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The accuracy of a novel assessment instrument compared with conjoint family interview derived diagnoses is reported. The assessment instrument consisted of seven illustrations containing disguised depictions of family organizational styles and two distractors. When forty-seven families were requested to select by agreement a favourite among the nine illustrations, twenty-seven chose a pattern concordant with a family therapist's formulation of the family's organizational style (χ2= 16.91, P <0.001). These findings support the feasibility of developing a similar instrument for use in clinical practice. Comments address the rationale of the instrument, the study, and possible implications of the findings.  相似文献   

We report one study that explored the applicability of the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task (EAST) as an indirect measure of prejudice. The EAST detected known differences in reactions revealing that a Turkish outgroup was spontaneously evaluated more negatively than the German ingroup. More importantly, EAST effects were meaningfully correlated with measures of explicit prejudice expression. This relation, however, was moderated by participants' motivation to control prejudice expression. In addition, we tested considerations regarding the role of a task‐switch account for the explanation of EAST scores and found that only EAST scores of task‐switch trials were related to explicit prejudice expression. This supports a task‐switch explanation of the EAST. Results indicate that the EAST is suitable for the assessment of interindividual differences in intergroup prejudice. Implications for the indirect assessment of automatic prejudice activation are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comments on the article by J. T. Jost, which argued that the end-of-ideology claims that emerged in the aftermath of World War II were both incorrect and detrimental to the field of political psychology. M. Glassman and D. Karno make three critical points. First, Jost objectified ideology as a grand strategy implemented at the individual level, rather than as an instrument used for a specific purpose in activity. In doing so, he set ideology up as an "object" that guides human behavior rather than as a rational part of human experience. Second, they take issue with the idea that, because somebody acts in a manner that can be categorized as ideological, there actually is such a thing as ideology separate from that event and/or political experience and that psychologists ought to understand the meaning of ideology in order to understand future human activities as outside observers. Third, Jost seems to see this objective ideology as a unidirectional, causal mechanism for activity, a mechanism that assumes individuals act according to ideology, which eclipses the possibility that immediate ideological positions are the residue of purposeful activity. Glassman and Karno suggest that it may be better to take a pluralistic view of ideology in human action. Where ideology does exist, it is as a purposeful instrument--part of a logically based action to meet some ends-in-view--a mixture of immediate goals tied to secondary belief systems (which have been integrated to serve the material purposes of the purveyors of these ideologies). So if we are to understand ideology, we can only understand it through its use in human activity.  相似文献   

It is the thesis of the paper that the arts of the twentieth century have gone much further in the criticism of customary modes of thought than have both the sciences and the various critical philosophies which exist today. Moreover, they have not only developed an abstract principle of criticism, they have also studied the psychological conditions under which criticism can be expected to become effective. Some plays and the theoretical essays of Ionesco are analysed as an example. It is pointed out that Ionesco resembles Bacon in that he believes in an unchangeable basis of humanity from which all ideologies proceed. An attempt is made to free Ionesco from these dogmatic elements, theoretically, as well as practically (i.e. as regards the performance of his plays) and to utilize to the full his contributions to a theatre that is free of prejudice, and fully critical.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Physical Education Climate Assessment Instrument designed for systematic observation and to quantify variables associated with different types of objective motivational climates created by teachers and coaches in physical education and sports practices. The theoretical framework which guided the development is outlined with recording procedures and methods by which data can be summarized. In addition, estimates of validity, reliability, and feasibility are reported.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which investigate the organization of visuospatial information in post-iconic storage. In both experiments, stimuli consisting of 10 disks randomly placed in a four-by-five array were tachistoscopically presented to subjects whose task was to recreate the pattern. In Experiment 2, reproduction was constrained (on a row-by-row basis) while in Experiment 1 it was unconstrained. The results of Experiment 1 showed that subjects recalled in terms of “chunks” of spatially adjacent disks, with most “chunks” consisting of about three of four disks. Within each sequence of 10 responses the probability of correctly recalling a chunk decreased with its serial position but was relatively independent of chunk size per se (for chunks containing seven or less disks). In addition, clear topographical variations in accuracy were found, which tended to covary strongly with order of recall. In Experiment 2, the order of reproduction was prespecified (either top row down to bottom row, or bottom row up to top row) in order to induce chunking by rows. The direction of reproduction was either pre- or post-cued. The results of this study showed that subjects encode the stimulus, wherever possible, in a form which is compatible with the constraints imposed on recall order. The results for the postcued conditions provide strong support for the argument that topographical variations in accuracy are a function of variations in accuracy of encoding, and not simply a function of order of report. The results are discussed in terms of an attentional model. It is proposed that a general “anticipatory schema” (cf. Neisser, Cognition and Reality 1976) presets the distribution of attention in the visual field, preselects a set of coding heuristics, and subsequently interacts with the present stimulus pattern. Spatial discontinuities in the distribution of attention resulting from this interaction are regarded as “defining” chunks of stimulus elements.  相似文献   

