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Adaptation to vertical field displacements dependent on head turning about a vertical axis was demonstrated under two conditions, rapid training with 100 head movements and 1-h-long training with continuous head turning. The effect of rapid training was measured with the slant estimation method. Adaptation after the longer training was ascertained by comparing the uncertainty ranges for apparent target immobility before and after the adaptation period. Adaptation to field displacements in directions parallel to the plane of the head rotation obtained under corresponding conditions was also measured and found to be somewhat greater than adaptation to vertical field displacements. The result of work by Wallach and Frey that adaptation to field displacement in the direction with the head rotation is greater than to displacement against it was corroborated. While the previous result had, been obtained with rapid adaptation and with the slant estimation method, we confirmed it with 1-h training and by measuring the uncertainty ranges before and after the adaptation period.  相似文献   

When Ss were simultaneously adapted to horizontal and to vertical target displacements of equal rate during head turning about a vertical axis, the adaptation effects measured by one-trial tests immediately after the adaptation period were about equal. But retests after a time lapse of 10 and 20 min, during which S sat immobile and with eyes closed, showed a greatly different rate of dissipation of the two adaptation effects. After a lapse of 20 min, the effect of adaptation to horizontal target displacements had been reduced to 37%, whereas the effect of adaptation to vertical displacements at this final test still stood at 80% of the initial measurement. The decline over 20 min in the latter case was so smail that it could readily be ascribed to an effect of the two tests that preceded the final test. These two tests represented an effective exposure to natural viewing conditions and hence caused an unlearning of the adaptation, an effect whose existence we had demonstrated in previous work with the one-trial test.  相似文献   

Adaptation in the constancy of visual direction had previously been obtained by causing a large or a small visible area representing the environment to be objectively displaced in dependence on head movements. No stationary objects were permitted to be visible. Now experiments are reported in which displacements of a large patterned field, with the subject fixating a stationary mark in its center, led to adaptation. In these experiments, objective displacements of the environment were given by image displacements on the retina. Adaptation also resulted when the large field was stationary and only the fixation mark was displaced. Here the objective displacement was given by the rate of pursuit eye movements.  相似文献   

Hay and Sawyer recently demonstrated that the constancy of visual direction (CVD) also operates for near targets. A luminous spot in the dark, 40 cm from the eyes, was perceived as stationary when S nodded his head. This implies that CVD takes target distance, as well as head rotation, into account as a stationary environment is perceived during head movements. Distance is a variable in CVD because, during a turning or nodding of the head, the eyes become displaced relative to the main target direction, the line between the target and the rotation axis of the head. This displacement of the eyes during head rotation causes an additional change in the target direction, i.e., a total angular change greater than the angle of the head rotation. The extent of this additional angular displacement is greater the nearer the target. We demonstrated that the natural combination of accommodation and convergence can supply the information needed by the nervous system to compensate for this additional target displacement. We also found that wearing glasses that alter the relation between these oculomotor adjustments and target distance produces an adaptation in CVD. An adaptation period of 1.5 h produced a large adaptation effect. This effect was not entirely accounted for by an adaptation in distance perception. Measurements of the alteration between oculomotor cues and registered distance with two kinds of tests for distance perception yielded effects significantly smaller than the effect measured with the CVD test. We concluded that the wearing of the glasses had also produced an adaptation within CVD.  相似文献   

Modification of the constancy of visual direction was produced by partially adapting Ss to the displacements of the visual field caused by magnifying lenses during 1 h of continuous head turning. The adaptation effects were measured by determining the range of perceived target immobility before and after this adaptation period. A method for measuring the range of apparent immobility of an auditory signal during head movements was developed and employed to test whether a modification of the constancy of visual direction transfers to the constancy of auditory direction. No such transfer was found, and it was concluded that a modification of the constancy of visual direction does not consist in an altered evaluation of kinesthetic cues for head turning. The method and the equipment used in the investigation of the constancy of visual direction are described; knowledge of the previous brief publications on this topic is not needed.  相似文献   

Adaptation in the constancy of visual direction can be obtained under two radically different conditions, called eye-movement adaptation and field adaptation. Adaptation resulting from these conditions and from a “normal” condition was measured with a newly developed estimation test. Eye-movement adaptation was found to cause an alteration of compensatory eye movements. It apparently consists of a changed evaluation of eye movements, as demonstrated by two different pointing tests. A form test where the shape of a large oblong is set to look square also confirmed this interpretation. After field adaptation, a pointing test did not register a change, but an adaptation effect could be measured with a forward direction test. This test and a square test where no eye movements were permitted proved to be specific to field adaptation; they measured no effect after eye-movementadaptation. The normal adaptation condition Was apparently equivalent to the eye-movement adaptation condition. Its effect could be measured only with a pointing test. When we changed the normal adaptation condition so that frequent saccades were made during head turning, strong effects were measured with the two tests that were specific to field adaptation.  相似文献   

Sixty Ss wore vertically displacing wedge prisms and adapted by looking at their feet for 10 min. Half of them did this while standing and the others in supine position. The latter condition produced adaptation measurable with a visual-motor test and with a test of egocentric localization, but on a purely motoric test no adaptation was apparent. Standing during the adaptation period produced no effect.  相似文献   

