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印丛  王娟  张积家 《心理学报》2011,43(9):1002-1012
以起始掩蔽启动效应(the Masked Onset Priming Effect, 简称MOP效应)为研究背景, 通过3个实验, 考察了语音和字形在MOP效应产生中的作用, 以及在汉语单字词产生中语音、字形启动的位置效应。实验1表明, 在汉语单字词的产生中, 语音启动的位置效应显著, 声母启动的效应量显著大于韵母启动的效应量, 与拼音文字研究得到的MOP效应类似, 说明在MOP效应中至少包含有语音效应。汉字单字词语音编码的最小单位是音位, 而且具有从左到右序列加工的特点, 支持言语产生的“音节临时形成论”。实验2表明, 与目标字左、右部件相同的启动刺激均能促进掩蔽启动范式中的命名反应, 被试对与启动字的右部件相同的目标字的反应显著快于对与启动字的左部件相同的目标字的反应, 与起始掩蔽启动效应的假设相反, 说明在MOP效应中不包含有字形的作用, 却发现了汉字单字词特有的命名的字形位置效应:右部件启动的效应量大于左部件启动的效应量。实验3采用图-词干扰范式对汉字左、右部件的启动效应做了进一步的探讨, 仍然发现汉字右部件启动的效应量显著大于汉字左部件启动的效应量。整个研究表明, MOP效应是单纯的语音效应, 并不包含有字形的作用; MOP效应产生于言语产生中的语音编码阶段, 支持言语计划理论的观点。  相似文献   

王丹  王婷  秦松  张积家 《心理学报》2019,51(2):163-176
可成字部件在汉字中的位置和功能多种多样。实验1采用部件启动范式考察在汉字识别中可成字部件在不同位置的功能。启动刺激为处于三种位置(主要义符位置、次要义符位置、声符位置)的可成字部件, 目标刺激为包含这三种位置可成字部件的汉字, 要求被试对目标字做词汇判断。实验2结合部件启动范式和视觉搜寻范式探查可成字部件在不同位置的功能。结果表明:(1)可成字部件处在声符位置时的启动效应强于处在义符位置时。(2)可成字部件作义符时的启动作用只出现在处于主要义符位置时。(3)处在声符位置的可成字部件启动不仅促进对包含声符位置部件的汉字的识别, 还促进对包含主要义符位置部件的汉字的识别, 但阻碍对包含次要义符位置部件的汉字的识别。(4)当启动部件处于次要义符位置时, 不影响对包含相关部件的汉字的识别。整个研究表明, 部件位置效应不仅包含部件位置对汉字识别的影响, 还包含部件位置频率对汉字识别的影响。  相似文献   

亚词汇水平加工的本质:形旁的语音激活   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
该研究利用启动命名技术,探讨了汉字加工时是否存在着形旁的语音激活。把含有独立成字的形旁的合体字(如“躲”)作为启动字,与形旁同音的字(如“深”)作为目标字。结果发现,当合体字是低频字时,目标字的命名速度显著加快。高频合体字则没有此效应。集合Zhou和Marslen-Wilson关于声旁语义激活的研究,该文得出结论说,汉字亚同汇水平的加工与词汇水平的加工表现一样,两者之间并无本质性的差别。  相似文献   

汉字识别中的部件加工:错觉性结合实验的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎红 《心理科学》1999,22(3):213-217
本研究用“错觉性结合”的实验范式探讨汉字识别中的部件加工。被试对两个刺激字之后出现的目标字进行再认。结果发现在速示条件下,目标字部件与刺激字的部件相同时(如目标字为“她”,而刺激字为“姓”及“地”),被试常把目标字误认为刺激字。这种错误再认率随字频及部件频率的升高而降低。此外,刺激字的排列方式不同于字的结构方式时,字频及部件频率的效应减弱。上述结果不但表明整字频率、字的空间组织因素影响汉字识别,更显示部件是汉字认知过程的一个重要加工层次。  相似文献   

