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Norwich's entropy theory of perception (plus a few additional assumptions) suggests the existence of an "infromational adaptation curves" (change in stimulus equivocation with stimulus duration) for suprathreshold prothetic stimuli that is synchronous with the "neural adaptation curve" (change in firing rate with stimulus duration) observed for sensory neurons. Five experiments are reported in which informational adaptation curves were measured for auditory and visual stimuli by having subjects make absolute identifications of suprathreshold sound or light intenstiies of various durations. Information transmissions for the shortest duration stimuli (1 and 5 msec, respectively, for light and sound) were surprisingly large (small equivocations), indicating that intensity information is acquired very rapidly by the whole organism. The equations of entropy theory were fitted to adaptation data for peripheral sensory neurons (spiral ganglion cells and retinal ganglion cells) and were compared to the informational adaptation curves. It was found that informational adaptation occurred more rapidly than neural adaptation. That is, the two types of adaptation process are asynchronous. However, for both audition and vision, the total amount of information mediated by the adaptation process (channel capacity) was about the same for both types of processes (2.03 bits vs. 2.1 bits per stimulus for sound intensity; 1.3 vs. 2.0 bits per stimulus for light intensity). Faster acquisition could be accomplished in the whole organism through convergent neural circuits that increase sampling rate by pooling the samples taken by individual receptor systems.  相似文献   

Norwich’s entropy theory of perception (plus a few additional assumptions) suggests the existence of an “informational adaptation curve” (change in stimulus equivocation with stimulus duration) for suprathreshold prothetic stimuli that is synchronous with the “neural adaptation curve” (change in firing rate with stimulus duration) observed for sensory neurons. Five experiments are reported in which informational adaptation curves were measured for auditory and visual stimuli by having subjects make absolute identifications of suprathreshold sound or light intensities of various durations. Information transmissions for the shortest duration stimuli (1 and 5 msec, respectively, for light and sound) were surprisingly large (small equivocations), indicating that intensity information is acquired very rapidly by the whole organism. The equations of entropy theory were fitted to adaptation data for peripheral sensory neurons (spiral ganglion cells and retinal ganglion cells) and were compared to the informational adaptation curves. It was found that informational adaptation occurred more rapidly than neural adaptation. That is, the two types of adaptation process are asynchronous. However, for both audition and vision, the total amount of information mediated by the adaptation process (channel capacity) was-about the same for both types of processes (2.03 bits vs. 2.1 bits per stimulus for sound intensity; 1.3 vs. 2.0 bits per stimulus for light intensity). Faster acquisition could be accomplished in the whole organism through convergent neural circuits that increase sampling, rate-by pooling the samples taken by individual receptor systems  相似文献   

Eight groups of rats were trained on an auditory intensity discrimination in which the discriminative stimuli were separated by 10 decibels (db). Four pairs of stimuli were selected from different regions along a 60–100 db (SPL) intensity continuum. Counterpart groups were trained on each stimulus pair, with the relative intensity positions of the reinforced stimulus (SD) and the non-reinforced stimulus (SΔ) reversed for the two groups. Discrimination acquisition curves were compared to determine whether stimuli separated by equal logarithmic units were of comparable “difficulty”, and to determine the relative effectiveness of an SD serving as the more versus less intense member of a stimulus pair. It was concluded that: (1) When SD is the more intense, auditory intensities of constant logarithmic separation are graded in “difficulty” along the intensity continuum; high intensity discriminative stimuli are most readily discriminated. When SΔ is the more intense, this graded effect is not evident. (2) For a given continuum location, discrimination is inferior when SΔ is the more intense. This effect is most pronounced at the high intensity end of the continuum and is chiefly attributable to differences in the rate of SΔ responding.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to characterize the Pacinian representation of stimulus waveform. Subjects were presented with pairs of high-frequency vibrotactile stimuli that varied in intensity and/or frequency content and made same-different judgments under conditions of low-frequency adaptation designed to minimize the contribution of the RA system. We wished to infer the nature of the information conveyed by the Pacinian system about the stimuli from measured sensitivity (d') to stimulus differences. We first tested the hypothesis that the Pacinian system conveys only intensive information about vibratory stimuli and found that intensive cues could not account for much of the variance in the discrimination data. We then proposed a model characterizing the Pacinian-mediated representation of an arbitrary stimulus as a pattern of activation in a set of frequency-tuned minichannels. The model was shown to predict the discriminability of the stimulus pairs presented in the psychophysical experiments. Furthermore, the model parameters, optimized to fit the discrimination data, were compatible with analogous values obtained in other experimental contexts. One of the assumptions underlying the model is that information about individual spectral components is conveyed in parallel and quasi-independently. By simulating the response of a population of Pacinian afferents to a polyharmonic stimulus, we demonstrated that such a population can simultaneously convey information about multiple frequency components, despite having a homogeneous spectral profile.  相似文献   

