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Despite the efficacy of evidence-based psychotherapies (EBP) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and efforts to disseminate them, only 6–13% of veterans seeking care through the Veterans Affairs health care system receive these treatments. EBPs such as prolonged exposure (PE) and cognitive processing therapy (CPT) are exposure-based treatments. Provider and patient fears regarding the tolerability of exposure-based treatments likely impede their delivery and completion. The present study utilized qualitative interviews with 23 veterans who completed at least eight sessions of either PE or CPT to elicit firsthand accounts of veterans’ experiences in these EBPs. Results suggest that while a minority of veterans reported initial symptom worsening, the majority of veterans reported positive experiences and felt that, despite being stressful, these EBPs were “worth it.” Most veterans discussed thoughts of discontinuing treatment prematurely, but stated that adherence was encouraged by their commitment to finishing, desperation for relief, therapist/group support, and family support. Veterans believed exposure made an important contribution to symptom improvement, as did greater self-understanding and changing negative or unhelpful beliefs. These findings indicate veteran satisfaction with PE and CPT, and may assist providers to develop strategies to increase adherence and treatment completion.  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, Landy and Farr (1980) and Feldman (1981) redirected performance appraisal research from issues related to the development of psychometrically sound rating scales to those involving the cognitive processes of raters. Since that time, several reviews have attempted to translate principles from social cognition and cognitive psychology to the specific conditions of formal appraisal systems in work-oriented organizations. In addition, a number of empirical studies have been conducted on this topic. This article reviews empirical research during the 1980s that focused on performance appraisal processes, particularly the research that has focused upon rating accuracy. The review is structured around a three-stage process model of gathering, storing, and retrieving information about social stimuli for the purposes of rating performance. Factors affecting this process are clustered into four categories: appraisal settings, ratees, raters, and the nature of the scales used for the appraisal. Once reviewed, the research is evaluated in terms of its contributions to improving the quality of appraisal systems as they are used in organizations.  相似文献   

Objective: Many women experience premature menopause following cancer treatment, accompanied by psychological distress, and poor health-related quality of life. In this qualitative study, we examined how women construct their gendered subjectivities – their sense of self as a woman – in the context of premature menopause after cancer.

Design: We analysed data from open-ended survey items and semi-structured interviews with women who had experienced cancer. Six hundred and ninety-five women completed the online survey and 61 took part in a semi-structured interview. A thematic decomposition was conducted to identify the subject positions associated with menopause taken up by the women.

Results: Three overall themes were identified: ‘The Incomplete Woman,’ ‘The Abject, Asexual Woman’ and ‘Out of Time and Social Isolation.’ Menopause was predominantly constructed as a negative experience, similar to older post-menopausal women and dissimilar to peers, contributing to experiences of social isolation. Menopause also signified the presence of a medically diagnosed cancer condition, and uncertainty around cancer prognosis.

Conclusion: It is important for cancer support group leaders and other service providers to be sensitive to women’s negotiation of menopause following cancer, in the context of broader cultural constructions, in order to provide appropriate information and support.  相似文献   

We study the case of Marya, a freshman engineering major who showed and spoke of a drastic shift in her feelings and approach to learning physics during an introductory course. For the first several weeks, she was anxiously manipulating equations without considering physical meaning, and she was terribly worried about being correct. By the end of the semester, however, she was sense-making and taking pleasure in it, showing and expressing an enjoyment of challenges and uncertainty. In this paper, we illustrate Marya’s transformation using data from her interview and coursework, and we propose it as an example of meta-affective learning. We argue that meta-affective learning was an important part of Marya’s physics learning and that it was deeply entangled with her developing epistemology.  相似文献   

The article calls back classical Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development to understand current findings of resilience research; we tested the claim that outcomes of developmental crises and resilience are closely related concepts. Participants (310 emerging adults, 64 % women) completed two measures of resilience and a measure of developmental outcomes. We tested two models of developmental psychosocial outcomes predicting both general and multidimensional measures of resilience. The analyses supported our assumption that developmental outcomes and resilience are highly related concepts. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

