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The amounts of ipsilateral and contralateral masking obtained with a modified psychophysical procedure were compared for vibratory stimuli presented to different body loci. Results of a combined forced-choice localization task and a forced-choice detection task were similar to the results obtained in previous investigations which employed method of limits and two-alternative, temporal forced-choice procedures, respectively. Ipsilateral maskers produced similar amounts of masking in both the detection and localization tasks for fingertip and arm test sites. Contralateral maskers resulted in considerably more masking in the localization task than in the detection task for both fingertip and arm test sites. When large longitudinal distances were introduced between the test stimulus and masker, little masking was evident in either the localization or detection task. It was concluded that the differences in the amount of ipsilateral and contralateral masking obtained with different psychophysical procedures reflect different effects of a masker on the detectable attributes of a test stimulus. Implications of these results for the study of multiple tactile perception were discussed.  相似文献   

Georg von Békésy received the Nobel Prize in 1961 for his research on the functioning of the auditory system. In psychoacoustics, Békésy both extended and perfected the lines of research begun by von Helmholtz in the 19th century. First in his native Hungary and later at Harvard, Békésy used novel and imaginative devices and methods to observe and model the functioning of the inner ear. He also explored the nature of sensory inhibition by which the nervous system sharpens sensory transitions.  相似文献   

A threshold method has been developed for determination of the maximum rate of connected speech understood by an individual. The method is similar to the Békésy method for the determination of pure-tone thresholds but differs from it in that rate of speech is varied rather than intensity of a tone. Instrumentation that varies speech rate with or without pitch changes was developed and is described in some detail.  相似文献   

Previous measurements of equal-sensation contours for electrocutaneous stimuli consisting of repeated bursts of biphasic pulses have shown that stimulus frequency has little effect on perceived amplitude, and that stimulus amplitude has no effect on perceived frequency. These earlier contours, however, were measured over a very restricted range of amplitude and frequency or for a single perceived amplitude or perceived frequency. Contours of equal perceived amplitude and equal perceived frequency were measured in the present study for stimuli covering most of the useable range of amplitudes and frequencies: 3–12 dB SL and 4–64 Hz. Eight naive subjects generated contours of equal perceived amplitude at four reference amplitudes via Békésy tracking, and 8 additional subjects generated contours of equal perceived frequency at three reference frequencies. The contours of equal perceived amplitude declined slightly but significantly with increases in stimulus frequency, consistent with previous results. The shape of the contours was also slightly dependent on the amplitude of the reference stimulus. Contours of equal perceived frequency were unaffected by stimulus amplitude on the average, but the contour shape did vary modestly, though erratically, with reference frequency.  相似文献   

Velocity discrimination thresholds for drifting luminance gratings were measured as a function of the time interval between test and reference gratings, using a two-interval, forced-choice procedure. Discrimination thresholds, expressed as Weber fractions (delta V/V), were independent of interstimulus intervals (ISIs) ranging from 1-30 s, demonstrating perfect short-term retention of velocity information. When a third grating was briefly presented halfway through a 10-s ISI, memory masking was observed. Discrimination thresholds in memory masking were unaffected by maskers of the same velocity but increased by 100% when test and masker velocity differed by a factor of 2. The results are interpreted with reference to a model where the short-term memory for simple stimulus attributes is assumed to be organized in terms of arrays of memory stores linked in a lateral inhibitory network.  相似文献   

At least three localization illusions can be produced by varying the time relations between two stimuli. Two of these, phi motion and Békésy’s illusion, have been induced in areas lacking receptors. To learn if this also occurred with the third illusion, sensory saltation, people reported their observations when Geldard’s visual rabbit was induced by stimulating points around the optic disk. The rabbit crossed the blind spot as well as other portions of the eyes, and the illusory point was often localized within the region of the blind spot. All three illusions can be localized in an area devoid of receptors.  相似文献   

