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多参照系条件下信息获取方式对绝对方位判断的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周荣刚  张侃 《心理学报》2008,40(11):1137-1148
把参照系整合基础上的绝对方位判断分解成路径获取过程(目标位置信息)、自身定向过程(前行方向信息)和物体定位过程(目标物体相对于参照物体的方位信息),系统地考察了多参照系条件下信息获取方式对该任务的影响。研究以视觉形式呈现空间信息,实验1a和1b的任务中均包括上述三个过程,前者以地图的形式呈现前行方向信息、后者以语词的形式直接呈现前行方向信息;实验2有两个任务,分别独立于路径描述(定位后判断)和自身定位(定向后判断)。所有任务均为目标位置(R0o-前、R45o-左前/右前、R90o-左/右、R135o-左后/右后, R180o-后)×前行方向(北、东南西、斜方向)的组内设计、因变量为正确率和判断时间为主,共有64名大学生被试(男女各半)参与实验。发现:0o和180o位置优势效应、朝北优势效应在所有任务中都很明显;实验1和定向后判断任务中存在正方向R90o位置优势效实;定位后判断时间短于定向后判断时间,但总体所用时间上没有差异。结合信息获取的方式和可能使用到的判断策略,从绝对方位判断的认知结构上展开了讨论。  相似文献   

张全成  刘阳 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1639-1648
研究使用图形面积判断任务取代典型的双属性决策框架, 考察了不同信息加工模式和信息呈现方式对吸引效应的影响。实验1比较了不同信息加工模式对吸引效应的影响, 结果发现, 当被试以直觉的信息加工方式进行面积比较判断时, 吸引效应不显著, 而以分析的信息加工方式判断时吸引效应明显存在, 后者效应强度显著大于前者。实验2通过调整图形排列顺序, 比较了刺激材料呈现方式对吸引效应的影响, 结果表明, 被试以直觉的信息加工方式进行判断时吸引效应依然存在, 但其表现要受信息呈现方式影响, 相对于将目标图形放置于诱引图形和竞争图形之间, 将诱引图形放置于目标图形和竞争图形之间而成为判断背景时, 吸引效应强度更大。研究提出了吸引效应形成的两阶段理论, 认为吸引效应产生的根源同时来自直觉的和分析的两个信息加工阶段, 研究也证实信息呈现方式对被试信息加工方式造成较大影响, 进而影响吸引效应强度。  相似文献   

以往许多研究探讨了各种视觉特征对数量判断任务的影响,但得出了不一致的结论.本研究依据信号检测论原理对刺激特征影响数量判断的方式进行考察.结果发现:刺激大小、形状和分布均匀度等因素可影响数量判断的反应标准,但不会影响辨别力;刺激聚集或组块会直接对数量判断的辨别力产生影响.结果表明,不同刺激特征对数量判断的影响方式存在差异.一方面,人类具有从刺激特征中直接抽取数量信息进行认知比较的能力;另一方面,刺激点聚集或组块可以直接影响被试的数量感知.此外,我们还推测,组块是通过改变客体表征的方式来影响数量感知的.  相似文献   

