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本文采用事件史分析方法,分析了影响专业人员职称晋升的主要因素及两性在晋升上的共性和差异.研究发现:(1)女性专业人员有着不输于男性的副高和正高职称晋升及与男性相近的职称晋升轨迹.(2)相比于先赋性因素,自致性因素对专业人员职称晋升的影响更大.(3)相比其他影响因素,政治资本对专业人员职称晋升的影响减弱,对男性专业人员的正面影响比女性显著.(4)社会支持对于各类专业人员职称具有显著正面影响.(5)用更少时间成功晋升正高级职称的女性专业人员具有更趋现代的性别角色认知.  相似文献   

为探讨家庭社会经济地位对青少年自我效能感的影响及其作用机制,该研究采用问卷法对520名青少年进行调查。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位、家庭支持、自我效能感两两均显著正相关;女生的家庭支持显著高于男生,自我效能感显著低于男生;(2)家庭支持在家庭社会经济地位对自我效能感的影响中起中介作用;(3)该中介作用受到性别因素的调节,较之男生,女生的家庭支持受到家庭社会经济地位的影响作用更为显著。  相似文献   

周娟 《学海》2012,(5):59-63
一些智库的低效率,极大地制约了政府进行及时、准确的决策.本文从政策研究任务性质特点出发,以机制设计理论方法对此问题进行分析,认为未采取混合分工方式与仅在本机构内小范围分工等,是一些智库低效率的原因.本文最后提出提高效率的关键在于采取混合分工方式、发掘培养具有报告要求设计能力的高技能研究人员及有效利用外部成员等.  相似文献   

“家庭”对社会来说,是一种客观存在;但是对个体来说,“家庭”更是存在于个体意识中的一种认同,很多的家庭变迁和家庭问题都和家庭认同有关.本文从家庭认同出发,以个体化理论为视角,通过在上海深度访谈的46个家庭(以中产阶层家庭为主),探讨中国城市家庭的变迁.本文详细论述了个体家庭的认同模式,并分析了这种模式背后的性别关系变迁及其对家庭的影响.  相似文献   

采用整群取样方法对选自北京市的1164名流动儿童进行问卷调查, 考察社会支持、社会认同在歧视知觉与社会文化适应关系中的作用。结果表明, 流动儿童的歧视知觉整体上并不明显, 其社会文化适应状况整体良好; 歧视知觉对社会文化适应有显著负向预测性(β=-0.39, p<0.001); 在歧视知觉与社会文化适应的负向预测关系中, 社会支持起部分中介作用, 城市认同有增强作用, 老家认同有缓冲作用; 社会支持的中介作用受到城市认同、老家认同的调节。  相似文献   

陈永涛 《天风》2018,(7):26-26
不可否认,基督教在中国的未来取决于其是否能够成为真正意义上的中国基督教。而要成为真正意义上的中国基督教,中国化是其必由之路。基督教中国化乃来承道成肉身的原则,因此它不是可有可无的,更不是权宜之计,它的意义是使耶稣基督的道在中国文化、中国社会中得以具体化.作为一个中国基督徒.  相似文献   

陈永涛 《天风》2017,(8):27-27
林荣洪所说的第三种模式是基督成全中国文化模式。这个模式的提倡者认为,基督教与中国文化的关系,是成全而不是废弃。民国时期的大多数基督徒知识分子都是采取这个立场去处理基督教与中国文化的关系的。耶稣曾说,他来不是要废掉律法和先知,而是要成全。同样,使用此种模式处理基督教与中国文化关系的基督徒相信。  相似文献   

近年来,家庭研究在中国社会学界正呈现出不同于原有家庭社会学分支学科的学术样态。这样的学术现象对中国的家庭研究和社会学研究具有怎样的意义?本研究简略回顾中国近代学术史上的家庭研究,并梳理介绍对日本明治以来学术界的家庭研究、日本战后家庭社会学演变的分析,旨在说明,在中国、日本等后发国家,社会学的家庭研究从一开始就与知识界的社会认知需要密切相关;在方法上则一直与整体主义方法、实证的社会史方法,以及传统文化论等方法缠绕在一起。对作为社会基础性制度的家庭的研究,不可避免地受到社会变动局面及学术生态的推动或限制。另一方面,它也可能对社会认知和社会理论、社会思想产生特殊的影响。通过这种国际学术史的了解,我们能更清晰地认识当下中国的家庭现象和家庭社会学的研究。  相似文献   