Contemporary psychophysical procedures were employed to determine the nature of the process for detecting rectangular electrical pulses delivered to the skin. Earlier experiments had shown that the somatosensory system is exceedingly responsive to small changes in the energy of an electrocutaneous stimulus, suggesting that sensory noise may be relatively unimportant in this modality. However, a rating scale study showed that both the high-threshold theory and Luce’s low-threshold theory cannot describe the detection process. The form of the ROC curve is consistent with a signal-detection model that assumes a greater variance for the signal plus noise distribution than for the noise distribution. Additional support for signal detection theory came from an experiment that examined the likelihood of a correct second choke when the first was incorrect in a four-alternative forced-choice paradigm. Therefore, the sensory excitation caused by internal noise can sometimes be greater than the excitation produced by an added stimulus. Electrocutaneous detection differs from auditory or visual in that d’ increases at a greater rate as stimulus intensity changes.  相似文献   

Temporal integration of pairs of brief blink-eliciting acoustic and cutaneous stimuli was investigated to determine if there was integration of stimuli from different modalities. Reflexes elicited by a tone burst or by a brief electrical shock to the supraorbital nerve followed by a second tone burst or shock at short stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) were larger and faster than control reflexes elicited by a single stimulus identical to the lead stimulus of the stimulus pairs. Reflex amplitude was augmented at longer SOAs where there was no effect on latency. Temporal integration was evident for all stimulus pairs, showing that it is due, at least in part, to processes that occur outside specific sensory pathways. Heterogeneous stimulus pairs produced greater reflex enhancement than did homogeneous stimulus pairs. This finding was examined further in Experiment 2, which showed that reflex enhancement with pairs of acoustic pulses was unaffected by the frequency of the second stimulus, suggesting that sensory masking was not acting to suppress reflex expression with acoustic pulse pairs. Integration of reflexogenic acoustic stimuli shown in the blink reflex is restricted to shorter intervals than is integration of acoustic stimuli shown by psychophysical procedures, suggesting that the two methods reflect different aspects of stimulus processing. Integration of reflexogenic stimuli may result from summation of activity associated more directly with reflex expression than with perceptual awareness.  相似文献   

The scanpath theory of visual perception was tested using Web pages as visual stimuli.Scanpaths are repetitive sequences of fixations and saccades that occur upon reexposure to a visual stimulus. Since Internet users are exposed to repeated visual displays, the Web provides ideal stimuli to test this theory. Eye movement data were recorded for subjects’repeated viewings of three Web pages over three sessions. Resemblance of eye path sequences was measured with a string-edit method; multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis were used to group sequences. Support was found for the scanpath theory; some clusters included pairs of sequences from the same subject. A repeated measures analysis of variance revealeda statistically significant main effect for stimulus type, with a text-intensive news story page generating more similar sequences than a graphic-intensive advertising page. There was a statistically significant main effect for cross-viewing comparisons, reflecting a linear trend in which eye paths for the same subject became more alike over time.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on conditions affecting the successful recall of simple, non-verbalised auditory stimuli. The effectiveness of recall of a given stimulus was measured by the ability to assess the pitch of one stimulus as compared to another stimulus presented after an interval of given length. The results indicate that the storage in memory of a simple auditory stimulus is possible, even in the case of pairs of stimuli separated in time by more than 5 min. In all experiments (stimuli differing by 2 semitones or by one semitone, and equal in intensity, or differing by ± 25 dB) the curve of errors shows a sharp increase when the interval between the two stimuli is 80 sec. It is possible that this sudden deterioration in the effectiveness of recall is connected with same alteration of the mechanism of memory. It is postulated that this alteration is due to a “switch-over” from immediate memory to short-term memory. The analysis of the errors shows that in certain circumstances there is a tendency towards a marked preponderance of errors resulting from underestimation rather than from overestimation of the first stimulus. This preponderance is obtained when we have pairs of equal loudness and it is even more marked when the first stimulus is softer than the second, and it is decreases when the first stimulus is louder than the second. These results suggest that in differentiating pitches of stimuli (in the 700–2000 Hz band) presented one after the other at certain fixed intervals of time, we are to find a phenomenon analogous to the classic time error found in estimations of loudness.  相似文献   