The perception of briefly exposed visual forms is shown to be masked by an after- coming random pattern stimulus of approximately equal intensity. This effect occurs only under certain well defined conditions; it is limited by the minimum stimulus exposure time in excess of threshold which overcomes masking (critical stimulus duration) as well as by the minimum interval between presentation of the two stimuli which permits evasion of the masking action (critical interval). Over the range of stimulus duration in which masking occurs, critical interval varied with stimulus duration in such a way that the interval multiplied by the stimulus duration equals a constant. Critical stimulus duration and critical interval at threshold are shown to vary little under a variety of conditions. The effect of the random pattern stimulus is limited to the part of the visual field to which it is presented.  相似文献   

The Piéron function (Piéron, 1914, 1920, 1952) describes the decay of reaction time (RT) when the intensity of the stimulus is increased. It is generally demonstrated within a suprathreshold range of intensities. However, in some studies, for the lowest range of intensities, the exponent of the function is clearly greater than that for the upper ranges of intensities. Such an increase in the exponent for the lowest intensities is assumed to result from a combined effect of stimulus intensity and of stimulis uncertainty in detection. Our first experiment used luminance levels that covered all the scotopic range and a spatial two-alternative forced-choice task in which both accuracy and RT were measured. It demonstrated a drastic increase in the exponent in the Piéron function when the intensities reached the threshold region. Since the estimates of the threshold region may have been biased by the use of a much larger range of luminances, a second experiment was conducted using luminances that covered only the threshold region. This experiment confirmed the previous estimates for the threshold region.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied the effect of a reaction time response (RT) on visual form recognition threshold when the temporal interval separating the RT stimulus and the recognition stimulus was short. In Experiment 1 an initial RT response to an auditory signal did not impair the subsequent forced-choice visual form recognition threshold. Interstimulus intervals (ISI) of 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 msec were used; S was always aware of the ISI under test. In Experiment 2 a visual stimulus was used to elicit the R T response; this shift to an intramodal stimulus did not alter the recognition threshold. These data were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that two stimulus events can be processed simultaneously even when the temporal interval between them is short.  相似文献   

Tactile perception depends on the contributions of four psychophysical tactile channels mediated by four corresponding receptor systems. The sensitivity of the tactile channels is determined by detection thresholds that vary as a function of the stimulus frequency. It has been widely reported that tactile thresholds increase (i.e., sensitivity decreases) as a function of age. However, there is controversial evidence with regard to the progressive loss of sensitivity starting from childhood. In this study, the tactile thresholds of children (n=9, ages 7-11 years) were measured and compared with the thresholds of young adults (n=11, ages 21-27 years). The stimuli consisted of sinusoidal bursts of mechanical displacements, which were applied to the left index fingertips of the participants by using a cylindrical probe (base area=0.126 cm2) without a contactor surround. Absolute thresholds were measured at frequencies of 2, 10, 40, 100, 250, and 500 Hz without masking. The absolute thresholds decreased at high frequencies and were similar to data from the literature except for some discrepancy because of methodological differences. In addition, the threshold of the non-Pacinian I channel was measured at 40 Hz by elevating the thresholds of the Pacinian channel by forward masking. The effects of forward masking in children were similar to results in young adults. In conclusion, there were no significant differences between the tactile thresholds of children and those of young adults at key frequencies: 40 Hz for the Pacinian and non-Pacinian I channels and 250 Hz for the Pacinian channel. These findings contradict the hypothesis that there is gradual loss of tactile sensitivity starting from childhood to early adulthood. The loss of sensitivity due to aging probably is more abrupt and occurs at a later age.  相似文献   

