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The Pros and Cons of Masked Priming   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Masked priming paradigms offer the promise of tapping automatic, strategy-free lexical processing, as evidenced by the lack of expectancy disconfirmation effects, and proportionality effects in semantic priming experiments. But several recent findings suggest the effects may be prelexical. These findings concern nonword priming effects in lexical decision and naming, the effects of mixed-case presentation on nonword priming, and the dependence of priming on the nature of the distractors in lexical decision, suggesting possible strategy effects. The theory underlying each of these effects is discussed, and alternative explanations are developed that do not preclude a lexical basis for masked priming effects.  相似文献   

近年来一些学者提出"polypill"的概念,即在一粒药丸中混合多种药物,认为通过服用这种"多效药丸"将大大降低人群心血管事件的发生率和病死率.polypill为心血管疾病的防治提供了新的模式,但任何一种新的模式在实践中都会面临一些问题,我们应该用辨证的眼光去看待它,分析其使用的利弊,以达到尽可能为患者服务的目的.  相似文献   

近年来一些学者提出"polypill"的概念,即在一粒药丸中混合多种药物,认为通过服用这种"多效药丸"将大大降低人群心血管事件的发生率和病死率。polypill为心血管疾病的防治提供了新的模式,但任何一种新的模式在实践中都会面临一些问题,我们应该用辨证的眼光去看待它,分析其使用的利弊,以达到尽可能为患者服务的目的。  相似文献   

筛查作为有效控制癌症的重要手段之一,已引起国际上众多政府机构和众多学者的广泛关注,根据我国及全球癌症筛查的现状与进展,分析癌症早期筛查的积极意义、癌症筛查的弊端,探讨适合我国国情的癌症筛查制度。我国应通过建立政府机构、教育机构和卫生系统共同参与的筛查模式,改进并寻求价廉效实的筛查技术,选择合理的因地制宜的筛查方式,推进全民健康教育,提高群众防癌意识,加强癌症的一级预防,从而实现到2030年我国总体癌症的生存率提高15%的目标。  相似文献   

Madureira's (Integr Psych Behav, 42(23), 2007) article on the cultural barriers of homophobia articulates the need for an integrative approach to the study of homophobia and sexism. This comment focuses on critically examining the similarities and differences between homophobia and sexism. Sexism and homophobia are related concepts--both likely stem from a patriarchic social structure with specific expectations for the proper roles of men and women--but they are also distinct in important ways. The potential benefits of integrated research on racism and homophobia are also discussed.  相似文献   

网络时代的到来,促使人类的知识生产方式发生了由传统知识生产到网络知识生产的嬗变。相比于传统的知识生产,网络知识生产引发了知识生产方式的全新变革:知识生产的工具和媒介由传统的人工固态物变换为计算机和虚拟网络;知识生产的主体由传统的知识精英下移至网民大众;知识生产机理由相对封闭趋向开放;知识生产主体由"虚拟在场"代替"物理在场"。这些变革既给人类的知识生产和创造带来了极大便利,也不可避免地附带相应不足。对这一变革及其利弊进行的探讨和辨析,对人类的知识生产具有诸多的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

自我提升的利与弊:理论、实证及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我提升的适应价值问题目前备受心理学家关注。进化与认知神经科学研究者认为自我提升在演化史中具有潜在的适应价值, 它具有生物遗传性; 而社会心理学家发现, 自我提升在现实中的表现是利弊参半的, 主要存在三种理论解释:调节因素论、生态比拟论、多维多功能模型; 临床咨询心理学家在实践中提出的发展适应性自我提升的建议, 有助于趋利避害地将自我提升加以应用。未来的研究将聚焦于测量的改进、文化、发展及内隐研究等领域。  相似文献   

在诱导各种干细胞向胰岛素分泌细胞(insulin producing cells,IPCs)分化的研究中,或多或少地存在着分化效率低、分化细胞不够成熟以及分泌产物的性质难以确定等问题,而IPCs的功能决定了其治疗糖尿病的效果,也是衡量各种诱导方案的重要指标.如何合理、科学地对IPCs进行形态与功能鉴定?本文对此加以探讨.  相似文献   

