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In Experiment 1, rats were given one trial per day in a straight alley under food deprivation on half of the trials and under water deprivation on the other half. Wet mash was available in the goal box under food deprivation for Group H and under water deprivation for Group T, the other deprivation being nonrewarded for each group. After 15--18 trials both groups ran significantly faster on their rewarded than on their nonrewarded deprivation days. A third group showed that random variation of alley color retarded formation of the discrimination. A fourth group was run in a conditional discrimination in which under food deprivation wet mash was available in a black alley, nonreward in a white alley, and vice versa under water deprivation. This group took 114 trials to begin running significantly faster in their rewarded than in their nonrewarded alley under each deprivation. In Experiment 2, it was shown that prior learning about deprivation cues "blocks" learning about alley color when alley color is subsequently presented in compound with the deprivation cue but that when both alley color and deprivation cues are relevant from the start of training, the rat learns about both cues. It is suggested that previous studies have underestimated the importance of deprivation cues by using conditional discrimination designs, choice measures rather than speeds, and parameters that are not optimal for discrimination learning.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 the sequence of trials to the positive (S+) and negative (S?) discriminanda was varied between groups during acquisition and reversal of a successive brightness discrimination. In Experiments 2 and 3, groups received different reward sequences in Phase 1 within S+. In general, groups given transitions from nonrewarded trials to rewarded trials (N-R transitions) in Phase 1 learned both the original discrimination and its reversal more slowly than groups given schedules devoid of N-R transitions. The results were discussed in relation to previously reported effects of partial reinforcement on acquisition and reversal of a discrimination and the role of sequential variables and internal, reward-produced cues in discrimination learning, reversal learning, and nonreversal shifts.  相似文献   

Western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica) did not show extinction when caching behavior was never rewarded and they had no choice of where to cache the food. However, when the jays had the choice of caching items in 2 different locations or during 2 successive episodes, and only 1 of each was always rewarded at recovery, they rapidly learned to cache in the rewarded location or episode. When the jays had learned during training trials that their caches were always moved to 1 of 2 locations they did not cache in, then on the test trial they cached in the location that had been previously rewarded. To test whether these jays avoided the location in which their caches had been pilfered or chose the rewarded location, the procedure was repeated to include a 3rd location that was never rewarded. The jays avoided the pilfered location but cached equally in the rewarded and nonrewarded locations.  相似文献   

We tested domestic dogs (N = 16) in a Guesser–Knower task in which they chose between possible locations for hidden food indicated by human informants. In four experiments, the perceptual access of the Guesser and Knower to the hidden food baiting was manipulated. When informants had differing perceptual access to the baiting, dogs preferred the location indicated by the Knower from the start of testing (Experiment 1), even when baiting was done by a third experimenter (Experiments 2–3). However, when there was no difference in perceptual access and both informants either knew or did not know the food location, dogs had no preference between the informants (Experiment 4). Controls ruled out alternative explanations in terms of associative learning, unintentional and olfactory cues. Analysis of individual data showed no significant heterogeneity across dogs, and results were not correlated with age or sex. Dogs’ performances were superior to those of nonhuman primates in previous studies. Although a mentalistic explanation is not required, results add to evidence that dogs have a remarkable sensitivity to cues related to humans’ attentional state, which enables them to respond as if they had a functional theory of mind in the Guesser–Knower task with human informants.  相似文献   

Recent dog-infant comparisons have indicated that the experimenter's communicative signals in object hide-and-search tasks increase the probability of perseverative (A-not-B) errors in both species (Topál et al. 2009). These behaviourally similar results, however, might reflect different mechanisms in dogs and in children. Similar errors may occur if the motor response of retrieving the object during the A trials cannot be inhibited in the B trials or if the experimenter's movements and signals toward the A hiding place in the B trials ('sham-baiting') distract the dogs' attention. In order to test these hypotheses, we tested dogs similarly to Topál et al. (2009) but eliminated the motor search in the A trials and 'sham-baiting' in the B trials. We found that neither an inability to inhibit previously rewarded motor response nor insufficiencies in their working memory and/or attention skills can explain dogs' erroneous choices. Further, we replicated the finding that dogs have a strong tendency to commit the A-not-B error after ostensive-communicative hiding and demonstrated the crucial effect of socio-communicative cues as the A-not-B error diminishes when location B is ostensively enhanced. These findings further support the hypothesis that the dogs' A-not-B error may reflect a special sensitivity to human communicative cues. Such object-hiding and search tasks provide a typical case for how susceptibility to human social signals could (mis)lead domestic dogs.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the possible role of landmark stability in spatial learning. Rats were trained to search in a large arena for food hidden at a consistent distance and direction from either a single radially symmetric landmark or an array of two landmarks. We varied the relative degree to which the landmark array and/or the cues of the training context predicted the location of food, without varying the conditional probability of food being available given either cue. Experiment 1 used vestibular disorientation to ensure control of search location by experimenter-controlled cues. The results showed that making either a single landmark or a cluster of two adjacent landmarks the sole spatial predictor of reward location reduced the accuracy of search compared to a condition where both the landmark array and context cues were reliable spatial predictors. Varying global landmark stability had no effect when training was conducted using an array of two landmarks located some distance from each other. Context cues, when tested alone, triggered very little searching in appropriate locations, and the absolute magnitude of control over search was insufficient to account for the superiority of stable landmarks. The better learning with a stable landmark, and the dependence of this effect on the geometrical arrangement of landmarks, points to the conditions of spatial learning involving additional principles to those of simple associative conditioning. Experiment 2 examined landmark stability using a single landmark and fixed directional cues in the absence of vestibular disorientation. This also revealed a relative advantage of landmark stability, but animals with a landmark that moved from trial to trial did show some evidence of learning. Context cues when tested alone had minimal influence. Parametric manipulation of landmark stability offers a novel way of influencing spatial learning and thus understanding better the process through which egocentric representations of perceived space are transformed into allocentric representations of the real world. The purpose of this paper is to describe two experiments concerned with identifying the psychological processes of allocentric spatial learning. The results point to the idea that landmark stability is an important factor in spatial learning. Specifically, they reveal that whether or not a landmark will be used for the purpose of representing the location of another object (including hidden objects) is influenced by whether it is perceived as geometrically stable with respect to at least one other landmark and/or certain geometric features of the environment. This phenomenon is relevant to the application of associative learning principles to the spatial domain.  相似文献   

