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Preexisting word knowledge is accessed in many cognitive tasks, and this article offers a means for indexing this knowledge so that it can be manipulated or controlled. We offer free association data for 72,000 word pairs, along with over a million entries of related data, such as forward and backward strength, number of competing associates, and printed frequency. A separate file contains the 5,019 normed words, their statistics, and thousands of independently normed rhyme, stem, and fragment cues. Other files provide n x n associative networks for more than 4,000 words and a list of idiosyncratic responses for each normed word. The database will be useful for investigators interested in cuing, priming, recognition, network theory, linguistics, and implicit testing applications. They also will be useful for evaluating the predictive value of free association probabilities as compared with other measures, such as similarity ratings and co-occurrence norms. Of several procedures for measuring preexisting strength between two words, the best remains to be determined. The norms may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive/.  相似文献   

The strength-sampling model of free association (Nelson, McEvoy, & Dennis, 2000) claims that the probability of word association in free-association norms results from a sampling process. For a given cue word, each response word has an underlying distribution of strength values. In the free-association task, presentation of the cue word activates a random sample of strengths, one for each response. The highest strength wins, and its response is reported. In the present work, gradient descent was used to compute the theoretical mean strengths for each cue-response pair in the Nelson, McEvoy, and Schreiber (2004) norms. The resulting database may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive/.  相似文献   

Word lists are most commonly used in the investigation of human memory. To prevent transfer effects, repeated measures of memory for words require multiple lists of different words. Yet, the psycholinguistic properties of all word lists employed should match as closely as possible to avoid confounding with the independent variable(s) in question. Although comprehensive databases for word norms exist, to our knowledge no tool is available that automates the creation of such equivalent word lists. Instead, matching different lists is often accomplished prima facie. We have therefore developed a Windows program called EQUIWORD that completely automates the creation of word lists that are truly parallel with respect to a wide range of attributes. EQUIWORD takes psycholinguistic databases of different formats as input and computes several coefficients of distance for every possible word pairing. Program output consists of a list of all word pairs sorted according to their distance. On that basis, creating equivalent word lists is simply done by selecting the pairs with the lowest distance coefficients.  相似文献   

This article accompanies the archiving by the Pychonomic Society of the Toglia and Battig (1978) semantic word norms. Herein are outlined the various phases of the project, as well as the challenges that were faced in staying the course during the labor-intensive development of the norms. An examination of the number of citations of this set of norms over the years demonstrates a stable employment of these norms by investigators in many fields. Indeed, a concluding section details the wide range of research topics that have been studied with the use of this extensive set of word ratings. The complete Toglia and Battig article and norms may be downloaded as supplemental materials for this article from brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

CheckVocal is a Windows application that facilitates checking the accuracy and response time of recorded vocal responses in naming and other experimental tasks using the DMDX display and response collection software. CheckVocal handles all keeping-track and presents each recorded response audiovisually (as waveform, spectrogram, and sound played out) along with the correspondingprinted correct response andregistered responsetime. The user simply decides whether the response was correct, wrong, or missing, with a single mouse click advancing to the next response. Response ti me correction can be done manually or automatically (retriggering by apower threshold). Data safety and integrity is ensured by cross-checking and status saving, so t hat interruptedsessions can be resumed later. CheckVocal is freely available to the DMDX community via a dedicated Web page.  相似文献   

Although standard administration procedures are essential for valid inference making, current Profile and Mood States (POMS; McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971) protocol forces each examiner, when asked for assistance, to provide subjects extemporaneously with a word or phase that is: (a) synonymous with the original item, (b) located nowhere else on the instrument, and (c) more meaningful to the subject than the original item. The purpose of this article is to describe an empirically based extension of current POMS protocol designed to augment uniformity in administration procedures by providing examiners with a standardized list of alternatives to be referred to when questions concerning the meaning of POMS items arise. A multiphase survey procedure was employed to generate and refine alternative items. A series of alpha (internal consistency) reliabilities, calculated for the POMS subscales after each alternative was substituted, revealed little change in subscale homogeneity resulting from the substitution of the alternatives.  相似文献   