在诱导各种干细胞向胰岛素分泌细胞(insulin producing cells,IPCs)分化的研究中,或多或少地存在着分化效率低、分化细胞不够成熟以及分泌产物的性质难以确定等问题,而IPCs的功能决定了其治疗糖尿病的效果,也是衡量各种诱导方案的重要指标。如何合理、科学地对IPCs进行形态与功能鉴定本文对此加以探讨。  相似文献   

本文概括地比较了经皮肾镜取石术与传统取石术的优劣,指出了经皮肾镜取石术时理想麻醉方案的重要性,详细地分析了全身麻醉和椎管内麻醉用于经皮肾镜取石术的利弊,最后作者针对如何优化经皮肾镜取石术的麻醉方案进行了深入的思考。  相似文献   

本文概括地比较了经皮肾镜取石术与传统取石术的优劣,指出了经皮肾镜取石术时理想麻醉方案的重要性,详细地分析了全身麻醉和椎管内麻醉用于经皮肾镜取石术的利弊,最后作者针对如何优化经皮肾镜取石术的麻醉方案进行了深入的思考.  相似文献   

针对当前我国各大医院普遍出现的《科学引文索引》(science citation index,SCI)热,对高等医学院校附属医院进行调查研究,从医学科研与医学科学的发展、医院SCI热的利弊,及未来规划三个方面进行详细分析.客观说明对科研工作者的科研成绩进行公正、合理的评价,反对单纯以发表论文数量评价个人学术水平和贡献的做法.只有这样才可以充分调动科研工作者的科学探索兴趣和热情,还科学研究以本来的面目,促进科研管理水平再上新台阶.  相似文献   

The present research examines the pros and cons of condom use as predictors of consistent condom use with a heterosexual romantic partner. Data from 619 undergraduate students (35.1 % males; mean of age?=?20.31) were collected using a voluntary and anonymous self-report survey. The pros and cons predicted consistent condom use during the last month among females, whereas only the pros were predictive of consistent condom use in men. Similarly, only the feelings of safety predicted consistent condom use among men. However, the reduction of pleasure for women, the side-effects of other contraceptive methods, the difficulty in asking for condom use when they were also using the pill and the fact that condom use interrupts and cools off foreplay were also predictors among women. Besides the superiority of the pros over the cons, in general, the present research identifies a number of important pros and cons that should be used to encourage condom use.  相似文献   

Peer review is the most important aspect of reputable journals. Without it, we would be unsure about whether the material published was as valid and reliable as is possible. However, with the advent of the Internet, scientific literature has now become subject to a relatively new phenomenon: fake peer reviews. Some dishonest researchers have been manipulating the peer review process to publish what are often inferior papers. There are even papers that explain how to do it. This paper discusses one of those methods and how editors can defeat it by using a special review ID. This method is easy to understand and can be added to current peer review systems easily.  相似文献   


During these times, when society wants "evidence" that treatments are effective, ethical and cost effective, quality assurance and evidence-based medicine have become catchwords. The powers that be place their hopes on them when they find that they have to prioritize forms of treatment. There are different attempts to define these concepts and there are different approaches, most of them based on quantitative studies. This article describes a different approach. It also discusses how you can use the model for peer review among psychoanalytical colleagues as a qualitative study and a base for both quality assurance and a learning process. It also has its place in any formulation of 'evidence' for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

同伴冲突解决策略及其影响因素的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
同伴冲突对儿童的认知和社会性发展具有重要作用。在同伴冲突的各成分中,冲突解决方式是决定冲突结果的关键因素。以往有关同伴冲突解决策略的研究主要集中在冲突解决策略的内容、分类、影响因素等方面。在综述相关研究基础上,本文还对冲突解决策略的研究方法进行了回顾,并指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

理想状态下,跨学科研究的同行评议应该是不同学科对话、学习的重要契机,同时,不同学科的专家参与到同行评议中来,促使跨学科研究项目得到公平、公正、科学的评审。然而,由于评价机制、学科壁垒和个人主观因素等原因,这种理想状态难以完全实现。跨学科研究的同行评议存在的问题及如何改进成为跨学科研究面临的难题和学界的关注点。跨学科研究的同行评议面临着缺乏合适的"同行"、评议者学科分化和偏见、学科壁垒和利益冲突等问题。为了应对这些问题,可以从改进评议人选制度、协调不同学科间意见、改革评议机制、建立风险机制等方面来对跨学科研究的同行评议进行改进。  相似文献   

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