周荣刚  张侃 《心理学报》2008,40(12):1229-1239
以绝对方位中的物体方位判断为实验任务,并按照以往研究把判断过程进行分解为获取目标位置信息、获取前行方向信息和判断目标物体相对于参照物体的方位信息,旨在考察不同信息获取过程下的目标位置和前行方向如何影响基于场景记忆的参照系整合过程中的绝对方位判断。实验1的判断任务同时包括这三个过程;实验2和实验3中的判断任务分别独立于路径描述(即定位后判断,先获知目标位置信息,再进行方位判断)和自身定向(即定向后判断,先获取前行方向信息,再进行方位判断)。每个任务均为目标位置(R0o-前、R45o-左前/右前、R90o-左/右、R135o-左后/右后, R180o-后)×前行方向(北、东南西、斜方向)的组内设计、因变量为正确率和判断时间为主,共有60名大学生被试(男女各半)参与实验。发现:朝北优势效应只在实验1中明显;三个实验任务中均存在正方向-左右位置优势效应、以及0o和180o位置优势效应;目标位置对物体方位判断的影响程度要大于前行方向对判断的影响程度。结合以往的研究来看,场景记忆上的判断比视觉媒介上的同类判断受目标位置影响的程度要大,其他影响模式比较一致。从判断的信息获取过程上对结果进行了讨论,这有助于理解绝对方位判断的认知结构  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨救援决策者与被救援者的关系密切程度以及思维方式与决策风格对风险偏好的影响。研究方法:实验一采用3(关系密切程度:高、中、低)×2(思维方式:直觉性、分析性)两因素混合实验设计,被试68名;实验二采用3(关系密切程度:高、中、低)×2(思维方式:直觉性、分析性)×2(决策风格:直觉型、分析型)三因素混合实验设计,被试93名。研究结果:(1)救援决策者与被救援者的关系密切程度越高,风险偏好越高;(2)直觉性和分析性思维方式之间的风险偏好无显著差异;(3)直觉型决策风格的风险偏好显著高于分析型;(4)关系密切程度与思维方式的交互作用显著,具体而言,采用直觉性思维方式时,关系密切程度的效应显著,关系密切程度越高,风险偏好越高;采用分析性思维方式时,关系密切程度的效应不显著。结论:直觉与风险偏好的关系更密切。面对关系亲密的被救援者,决策者采用直觉性思维方式时的风险偏好较高。  相似文献   

选取82名被试,探讨在突发危急事件的逃生判断和决策中人们对不同信息源的采纳偏向,同时探讨直觉和分析两种思维倾向以及直觉和分析两种决策风格对逃生判断和决策中信息源采纳的影响。结果:(1)在模拟突发危急事件的逃生判断和决策中人们对不同信息源的采纳倾向存在明显差异,来自权威、熟悉以及具有高信任度的信息源更容易被采纳;(2)直觉性思维倾向启动条件下和分析性思维倾向启动条件下的信息源采纳倾向差异不明显;(3)直觉型决策风格对信息源的采纳倾向具有明显预测性,而分析型决策风格对信息源的采纳倾向不具有明显预测性。主要结论  相似文献   

李虹  陈石  倪士光 《心理学报》2013,45(1):94-103
目的:探讨针对简单和复杂逃生任务时, 直觉和分析在不同判断依据条件下的逃生决策效果。方法:采用两个主实验和两个预备实验。实验一和实验二的被试人数分别为:85人和87人。两个主实验均采取2 (思维方式:直觉和分析) × 2 (判断依据:简单和复杂)组间实验设计。主要结果:(1)针对简单逃生任务, 直觉组和分析组在不同判断依据条件下的逃生决策效果差异不明显; (2)针对复杂逃生任务, 在简单判断依据条件下分析决策优于直觉决策; 在复杂判断依据条件下直觉决策优于分析决策。主要结论:直觉性和分析性逃生决策的效果主要与决策任务的复杂程度有关, 而与判断依据的复杂程度关系不大。  相似文献   

何贵兵  马剑虹 《心理科学》1998,21(2):180-181
1引言当人们面临大的复杂问题难以用直觉直接解决时,通常会将它分解为多个简单的思维可及的小问题逐个加以解决,并将各个简单问题的解按一定的逻辑关系合并为大问题的解。在思维判断中普遍采用的分解方法基于两种假设:1)对各分解单元作主观判断是比整体判断更简单的认知任务,因此也较少出现错误和偏差:2)使用正式模型整合信息比直觉方法整合相同信息能产生更准确的结果。这些假设通常被认为是理所当然的,因而人们较少用实验去证明。本研究正是要检验任务分解对巨大未知数值判断的精度、难度和自信度的效应。2方法2.1被试:随…  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨知觉组块中部件类型和空间交错关系信息的学习是否促进问题解决。研究采用学习-测试范式,71名有效被试(女性25名,平均年龄=20.51±2.35岁)先学习解答组块破解问题然后进行测试。研究分别在学习和测试阶段基于组块破解任务操纵了部件类型(汉字水平vs.笔画水平)和空间交错关系(交错vs.非交错)。学习阶段,被试分别在四组中完成组块破解练习;在测试阶段完成所有四组问题。研究发现,对交错关系信息的学习与利用相对于部件类型信息促进了问题解决:在涉及交错信息的测试任务上,涉及交错信息比非交错信息的学习条件解答率更高,反应时更短;反之则不是。然而部件类型则没有发现类似的促进效应。与此同时,交错关系信息的习得需要对任务的重复操作学习:涉及交错关系信息的组块破解学习成绩在不同任务间并不随时间推移而提高,但会随重复学习次数而提高。  相似文献   