再探汉字加工中语音、语义激活的相对时间进程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在Zhou和Marslen-Wilson(2000)基础之上,进一步探讨汉字加工中语音和语义信息激活的相对时间进程及其对汉字加工理论的含义。采用启动范式,用同一目标字与语义相关启动字、同音启动字以及无关控制启动字配对,变化同音启动字读音与其声旁的规则性,变化启动字与目标字呈现之间的时间间隔(SOA,57ms或200ms),使用两种实验任务(真假字判断和命名),考察语义、语音效应发生的时间先后与效应量的大小。真假字判断实验发现,不管SOA如何,语义启动效应都非常显著,而同音启动效应则随SOA的增长而逐渐加大,从不显著到显著;同音启动字读音规则性对启动效应没有明显影响。命名实验发现,语义启动、同音启动效应同时存在于长、短SOA条件中。长SOA时,两者在数值上没有显著差异;短SOA时,同音不规则字产生的启动效应等同于语义启动效应,而同音规则字产生的启动效应则大于语义启动效应。结合其它实验发现,这些结果说明,在熟练的汉字加工中,语音信息的激活并不比语义信息早,语音激活也不是语义激活的先决条件;但汉字各种信息激活的相对激活量和时间进程会随任务性质和材料性质而在一定范围内有所改变。  相似文献   

汉字识别中的语音效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该实验用启动掩蔽法探讨了汉字词识别中语音的作用。以五类高、低频汉字词对为材料,在三种启动时间条件下发现:高频形似音同目标字在25毫秒启动下有显著促进效应,而形异音同目标字在25和35毫秒有显著抑制效应。在低频情况下与上述相应的目标字表现出不显著的促进和抑制效应。此结果似乎表明汉字词识别过程具有程度不同的语音自动激活效应。  相似文献   

从部件加工的角度设计了两个实验,分别运用部件启动作业和部件启动再认范式,考察了结构对称汉字识别的加工特点。结果发现:在部件加工层面也存在着显著的结构对称效应。即同一个部件,作为结构对称字的构成部件的启动效应明显大于它作为非对称字的构成部件的启动效应;作为结构对称字的构成部件被识别的反应时和错误率均显著地小于它构成非对称字时被识别的反应时和错误率。这意味着结构对称汉字中的部件(或笔画)比非对称汉字中的同样部件(或笔画)具有加工优势。显示出多层次的结构对称效应。  相似文献   

陈传锋  黄希庭  余华 《心理科学》2002,25(2):187-190
从部件加工的角度设计了两个实验,分别运用部件启动作业和部件启动再认范式,考察了结构对称汉字识别的加工特点。结果发现:在部件加工层面也存在着显著的结构对称效应。即同一个部件,作为结构对称字的构成部件的启动效应明显大于它作为非对称字的构成部件的启动效应;作为结构对称字的构成部件被识别的反应时和错误率均显著地小于它构成非对称字时被识别的反应时和错误率。这意味着结构对称汉字中的部件(或笔画)比非对称汉字中的同样部件(或笔画)具有加工优势。显示出多层次的结构对称效应。  相似文献   

汉字形声字声旁的语义加工(英文)   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
周晓林 《心理学报》2002,34(1):2-10
作为汉字书写系统和意义表达基本单位的汉字可分为独体字(占5%)和合体字(占95%)两大类。绝大多数合体字由两部分组成:义旁(通常在左边)和声旁(通常在右边)。声旁能够为这些合体字提供语音信息。根据声旁的读音与整字的读音是否一致,可把合体字分为规则字和不规则字。本研究的目的在于考察合体字声旁的亚词汇加工是否仅仅是一个纯粹的语音事件,只涉及声旁的语音加工,还是同时也是一个语义事件,涉及到声旁语义信息的激活。要求被试对屏幕上先后呈现的合体字(如“冯”)和与其声旁语义相关的字(“牛”)作语义相关判断。整字之间并无语义关系,被试正确的反应应是“否”。实验结果表明,相对于完全无关的控制组(如“冯——后”)来说,被试对声旁相关组的反应明显减慢,出现了抑制效应。这种效应基本不受整字的读音规则性和呈现顺序的影响。这些实验结果表达了合体字加工中的分解和平行激活过程。在整字加工的同时,声旁在心理词典中的语音和语义表征得到了激活。汉字声旁的亚词汇加工既是个语音事件,也是个语义事件,与词汇水平的加工没有本质的区别。  相似文献   

