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Eleven individuals diagnosed with multiple personality disorder (MPD) on the basis of clinical observation by experienced therapists plus elevated scores on the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES; Bernstein & Putnam. 1986) were administered the Rorschach Inkblo; Test and the Hand Test. Results from the sample (n = 11) and a matched control group (N = 22) were analyzed and discussed in accordance with previous Rorschach diagnostic systems. The Wagner Signs diagnosed 91% (n = 10) of the MPD cases in this outpatient sample, with no false positives. The Labott Signs were found to have no utility, and the Barach Signs, when they occurred, seemed to be diagnostic of MPD but yielded a high rate of false negatives. Hand Test results were analyzed and found to be possibly diagnostic of MPD. Tentative criteria were proposed for its use as an additional tool for diagnosing MPD.  相似文献   

One Personality, Multiple Selves: Integrating Personality and Social Roles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT How do people maintain multiple, role-specific self-conceptions as well as a consistent sense of self? In a sample of middle-aged women, we examined three issues: (a) the ways in which people view themselves as both different and similar across social roles (e.g., parent, friend, worker), (b) how role-specific self-conceptions and general self-conceptions are related, and (c) the merits of predicting role-specific criteria from role-specific and general self-conceptions. Results showed that subjects' self-conceptions were specific to role contexts, yet highly correlated across those same role contexts. In addition, role-specific self-conceptions were more similar to the general self-concept for roles with which the individual was more satisfied. Finally, as predicted from the bandwidth-fidelity trade-off, ratings of the general self correlated moderately with outcomes across all role domains, whereas ratings of role-specific self-conceptions correlated strongly with outcomes for the same role, but not in other roles.  相似文献   

Revisions of the diagnostic nomenclature have contributed to renewed interest in multiple personality disorder (MPD). Identity and self-organization in MPD are assessed using a sophisticated structural-interpersonal measurement system, Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB). Two important features of the SASB model applied to MPD are the assessments of interpersonal perceptions of childhood initiators of abuse and of the introject or self-organization of host and secondary personalities. SASB findings from a clinical series of six cases of MPD are analyzed to illustrate the use of this assessment technique. Host personalities and abused secondary personalities differed in their identity and self-organization. Host personalities evidenced internalization of abuse dynamics related to selfdestructive trends. Secondary personalities, despite having experienced abuse, did not manifest such dynamics. Implications for understanding personality processes in MPD and for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past 75 years, the study of personality and personality disorders has been informed considerably by an impressive array of psychometric instruments. Many of these tests draw on the perspective that personality features can be conceptualized in terms of latent traits that vary dimensionally across the population. A purely trait-oriented approach to personality, however, might overlook heterogeneity that is related to similarities among subgroups of people. This article describes how factor mixture modeling (FMM), which incorporates both categories and dimensions, can be used to represent person-oriented and trait-oriented variability in the latent structure of personality. We provide an overview of different forms of FMM that vary in the degree to which they emphasize trait- versus person-oriented variability. We also provide practical guidelines for applying FMM to personality data, and we illustrate model fitting and interpretation using an empirical analysis of general personality dysfunction.  相似文献   

Studying personality and its pathology as it changes, develops, or remains stable over time offers exciting insight into the nature of individual differences. Researchers interested in examining personal characteristics over time have a number of time-honored analytic approaches at their disposal. In recent years there have also been considerable advances in person-oriented analytic approaches, particularly longitudinal mixture models. In this methodological primer we focus on mixture modeling approaches to the study of normative and individual change in the form of growth mixture models and ipsative change in the form of latent transition analysis. We describe the conceptual underpinnings of each of these models, outline approaches for their implementation, and provide accessible examples for researchers studying personality and its assessment.  相似文献   

Ss' responses to tachistoscopic exposures of self-photographs have been suggested as one approach to self-images without awareness. Sixty-three Ss completed a Q sort for themselves and after tachistoscopic exposure of their own and control photographs, for the persons in the photographs. Ss also completed the Structured-Objective Rorschach Test and Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank. The self was sorted most favorably, the control tachistoscopic exposure significantly less favorably, and the self tachistoscopic exposure significantly less favorably than the control. These differences were found to be related to sex and adjustment measured with the Rotter. The SORT correlated insignificantly with Q sort and Rotter.  相似文献   

A General Factor of Personality (GFP) occupies the apex of the hierarchy in three prominent personality disorder inventories. On the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III, a GFP accounted for 41% of the variance in two second-order factors, 31% of the variance in five first-order factors, and 26% of the variance in all 24 scales. On the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology, a GFP accounted for 61% of the variance in six first-order factors and 36% of the variance in all 18 scales. In a cross-validation study of the Personality Assessment Inventory, a GFP accounted for 65% of the variance in two second-order factors, 47% of the variance in five first-order factors, and 27% of the variance in all 18 scales.  相似文献   

王卓然  郭磊  边玉芳 《心理学报》2014,46(12):1923-1932
检测项目功能差异(DIF)是认知诊断测验中很重要的问题。首先将逻辑斯蒂克回归法(LR)引入认知诊断测验DIF检测, 然后将LR法与MH法和Wald检验法的DIF检验效果进行比较。在比较中同时考察了匹配变量、DIF种类、DIF大小和受测者人数的影响。结果表明:(1) LR法在认知诊断测验DIF检测中, 检验力较高, 一类错误率较低。(2) LR法在检测认知诊断测验的DIF时, 不受认知诊断方法的影响。(3) LR法可以有效区分一致性DIF和非一致性DIF, 并有较高检验力和较低一类错误率。(4)采用知识状态作为匹配变量, 能够得到较理想的检验力和一类错误率。(5) DIF越大, 受测者人数越多, 统计检验力越高, 但一类错误率不受影响。  相似文献   