根据顿悟的原型启发理论,通过两个实验考察原型启发的时间抵消和位置效应。实验1采用2(字谜类型)×2(原型呈现时间)混合设计,结果发现:松组块字谜的正确率显著高于紧组块字谜;原型谜面消失的正确率显著大于谜面存在的正确率。实验2采用2(原型位置)×2(字谜类型)×2(原型呈现时间)混合设计,结果不仅证明了实验1,且原型位置、字谜类型、原型呈现时间的交互作用显著,原型在靶字谜之前时,紧组块字谜上谜面消失的正确率显著大于谜面存在的正确率;原型在靶字谜之后时,松组块字谜上谜面消失的正确率显著大于谜面存在的正确率。表明字谜顿悟问题解决中存在原型的时间抵消和位置效应,二者连同任务难度共同影响问题解决。  相似文献   

Bartels DM 《Cognition》2008,108(2):381-417
Three studies test eight hypotheses about (1) how judgment differs between people who ascribe greater vs. less moral relevance to choices, (2) how moral judgment is subject to task constraints that shift evaluative focus (to moral rules vs. to consequences), and (3) how differences in the propensity to rely on intuitive reactions affect judgment. In Study 1, judgments were affected by rated agreement with moral rules proscribing harm, whether the dilemma under consideration made moral rules versus consequences of choice salient, and by thinking styles (intuitive vs. deliberative). In Studies 2 and 3, participants evaluated policy decisions to knowingly do harm to a resource to mitigate greater harm or to merely allow the greater harm to happen. When evaluated in isolation, approval for decisions to harm was affected by endorsement of moral rules and by thinking style. When both choices were evaluated simultaneously, total harm -- but not the do/allow distinction -- influenced rated approval. These studies suggest that moral rules play an important, but context-sensitive role in moral cognition, and offer an account of when emotional reactions to perceived moral violations receive less weight than consideration of costs and benefits in moral judgment and decision making.  相似文献   

Decisions and judgments made after deliberation can differ from expert opinion and be more regretted over time than intuitive judgments and decisions. We investigated a possible underlying process of this phenomenon, namely global versus local processing style. We argue that deliberation induces a local processing style. This processing style narrows conceptual attention and can have detrimental effects on judgment and decision-making. Study 1 showed that intuitive judgments of quality of modern paintings were more accurate than were more deliberate, reasoned judgments. Study 2 showed that local versus global processing style is associated with accuracy of quality judgments of paintings, and Study 3 replicated this finding with an experimental manipulation of processing style. Finally, Study 4 showed that the effect of intuitive versus deliberative decision mode on quality judgments of poems is mediated by processing style.  相似文献   

Identifying which thinking mode, intuitive or analytical, yields better decisions has been a major subject of inquiry by decision-making researchers. Yet studies show contradictory results. One possibility is that the ambiguity is due to the variability in experimental conditions across studies. Our hypothesis is that decision quality depends critically on the level of compatibility between the thinking mode employed in the decision and the nature of the decision-making task. In two experiments, we pitted intuition and analytical thinking against each other on tasks that were either mainly intuitive or mainly analytical. Thinking modes, as well as task characteristics, were manipulated in a factorial design, with choice transitivity as the dependent measure. Results showed higher choice consistency (transitivity) when thinking mode and the characteristics of the decision task were compatible.  相似文献   