Therapists'ratings on a sample of heterosexual couples receiving marital or partnership counselling were used to develop measures of'invasive'behaviour by the adults concerned. We suggest that this behaviour stems from difficulties in attachment and is marked by a desire to stay close to the other person, difficulties in communication, difficulties in handling relationships between three people, and problems associated with the birth of a baby. A particular feature of this behaviour is that one or other partner attempts to restrict communication from the other, perhaps in order to avoid surprises which are perceived as a threat to the relationship. Invasiveness by wives was high in those couples who had had problems after the birth of a baby and significantly lower in those who had not. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of systematic observational methodologies and field format instruments for the analysis of spatial appropriation processes. We present an observational instrument that facilitates the registration of a number of co-ocurrent variables related to different levels of responses (types of users, activities and environmental variables), which was used in an exploratory analysis of occupancy patterns in a public square in Barcelona. A sequential analysis revealed distinct patterns of use in different areas within the space, and at different moments during the day. These strategies offer important new opportunities to describe spatial occupancy patterns.  相似文献   

The overarching purpose of this article is to present a nonmathematical introduction to the application of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) within the framework of structural equation modeling as it applies to psychological assessment instruments. In the interest of clarity and ease of understanding, I model exploratory factor analysis (EFA) structure in addition to first- and second-order CFA structures. All factor analytic structures are based on the same measuring instrument, the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996). Following a "walk" through the general process of CFA modeling, I identify several common misconceptions and improper application practices with respect to both EFA and CFA and tender caveats with a view to preventing further proliferation of these pervasive practices.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the factorial validity of the Flinders Decision Making Questionnaire (Mann, 1982), a 31-item self-report inventory designed to measure tendencies to use three major coping patterns identified in the conflict theory of decision making (Janis and Mann, 1977): vigilance, hypervigilance, and defensive avoidance (procrastination, buck-passing, and rationalization). A sample of 2051 university students, comprising samples from Australia (n=262), New Zealand (n=260), the USA (n=475), Japan (n=359), Hong Kong (n=281) and Taiwan (n=414) was administered the DMQ. Factorial validity of the instrument was tested by confirmatory factor analysis with LISREL. Five different substantive models, representing different structural relationships between the decision-coping patterns had unsatisfactory fit to the data and could not be validated. A shortened instrument, containing 22 items, yielded a revised model comprising four identifiable factors–vigilance, hypervigilance, buck-passing, and procrastination. The revised model had adequate fit with data for each country sample and for the total sample, and was confirmed. It is recommended that the 22-item instrument, named the Melbourne DMQ, replace the Flinders DMQ for measurement of decision-coping patterns. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a combined instrument (eye tracker and target generator, both head mounted, with integrated data analysis) that tests parameters of saccadic eye movement and fixation control to give insight into the status of functional brain systems. Using three minilasers, the target generator projects three visual stimuli, a fixation point and two lateral stimuli, with programmable timing. The controller allows the selection of overlap, 200-msec gap, or remembered saccade trials. Size, maximal velocity, and reaction time are determined for each primary saccade. The number of prosaccades and antisaccades are counted. More saccades—for example, the occurrence and latency of corrective saccades—may be evaluated off line by an interactive PC analysis program. The eye position data can be transferred to a PC. Off-line analysis compares each observed variable relative to an age-matched control group (300 healthy control subjects 7–70 years of age, tested in the overlap condition with prosaccade instructions and in the gap condition with antisaccades). The diagnostic results can be used to elaborate an individual optomotor training program.  相似文献   

