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罗威 《福建宗教》2001,(2):35-35
乌尔姆(Ulm)位于德国南部,一座11万人口的现代化城市。整个城市布局围绕着市中心的敏斯特教堂(Ulm Minster)展开。这座教堂是典型的哥特式建筑,高度为世界第一。这座砖石结构的教堂从设计到建成经历了近600年人世沧桑.凝结了数代工匠的智慧和血汗。  相似文献   

环境保护离不开环境教育,而环境道德教育又是环境教育的灵魂.从环境保护的主体来看,如何解决公众的生存困境、公共管理者的政绩偏好、企业家对利益最大化的追求、学校的应试教育和当代人的利己主义倾向与环境道德教育之间的矛盾,是环境道德教育成败的关键.  相似文献   

试论环境道德教育的本质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境道德教育是培养解决环境问题应具备的价值观和态度的教育,是环境教育的有机组成部分,它是一种素质教育、人格教育;是一种社会教育、大众教育;是一种全面的、持续的终身教育。它拓展了现代教育的空域时序人种囿见,最有可能成为跨越各种差异的国际性教育。  相似文献   

走一趟欧洲,你会有“中国的寺庙,欧洲的教堂”的感觉,参观教堂几乎成了每到一处的重要项目。在德国北部的卢卑克的圣玛丽教堂,我静默坐了十几分钟,体会到了那种神圣虔诚的感觉;走进巴黎圣母院。在黝暗的大厅里,但见人们擎着十个法朗一支的蜡烛在穿行、朝拜;而在罗马圣伯多禄大教堂,那优美、整齐的唱诗班的歌声,让我不禁驻足聆听。整个欧洲有多少教堂我没统计,但可以举两个例子:荷兰的一  相似文献   

武汉是一座历史古城,从古地图和历史文献中提取历史时期基本空间数据,以及教堂、寺庵、神庙和祠堂等文化景观地理信息。以教堂景观为视角,武汉的基督教文化景观与佛教、宗族和民间信仰等文化景观呈交错分布,而且基督教各教会在武汉的布道范围有明显空间差异。  相似文献   

孙瑞 《天风》2018,(5):14-15
一座中国风格的教堂,便是让基督教融入中国社会的桥梁。一段时间里,中国的许多教堂都采用了仿哥特式的风格,仿佛在向所有人声明,只有上面有一个高高的尖塔的,才是基督教的礼拜堂。  相似文献   

试论环境道德教育的重要地位   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
保护环境 ,教育为本 ;环境教育 ,德育为先。环境道德教育是公民德性、人格养成的教育。在提高公民道德素质的建设中 ,它培育着一种面向未来做出抉择的能力 ;在保护环境的实践中 ,它担负着培养保护环境的伦理精神 ;在实施可持续发展的战略中 ,它处于树立公正观念的优先地位 ;在通向生态文明的进程中 ,它承担着启蒙、开发、引导的先锋作用。  相似文献   

2007年4月10日下午,由上海市文明办、市民族宗教委联合召开的2006年度上海市文明宗教场所创建表彰大会在市政协文化俱乐部举行,共有52所宗教场所在大会上获得表彰,其中佛教22所、道教4所、天主教7所、基督  相似文献   

费嘉昱 《美与时代》2023,(12):14-16
建筑赋予人一个“存在的立足点”,在满足功能性的基础上,人类需要“表达生活情境”的象征性艺术作品,以从中获得意义。人类建筑空间精神气质的传达可以增强人对所处环境的认同感与归属感,使其明白自身与环境的关系,感悟自身的存在是有意义的。而获得意义对于人来说是非常重要的,人最基本的需求就是确认自身的存在是具有意义的,否则会让人产生无力感。从建筑空间中获得认同感和归属感也是构成“住所”的基础,因此一个建筑空间的精神气质传达就显得格外重要。  相似文献   

余康 《天风》2005,(11):24-24
在陕西省旬阳县蜀河古镇,有一座保存完好的基督教堂,至今,每逢星期天仍有许多善良、虔诚的信徒前来做礼拜,接受心灵的洗礼。早在1934年,挪威牧师贝德伟和湖北省牧师夏德灵二人在蜀河河边搭起布道篷,宣传基督教义,两年后信徒初具规模,自愿奉献资金租房建起教堂。1994年,经旬阳县民族宗教事务局批准,成为合法宗教活动场所。历经70余年的风风雨雨,蜀河教堂的信徒日复一日地学习圣经、咏唱赞美诗歌、做祷告,怀着感恩的心一路走来。  相似文献   

Ronald W. Duty 《Dialog》2006,45(4):338-355
Abstract : Variety and complementarity characterize the views of six Lutheran theologians regarding the place of the church in the public square: Martin Marty, Ronald Thiemann, Robert Benne, Gary Simpson, Cynthia Moe‐Lobeda, and Patrick Kiefert. This article explicates their thought in with respect to the internal and external life of the church. To think of the church as a “community of moral deliberation” in the public square becomes the preferred model for Lutherans in North America.  相似文献   

Studies provide mounting evidence that morally convicted attitudes elicit passionate and unyielding political responses. Questions remain, however, whether these effects occur because moral conviction is another strong, versus a distinctly moral dimension of attitude strength. Building on work in moral psychology and neuroscience, I argue that moral conviction stems from a distinctive mode of mental processing that is tied to automatic affective reactions. Testing this idea using a lab experiment designed to capture self‐reported moral conviction and physiological arousal, I find that conviction about political objects positively predicts arousal evoked by the objects, while attitude extremity and importance do not. These findings suggest that moral conviction items do tap into moral processing, helping to validate the conviction measure. They also illustrate the value of using physiological indicators to study politics, help explain why morally convicted attitudes trigger such fervent responses, and raise normative questions about political conflict and compromise.  相似文献   

We are commemorating the tenth anniversary of the death of the outstanding young preacher Geoffrey Preston by publishing this trilogy. It was written not very long before he died and has not appeared in print before. Its other two parts, 'The Church of the Son' and 'The Church of the Father', we will be publishing in our July/August and September numbers.  相似文献   

The second part of the trilogy which we are publishing to mark the tenth anniversary of Geoffrey Preston's death.  相似文献   

Using participant observation, in-depth interviews, and legislative histories, we examine Westboro Baptist Church, a religious group infamous for homophobic rhetoric and funeral protests. Employing cultural and interactionist perspectives that focus on the semiotics of death, the sacred, and desecration, we outline how Westboro’s activities purposively violate deeply held signifiers of moral order through language, while simultaneously respecting extant laws of behavior. This strategy, in conjunction with the political profitability of opposing the group, explains why the group’s activism triggered extensive legal disputes and modifications at multiple levels of governance. Westboro’s actions and use of symbols—and those of others against the group—lay bare multiple threads in the sacred cultural fabric of American society.  相似文献   

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