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本文把清代解读《诗经·齐风》的经学家分为“注重考据的传统派”和“反传统的思辨派”。“传统派”解读《齐风》重考据、训诂,遵从《毛序》,代表人物有胡承珙、马瑞辰和陈奂等。“思辨派”解读《齐风》注重涵咏篇章,阐述诗歌本意,用文学眼光进行解读,代表人物有姚际恒、崔述和方玉润等。  相似文献   

对《管子》学术思想的研究,长期以来存在冷落局面,或者把话说开一点,对齐文化研究,存在冷落局面,这是不公正的。山东号称“齐鲁之邦”,是因为山东既有齐文化又有鲁文化。齐文化有齐文化的特色,鲁文化有鲁文化的特色。能不能这样说,比较而言,齐文化更尚法制,鲁文化——儒学更尚礼治。东齐、西鲁的合璧、交融构成了齐鲁文化,成为中国  相似文献   

2003年11月29日,来自韩国、澳大利亚、匈牙利、越南等国家及中国大陆的专家学者群贤毕聚泉城济南,参加由山东师范大学“齐鲁文化研究中心”主办的第一届齐鲁文化国际学术研讨会。有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!在其后的4天会议过程中,专家学者们议论风发,畅所欲言,“和而不同”,在友好、热烈的气氛中拓宽拓深了齐鲁文化研究,可谓区域文化学术大聚会。  相似文献   

赵露 《管子学刊》2002,(4):54-56
山东素称“齐鲁之邦”,这是因为西周初期分封在这里的齐、鲁两大诸侯国而得名。在漫长的岁月中,两大诸侯国形成了各自的文化体系,被后人称为“齐文化”与“鲁文化”。以儒家学说为核心的鲁文化博大精深,其特点为崇尚礼治。齐文化被称为“齐学”,同样是源远流长。其特点为  相似文献   

韩铀  宋群豹 《管子学刊》2008,(1):115-117
在东夷文化沃土上发展起来的齐文化,历经八百多年的风雨,汉代“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”以后,齐地文人术士众多。到清代则出现了三位著名的文坛巨人,一位是“一代诗宗”王渔洋,一位是短篇小说之王蒲松龄,另一位就是现实主义才子诗人赵执信。赵执信的人品、诗品、书品都极具特色,有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

各位专家、朋友们、同志们: 山东省“九五”期间重点建设的三大文化工程之一——齐文化研究院,继孔子研究院和齐鲁会馆之后,今天在淄博宣告成立了!值此,我代表山东省政协,代表政协主席韩喜凯同志向齐文化研究院的成立表示热烈的祝贺!...  相似文献   

刘蕾 《管子学刊》2011,(3):106-108
本文从开展齐文化研究有利于拓宽齐鲁文化的研究领域,深化人们对齐鲁文化的认识与理解、有利于培植文化产业,助推经济发展,增强城市综合竞争力、有利于培育市民的家园意识,有利于构建社会主义和谐社会、有利于山东半岛蓝色经济区实现资源共享和文化认同,为经济区发展注入文化活力等四个方面阐述开展齐文化研究的学术价值和现实意义,并从学术角度阐述开展齐文化研究与建设山东半岛蓝色经济区之关系。  相似文献   

《诗经·国风》录有《齐风》11首。这11首诗歌,是对齐国社会生活局部画卷形象生动的描绘。从这局部的画卷中,我们可以领略多彩的齐俗风貌。 一、《齐风》概说《齐风》是齐国的民歌。这些民歌是《鸡鸣》、《还》、《东方之日》、《东方未明》、《南山》、《甫田》、《卢令》、《敝笱》、《载驱》、《猗嗟》。依据《齐风》所反映的思想内容,前人与时贤推测,其大致产生于齐哀公至齐襄公时期。对于《齐风》的基本思想,以《诗序》作者及汉宋诸儒为代表,将《齐风》界定为刺诗,有刺淫、刺荒、刺时、刺衰、刺无节诸说,即便如清代“欲探求古…  相似文献   

