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微博客积累的海量信息为直接快速地测量社会情绪提供了可能。本研究构建了微博基本情绪词库,结合在线文本词汇匹配技术对数百万用户的情绪进行分析,得到了快乐、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧和厌恶五种基本社会情绪。发现快乐与其它四种情绪显著负相关,而四种情绪之间正相关,符合情绪维度理论;工作日的快乐情绪显著低于周末;重要节日和事件引起了社会情绪的相应波动。这些结果都表明基于微博的社会情绪测量是有效的。  相似文献   


The distinction between the space of reasons and the realm of law captures two familiar ways of making events intelligible, by reference to reasons or to natural laws, respectively. I describe a third way of making events intelligible, by explaining them in terms of an agent’s being motivated to do certain things. Explanations of this sort do not involve appealing to reasons for which the agent acts, nor to natural laws under which the event falls. To explain an event in this way is to place it in the space of motivations. I outline the relation between the space of motivations and the space of reasons, and suggest that the space of motivations may serve as a common ground between the positions defended by McDowell and Dreyfus in their recent debate.  相似文献   

This research addresses a question that has not been previously – why do youths try to influence their friends’ behavior? Analysis of written accounts of peer influence toward both deviance and conformity reveals clear differences in motives for peer influence toward prosocial and deviant behavior. Influence toward deviant behavior is much more likely to be motivated by selfish concerns, and influence toward prosocial behavior is more likely to be motivated by altruistic concerns. These findings are consistent with the control theory view that crime and deviance is asocial behavior, and not the result of strong social ties to others.  相似文献   

Although the analyst's way of organizing what he or she hears is influenced by assumptions about human motivation, the analyst's experience in the room with a patient is quite removed from any theories about motivation he or she might hold. So compelling is the clinical interaction that it may only be retrospectively that it is possible to observe how one's theory of motivation influences one's work. Several years ago, on the day before I began working on this paper, I took verbatim notes on the last three sessions of a holiday shortened week to see whether I could discern what assumptions about motivation I was making. I would not describe my theory of motivation as it appears at the end of the essay the way I did at the time I wrote this essay. Today, I would try to integrate drive theory with object relations more explicitly.  相似文献   

I argue against Reasons Internalism, the view that possession of a normative reason for the performance of an action entails that one can be motivated to perform that action, and Motivational Existence Internalism, the view that if one is obligated to perform an action, then one can be motivated to perform that action. My thesis is that these positions cannot accommodate the fact that reasonable moral agents are frequently motivated to act only because they believe their contemplated actions to be morally obligatory. The failure to accommodate this fact is reason to reject these two types of internalism about reasons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the life themes and motivations associated with the psychosocial transition occurring among students who ranged in age from 28 to 35 years and who were re-entering a university environment. Eight women and eight men participated in structured individual interviews lasting from 1½ to 3 hours. Binomial tests showed that more participants were oriented toward their present life than were oriented toward their future life; a larger number were concerned about resolving conflicts with family, friends, and self than were concerned about future careers. Rank orderings of values by men and women reflected opposite poles of Erikson's intimacy versus isolation dichotomy and Levinson's attachment-separation dichotomy. Results are discussed in relationship to socialization to delay gratification and to development of a sense of generativity. Findings implied the need for greater attention by educators to students' interests and to mentoring relationships.  相似文献   

Universalism (the thesis that for any ys, those ys compose a further object) is an answer to the Special Composition Question. In the literature there are three arguments – what I call the arguments from elegance – that universalists often rely upon, but which are rarely examined in‐depth. I argue that these motivations cannot be had by the perdurantist, for to avoid a commitment to badly behaved superluminal objects perdurantists must answer the ‘Proper Continuant Question’. Any answer to that question necessarily ensures that there is a restricted answer to the Special Composition Question that is just as elegant as universalism. Thus, if you are a perdurantist, the arguments from elegance fail to motivate universalism for there will always be a restricted composition that is just as good.  相似文献   

This study describes the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Motivations for Suicide Attempts (IMSA). The IMSA was designed to comprehensively assess motivations for suicide emphasized by major theories of suicidality. The IMSA was administered to two samples of recent suicide attempters, undergraduates (n = 66) and outpatients (n = 53). The IMSA exhibited a reliable two‐factor structure in which one factor represented Intrapersonal motivations related to ending emotional pain, and the second represented Interpersonal motivations related to communication or help‐seeking. Convergent validity and divergent validity of IMSA scales were supported by expected patterns of correlations with another measure of suicide motivations. In addition, the IMSA scales displayed clinical utility, in which greater endorsement of intrapersonal motivations was associated with greater intent to die, whereas greater endorsement of interpersonal motivations was associated with less lethal intent and greater likelihood of rescue. Findings suggest the IMSA can be of use for both research and clinical purposes when a comprehensive assessment of suicide motivations is desired.  相似文献   