In a conditional discrimination procedure, samples appeared in a center key, and comparisons appeared in two of four outer keys. The location of comparison keys varied from trial to trial. Separate learning curves for each of the six possible pairs of comparison keys were plotted in a signal-detection space, revealing different patterns of progress on each pair. Also, when learned conditional discriminations were disrupted, pairs of keys differed in their patterns of disruption. Varying the location of comparison stimuli among six different pairs of keys had not eliminated key position as a controlling aspect of the stimuli. The variations simply increased the number of stimulus compounds--key position and experimental stimuli--that the subject learned. Plotting conditional-discrimination learning curves in a signal-detection space reveals relations among hits, false alarms, accuracy, and comparison preference that help to define a subject's progress.  相似文献   

Rats in Experiment 1 received a negative patterning discrimination in which food was delivered after either of two auditory stimuli when they were presented individually, but not when they were presented in compound. The stimuli were of different intensity. The discrimination between the compound and the stimulus of lower intensity was acquired more readily than was the discrimination between the compound and the more intense stimulus. A similar pattern of results was found in the remaining two experiments, which also employed a negative patterning discrimination, but either with stimuli from different modalities (Experiment 2) or with pigeons rather than rats (Experiment 3). The results were predicted more readily by a configural than by an elemental theory of conditioning.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of loudness on the latency of evoked potentials and on simple reaction time were compared. It was found that both reaction time and the evoked-potential latency increases with decreasing stimulus intensity. However, different slopes of the curves were found. This is explained in terms of the arousal effect of loud auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained on a conditional discrimination task involving the discrimination of various intensities of yellow light. The research asked whether stimulus—response discriminability measures between any pair of stimuli would remain constant when a third or fourth sample and reinforced response were added. The numbers of different sample stimuli presented and different responses reinforced were two (Part 1), three (Parts 2 and 4), and four (Part 3). Across conditions within parts, the ratios of reinforcers obtainable for correct responses were varied over at least five levels. In Part 5, the numbers of sample stimuli and reinforced responses were varied among two, three, and four, and the reinforcer ratio between consecutive remaining samples was constant at 2:1. It was found that once a particular response had been reinforced, subjects continued to emit that response when the conditional stimulus for that response was no longer presented. Data analysis using a generalization-based detection model indicated that this model was able to describe the data effectively. Four findings were in accord with the theory. First, estimates of stimulus—response discriminability usually decreased as the arranged physical disparity between the sample stimuli decreased. Second, stimulus—response discriminability measures were independent of response—reinforcer discriminability measures, preserving parameter invariance between these measures. Third, stimulus—response discriminability measures for constant pairs of conditional stimuli did not change systematically as conditional stimulus—response alternatives were added. Fourth, log stimulus—response discriminability values between physically adjacent conditional stimuli summed to values that were not significantly different from estimates of the discriminability values for conditional stimuli that were spaced further apart.  相似文献   

When all stimuli elicit the same taste quality, solutions preceded by a high concentration level are judged to be significantly less intense than solutions preceded by a low concentration level. After repetitious stimulation with a different tasting stimulus, the intensity of the present stimulus is overestimated. This phenomenon is called “successive contrast.” In the present study, the cumulative effects of three identical stimuli on the saltiness ratings for a test stimulus are investigated. The preceding stimuli are manipulated with regard to taste quality, saltiness intensity, total taste intensity, and complexity. Whether the size of the cumulative contrast effect is associated with the degree of dissimilarity between preceding stimuli and test stimulus, or with the saltiness or total taste intensity of the preceding stimuli, is investigated. The size of the contrast effect depends on the type of preceding stimulus, its intensity, and the type of test stimulus. No association was found with judgments of the degree of dissimilarity between the preceding stimuli and the test stimulus. For nonsalty preceding stimuli, the contrast effects are independent of concentration level. When the preceding stimuli taste at least partly salty, the total intensity appears to determine the size of the contrast for an unmixed salty test stimulus.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described which test the hypothesis that the more intense of two stimuli will, ceteris paribus, be more likely to receive attention. It is assumed that an objective behavioural manifestation of attention to a given stimulus is a preference for responding to it rather than to another which is present at the same time.

In all three experiments, successions of pairs of visual stimuli interspersed with single stimuli were presented to the subject, and he was instructed to respond to either (by pressing its corresponding morsekey), but not both, in the case of the pairs. The first two experiments reveal significant tendencies to respond to the larger and the brighter stimulus respectively. In the third experiment, there was a tendency, but a statistically insignificant one, to respond to a constant rather than to a flickering stimulus.