齐鲁文化在春秋战国时代达到了顶峰。经过两汉政治文化的选择,它的主体儒学上升为“官学”,成为中国封建文化的主流。齐鲁文化的地域性开始淡化,其文化的价值旨向发生分化。在朝,成为封建统治的意识形态支柱;在野,向民间寻求发展空间。东汉以后,齐鲁文化原初意义上的精神价值得以充分展现,在文人创作和民间文艺中发扬光大了它的精神旨归,主要表现为,在朝在野的齐鲁文人依然坚守古典人文精神和“德治”“仁政”理想;在通俗文艺作品中,齐鲁文化非官方的正统性质转化为“忠”、“义”思想的崇尚。  相似文献   

刘示范 《管子学刊》2005,(4):118-121
由淄博市人民政府、中国孔子基金会、山东省社会科学界联合会、山东理工大学和山东师范大学齐鲁文化研究中心联合主办,淄博市临淄区人民政府和淄博市社会科学界联合会具体承办,淄博市有关部门密切配合协办的,以“齐文化中的‘民本’思想”为主题的第六届齐文化国际学术研讨会,2005年9月11日至13日在淄博市隆重召开。来自日本、韩国和中国香港、中国台湾等国家和地区,以及北京、天津、河南等地的专家学者80余位到会参加讨论,会议收到学术论文与专著50多篇(部)。与会的专家学者以“继往圣,开来学”为新时期人类谋求最大福祉的历史文化慧命为己任,紧紧围绕“齐文化中的‘民本’思想”这一时代命题,密切结合我国当今坚持“以人为本”、  相似文献   

This article analyzes the views of 3 Dutch physicians working in the former Dutch East Indies during the first part of the 20th century. These physicians based ideas about the nature of the normal indigenous psyche on both their analysis of Indonesian individuals suffering from mental illness and on casual observations that represented widely shared cultural stereotypes. On that basis, they advocated a psychological colonial policy, which was to be based on a scientific understanding of the psyche of the Indonesian people. Using these ideas, they advocated political repression, justified inequality and racism, and limited educational opportunities for Indonesians. Representatives of the Indonesian nationalist movement vigorously protested against these ideas.  相似文献   

In this article I give an overview of some recent work in philosophy of science dedicated to analysing the scientific process in terms of (conceptual) mathematical models of theories and the various semantic relations between such models, scientific theories, and aspects of reality. In current philosophy of science, the most interesting questions centre around the ways in which writers distinguish between theories and the mathematical structures that interpret them and in which they are true, i.e. between scientific theories as linguistic systems and their non-linguistic models. In philosophy of science literature there are two main approaches to the structure of scientific theories, the statement or syntactic approach—advocated by Carnap, Hempel and Nagel—and the non-statement or semantic approach—advocated, among others, by Suppes, the structuralists, Beth, Van Fraassen, Giere, Wójcicki. In conclusion, I briefly review some of the usual realist inspired questions about the possibility and character of relations between scientific theories and reality as implied by the various approaches I discuss in the course of the article. The models of a scientific theory should indeed be adequate to the phenomena, but if the theory is ‘adequate’ to (true in) its conceptual (mathematical) models as well, we have a model-theoretic realism that addresses the possible meaning and reference of ‘theoretical entities’ without relapsing into the metaphysics typical of the usual scientific realist approaches.  相似文献   

藏明 《管子学刊》2011,(1):37-41,69
鲁国与齐国由于地理环境、经济发展状况以及统治政策的不同,造成了鲁学与齐学在诸多方面存在差异。但是到了战国中后期,阴阳家邹衍对鲁学与齐学进行了兼采,形成了独具特色的阴阳五行学说。特别是其五德终始说,既对稷下的学术著作《黄帝四经》、《管子》有所借鉴,又对鲁学的主体儒学的仁义思想、经世致用理论有所吸收,进而使鲁学与齐学达到了初步的融通。  相似文献   