积极错觉是积极心理学的一个重要研究领域,对于维持个体的身心健康至关重要。本文主要从进化论和社会互动论的视角对积极错觉进行阐述。从进化论的视角看,积极错觉有助于身心健康和认知适应; 从社会互动论视角看,积极错觉有助于维持良好的社会关系。未来的研究需要深化积极错觉的跨文化研究,重视对特殊群体积极错觉的研究,并加强积极错觉的应用研究和脑机制研究。  相似文献   

为探讨家庭收入与幸福观的关系,并着力考察性别和社会支持在其中所起的作用,该研究采用家庭收入问卷、社会支持评价量表和总体幸福感量表对520名高中生进行调查,结果发现:(1)高中生家庭收入可显著正向预测总体幸福感;社会支持在两者间起完全中介作用。(2)性别因素对社会支持在家庭收入与总体幸福感之间的中介效应具有调节作用。家庭收入显著正向预测女生的社会支持,而对男生社会支持的预测不显著。研究结果揭示了家庭收入对幸福感的作用机制,可为高中生幸福感提升提供有益指导。  相似文献   

Kulik  Liat  Rayyan  Faisal 《Sex roles》2003,48(1-2):53-66
In a sample of educated men and women from dual-earner families, we examined differences between Israeli Jews (n = 116), living in a relatively egalitarian society, and Israeli Arab Muslims (n = 163), living in a relatively patriarchal–hierarchical society. Comparisons were made in terms of wage-earning pattern, division of domestic labor, and degree of support given to working people by various family sources, all based on self-reports. Findings indicate that perceived division of domestic labor is characteristically more traditional among Arab-Muslims than among Jews. Arab-Muslim men tend toward lesser participation in household tasks than do Jewish men, but take upon themselves a larger role in public tasks, which are of a representative nature. No differences were found between groups for wage earning: the dominant pattern is the man as primary wage earner (traditional pattern), followed by both spouses earning equal amounts (modern pattern), with few families in which the wife earns more (innovative pattern). In the traditional and innovative patterns, men tended to perform public tasks more than did men in modern wage-earning families. Arab-Muslims and Jews enjoy equal measures of social support; for both, the main source of support is the spouse, followed by the extended family, and then by the children.  相似文献   

Research examining antecedents to sibling relationship quality have explored factors such as parenting and temperament (Brody, 1998); however, there has been no previous research on the topic of the current study. The present study used a cross‐informant approach to examine parent–child and marital relationships as potential mediators of links between parents' gendered attitudes and behaviours and sibling relationship quality. One hundred and twenty‐four families with older (M = 7.4 years) and younger (M = 5.2 years) siblings were assessed. Parents reported on division of household labour, gender‐role attitudes and marital satisfaction. Each child reported on sibling relationship quality and parental warmth and hostility. Results revealed a link between more egalitarian division of household labour and more positive sibling relationship quality. Furthermore, this association was not mediated by the marital nor parent–child relationship. We conclude that families with a more egalitarian division of household labour may model positive interactions for siblings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether the procedures used in establishing a couple's division of labor and each partner's gender role ideology have a significant impact on the perception of fairness in the division of labor. The data collection involved conducting a questionnaire survey of 181 Japanese participants who shared basic household work and paid work. The results from a multiple regression analysis presented a clear pattern of sex differences in the way and degree to which fairness was perceived. In the model for women, the variables of the procedure and gender role ideology had significant predictive power. In particular, the interactive communication procedure was a powerful predictor of women's sense of fairness. In contrast, among men the perception of fairness in the division of labor did not have a significant relation to the variables of the procedure and gender role ideology.  相似文献   


This study examined variables belonging to the family environment that explain the sense of family coherence among husbands (n = 133) and wives (n = 133) in Israel. Specifically, the explanatory variables tested were spousal power relations (as expressed in equality in the division of household labor and decision making), and perceived family conflict. In general, the sense of family coherence among spouses was found to be high. Perceived family conflict contributed to explaining the sense of family coherence for both husbands and wives. Equality in the division of household labor and in decision making had a greater impact on husbands than wives. Family coherence correlated negatively with age for husbands and positively with income for wives. The explanatory variables had a greater impact on the sense of family coherence among husbands than among wives.  相似文献   