Precision strike capabilities represent a significant and highly controversial part of present day military operations. And yet, there is a surprising dearth of empirical research on military decision making in this domain. In this article, we therefore review different psychological perspectives on how these decisions can be made. Specifically, we compare the application of normative models of judgment and choice against the empirical research on human decision making, which suggests that people are more likely to employ heuristic strategies. We suggest that several features of decision tasks in the precision strike domain evoke the use of intuitive (heuristic) decision making whereas other features such as the sometimes unfamiliar (or novel) nature of the decision task requires analytic strategies to generate good solutions. Therefore, decisions about precision strike capabilities are best made with a mixture of intuitive and analytic thought, a mode of thinking known as quasirationality.  相似文献   

本研究通过操作工作记忆内容的有效性,探讨了记忆内容的保持对时间判断的影响。采用不规则的客体作为实验材料,使时间任务中的刺激与工作记忆内容匹配或不匹配。实验1采用工作记忆和时间判断的双任务范式,要求被试首先记忆一个客体,然后在每个试次的最后判断测试刺激是否与记忆项相同。在延迟阶段,被试判断连续出现的两个刺激的时距哪个更长(或更短)。实验2中,要求被试忽略第一个刺激,仅完成时间判断任务。结果发现,相比单任务的计时,双任务条件下,工作记忆内容的保持延长了时间判断的时间。而且,在记忆匹配和知觉匹配条件下,匹配刺激呈现的时间越长,正确率越低,反应时越长。这说明记忆内容的保持增加了决策的难度,工作记忆内容对时间判断的可能是由记忆内容引起的注意定向造成的。  相似文献   

Intuition is associated with a global processing style, whereas deliberation is associated with a local processing style. Drawing on previous research on the effects of decisional fit on the subjective value attached to chosen alternatives, we examined the possibility that a fit between processing style and decision mode results in greater subjective value than a lack of fit. In three experiments employing various combinations of naturally occurring and experimentally manipulated processing styles and decision modes, we found that when congruence was high (i.e., global processing style and intuitive judgment, or local processing style and deliberative judgment), participants judged their chosen item to be more expensive than when congruence was low. These findings indicate that increased fit resulted in higher estimated value. We discuss implications for judgment and decision‐making.  相似文献   

When making decisions, individuals tend to systematically prefer information that supports their a priori views over information that conflicts with them. This phenomenon is known as confirmatory information processing. The present research investigated whether contextual disorder—a factor that is typically irrelevant to a given decision case yet can significantly influence decision quality—affects confirmatory information processing. In Study 1, decision makers in untidy environments evinced less confirmatory information processing than decision makers in tidy environments. Study 2 replicated this finding and demonstrated that divergent thinking is an important precondition of the relationship between disorder and confirmatory information processing.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the role of processing style (intuitive vs. deliberative processing) in a deception detection task. In the first experiment, a thin slicing manipulation was used to demonstrate that intuitive processing can lead to more accurate judgments of deception when compared with traditional deliberative forms of processing. In the second experiment, participants who engaged in a secondary (concurrent) task performed more accurately in a deception detection task than participants who were asked to provide a verbal rationale for each decision and those in a control condition. Overall, the results converge to suggest that intuitive processing can significantly improve deception detection performance.  相似文献   

Economic decisions usually involve high stakes, real consequences, and some degree of personal risk. This article explores the impact of motivational and volitional states on economic decision processes in an incentivized lottery choice task. We investigated the patterns of decision time, choice, information search, and pupil dilation dependent on an experimental manipulation of motivation and volition, that is, the deliberative and the implemental mindset. The results indicated that choice preferences in economic decisions were robust and remained unaffected by motivational and volitional states, but decision processes were notably impacted. Decision makers in a deliberative state of mind searched for information more extensively and made slower decisions than the baseline. The implemental mindset was associated with more attention paid to the probability attributes of the gambles relative to the deliberative mindset. Furthermore, we observed that gamble outcomes that entailed no win at all (i.e., zero outcomes) played an important role for information search. These outcomes were largely disregarded in terms of predecisional information search but elicited pupillary responses similar to very high outcome lotteries. These results inform the current debate about the zero effect in risky choice. We also discuss the potential of eye-tracking studies of risky choice to dissolve ambiguities concerning the contributions of effort and arousal to modulating pupillary response. Implications for theoretical advances in decision research are discussed.  相似文献   

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