty of speech) was associated with poor working memory. In contrast, only poverty of speech (and not FTD) had a significant zero-order association with poor controlled retrieval. At the same time, working memory and controlled retrieval interacted to predict FTD, with the highest amount of FTD associated with both poor working memory and poor controlled retrieval. In contrast, psychometric control tasks were not associated with FTD or poverty of speech. This research suggests that FTD and poverty of speech are differentially associated with deficits in distinct aspects of cognitive control.  相似文献   

In Australia, illegal smartphone use while driving is on the rise, increasing the likelihood drivers could be distracted and crash. Smartphones avail users a sense of belonging, connectedness, and access to information. As such, the sensation of being without one’s smartphone has developed into the prevalence of nomophobia, defined as the fear and anxiety associated with being without smartphone. The aim of the current study was to specifically examine the relationship between smartphone use while driving and nomophobia by 1) determining the types and frequency of illegal phone use while driving and, 2) exploring the relationship between nomophobia and illegal phone use while driving. The sample consisted of 2,774 Victorian smartphone users (47.0% male) with a valid driver’s licence. Driver’s nomophobia levels were measured using the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q), while driver’s smartphone use was measured using an original scale developed by the authors. A binary logistic regression was conducted which showed that the longer average time spent per day on a smartphone and a lack of knowledge of the mobile phone road law were the strongest positive predictors of illegal use (OR = 1.32, 95% CI = 1.09–1.60; OR = 1.84, 95% CI = 1.48–2.28, respectively). However, only one nomophobia factor (i.e., access to information) significantly predicted illegal smartphone use (OR = 1.06, 95% CI = 1.04–1.09). Smartphone use is a complex and contextual behaviour, therefore, focusing on the fear of being without in dependency overlooks the nuances of the need to be with. This study offered several practical interventions that may mitigate illegal smartphone use and reduce the likelihood of crashes among Victorian road users.  相似文献   

The paper describes an experiment where anticipatory processes in the interaction with secondary tasks while driving could be explicitly identified and contrasted to control processes during the engagement in the secondary task. A special experimental set-up in a driving simulator environment was created that allows drivers to deliberately decide whether they want to be distracted or not depending on the driving situation and the expected development of that situation. As indicators for a situation-adaptive interaction with secondary tasks parameters from driving behaviour, secondary task performance and visual behaviour were analyzed. A study with 24 test drivers revealed that drivers are, in general, able to interact with a secondary task in a situation-aware manner. For example, drivers rejected more secondary tasks in already highly demanding situations or tried to delay the beginning of the task. During secondary task performance drivers observed the situational development with short control glances back to the road and adapted their speed. The analysis of driving errors revealed that rejecting a task in an already highly demanding driving situation is an effective strategy to maintain an adequate level of driving safety. However, some critical factors were identified that might hinder the driver from executing such strategies. Several recommendations for supporting the driver on this issue are given.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the nature of music and a concurrent task on measures of task performance and musical preference. Subjects completed 5 laps of a computer motor racing game whilst listening to either arousing or relatively unarousing music in either the presence or absence of a backward-counting task. Both these manipulations affected performance on the game with arousing music and backward-counting leading to slower lap times than relatively unarousing music and the absence of the backward-counting task. Backward-counting led to lower liking for the music than did the absence of this task. These results support the idea that music and the concurrent task competed for a limited processing resource. The results also indicated that liking for the music was positively related to task performance, and in conjunction these findings seem to suggest a direct link between music and the listening context.  相似文献   

The consequences of performing verbal and spatial-imagery tasks on visual search when driving were studied. Twelve participants drove 84 km on 2 highways and 2 roads. On each route, they performed 2 verbal tasks and 2 spatial-imagery tasks while their eye movements were recorded. The same results were repeated on all routes. Pupillary dilation indicated similar effort for each task. Visual functional-field size decreased horizontally and vertically, particularly for spatial-imagery tasks. Compared with ordinary driving, fixations were longer during the spatial-imagery task. With regard to driving performance, glance frequency at mirrors and speedometer decreased during the spatial-imagery task. Results are interpreted in terms of multiple attention-resource theories; implications of internal distractions on road safety are discussed in terms of possible impairment in relevant information processing.  相似文献   

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