Object permanence, as expressed on a task which involves distracting the infant, was tested with infants ranging between 8 and 16 months of age. For this task, the attention of an infant who was playing with one toy was diverted to another. While the infant examined the second toy, the first was covered. Finally, the second toy was removed and the infant was allowed to search for the first. A comparison with performance on multiple visible-displacement, single invisible-displacement, and multiple invisible-displacement tasks showed that the distraction task fell between the two invisible-displacement tasks in difficulty. This distraction task appears to have heuristic value, since it facilitates separation of search strategies from the infant's understanding of the adult's role as an active agent in an object's disappearance.  相似文献   

This article discusses George Kelly's theory of personal constructs and its Repertory Grid technique as a means of assessing couples and families. Kelly postulated that groups of people, such as couples and families, are best understood in terms of their system of personal constructs; these are the lenses through which they view their world. The paper shows how Kelly's Repertory Grid can be tailored to elicit and assess a couple's and/or family's individual and shared constructs.  相似文献   

N J Wade  S Finger 《Perception》2001,30(10):1157-1177
The era of modern vision research can be thought of as beginning in the seventeenth century with Johannes Kepler's understanding of the optics of the camera obscura with a lens and its relation to the eye. During the nineteenth century, Helmholtz used "The eye as an optical instrument" as the title for one of his Popular Lectures, and such a conception of the eye is now accepted as a fundamental feature of visual science. In analysing the optics of the eye, Helmholtz constructed some novel optical instruments for studying the eye. The development of optometers, ophthalmometers, and ophthalmoscopes is presented historically, with emphasis on how these instruments and camera analogies helped scientists to understand the functions of the eye, especially the enigma of accommodation. "The laws of optics are so well understood, and the knowledge of the eye, when considered as an optical instrument, has been rendered so perfect, that I do not consider myself capable of making any addition to it; but still there is a power in the eye by which it can adapt itself to different distances far too extensive for the simple mechanism of the parts to effect." (John Hunter in a letter to Joseph Banks in 1793, published by Home 1794, page 24).  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the importance of the unconscious interaction between therapist and family as a factor of continuance in treatment. Previous research on continuation in treatment is reviewed, within which mutual expectations and social class factors are highlighted as being significant.
The issue is then reviewed as it effects family therapy and the theme is illustrated through an extended example of a family sculpted by a seminar of social work students. In this, particular attention was given to the interaction between the worker and the family.
It is concluded that the family's pressure on the worker to meet their expectations in reality, may be an important aspect of therapeutic breakdown.  相似文献   

A controlled trial of the effectiveness of family therapy for asthmatic children has been completed, and the results indicate that family therapy may have a part to play in the management of asthma. Our observations have shown that an interaction of psychosocial factors can have a significant effect on the course of the asthma by setting up a circular system which may ultimately lead to clinically intractable asthma, as well as intense emotional distress. Treatment is based on an understanding of the interactional model with the aim of interrupting the progressive sequence of events. A family approach is indicated when (1) emotional factors seem to be playing a significant part; (2) the asthmatic child is manifesting behaviour problems; (3) there is evidence of family psychopathology or (4) the asthma is not being reasonably well controlled with conventional methods of management.  相似文献   

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