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在马克思是否存在正义理念的问题上,国内外存在事实性解读和价值性解读两种倾向:前者认为,正义在马克思那里只是一种事实陈述,从而否定马克思具有独立的正义理念;而后者则认为,正义在马克思那里是一种包含道德诉求在内的价值判断。这种判断反映了马克思的正义主张,从而肯定马克思具有独立的正义理念。两种倾向恰恰彰显了,正义作为一种价值诉求,既具有积极意义,也存在严重不足。  相似文献   

伦理的价值本源:宗教还是血缘?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伦理的价值本源回答的是伦理价值合理性的来源问题,它需要具有神圣与不朽的特性.虽然中西方伦理都认识到这一点,但在究竟设定什么作为价值本源的时候却分别给出了宗教与血缘两个不同的答案.基于对宗教本质的剖析以及与血缘的对比,得出的结论是血缘比宗教更适合担当伦理价值本源的重任.  相似文献   

客观性问题一直是知识论研究的基本问题。女性主义知识论者把客观性问题看作是一个必须探讨的问题,她们把主流知识论中的客观性诊断为价值中立性,并对价值中立的客观性进行了批判,在此基础上,重建了价值负载的客观性。由于探讨女性主义知识论是全面了解女权运动和知识论最新发展  相似文献   

军国民体育作为中国体育建设的发端,最初是康有为和梁启超为代表的维新派提出,其后借由蔡锷、蒋百里等留日学子的积极提倡而成形,最终借助晚清及民国政府的学校教育政策来实施的。然而,伴随新文化、新教育理念的盛行,以及第一次世界大战后盛行军国民教育的德国的战败,正当、自然及养生等逐渐取代军国民而成为体育建设的主导价值。军国民体育的衰微,并不能掩盖其所拥有的培育国民资格、养成社会尊重军人、存身对敌等风尚的价值。当代中国的体育建设,如是能巧妙改造并发挥军国民体育的效能,并使之有效融入学校或大众体育的领域,依旧大有裨益。  相似文献   

在西方环境伦理学中,生态中心论具有强烈的整体主义诉求。认为,人类只是自然整体中的一个成员和后来者;生态系统的价值具有内在性和优先性;人类对自然生态系统负有直接的、终极的道德责任和义务。这些观点受到一些学者的质疑。系统整体论理念和复杂性研究对生态系统与人类的关系,系统的目的性,整体的价值等问题提供了一定的支持和启示。  相似文献   

The philosophical question Nunez raises is whether we can have, as he thinks we need, a theoretical grounding for appeal to the intrinsic value of nature. This article examines the neopragmatist reasons for repudiating metaphysical realism's notions of intrinsicality and subject-independent reality. Following the holism of Donald Davidson and Richard Rorty rather than the epistemological premises of Holmes Rolston and Bernard Lonergan, the author concludes that coping with the ecological crisis does not require conjuring an epistemic crisis. Environmental ethics in neopragmatist hands would seek procedures for bringing about agreement in improving our practices, not our epistemology.  相似文献   

从语义上看,社会主义价值体系就是人们对社会主义属性的感受、体验、认知以及评判的总和,体现为一种观念的集合(社会意识系统),社会主义核心价值体系就是指在这些观念集合中居于主体地位、起着主导性作用的观念系统。而在语用层面,社会主义核心价值体系因解释者不同而具有不同的诉求。一般来说,主要有这样三种类型的诉求:国家的角度,基于阶级意志而要求整个社会如何如何;社会的角度,着眼于“应该”的愿景来表达预期的意愿;个体的角度,立足于事实的效力坚持大众认同的标准。  相似文献   

孙晓玲 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):139-147
该研究对大学生时间自我透视与价值偏好之间的关系进行了探讨。结果发现,当从远期的时间距离来透视自我(可能自我知觉)时,个体更加偏好理想主义价值;当个体从近期的时间距离来透视自我(当前自我知觉)时,个体更加偏好实用主义价值。但是,时间自我透视与价值偏好之间并非遵循严格的线性关系。此外,研究还发现,上述规律只出现于个体对自我的知觉中,个体对他人的时间透视并未表现出类似的规律。  相似文献   

According to the dominant philosophical tradition, intrinsic value must depend solely upon intrinsic properties. By appealing to various examples, however, I argue that we should at least leave open the possibility that in some cases intrinsic value may be based in part on relational properties. Indeed, I argue that we should even be open to the possibility that an object's intrinsic value may sometimes depend (in part) on its instrumental value. If this is right, of course, then the traditional contrast between intrinsic value and instrumental value is mistaken.  相似文献   

道德建设:价值向度的迷失与回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为道德结构是规范向度和价值向度的内在统一,然而人们往往偏爱前者,忽视后者,造成了规范向度的膨胀和价值向度的迷失,因此本文着重从理论上对道德的价值向度及其功能作了阐释和论证,并对在道德建设中凸显价值向度的途径作了陈述和分析。  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate value projection between Palestinians, Israelis, Americans, and Swiss as a function of their group's stance toward the Israeli‐Palestinian conflict. Drawing on image theory, we assumed that images—operationalized by value projection—would be a function not just of features of the target group, but of the rater group's relationship with the target group. Value projection can be seen as an indicator of (de)humanization as values represent goals and desirable behaviors of a person. We therefore expected higher projection to ally than to enemy groups, whereas we expected no difference in projection to out‐groups with neutral relations. Results show that allies did indeed project Security and Power to a higher degree to each other than to enemies, and enemies showed no, or even negative, projection onto each other. The ally of the enemy (Americans) was projected less negatively by Palestinians than vice versa, pointing to the higher complexity of third‐party images as opposed to the more classical ally and enemy images. As expected, Swiss students showed almost no difference in projection to the different out‐groups. These results confirm that the relationship between groups (e.g., alliance, enmity) rather than a consensual view of particular nations determines images.  相似文献   

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