It is shown that the attraction of attention by a more intense stimulus follows from Hull's system with the addition of his new variable, “stimulus-intensity dynamism (V),” and it is suggested that it may thus be possible to add attention to the phenomena that can be integrated with an objective behaviour theory.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to stimuli presented on two keys. For some birds, the stimuli varied in a dimension of visual flicker-rate, and for others they varied in visual intensity. During differential training, concurrent schedules operated, with one stimulus correlated with one schedule and another stimulus correlated with a second schedule that arranged a lower, or zero, rate of reinforcement. The stimuli were alternated randomly on the two keys. Generalization tests were given in which the original two, and seven other stimuli lying in the same dimension, were presented in pairs on the two keys in various combinations. In the generalization test given after differential training, each bird showed peak shift. The data did not support explanation for peak shift that gave critical emphasis to whether stimuli were presented simultaneously or successively during differential training.  相似文献   

The joint effects of stimulus modality, stimulus intensity, and foreperiod on simple RT were investigated. In experiment 1 an interaction was found between stimulus intensity, both visual and auditory, and a variable FP such that the intensity-effect on RT was largest at the shortest FP. Experiment 2 provided a successful replication with smaller and weaker visual stimuli. No interaction was observed with a constant FP, although the visual stimuli were identical and the auditory ones psychophysically equivalent to the visual stimuli of experiment 1.It is proposed that an additive or interactive relationship between stimulus intensity and FP can be inferred only when the mental processes called for by the various uses of FP are simultaneously considered. Another precondition is an adequate sampling of the intensity-continuum with special reference to the retinal size of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Two choice-reaction time studies assessed the influence of stimulus-response mapping, stimulus complexity, and stimulus alignment on adults’ discrimination of mirror-image and nonmirror-image stimulus pairs. Half the subjects in Experiment 1 were instructed to treat nonmiiTor pairs as “same” and mirror pairs as “different”; the other half responded in the opposite manner. The first group responded more quickly to nonmirror pairs, while the second group responded more quickly to mirror pairs. This result, which held for horizontal stimuli (side by side) as well as for vertical stimuli (one above the other), confirms the importance of experiential factors in mirror-image “confusions. “ In Experiment 2. stimuli were drawn from a population of patterns whose complexity could be objectively defined. In general, the more complex the pattern, the slower the response and complexity seemed to influence the qualitative nature of pattern processing. In both experiments, subjects responded more quickly to horizontal stimuli than to vertical stimuli.  相似文献   

Predictions from a model of visual matching were tested in two experiments. The model consists of a wholistic comparison process followed by an element-by-element comparison process. All stimuli are processed by the first stage but only those that permit a decision based on a wholistic comparison produce responses. When discrimination is difficult and a decision cannot be reached by a wholistic comparison, the second stage of processing is initiated. Degree of discriminability and stimulus duration (100 and 1000 msec.) were varied in both experiments. In Exp. 1, the stimulus elements were arranged in a square configuration to facilitate a wholistic comparison. As predicted, the hard-different stimuli took longer to match than the same or easy-different stimuli. The hard-different stimuli presented for 1000 msec. took longer to match than those presented for 100 msec. There was no difference in accuracy between responses to hard-different pairs at the two durations. In Exp. 2, the stimulus elements were arranged in a horizontal row and placed one above the other to facilitate element-by-element comparison. As predicted, these stimuli produced slower and more accurate responses for same and hard-different stimulus pairs only when they were exposed for 1000 msec. Responses to easy-different stimulus pairs were made quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

Habituation and the human evoked potential   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Habituation of human scalp-recorded cerebral evoked potentials was studied in response to auditory and visual repetitive stimuli of different intensities. Changes in magnitudes of evoked potentials with stimulus repetition were examined according to the parametric characteristics of habituation, generalization, and dishabituation. In addition, tests of the predictions of two theories of habituation were made regarding the degree and direction of intensity generalization of habituation. Both auditory and visual evoked potentials exhibited decrements in response magnitudes across the repetitive stimuli consistent with the parametric criteria of habituation. Early evoked potential peak components showed a pattern of intensity generalization of habituation consistent with the predictions of the dual-process theory of habituation. Intensity generalization of late evoked potential peak components occurred in a manner more consistent with the predictions of the stimulus comparator theory of habituation. These results provide further evidence that evoked potentials can be used as electrophysiological indexes of plasticity in humans.  相似文献   

In four experiments, increasing the intensities of both relevant and irrelevant auditory stimuli was found to increase response force (RF) in simple, go/no-go, and choice reaction time (RT) tasks. These results raise problems for models that localize the effects of auditory intensity on purely perceptual processes, indicating instead that intensity also affects motor output processes under many circumstances. In Experiment 1, simple RT, go/no-go, and choice RT tasks were compared, using the same stimuli for all tasks. Auditory stimulus intensity affected both RT and RF, and these effects were not modulated by task. In Experiments 2-4, an irrelevant auditory accessory stimulus accompanied a relevant visual stimulus, and the go/no-go and choice tasks were used. The intensity of the irrelevant auditory accessory stimulus was found to affect RT and RF, although the sizes of these effects depended somewhat on the temporal predictability of the accessory stimulus.  相似文献   

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