This article presents a new database of 2,654 German nouns rated by a sample of 3,907 subjects on three psycholinguistic attributes: concreteness, valence, and arousal. As a new means of data collection in the field of psycholinguistic research, all ratings were obtained via the Internet, using a tailored Web application. Analysis of the obtained word norms showed good agreement with two existing norm sets. A cluster analysis revealed a plausible set of four classes of nouns: abstract concepts, aversive events, pleasant activities, and physical objects. In an additional application example, we demonstrate the usefulness of the database for creating parallel word lists whose elements match as closely as possible. The complete database is available for free from ftp://ftp.uni-duesseldorf.de/ pub/psycho/lahl/WWN. Moreover, the Web application used for data collection is inherently capable of collecting word norms in any language and is going to be released for public use as well.  相似文献   

A reconstructive account of memory is presented to explain the finding that report of a word (C2) appearing in a rapidly presented list is reduced when it is orthographically similar to an earlier word (C1) in the list. By this account, the effect arises when the list is reconstructed from memory, not at the time of list presentation as proposed by accounts based on failure of encoding or tokenization. The reconstructive account is supported by a series of experiments that show a retroactive effect in which report of C1 is enhanced by similarity to C2; a nonword C1 can either interfere with or enhance report of C2, depending on how accurately C1 is encoded; manipulation of reconstructive processes can eliminate or enhance the effect of orthographic similarity; and a bidirectional trade-off in the report of an orthographically similar C1-C2 pair, whereby report of one member compromises report of the other.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, the authors investigated the effects of to-be-remembered (TBR) and intervening list length on free recall to determine whether selective rehearsal could explain the previous finding that recall was affected only by TBR list length. In Experiments 1 (covert rehearsal) and 2 (overt rehearsal), participants saw 5- and 20-word lists and had to recall the list prior to that last presented list. In Experiment 3, either 1 or 2 lists were presented, and recall of TBR list was postcued. Recall proportion decreased with increased TBR list length. Moreover, the authors found extended recency effects when recall was replotted by when words were last rehearsed (Experiments 2 and 3) and an effect of intervening list length when rehearsal was reduced (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Cued recall is strongly affected by the strength of the preexisting connection between the test cue and the information to be recalled, the target. In all past work, preexisting cue-to-target strength has been measured by the probability that the cue produced the target in free association. This paper presents four experiments showing that this use of such norms underestimates the strength of the connection and that a more accurate estimate can be obtained by incorporating indirect as well as direct connections in the estimate. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that in extralist cued recall both the strength and number of two-step indirect connections facilitate recall. Experiment 3 showed that three-step connections have negligible effects. Experiment 4 used an intralist task in which cue and target are first studied together, and the results showed once again that indirect connections can affect recall. In all of these experiments, indirect connections had an effect on recall that was larger when direct cue-to-target strength was weak than when it was strong. Implications for using association norms in research are described, and an algorithm for using association norms to measure cueto-target strength is proposed.  相似文献   

A generalization of the Yule-Simon model is suggested and such related questions as inversion problems and nonequilibrium behavior are solved. The generalization follows the work of Haight and Jones (Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1974, 11, 237–244) and thus special reference is made to word association tests. Some new possible applications of the presented model are offered, namely, in the field of neural cell assemblies.  相似文献   

In two experiments, serial order recall of short lists of content and function words under quiet and articulatory suppression conditions was examined in order to assess the hypotheses that (1) semantic attributes of words contribute to short-term-memory performance, and (2) do soindependently of effects attributable to the articulatory loop component. In Experiment 1, content words were better recalled than function words; both word types were equally impaired by suppression. This provides support for the notion that semantic coding makes an independent contribution to span performance. This word-class effect disappeared in Experiment 2, when content and function words were matched for imageability. These data suggest that at least some aspects of meaning contribute to serial order recall performance for short lists, independently of the articulatory loop.  相似文献   

Mandatory education and mainstreaming of handicapped children creates demands and opportunities for teachers and schools. Project Early is a special graduate program at Oakland University designed to retrain teachers to work with young handicapped children.  相似文献   

Culture is increasingly recognised among traffic psychologists to be a factor influencing driving behaviour. This study examines whether a cultural background characterised by rapid social change and high levels of violence and aggression, as in the South African context, has any discernible influences on driving standards or the behaviour of individual drivers. The experiences and attitudes of young drivers in South Africa are compared with a group of young drivers from Sweden, a country whose society has exhibited high levels of stability and where road user behaviour is renowned for its restraint and compliance with regulations.The two cohorts provide information about their exposure to traffic injuries, their attitudes to other drivers and to a range of traffic offences, and to the types of behaviour they personally engage in. Among the South African respondents the notion of a declining standard of driving emerges very clearly, and specific new norms of driving are identified. Such norms are explained to be a consequence of new social values or challenges inherent within contemporary South African society.  相似文献   

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