When listening to speech, we often benefit when also seeing the speaker’s face. If this advantage is not domain specific for speech, the recognition of sung lyrics should also benefit from seeing the singer’s face. By independently varying the sight and sound of the lyrics, we found a substantial comprehension benefit of seeing a singer. This benefit was robust across participants, lyrics, and repetition of the test materials. This benefit was much larger than the benefit for sung lyrics obtained in previous research, which had not provided the visual information normally present in singing. Given that the comprehension of sung lyrics benefits from seeing the singer, just like speech comprehension benefits from seeing the speaker, both speech and music perception appear to be multisensory processes.  相似文献   

The implicate or quantum connectivity of the coevolving phenomena of the cosmos, the ontohermeneutic complementarity relations between ourselves and the vast and minute systems we coconstitutingly participate, observe, prolong, and contextualize, and the eco-reciprocities among all forms of life afford us an understanding of ourselves as fractal or microcosmic embodiments and performances of what is irreducibly nondual anthropo-cosmogenesis. And if cosmogenesis is a self-referential process having nothing external to itself from which to obtain gain or satisfaction, we may analogously interpret our noninstrumentalizing contemplative experiences in complete attentiveness without regard to external payoffs as the fractal play of its creatively emergent self-delighting anthropocosmic self-awareness in the human dimensionality. Our attentive, noninstrumentalizing, and nonobjectifying contemplativity aconceptually presences connectivity and reciprocity in an aperspectivally transparent enactment of anthropocosmic ongoing-wholing whose meaning is the being of its own self-delighting. The sustainability of cocreative anthropocosmogenesis on Earth flourishes where our conduct and intrinsically rewarding contemplativity are consonant with and recreate the spontaneous coevolutionary play of intrinsically rewarding creatio continua unreduced, unobstructed, unfragmented, and uneclipsed by partial, excessively dualizing perspectives and related efforts for extrinsic gain.  相似文献   


Although the number of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) continues to grow, men still represent a significant majority of those employed in these industries. Mentoring programs have been identified as a useful tool to alleviate this gap and therefore have been developed in an effort to attract and retain women in STEM. However, research suggests that women are still being mentored less often than their male colleagues. To understand this issue in depth, 36 women holding managerial positions in STEM organizations in the United States and Canada were interviewed and their experiences with mentoring were discussed. The results suggest that women do have access and indeed find potential mentors but they perceive significant barriers that prevent these initial meetings from developing into long-term mentoring relationships. Specifically, four Barriers to the Development of Mentorship (BDM) were identified including: Need for Fit, Demonstrating Capability, Commitment of the Mentor, and Trust in the Mentor. BDM might help researchers and practitioners understand why women are under-mentored and consequently underrepresented in STEM workplaces. Implications of these findings are discussed, such as how to improve formal mentoring programs to overcome BDM and better serve women in STEM.


Rebecca Roache’s recent critique of David Lewis’s “cohabitation” view assumes that a person cannot be properly concerned about something that rules out that she ever exists. In this brief response, I argue against this assumption.  相似文献   

Kristin Andrews 《Synthese》2008,165(1):13-29
I suggest a pluralistic account of folk psychology according to which not all predictions or explanations rely on the attribution of mental states, and not all intentional actions are explained by mental states. This view of folk psychology is supported by research in developmental and social psychology. It is well known that people use personality traits to predict behavior. I argue that trait attribution is not shorthand for mental state attributions, since traits are not identical to beliefs or desires, and an understanding of belief or desire is not necessary for using trait attributions. In addition, we sometimes predict and explain behavior through appeal to personality traits that the target wouldn’t endorse, and so could not serve as the target’s reasons. I conclude by suggesting that our folk psychology includes the notion that some behavior is explained by personality traits—who the person is—rather than by beliefs and desires—what the person thinks. Consequences of this view for the debate between simulation theory and theory theory, as well as the debate on chimpanzee theory of mind are discussed.  相似文献   