Estimation of psychometric functions from adaptive tracking procedures.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because adaptive tracking procedures are designed to avoid stimulus levels far from a target threshold value, the psychometric function constructed from the trial-by-trial data in the track may be accurate near the target level but a poor reflection of performance at levels far removed from the target. A series of computer simulations was undertaken to assess the reliability and accuracy of psychometric functions generated from data collected in up-down adaptive tracking procedures. Estimates of psychometric function slopes were obtained from trial-by-trial data in simulated adaptive tracks and compared with the true characteristics of the functions used to generate the tracks. Simulations were carried out for three psychophysical procedures and two target performance levels, with tracks generated by psychometric functions with three different slopes. The functions reconstructed from the tracking data were, for the most part, accurate reflections of the true generating functions when at least 200 trials were included in the tracks. However, for 50- and 100-trial tracks, slope estimates were biased high for all simulated experimental conditions. Correction factors for slope estimates from these tracks are presented. There was no difference in the accuracy and reliability of slope estimation due to target level for the adaptive track, and only minor differences due to psychophysical procedure. It is recommended that, if both threshold and slope of psychometric functions are to be estimated from the trial-by-trial tracking data, at least 100 trials should be included in the tracks, and a three- or four-alternative forced-choice procedure should be used. However, good estimates can also be obtained using the two-alternative forced-choice procedure or less than 100 trials if appropriate corrections for bias are applied.  相似文献   

Because adaptive tracking procedures are designed to avoid stimulus levels far from a target threshold value, the psychometric function constructed from the trial-by-trial data in the track may be accurate near the target level but a poor reflection of performance at levels far removed from the target. A series of computer simulations was undertaken to assess the reliability and accuracy of psychometric functions generated from data collected in up-down adaptive tracking procedures. Estimates of psychometric function slopes were obtained from-trial-by-trial data in simulated adaptive tracks and compared with the true characteristics of the functions used to generate the tracks. Simulations were carried out for three psychophysical procedures and two target performance levels, with tracks generated by psychometric functions with three different slopes. The functions reconstructed from the tracking data were, for the most part, accurate reflections of the true generating functions when at least 200 trials were included in the tracks. However, for 50- and 100-trial tracks, slope estimates were biased high for all simulated experimental conditions. Correction factors for slope estimates from these tracks are presented. There was no difference in the accuracy and reliability of slope estimation due to -target-level-for the adaptive track, and only minor differences due to psychophysical procedure. It is recommended that, if both threshold and slope of psychometric functions are to be estimated-from the trial-by-trial tracking data, at least 100 trials should be included in the tracks, and a three- or four-alternative forced-choice procedure should be used. However, good estimates can also be obtained using the two-alternative forced-choice procedure or less than 100 trials if appropriate corrections for bias are applied.  相似文献   

The contralateral threshold shift was investigated as a function of various parameters of the masking and masked stimuli. Because of a measured high acoustic attenuation between the ears, the threshold shift is interpreted as central masking. Both steady-state and pulsed maskers were used and their effect on the contralateral threshold was determined as a function of the masker intensity, the frequency difference between the masking and masked tones, the time delay from the masker onset, and the duration of an intermittent masker.  相似文献   

Localization responses to a 4,000-Hz octave-band noise in a background of broad-spectrum noise were obtained from infants, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months of age, and adults. A two-alternative, forced-choice procedure was used to determine thresholds at each of two levels of masking noise, 42 and 60 dBC. Adults were also tested for their localization of pure tones in noise and their detection of octave-band noises with the more traditional two-interval, forced-choice task. Increasing the masking noise from 42 to 60 dBC resulted in comparable threshold shifts for all age groups. However, infant thresholds were 16–25 dB higher than those obtained for adults. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Masking of and by tactile pressure stimuli was investigated in six Ss as a function of stimulus intensity (force) and stimulus onset asynchrony. Increase in the force of the masked stimulus and decrease in the force of the masking stimulus were inversely related to the magnitude of masking, as defined by either a relative or an absolute decrease in sensitivity. The introduction of stimulus onset asynchrony produced both forward and backward masking, the latter being of somewhat larger magnitude. Comparisons are made with results obtained in visual metacontrast masking.  相似文献   