Research on employee referrals demonstrates positive outcomes for the recruited individual and the organization. However, little research addressed employees who make employment referrals, also known as employee recommenders. To address this gap in knowledge, we developed a conceptual model and present the theoretical basis for addressing the motivation of, and organizational outcomes associated with, employees who make employment recommendations. The model is based on the theories of word-of-mouth communication, cognitive dissonance, self-perception, and attitude change through self-persuasion. Partial support for the model was found in an experimental design simulating an employee referral situation. Results showed an increase in normative commitment of recommenders.  相似文献   

To investigate gender differences in the dynaijiics of alcohol use, we gathered self-report data from male and female college students. Results of our experiment showed that dominance power motivations were correlated with negative drinking outcomes for both men and women; assertiveness power motivations were associated with negative outcomes only for women. For both sexes, a higher proportion of positive social motivations was associated with fewer negative drinking outcomes. We expect that, in addition to the more traditionally defined needs for dominance power shown to be important for drinking among men, women may use alcohol in relation to needs for assertiveness and self-expression.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  This article discusses the interpersonal motivations associated with different levels of self-esteem. Although self-esteem literally refers to an intrapsychic attitude, we propose that self-esteem scales often measure a self-presentational orientation. High self-esteem scores are associated with a tendency to present oneself in a self-enhancing fashion that is characterized by willingness to accept risks, focus on outstandingly good qualities, strategic ploys, and calling attention to self. Low self-esteem scores are associated with a tendency to present oneself in a self-protective fashion that is characterized by unwillingness to accept risks, focus on avoiding outstandingly bad qualities, avoidance of many strategic ploys, and reluctance to draw attention to self. Considerable evidence shows that most people rate themselves as above average on self-esteem scales; relatively few people score below any self-esteem scale's conceptual midpoint. Review of past literature yields the following conclusions: (a) Low scores on self-esteem scales are typically the result of neutral and intermediate rather than self-derogatory responses to scale items; (b) behavioral correlates of measured self-esteem sometimes depend on self-presentational variables such as audience presence; and (c) many past findings with self-esteem scales may be interpretable in self-presentational terms.  相似文献   

Faced with a situation in which countries compete for international students, it becomes especially important to understand students’ preferences regarding migration behaviour. This paper looks at the determinants of international mobility intentions in the specific situation of Indian students in sciences and engineering. It uses the collected data from the survey held among students at five Indian universities and complements it with qualitative data from interviews. We looked at the role of students’ personal and family background, university-related factors, their social network and preferences for living location in their motivations for moving abroad. The type of university and field of studies work as strong predictors for students’ desired move abroad. Whether a student plans a career in academia or wants to work in a company has a decisive influence on where they see themselves in the near future. Professional aspects are confirmed to be the most prominent in the decision-making regarding international mobility. People who place high importance on work-related factors are more mobile, while people who place higher importance on family-friendly environment and public safety prefer staying in India. International student mobility is obviously a family decision. Parents’ support is crucial for moving abroad, in moral as well as in financial terms. Normally, obligations towards family are put in the first place ahead of potential individual initiatives.  相似文献   

Objective: To validate a measure of psychological motivations to eat based on a four-category model of motivations for alcohol use (Cooper, 1994). Motivations specified by this model are: to cope with negative affect, to be social, to comply with others’ expectations, and to enhance pleasure.Method: In Study 1, 40 respondents were queried in an open-ended format about their reasons for eating; responses were content-coded to determine if they fit into the four theorized categories. In Study 2, an item pool was generated based on responses from Study 1, and random halves of a sample of 812 college students were used to test and then validate the hypothesized factor structure.Results: As expected, the final inventory yielded the four theorized categories. The factor structure was generally invariant across gender, and the resulting Motivations to Eat subscales uniquely predicted restrictive eating, bingeing, and purging.Discussion: Prior eating research has focused mainly on coping and compliance motivations. The present study identified four distinct motivations to eat that potentially are important for understanding healthy and disordered eating.  相似文献   

即时通讯工具使用偏好及其与使用动机的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以大学生用户为被试,采用因素分析技术探讨了即时通讯工具(IM)使用偏好的结构,并考察了IM使用动机与使用偏好的关系.结果发现:(1)IM使用偏好主要由休闲娱乐偏好、复杂沟通偏好和基本沟通偏好三个维度构成.基于该模型形成的"IM使用偏好问卷"具有较理想的项目区分度、内部一致性信度、构想效度和区分效度.(2)一种IM使用偏好的形成受多种动机的共同驱动,但不同IM使用偏好的形成受不同使用动机模式的驱动.  相似文献   

The motivations of those seeking to prevent and assist suicide are conceptualized as defensive styles of repression versus sensitization adopted to deal with personal suicidal desires.  相似文献   

Juveniles' Motivations for Remaining in Prostitution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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