In this study, 24 professional writers completed a short pencil-and-paper questionnaire on which they indicated how they felt before, at a pause, and after specific writing episodes. The intensity with which they experienced 20 emotions was assessed, as was the frequency with which these emotions were experienced when writing in general. Results indicated that the professionals experienced positive emotions significantly more often when writing in general than they experienced either negative-active or negative-passive emotions. Negative-passive emotions such as boredom, shame, and shyness were particularly rare and weak. During the actual writing process, positive emotions tended to intensify, whereas negative-passive and negative-active emotions resisted change. Sponsorship of writing had little impact on the quality of emotions experienced during the process. The professional poets, however, experienced negative-active emotions significantly more often when writing in general than did the prose writers.  相似文献   

The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and an alienation scale were administered to 100 creative Indian writers. Creative writers appeared to be introverted, high on neuroticism and psychoticism, and more alienated; they also had higher L scores.  相似文献   

岳友熙  李振 《管子学刊》2011,(3):100-105
齐国的开国君主姜太公在兴周灭商的过程中,充分领悟到了民众的巨大作用。因此,在齐国的建国之初,他就将民本思想列为治国之策。记录太公言论的《六韬》就充分证明了这一点。其后,春秋时期,管仲创造性地继承和发展了太公的治国方略,他在《管子》一书中正式提出了“以人为本”的概念,并且从爱民、利民、富民、惠民等几个方面阐释了以人为本的思想内涵。到了战国时.齐国的民本思想得到了空前的发展。在这一时期,齐国创建和发展繁荣稷下学宫,荟萃天下学人,百家争鸣,著书立说。随着以孔孟苟为代表的儒家思想传人齐国,极大地丰富了齐国的民本思想,并从理论上把民本思想升华到一个空前的高度。齐国的民本思想不仅内容十分丰富,而且具有鲜明的特色。这对我们今天建设有中国特色社会主义现代化强国,深入落实“三个代表”重要思想,树立科学发展观,具有极其重要的启示和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

In UK universities, reflection is promoted not only for its intrinsic value but also for instrumental purposes, for students to gain and demonstrate skills and attributes which are valued by employers. In this paper, I examine reflective writing produced by students seeking an award offered by the careers department of one university. By looking at the evaluative language choices made by the student writers, I shed light on some of their practices regarding self-representation and their articulations of experience. I provide a critical account of what reflective writing looks like in this particular setting, and interpret this in the broader context of the goal to foster reflection among higher education students. I argue that the reflective writing engendered by this particular context and task is different in key respects from the reflection which is commonly advocated as an element of personal, professional or academic development.  相似文献   

春秋战国时期是第一个大变局时期。在政治格局上,亲缘政治开始瓦解而地缘政治开始兴起。诸侯国兴起,春秋的历史基本上都是围绕着“争霸”这个主题展开的:制度改革、学术争鸣以及兼并战争。齐法家在春秋时期通过一系列主张帮助齐国在争霸中强大起来。笔者认为,其主张中已经包含接近现代国际法的国际法理念。齐法家思想中的国际法要素主要体现在齐国主持的历次会盟的盟约,以及齐法家的代表人物的外交活动中所遵循的原则中,本文着重从这两个方面展开论述。  相似文献   

任务图式对文章修改的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄洁华  莫雷 《心理科学》2001,24(2):167-170
本研究探讨任务图式对文章修改的影响。高低水平的作者先完成一个写作任务,再修改文章的初稿。修改时,实验组学生先接受关于正确修改的任务图式指导,控制组学生则直接进行修改。实验结果表明,任务图式指导有明显的主效应,高低水平作者均提高了对字面错误与意义错误的正确修改,而水平间的差异主要表现在意义错误的修改上。本研究还分析了任务图式指导对修改的字数(包括改变意义与保留意义的字数)、修改的句法水平(包括字、词和句子)以及修改的方式(包括插入、替换、删除和移动句子)的影响。  相似文献   

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