Visual masking effects on test flash thresholds were measured under real and simulated eye movement conditions to determine whether visual masking is primarily responsible for elevations in threshold that are sometimes associated with saccadic eye movements. Brief luminous flashes presented to the central retina before, during, and after saccades were masked by stimuli presented either pre- or postsaccadically. The amount and time course of masking were quantitatively dependent on stimulus parameters of intensity and temporal separation and were unaffected by eye movement parameters (amplitude, velocity, direction) as long as retinal stimulus conditions were constant. The duration of forward masking was longer than that of backward masking. When retinal conditions during saccades were mimicked while the eyes were held steady, masking interactions were identical to those obtained during real saccades. These results indicate that masking effects during saccades in ordinary environments are determined solely by the stimulus situation at the retina. Putative nonvisual, centrally originating saccadic suppression suggested by other authors is evidently not additive with visually determined masking during saccades.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, frequency-discrimination thresholds were estimated in a 2-interval, forced-choice, backward masking procedure with a masker acoustically dissimilar to the targets. Young subjects were more efficient in escaping the effects of masking than were their elderly counterparts. In Experiment 2, young and elderly subjects performed the same task, with a masker acoustically similar to the targets and with a target-dissimilar masker. Under target-similar masking and at short target-masker intervals, the elderly demonstrated significant improvement, reaching the level of performance of the young, whereas under the target-dissimilar masker, the age-related differences were restored. Both age-related slowing of information processing and increase in stimulus persistence can account for the results of Experiment 1, but only increased stimulus persistence explains the results of Experiment 2.  相似文献   

A combined forward-backward masking procedure was used to investigate the threshold of a 30-msec, 500-Hz signal as a function of masker frequency. The signal thresholds were obtained in two signal conditions, diotic (So) and dichotic (Sπ), and for two different temporal separations of the maskers. The maskers were 500 msec in duration and were presented at 75 dB SPL. The function relating masked signal threshold to masker frequency was used to describe frequency selectivity in the four conditions. There were no differences in frequency selectivity measured between the diotic and dichotic signal conditions and only a small difference measured between the two intermasker interval conditions. The Sπ conditions yielded lower thresholds than did the So conditions. The change in intermasker interval from 10 to 50 msec lowered the threshold maximally 18 dB for the So condition and 13 dB for the Sπ condition. The results indicate that in this tonal temporal masking procedure there are no differences between the diotic and dichotic critical bands.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to measure the temporal integration of vibrotactile patterns presented to the fingertip. In Experiment 1, letters were divided in half and the time between the onsets of the first half of the letter and second half of the letter, stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), was varied. The recognizability of the letters declined as the SOA was increased from 9 to 100 msec. In Experiment 2, the time between two patterns constituting a masking stimulus was varied and the stimulus effectiveness in interfering with letter recognition was determined. The amount of masking increased as the SOA increased from 9 to 50 msec. In Experiment 3, the SOA between a letter and its complement (the portions of the tactile array not activated by the letter) was varied. Increasing SOA from 9 to approximately 50 msec led to increasingly accurate letter recognition. The results of the three experiments suggest that the skin is capable of complete temporal integration over a time period of less than 10 msec, and that the temporal integration function becomes asymptotic in 50 to 100 msec. The results also suggest that the onset of a vibrotactile pattern is critical for generating contours. The implications of the results for modes of generating tactile patterns and for temporal masking functions are discussed.  相似文献   

A two-stage interpretation of the processes underlying tachistoscopic partial report performance is suggested. It is assumed that partial report is mediated by two kinds of visual store (a sensory store and a short-term store) and by two processing operations (selection and naming). In Experiment I, the accuracy and latency of two types of partial report (report by location and report by colour) were compared for cue stimulus-test stimulus intervals ranging from --500 ms to + 500 ms. It was concluded that selection by colour takes longer than selection by location; an explanation in terms of differential decay of attributes in the sensory store was rejected. In Experiment II, cue stimulus delays of 0, 150 and 300 ms were employed, and a backward masking stimulus followed the cue stimulus with a delay of 200, 300, 400 or 600 ms. The amount of masking depended on the cue stimulus-masking stimulus interval, rather than on the test stimulus-masking stimulus interval. It was concluded that selection operates on the sensory store and that backward masking can affect the naming of a stimulus representation which is residing in the visual short-term store.  相似文献   

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