为了探讨家庭社会资本在家庭收入对青少年社会适应影响中的中介作用,选取了418名农村小学3-6年小学生作为被试,采用家庭经济压力问卷、同伴提名法、学习成绩、孤独感问卷和家庭社会资本问卷进行研究。结果表明:(1)家庭经济压力与学业成就、同伴接纳存在显著的负相关,与孤独感存在显著正相关;(2)家庭经济压力通过家庭社会资本的完全中介作用影响学业成就(中介效应值为–0.14);(3)家庭经济压力通过家庭社会资本的完全中介作用影响孤独感(中介效应值为0.03);(4)家庭经济压力通过家庭社会资本的完全中介作用影响同伴接纳(中介效应值为–0.07)。研究得出,家庭收入完全通过家庭社会资本来影响青少年的社会适应。  相似文献   

This study explored the stress, wellbeing and social support of predeparture British migrants to New Zealand. The main research questions addressed the relationship between family support and psychological outcomes, differences in migration desire between couples, and the impact of extended family support. A survey recruited 95 participants from online forums for migrants to New Zealand and results indicated that support from immediate family was related to better wellbeing and lower stress. Migrants who considered themselves the driving force behind the move reported significantly more stress and less family support than migrants who had partners who were equally enthusiastic about the move abroad. Sojourners perceived more support from extended family than did migrants who intended to leave permanently. The most difficult parts of the migration process were leaving loved ones, logistical demands, and uncertainty. The most positive parts of the process were adventure and becoming closer as a family. Overall, migration stress and coping began well before departure from the country of origin.  相似文献   

We examined the extent to which individual relationships with mother and father, social support from partner, and quality of the relationship with the partner, are related to work orientation and work ethic. Survey data were obtained from 3841 respondents from the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (wave 2). The results showed that, overall, people with a more positive relationship with their parents had a more positive work orientation and a stronger work ethic. A positive relationship with the father had a greater influence on these work aspects than a positive relationship with the mother, particularly for men. Partner support and the quality of the partner relationship partially mediated the association between the relationship with one's parents and work orientation only for women. There were no significant relationships between partner support or the quality of the partner relationship, and work ethic. Research on the relationship with parents and work-related variables is discussed.  相似文献   

大学毕业生面临重要的生活转折, 其个人目标自主性对未来的无望感有显著影响。本研究以192名大四毕业生为被试, 采用特殊目标测量法考察个人目标自主性, 用问卷评价社会支持与无望感, 探讨目标自主性与无望感的关系, 并分析社会支持和性别的作用。结果发现:(1)毕业前夕去向已经确定的大学生, 无望感更低;(2)大四毕业生目标自主性越高, 对未来的无望感越低;(3)目标自主性对无望感的预测受到性别因素调节。对于男生, 高目标自主性能够显著降低无望感;对于女生, 目标自主性对无望感的预测作用不显著;(4)社会支持对于目标自主性与无望感之间的关系没有显著的调节作用, 但是社会支持越高, 其无望感越低。由此可见, 大学毕业生建立自主的个人目标和改善社会支持对降低无望感具有重要意义, 目标自主性的效应对男生尤为明显。  相似文献   

The importance of social support to the well-being of adolescent parents is a frequently discussed topic in the teen parenting literature. However, the meaning and conceptualization of social support varies across study and the heterogeneity within the teen parent population is often overlooked. In an effort to understand its role more precisely, the present study defined support both in terms of its structural and provision components, and examined the association of these components with both perceived psychological and behavioral measures of maternal well-being for a sample of white and African American teen mothers. Specifically, the relative contribution of household structure and provisional social support to the well-being of a sample of 107 African American and 146 white teen mothers was measured respectively. Results indicate great variability in the structural and provisional support adolescent mothers receive, regardless of race. Independent of other effects, provisional supports are more strongly associated with maternal well-being than is family structure. Further, the impact of these different types of support varies by race.  相似文献   

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