The assumptions and statistical implications of six methods of test use in em- ployment contexts were examined by using an actual distribution of test scores of 3,377 candidates for jobs as firefighters in a large U.S. city. The six methods examined were: (a) strict top-down referral in order of test score; (b) within-group percentile referral; (c) fixed bands, using random referral within bands; (d) fixed bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands; (e) sliding bands, using random referral within bands; and (f) sliding bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands. The six strate- gies yielded significant differences on two related criteria: the percentages of minority and nonminority candidates referred for selection, and the relative level of adverse impact produced by each referral strategy. Average test scores of selectees at two different selection ratios did not differ significantly across the six referral strategies. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of their impact on merit hiring and the achievement of economic and social goals. In general, use of any strategy other than strict top-down referral results in some loss in utility. However, if the goal is to optimize social and ec- onomic objectives simultaneously, then tradeoffs are necessary. In some situ- ations, use of the sliding band (with diversity-based referral) may be best suited to this purpose.  相似文献   

The assumptions and statistical implications of six methods of test use in em- ployment contexts were examined by using an actual distribution of test scores of 3,377 candidates for jobs as firefighters in a large U.S. city. The six methods examined were: (a) strict top-down referral in order of test score; (b) within-group percentile referral; (c) fied bands, using random referral within bands; (d) fied bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands; (e) sliding bands, using random referral within bands; and (f) sliding bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands. The six strategies yielded significant differences on two related criteria: the percentages of minority and nonminority candidates referred for selection, and the relative level of adverse impact produced by each referral strategy. Average test scores of selectees at two different selection ratios did not differ significantly across the six referral strategies. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of their impact on merit hiring and the achievement of economic and social goals. In general, use of any strategy other than strict top-down referral results in some loss in utility. However, if the goal is to optimize social and economic objectives simultaneously, then tradeoffs are necessary. In some situations, use of the sliding band (with diversity-based referral) may be best suited to this purpose.  相似文献   

张荣娟  安蕾 《心理科学》2016,39(3):614-620
目的:探讨自尊、惧怕负面评价及无法忍受不确定性在人格特质和考试焦虑间的中介作用。方法:采用人格问卷简式量表EPQ-RSC、Rosenberg自尊问卷、惧怕负面评价量表简表、无法忍受不确定性量表和考试焦虑量表测量410名在校高中生和大学生。结果:(1)相关分析表明,神经质、惧怕负面评价、无法忍受不确定性及考试焦虑之间彼此正相关显著;外向性与自尊正相关显著,与惧怕负面评价、无法忍受不确定性及考试焦虑等负相关显著;精神质与自尊、惧怕负面评价及考试焦虑等负相关显著;自尊与神经质、惧怕负面评价、无法忍受不确定性及考试焦虑负相关显著。(2)回归分析表明,人格特质中的神经质和精神质能显著预测考试焦虑,无法忍受不确定性在人格特质和考试焦虑之间起部分中介作用;结构方程模型分析结果显示,人格特质中神经质和精神质对考试焦虑的直接效应显著,经由自尊、惧怕负面评价和无法忍受不确定性对考试焦虑的间接效应也极为显著。结论:自尊、惧怕负面评价和无法忍受不确定性在人格特质与考试焦虑间起着中介作用。  相似文献   

Schnurr, Rosenberg, and Oxman (1992) recently compared the free speech samples and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) responses of 95 normal adults. They concluded that the two techniques are not interchangeable, and that the TAT, which proved superior in the prediction of individual differences, may be preferable to free speech instructions for eliciting data in content analytic studies. We disagree with both conclusions. Various forms of narrative speech samples may be highly correlated, so long as psychologically meaningful, well-validated, and higher order content categories are used. The use of first-order content categories is less likely to contribute to the study of personality.  相似文献   

The Black-White gap in test scores on cognitive ability tests has been the subject of much research effort. This article critically evaluates the literature regarding one potential contributor to the gap: test perceptions. A model of how these perceptions affect test performance is presented, and the literature linking them to test performance and race is evaluated. Directions for future research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Life-history interviews show narrators to shift among multiple, often contradictory self-representations. This article outlines a model that accounts for how a relatively small set of self-symbols and metaphors can form a grammar-like system that simultaneously defines and integrates multiple identities. Drawing on generative theories from linguistics, anthropology, and music, the model proposes that this system provides a unitary deep structure that can be configured in various arrangements to yield multiple surface structures. Each “surface” identity constructs an individual's emotions and social relations–and what he or she accepts as “Me” and rejects as “not-Me”—into a distinct pattern, with identity per se appearing as a dialogic or fugue-like structure of opposed voices. Study-of-lives interviews conducted by the author in urban America and rural Morocco are used to present the model and to demonstrate the pivotal role played by multistable or “structurally ambiguous” symbols in anchoring reversible self-representations which integrate personality as a system of organized contradiction. The musical analogy is emphasized in order to build a bridge toward current research in cognitive science and toward efforts to formulate a “state integration” theory of personality development.  相似文献   

To reduce faking on personality tests, applicants may be warned that a social desirability scale is embedded in the test. Although this procedure has been shown to substantially reduce faking, there is no data that addresses how such a warning may influence applicant reactions toward the selection procedure or the relationships among personality constructs. Using an organizational justice framework, this study examines the effect of warning on procedural justice perceptions. Additionally, the extent to which warning changes the relationships among personality variables, socially desirable responding, and organizational justice variables, was explored. The results suggest that warning did not negatively affect test‐taker reactions. However, the relationships among the justice measures and the personality variables and socially desirable responding differed across the warned and unwarned groups. The organizational justice model fit best and there was less multicollinearity among the personality variables in the warned condition, compared to the unwarned condition. Thus, providing a warning appears to have positive consequences when using personality measures.  相似文献   

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