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Using a method of direct magnitude estimation, perceived brightness was measured in the dark-adapted eye with brief flashes of varying duration (1–1,000 msec), size (16’–116’), and retinal loci (0°–60°) for the lower photopic luminance levels covering the range between 8.60 and 86 cd/m2 in steps of .5 log units. Perceived brightness increased as a function of flash duration as well as luminance up to approximately 100 msec, then remained constant above 100 msec. The enhancement of brightness at about a 50-msec flash duration has been observed not in the fovea but in the periphery. Target size also has been found to be effective on brightness.  相似文献   

Threshold exposure duration was measured at set luminances for recognition at successively higher criteria of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 correct letters in nonsense words. Two sizes of letters were used and triads of Landolt “Cs” were compared with letters. Tachistoscopic procedures were the typical ascending seriesin the method of limits and pre- and postexposure light adaptation. Obtained log t vs log I functions were two-part straight line curves both describable by the equation, log t + log Ik = log C, but with k and C abruptly changing at a certain I. Reciprocity (k = 1) held only for low Is and the low criterion; as criterion was raised at low Is k became less negative (about ?.60 at five correct) for both sizesand for “Cs.” At higher Is, k shifted from ?.25 to ?.40 with increasing criterion for large letters, but variedaround ?.45 at all criteria for small. The lower the criterion, the lower the / and t at which k and C abruptly changed for large letters, but only t was lower for small. Changes in t with acuity requirement change, and from one criterion level to the next, were not uniform over all Is. Results may reflect obscuring procedural factors or basic properties of visual recognition processes. Some interpretations in terms of procedural variables are offered. It appears more likely that visual recognition involves central processes for which time is needed in excess of that for summation of luminances for mere detection by sensory processes, as expressed in Bloch s’ reciprocity law.  相似文献   

Pain experienced by Black individuals is systematically underestimated, and recent studies have shown that part of this bias is rooted in perceptual factors. We used Reverse Correlation to estimate visual representations of the pain expression in Black and White faces, in participants originating from both Western and African countries. Groups of raters were then asked to evaluate the presence of pain and other emotions in these representations. A second group of White raters then evaluated those same representations placed over a neutral background face (50% White; 50% Black). Image-based analyses show significant effects of culture and face ethnicity, but no interaction between the two factors. Western representations were more likely to be judged as expressing pain than African representations. For both cultural groups, raters also perceived more pain in White face representations than in Black face representations. However, when changing the background stimulus to the neutral background face, this effect of face ethnic profile disappeared. Overall, these results suggest that individuals have different expectations of how pain is expressed by Black and White individuals, and that cultural factors may explain a part of this phenomenon  相似文献   

It was demonstrated with 7 observers that the duration of a high frequency tone was perceived to be longer than the duration of a low frequency tone, even though the actual duration of the two tones was equal.  相似文献   

Four pigeons responded on multiple schedules arranged on a “main” key in a two-key experimental chamber. A constant schedule component was alternated with another component that was varied over conditions. On an extra response key, conjoint schedules of reinforcement that operated in both components were arranged concurrently with the multiple schedule on the main key. On the main key, changes in reinforcement rate in the varied component were inversely related to changes in response rates in the constant component (behavioral contrast). On the extra key, some reinforcers were reallocated between components, depending on the schedules in effect on the main key in the varied component. In the varied component, the obtained rates of reinforcement on the extra key were inversely related to main-key reinforcement rate. In the constant component, extra-key reinforcer rates were positively related to main-key reinforcer rates obtained in the varied component, and were not a function of response rates on the extra key. In two comparisons, the rate at which components alternated and the value of the main-key schedule in the constant component were varied. Consistent with earlier work, long components reduced the extent of contrast. Reductions in contrast as a function of component duration were accompanied by similar reductions in the extent of reinforcer reallocation on the extra key. In the second comparison, lowering the rate of reinforcement in the constant component increased the rate at which extra-key reinforcers were obtained, reduced the extent of reinforcer reallocation, and reduced contrast. Overall, the results are consistent with the suggestion that some contrast effects are due to the changes in extraneous reinforcement during the constant component, and that manipulations of component duration, and manipulations of the rate of reinforcement in the constant component, affect contrast because they influence the extent of extraneous reinforcer real-location.  相似文献   

The time course of visual letter recognition was investigated in a single-stimulus identification experiment. On each trial, a randomly chosen stimulus letter was presented at 1 of 12 equiprobable positions that were equally spaced around the circumference of an imaginary circle centered on fixation. Exposure duration was varied from 10 to 200 ms, and the letter was followed by a pattern mask. The subject's task was to report the identity of the stimulus letter but refrain from guessing. For the briefest exposures, correct reports never occurred. For longer exposures, the function relating the probability p of recognizing the letter to the duration t of the stimulus exposure was well approximated by an exponential distribution function: p(t) = 1 − exp[−v·(tt 0)], where v is the rate of processing and t 0 is the minimum effective exposure duration. The generality of this finding may be limited to cases in which stimuli are highly discriminable and response criteria are conservative. Extensions to Poisson counter or random walk models are considered for cases in which stimuli are confusable. Received: 1 July 1997 / Accepted: 2 July 1998  相似文献   

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