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Two to 13 geometrical shapes were exposed simultaneously to S who decided whether all shapes were the same or whether one was different from the rest. Correct different decisions were usually faster than correct same decisions, but latency was independent of the number of shapes presented. We conclude that input from all the shapes was simultaneously processed into either one or two shape categories, and that a decision-theory choice was made between “same” (one shape category) and “different” (two shape categories) independent of the total number of shapes. This parallel processing is thought to be a characteristic of codable stimuli. Some observed same-different latency reversals were probably caused by a shift in the same-different criterion on the continuum for one- vs two-category decisions.  相似文献   

From 2 to 23 capital As, Bs, and Cs were positioned randomly over visual displays varying in sizefrom5 to 10deg square and in luminance from7 to 250cd/m2, The task was to decide whether all letters were the same or one was different from the rest. Instructions stressed accuracy, and responses were 97% correct. Three experiments with 50 observers varied amount of practice, number of letters (N), and size and luminance of the display. All experiments produced a linear invariance between mean “same” \((\bar S)\) and mean “different” \((\bar D)\) response times in seconds with N as the parameter: \(\bar D\) ? \(\bar S\) /2+4. The data are consistent with Krueger’s same-different decision theory, and with the separation of acquisition from decision processes.  相似文献   

In a “same-different” reaction time (RT) task pairs of stimuli varying along one or more dimensions are presented and S is required to indicate, as rapidly as possible, whether the stimuli are physically identical or different. This task was employed in three experiments investigating the processes by which multidimensional stimuli are discriminated. The results indicated that stimulus dimensions are compared in parallel; that the time required to interrogate a dimension varies randomly across trials and is dependent upon the time required to interrogate other dimensions present in test stimuli, and that comparisons terminate upon the detection of information sufficient for a correct response.  相似文献   

Parallel processing in visual search asymmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The difficulty of visual search may depend on assignment of the same visual elements as targets and distractors-search asymmetry. Easy C-in-O searches and difficult O-in-C searches are often associated with parallel and serial search, respectively. Here, the time course of visual search was measured for both tasks with speed-accuracy methods. The time courses of the 2 tasks were similar and independent of display size. New probabilistic parallel and serial search models and sophisticated-guessing variants made predictions about time course and accuracy of visual search. The probabilistic parallel model provided an excellent account of the data, but the serial model did not. Asymptotic search accuracies and display size effects were consistent with a signal-detection analysis, with lower variance encoding of Cs than Os. In the absence of eye movements, asymmetric visual search, long considered an example of serial deployment of covert attention, is qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with parallel search processes.  相似文献   

A series of visual search experiments are reported examining pattern processing in a visual agnosic patient. We examined search for targets defined by: (I) the combination of their features relative to homogeneous distractors; (2) the combination of their features relative to heterogeneous distractors; and (3) a single feature difference relative to the distractors (their orientation). Normal subjects demonstrate evidence of spatially parallel search when combined-feature targets are detected against homogeneous distractors, and when targets are defined by a salient feature difference. There are non-linear effects of the number of distractors present, and absent responses can be as fast as present. In contrast, search times for combined-feature targets amongst heterogeneous distractors increase linearly with display size, with the slope for absent responses about twice that for present. The contrast between search for combined-feature targets amongst homogeneous and heterogeneous distractors can be attributed to the effects of grouping between distractors and between distractors and targets (Duncan & Humphreys, 1989, 1992; Humphreys & Muller, in press). Grouping between homogeneous distractors facilitates search. An agnosic patient, HJA, showed normal search functions for single-feature targets and for combined-feature targets amongst heterogeneous distractors. However, he was impaired at search for combined-feature targets amongst homogeneous distractors. This suggests that HJA is selectively impaired at grouping conjunctions of form features. The relations between HJA's agnosia and his problem in the parallel grouping of form conjunctions are discussed, as are the implications of the work for understanding normal vision.  相似文献   

The idea that faces are represented within a structured face space (Valentine Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 43: 161–204, 1991) has gained considerable experimental support, from both physiological and perceptual studies. Recent work has also shown that faces can even be recognized haptically—that is, from touch alone. Although some evidence favors congruent processing strategies in the visual and haptic processing of faces, the question of how similar the two modalities are in terms of face processing remains open. Here, this question was addressed by asking whether there is evidence for a haptic face space, and if so, how it compares to visual face space. For this, a physical face space was created, consisting of six laser-scanned individual faces, their morphed average, 50 %-morphs between two individual faces, as well as 50 %-morphs of the individual faces with the average, resulting in a set of 19 faces. Participants then rated either the visual or haptic pairwise similarity of the tangible 3-D face shapes. Multidimensional scaling analyses showed that both modalities extracted perceptual spaces that conformed to critical predictions of the face space framework, hence providing support for similar processing of complex face shapes in haptics and vision. Despite the overall similarities, however, systematic differences also emerged between the visual and haptic data. These differences are discussed in the context of face processing and complex-shape processing in vision and haptics.  相似文献   