In a study of the domain specificity of intellectual learned helplessness, we collected data from 376 students in 14 classrooms. We measured feelings of intellectual helplessness for mathematics and language skills, anxiety about performance in each of these domains, and general working memory. Multilevel modeling analyses found that feelings of helplessness in language skills were negatively related to grades in language but were unrelated to grades in mathematics. Similarly, feelings of helplessness in mathematics were negatively related to grades in mathematics but were unrelated to grades in language. Controlling for anxiety or working memory did not change these relationships, nor did they vary across the age of students. The results support conceptualizations in which learned helplessness has a domain specific component.  相似文献   

This study explored infant feeding practice meanings of HIV-positive mothers. Informants were eight black South African mothers (age range 18–29 years) enrolled in a mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) prevention programme. In-depth interviews on factors that influence exclusive breast-feeding were conducted with the mothers. Thematic analysis of the data yielded meanings around practices of knowledge contestation with health care providers and family, work demands, and personal preferences. Moreover, successful breast-feeding by mothers with HIV status may depend on addressing contradictory messages by health workers on infant feeding and community and family pressure to mix-feed the infant children.  相似文献   

This paper makes the point that Kierkegaard’s ideas concerning individuality cannot be understood clearly without placing them in the context of what I am calling ontological isolation. This means the radical deprivation by selfhood of every aspect of reality, to the point where not even the possibility or illusion of reality is available to the self. In this context the self is required to become itself, forming itself in and out of its own absolute nothingness, ontological destitution, or wrongness. With this form of isolation as our investigative key, we unlock what Kierkegaard means by his command to become a self, where becoming itself, in absence of prior possibility, constitutes the reality of self, and why Kierkegaard places crucial emphasis, contrary to the tradition, on the priority of negativity. By having the self originate itself in “absolute difficulty,” or that wherein the act itself, or pure doing without result, is primary, Kierkegaard now replaces metaphysics with ethics in order of priority, and places the self inseparably in a world that responds directly to that act. I show here a parallel between Kierkegaard’s approach to ethical action with that of artistic creation of a kind of world, the work of art. In doing so I reveal the inadequacy of interpretations that would impose traditional forms of isolation, social and cosmic, on Kierkegaard, as some of his critics do, or that would place Kierkegaard’s ethics within traditional developmental models, as many of his sympathizers do.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2003,18(3):431-450
This investigation examines socioeconomic (SES) differences in young children’s development of key aspects of metacognition and related language. The participants were 102 children ranging in age from 4 years 0 months to 5 years 11 months in five daycare centers located in New York City. Metacognitive abilities and language were observed as children engaged in an individually administered clinical interview concerning mathematical problem solving. The results indicate that the ability to describe thinking and explain ideas is stronger in the upper-SES group than the middle- or lower-SES groups. The findings also indicate that all the SES groups, and children of both ages, show little awareness of mistakes and adaptability without adult assistance. The capacity to express thinking was found to increase with age during early childhood. The results suggest that young children begin to employ rudimentary forms of metacognition before the onset of formal schooling. Implications for education are discussed.  相似文献   

Renz  Graham 《Philosophia》2016,44(4):1387-1407
Philosophia - It is uncontroversial that artifacts like statues and tables are mind-dependent. What is controversial is whether and how this mind-dependence has implications for the ontology of...  相似文献   

DeLancey  Craig 《Philosophia》2021,49(5):1953-1971

There are striking differences between Camus’s early and late philosophical essays, but Camus often claimed that his works were part of one consistent project. This paper argues that, although Camus had a significant change in his views on the consequences of the absurd, throughout his life he also had a common concern with the relation of the absurd to morality. Showing this requires us to clarify what Camus meant by the “absurd,” and identify at least three different uses of the term by Camus: lacking a purpose; lacking an explanation; and a tension between purpose and purposelessness. Clarifying the meaning of “absurd” allows one to show that Camus’s late argument against suicide, often dismissed as inadequate, is valid. This also illustrates the consistency of his concerns over time.


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