部件的语音信息对于中文假字和非字判断的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过两个实验探索部件的语音信息在人造汉字判断过程中的作用。实验一通过操纵部件的独立性和部件位置的合法性分别探讨部件语音信息和位置信息对于人造字判断的影响。结果发现,与部件不独立的假字相比,判断部件独立的假字需要更长的时间,正确率也更低;但是部件的独立性并不影响对非字的判断。实验二通过控制部件本身是否发音和部件是否能做真字的声旁这两个因素,发现上述两个语音因素均影响假字的判断:和部件本身不能发音的假字相比,判断部件本身能发音的假字反应时更长,正确率更低;和部件不能做声旁的假字相比,判断部件能做声旁的假字反应时更长,正确率更低。结果还发现部件所包含的语音信息越多,假字判断的正确率就越低。在最后的讨论部分,根据实验结果构建了一个关于识别人造字和低频字的认知加工模型。  相似文献   

Cognitive processing of lexical and sub-lexical stimuli was compared for good and poor adult phonological decoders. Sixteen good decoders and 16 poor decoders, average age 19 years, silently read 150 randomly computer presented sentences ending in incongruous regular, irregular, or nonwords and 100 congruent filler sentences. Electro-encephalographic recordings were made from the final word of each incongruous sentence. Although no significant group differences were found, good decoders showed specialised hemispheric word recognition processing at P200 and P300. Nonwords elicited greater N200 and P300 amplitudes for both good and poor decoders. Larger amplitude P200s were elicited by poor decoders when processing nonwords. These findings provide evidence for separable lexical and sub-lexical procedures and support a psychophysiological basis for a core phonological deficit in poor phonological decoders.  相似文献   

In this study, event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to trace the temporal dynamics of phonological consistency and phonetic combinability in the reading of Chinese phonograms. The data showed a significant consistency-by-combinability interaction at N170. High phonetic combinability characters elicited greater negativity at N170 than did low phonetic combinability characters, and the combinability effect was only found in the reading of high consistency characters. The results support the phonological mapping hypothesis of the reading-related N170 effect and suggest that the earlier stages of visual word recognition are shaped by the mapping of orthography to phonology even in Chinese. Moreover, our data revealed both consistency and combinability effects at P200 and N400, accounted for by the two-stage framework for visual word recognition. That is, characters with high combinability or high consistency facilitated the earlier stages of orthographic or phonological processing which were due to increased activation at the perceptual level; consequently, less positive P200 was demonstrated. In the later stages, high combinability or high consistency characters were associated with a larger semantic neighborhood, which increased semantic competition and exaggerated the N400 effect. These data support the assumption of radical-based inputs proposed by the lexical constituent model. However, the phonetic consistency effects found at N170 and P200 cannot be reconciled with the current framework of the lexical constituent model. A possible revision will be discussed.  相似文献   

文采用延迟反应的同一字判断任务,记录了大学生被试由部件数不同的两种残缺汉字诱发的事件相关电位(ERP)。结果发现部件少(笔画删除)比部件多(部件删除)的残缺字产生更小的P200,更大的N400,表明简单部件在合体字识别中起到一种中间层单元的作用;P200效应符合关于部件少比部件多的残缺字激活更多的部件家族成员的假设,而更多家族成员的激活使残缺字的整字内部表征受到的侧抑制更多,体现为更大的N400。双效应支持多层交互激活模型及其侧抑制机制。  相似文献   

Brain activity among 15 male, college-level, normal readers in Israel was examined during phonological and orthographic word-recognition tasks. Both electrophysiological (event-related potentials, or ERPs) and behavioral measures were obtained. Data indicated that (a) behavioral accuracy was almost perfect for all the experimental tasks, and (b) although P200 and N400 ERP components were elicited in the experimental tasks, the latencies of those components were significantly longer and their amplitudes significantly higher in the phonological task. Variations in vowel information had no effect on word recognition in either type of task. The results suggest that among skilled readers of Hebrew, phonological processing during word recognition may be more effortful and may demand greater cognitive resources than orthographic processing. Furthermore, the additional phonological information represented in vowels appears to contribute little to word recognition in this population. These findings support earlier research on skilled reading in Hebrew as well as current theoretical models of reading.  相似文献   