Combination of information from the parallel processing of different basic features (color, size, etc.) can be used to guide attention to targets defined by conjunctions of those features. Wolfe et al. (1990) argued that, although it was possible to guide attention to the conjunction of, for instance, color and orientation, it was not possible to guide attention to targets defined by conjunctions of two colors or two orientations. The present experiments demonstrate an exception to this rule. Although it is true that attention cannot be guided to a target that hasred and green parts, attention can be guided to an item that can be described as awhole red target with agreen part. In Experiments 1 and 2, we illustrate this point. In Experiments 3 and 4, we rule out some simple size-based accounts of this finding- In Experiments 5 and 6, we begin to explore the nature of these first steps toward dividing the visual scene into parts and wholes.  相似文献   

The authors propose a diagnostic for distinguishing between serial and parallel processing in visual search; it is based on testing for subadditive effects of a within-trial visual quality manipulation on target-absent trials. It was evaluated in 2 experiments wherein parallel and serial processing might be expected on the basis of previous work and was then applied to a more uncertain situation in a third experiment. The diagnostic indicates parallel processing of stimuli that differ from each other on a featural basis (Xs and Os) and canonical letters that differ in line arrangement (Ts and Ls) but serial processing when Ts and Ls are randomly rotated. These results form a coherent pattern that is understandable in terms of the literature on visual search, and thus they suggest that the diagnostic may be a useful addition to the methodology used to distinguish between serial and parallel processes.  相似文献   

Two experiments were run to investigate the effects of redundant display items upon response latency in a visual search task. In the first study, Ss searched five-letter displays for a predesignated critical letter. Both critical and noncritical letters could be repeated in the displays. Mean response latency decreased markedly with increasing redundancy in the critical letter and was affected to a lesser extent by redundancy in the noncritical letters. In the second study, Ss were required to detect the presence of redundant letters in displays of from two to five letters, first with no information as to what letter might be repeated, then with knowledge of which letter would be repeated if the display contained a redundant letter. Response latencies in the former case were much slower than in the latter. The implications of these findings for current views of visual information processing were discussed.  相似文献   

Models of morphological processing make different predictions about whether morphologically complex written words are initially decomposed and recognized on the basis of their morphemic subunits or whether they can directly be accessed as whole words and at what point semantics begin to influence morphological processing. In this study, we used unprimed and masked primed lexical decision to compare truly suffixed (darkest) and pseudosuffixed words (glossary) with within-boundary (d ra kest/g ol ssary) to across-boundary (dar ek st/glos as ry) letter transpositions. Significant transposed-letter similarity effects were found independently of the morphological position of the letter transposition, demonstrating that, in English, morphologically complex whole-word representations can be directly accessed at initial word processing stages. In a third masked primed lexical decision experiment, the same materials were used in the context of stem target priming, and it was found that truly suffixed primes facilitate the recognition of their stem-target (darkest–DARK) to the same extent as pseudosuffixed primes (glossary–GLOSS), which is consistent with theories of early morpho-orthographic decomposition. Taken together, our findings provide evidence for both whole-word access and morphological decomposition at initial stages of visual word recognition and are discussed in the context of a hybrid account.  相似文献   

Models of morphological processing make different predictions about whether morphologically complex written words are initially decomposed and recognized on the basis of their morphemic subunits or whether they can directly be accessed as whole words and at what point semantics begin to influence morphological processing. In this study, we used unprimed and masked primed lexical decision to compare truly suffixed (darkest) and pseudosuffixed words (glossary) with within-boundary (d ra kest/g ol ssary) to across-boundary (dar ek st/glos as ry) letter transpositions. Significant transposed-letter similarity effects were found independently of the morphological position of the letter transposition, demonstrating that, in English, morphologically complex whole-word representations can be directly accessed at initial word processing stages. In a third masked primed lexical decision experiment, the same materials were used in the context of stem target priming, and it was found that truly suffixed primes facilitate the recognition of their stem-target (darkest-DARK) to the same extent as pseudosuffixed primes (glossary-GLOSS), which is consistent with theories of early morpho-orthographic decomposition. Taken together, our findings provide evidence for both whole-word access and morphological decomposition at initial stages of visual word recognition and are discussed in the context of a hybrid account.  相似文献   