Ss were confronted with a situation which mimicked the visuomotor consequences of an 11-deg lateral displacement of the visual field (leftward in Experiment I and rightward in Experiment II). The displacement was effected by having E place his own finger to one side of S’s nonvisible finger. Ss who were informed of this deception prior to the exposure period (informed group) manifested significantly less adaptation (“negative aftereffect” and “proprioceptive shift”) than did Ss who were told that their vision would be displaced by the goggles which they were wearing (misinformed group). It was concluded that adaptation to visual rearrangement is strongly influenced by S’s assumptions regarding the adequacy of his vision and the identity of the manual limb which he is viewing.  相似文献   

A horizontally moving target was followed by rotation of the eyes alone or by a lateral movement of the head. These movements resulted in the retinal displacement of a vertically moving target from its perceived path, the amplitude of which was determined by the phase and amplitude of the object motion and of the eye or head movements. In two experiments, we tested the prediction from our model of spatial motion (Swanston, Wade, & Day, 1987) that perceived distance interacts with compensation for head movements, but not with compensation-for eye movements with respect to a stationary head. In both experiments, when the vertically moving target was seen at a distance different from its physical distance, its perceived path was displaced relative to that seen when there was no error in pereived distance, or when it was pursued by eye movements alone. In a third experiment, simultaneous measurements of eye and head position during lateral head movements showed that errors in fixation were not sufficient to require modification of the retinal paths determined by the geometry of the observation conditions in Experiments 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Persistence in the dark following 48 min of visual adaptation to tilt and displacement was compared in two experiments to determine if same or different processes are involved in the two kinds of adaptation. Decay of tilt adaptation occurred rapidly, all within about 16 min. However, it was not complete and some residual tilt adaptation persisted for at least as long as 56 min. Decay of displacement adaptation occurred more slowly but was clearly complete after at most 56 min in the dark. Displacement adaptation appears to be entirely subject to decay, while tilt adaptation involves an additional, more long-term component. Results are interpreted in terms of independent systems for the perception of location and orientation.  相似文献   

When the head is returned to upright after prolonged backward tilt, people who are asked to look straight ahead look higher than they did before the backward tilting. One explanation attributes the illusory visual direction to a change in muscle responsiveness which develops after the head is returned to upright. According to this explanation, the illusory shift should be absent, or at least reduced, if the subjects are not returned to upright before testing. In the present study, the illusion was the same whether subjects remained tilted for testing or were returned to upright.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the perceived immobility of the environment during tilting of the head from side to side results from a compensating process. This compensating process operates well only when peripheral vision is present. An objectively stationary environment was, for instance, not perceived as immobile during head tilting when vision was confined to the macular region of the retina. The compensating process could be rapidly altered by exposure to environmental tilting during and dependent on head tilting. Such adaptation had the result that some environmental tilting that normally is perceived led to apparent immobility.  相似文献   

A horizontally moving target was followed by rotation of the eyes alone or by a lateral movement of the head. These movements resulted in the retinal displacement of a vertically moving target from its perceived path, the amplitude of which was determined by the phase and amplitude of the object motion and of the eye or head movements. In two experiments, we tested the prediction from our model of spatial motion (Swanston, Wade, & Day, 1987) that perceived distance interacts with compensation for head movements, but not with compensation for eye movements with respect to a stationary head. In both experiments, when the vertically moving target was seen at a distance different from its physical distance, its perceived path was displaced relative to that seen when there was no error in perceived distance, or when it was pursued by eye movements alone. In a third experiment, simultaneous measurements of eye and head position during lateral head movements showed that errors in fixation were not sufficient to require modification of the retinal paths determined by the geometry of the observation conditions in Experiments 1 and 2.  相似文献   

Adaptation to field displacement during head movements in the direction with the head rotation and in the direction against it was produced under otherwise identical conditions and compared; the field displacement rate was also varied. A rapid training procedure was used, and a novel one-trial test was employed that could measure the adaptation well enough to compare the effects of various training conditions. The one-trial test measured the magnitude of one of the manifestations of adaptation, the apparent displacement of a stationary target during head movements. This apparent horizontal target displacement was transformed into an oblique one by having the head movements that brought forth the apparent target displacement simultaneously cause an objective vertical target displacement. The slant of the resultant apparent motion path varied with the magnitude of the apparent horizontal target displacement. It was measured by having S reproduce its slant angle. It was found that adaptation to field displacement in the direction with the head rotation was consistently greater than adaptation to the opposite displacement conditions. An explanation for this result is offered.  相似文献   

The effect of proprioceptive adaptation to visual displacement is to produce a violation of the normal constraints on the relative position of body parts. In order to investigate the effect of this violation of constraints on the adaptation, the relative position of body parts for a group of dancers and a group of nondancers was determined after 5 and 15 min of adaptation. Empirical and theoretical support were provided for the propositions that (1) there is a tendency to resist the violation of constraints, and (2) the nature of the adaptation process is such as to minimize the amount of violation of constraints.  相似文献   

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