A discrete-trials color naming (Stroop)’paradigm was used to examine activation along orthographic and phonological dimensions in visual and auditory word recognition. Subjects were presented a prime word, either auditorily or visually, followed 200 msec later by a target word printed in a color. The orthographic and phonological similarity of prime-target pairs varied. Color naming latencies were longer when the primes and targets were orthographically and/or phonologically similar than when they were unrelated. This result obtained for both prime presentation modes. The results suggest that word recognition entails activation of multiple codes and priming of orthographically and phonologically similar words.  相似文献   

The effects of levels-of-processing and word frequency were directly compared in three different memory tests. In the episodic recognition test, the subjects decided whether or not a word or a pronounceable nonword had been previously studied. In the two lexical decision tests with either pronounceable or unpronounceable nonwords as distractors, the subjects decided whether a test item was a word or a nonword. There were four main results: (1) in all three tests, reaction times (RTs) in response to studied words were faster if they had received semantic rather than rhyme processing during study; (2) in the episodic recognition test, RTs were faster for low- than for high-frequency words; in both lexical decision tests, RTs were faster for high- than for low-frequency words, though less so when the nonword distractors were unpronounceable; (3) prior study facilitated lexical decisions more in response to low- than to high-frequency words, thereby attenuating the word-frequency effect, but more so when the nonword distractors were pronounceable; (4) in the lexical decision test with pronounceable nonword distractors, relative to prior rhyme processing, prior semantic processing facilitated performance more for high- than for low-frequency words, whereas the opposite was the case in the episodic recognition test. Discussion focused on the relationship of these results to current views of the mechanisms by which (1) word frequency and depth of processing affect performance in implicit and explicit memory tests, and (2) repetition priming attenuates word-frequency effects for lexical decisions.  相似文献   

采用眼动技术,通过两个实验考察了藏语母语者在不同语境中阅读汉语句子时,字形、语音信息在词汇识别中分别发挥的作用以及词频效应。结果发现:(1)在高限制性句子语境中,字形和语音共同作用;(2)在低限制性句子语境中,语音作用显著;(3)词频效应出现在高限制性语境的晚期,以及低限制性语境的中期和晚期。该结果表明,在藏语母语者阅读汉语的过程中,句子语境影响词汇识别过程中字形、语音的作用及作用的时间进程,藏语母语者汉语词汇识别符合双通道理论。  相似文献   

Research consistently indicates the importance of phonological processing in early reading development, yet the role of phonology in skilled reading is still not well understood. Two event-related potential (ERP) experiments investigated the nature and time course of phonological processing during skilled visual word recognition using a masked priming paradigm. Phonological syllable priming was examined by presenting prime-target pairs either with the same first syllable, or with one letter more or fewer. In this visually matched design, items like po## -PONY and pon### -PONDER appeared in the congruent condition. Conversely, pon# -PONY and po#### -PONDER appeared in the incongruent condition. In both experiments, the magnitude of the first negative peak (N1) was reduced in the phonologically congruent condition as compared to the incongruent condition. This syllable congruency effect is the first neurophysiological evidence for phonological syllable activation in the initial moments of visual word recognition. The early time course of this activation indicates that suprasegmental phonological processing is fundamental to skilled reading.  相似文献   

Solid bars or blank spaces placed before, after, or on both sides of a pronounceable four-letter string embedded in a longer string of letters facilitated recognition of the embedded string. This effect was equal whether bar or blanks were used, and whether the embedded string was a word or a pronounceable nonword. The effect of bars or blanks on pronounceable strings was interpreted in terms of a multiletter processing operation.  相似文献   

We present a study of the accuracy, consistency, and speed of word naming in a dyslexic boy, JM, who has severe impairments in the ability to use sub-lexical, phonological reading strategies. For words that he can recognise, JM's naming latencies do not differ from those of control subjects matched for reading age, and he is generally consistent from one occasion to the next. He can also match printed homophones with their definitions--a skill that requires access to well-specified orthographic representations. The data are interpreted as evidence for the creation of efficient recognition devices for words within JM's sight vocabulary. However, he shows a continuing inability to use phonological decoding strategies to deal with words that he cannot recognize by sight. Overall we argue our results pose problems for stage models of reading development, and that they may best be interpreted within a connectionist framework of the development of word recognition skills.  相似文献   

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