A brief visual stimulus distorts the perceived shape of a subsequent visual stimulus as being dissimilar to the shape of a previous stimulus (shape-contrast effect). In this study, we presented a visual stimulus after a to-be-estimated target stimulus and found that the perceived shape of the target stimulus appeared to be similar to the shape of the following stimulus (shape-assimilation effect). The assimilation effect occurred even when the following stimulus was presented at positions different from that of the target stimulus, indicating that the shape-assimilation effect is a nonretinotopic distortion. The results suggest that the preceding and succeeding stimuli differentially modulate the perceived shape of a briefly presented stimulus.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, we trained four pigeons to concurrently discriminate displays of 16 same icons (16S) from displays of 16 different icons (16D) as well as between displays of same icons (16S) from displays that contained 15 same icons and one different icon (15S:1D). The birds rapidly learned to discriminate 16S vs. 16D displays, but they failed to learn to discriminate 16S vs. 15S:1D displays. In Experiment 2, the same pigeons acquired the 16S vs. 15S:1D task after being required to locate and peck at the odd-item in the 15S:1D displays. Acquisition of the 16S vs. 15S:1D task had little effect on discriminative performance in the concurrent 16S:16D task, suggesting that a unidimensional entropy explanation for mastery of these two same-different tasks is not viable. During testing, the birds transferred discriminative performance in both tasks to displays composed of different visual stimuli. Such concurrent discrimination learning, performance, and transfer suggest that pigeons are flexible in the way they process the displays seen in these two same-different tasks.  相似文献   

Hand position in the visual field influences performance in several visual tasks. Recent theoretical accounts have proposed that hand position either (a) influences the allocation of spatial attention, or (b) biases processing toward the magnocellular visual pathway. Comparing these accounts is difficult as some studies manipulate the distance of one hand in the visual field while others vary the distance of both hands, and it is unclear whether single and dual hand manipulations have the same impact on perception. We ask if hand position affects the spatial distribution of attention, with a broader distribution of attention when both hands are near a visual display and a narrower distribution when one hand is near a display. We examined the effects of four hand positions near the screen (left hand, right hand, both hands, no hands) on both temporal and spatial discrimination tasks. Placing two hands near the display compared to two hands distant resulted in improved sensitivity for the temporal task and reduced sensitivity in the spatial task, replicating previous results. However, the single hand manipulations showed the opposite pattern of results. Together these results suggest that visual attention is focused on the graspable space for a single hand, and expanded when two hands frame an area of the visual field.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the processing of pictures and words in two tasks of semantic decision--judgments of conceptual size and judgments of associative relatedness--in order to test the prediction from single-coding models of memory that different semantic decisions produce comparable picture-word latency differences. In Experiment 1 an interaction in decision latency was found such that picture-picture (P-P) pairs were significantly faster than word-word (W-W) pairs in decisions of size but not in decisions of associative relatedness. In Experiment 2 no latency differences were found in decisions of association for pairs presented in P-P, W-W, or mixed (P-W or W-P) forms. Decisions of size, however, were fastest for P-P pairs, intermediate for mixed pairs, and slowest for W-W pairs. In a third experiment, using a speeded inference task, the interaction obtained in the first two experiments was reproduced. In light of these results possible revisions to common-coding assumptions about the processing of pictures and words in semantic decisions are discussed.  相似文献   

A two-stage interpretation of the processes underlying tachistoscopic partial report performance is suggested. It is assumed that partial report is mediated by two kinds of visual store (a sensory store and a short-term store) and by two processing operations (selection and naming). In Experiment I, the accuracy and latency of two types of partial report (report by location and report by colour) were compared for cue stimulus-test stimulus intervals ranging from --500 ms to + 500 ms. It was concluded that selection by colour takes longer than selection by location; an explanation in terms of differential decay of attributes in the sensory store was rejected. In Experiment II, cue stimulus delays of 0, 150 and 300 ms were employed, and a backward masking stimulus followed the cue stimulus with a delay of 200, 300, 400 or 600 ms. The amount of masking depended on the cue stimulus-masking stimulus interval, rather than on the test stimulus-masking stimulus interval. It was concluded that selection operates on the sensory store and that backward masking can affect the naming of a stimulus representation which is residing in the visual short-term store.  相似文献   

Studies of the spatial distribution of visual attention have shown that attentional facilitation monotonically decreases in a graded fashion with increasing distance from an attended location. However, reaction time (RT) measures have typically shown broader gradients than have signal detection (SD) measures of perceptual sensitivity. It is not clear whether these differences have arisen because the stages of information processing indexed by RT measures are different from those indexed by SD measures, or whether these differences are due to methodological confounds in the SD studies. In the present set of experiments, the spatial distribution of attention was studied by using a luminance detection task in an endogenous cuing paradigm that was designed to permit accurate calculations of SD and RT measures for targets at cued and uncued locations. Subjects made target-present/absent decisions at one of six possible cued or uncued upper visual hemifield locations on each trial. The results from three experiments suggest that the differences between broad and focal attentional distributions are not the result of different stages of information processing indexed by RT measures as opposed to SD measures. Rather, the differing distributions appear to reflect variations in attentional allocation strategies induced by the perceptual requirements typical of RT paradigms as opposed to SD paradigms. These findings support numerous prior studies showing that spatial attention affects perceptual sensitivity and that the strategic allocation of attention is a highly flexible process.  相似文献   

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