Young human children at around 2 years of age fail to predict the correct location of an object when it is dropped from the top of an S-shape opaque tube. They search in the location just below the releasing point (Hood, 1995). This type of error, called a 'gravity bias', has recently been reported in dogs and monkeys. In the present study, we investigated whether young and adult chimpanzees also show such a gravity bias in a modified version of the original opaque-tube task. The original task by Hood and colleagues required the subject to search in a location after the object had fallen, while in the task reported here, subjects were required to predict the location before the object was dropped. Thus the present procedure does not involve explicit invisible displacement operations, one of the important components of the original procedure. In Experiment 1 both young (1.5-2.5-year-old) and adult chimpanzees predicted the location of falling food items below the releasing point even when crossed tubes were used. These gravity errors remained after the extensive experience of using the tubes themselves. Experiment 2 further tested adult and 4-year-old chimpanzees under the set-up in which the straight and crossed tubes were simultaneously presented. The results were the same as those in the previous test, suggesting that developmental changes and learning effect do not affect the gravity bias in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

In the spatial domain, domestic dogs are highly inclined to search at the last location where they saw an object disappear and cannot infer that a hidden object has moved imperceptibly from one location to another. In the current study, we examined whether exposure to human social cues modulates dogs’ search behavior for hidden objects. In Experiment 1, twenty dogs were first trained to find an object they saw disappear inside a stationary container in the presence (social group) or absence (non-social group) of pointing gestures. In tests, the containers were rotated 180° around a central axis. The dogs in the non-social group systematically searched at the initial (now incorrect) hiding location, whereas the dogs in the social group chose correctly significantly above chance. In Experiment 2, we tested whether pre-exposure to human pointing has an impact on dogs’ use of gestures. No gestures were given during training and both the social and non-social conditions were administered to each of the ten dogs. In contrast to Experiment 1, the performance of dogs in the social condition dropped significantly and varied substantially from one dog to another. Overall, this study suggests that dogs’ tendency to use human signals is so strong that it even outweighs their spatial bias to search where they saw an object disappear; however, this penchant to use human gestures appears to be dependent on the degree of familiarity of the dog with these signals.  相似文献   

Twenty-four monkeys were given 2-choice discrimination problems composed of three planometric plaque stimuli: P, the rewarded stimulus; N, the nonrewarded stimulus; and A, the ambiguous stimulus which was negative when paired with P, but positive when paired with N. When both pair of stimuli, PA and NA, were presented within a given session S was forced either to approach or to avoid the A plaque depending upon the stimulus with which it was paired. The results corroborated previous reports for plaque stimuli by showing PA performance to be superior to NA. The data also revealed that when plaque stimuli with distinctive cues were employed, NA performance exceeded PA as previously reported for stereometric object stimuli. Pretraining Ss with plaque stimuli possessing distinctive cues, then switching to plaques with less distinctive cues, also resulted in superior NA performance. These findings are discussed in the context of an interference-cue theory.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on an elevated maze where the rewarded alternative was defined either in terms of intra-maze cues (rubber or sandpaper flooring on rewarded and unrewarded arms, regardless of their position) or in terms of extra-maze cues (the correct arm always pointed toward a particular corner of the room, and was sometimes covered with rubber and sometimes with sandpaper), or where both sets of cues were simultaneously relevant. In Experiment 1 rats pretrained with either intra-maze or extra-maze cues alone relevant learned less about the other set of cues than non-pretrained control groups, when, in a second phase of the experiment, both sets of cues were simultaneously relevant. Experiment 2 confirmed that intra-maze cues could block extra-maze cues, and ruled out one alternative explanation of the results of Experiment 1. Experiment 3 showed that extra-maze cues overshadowed intra-maze cues, but that there was no reciprocal overshadowing of extra-maze by intra-maze cues. This was despite the fact that animals learned the intra-maze discrimination significantly faster than the extra-maze discrimination. Experiment 3 also suggested that rats did not solve the extra-maze discrimination by learning to approach or avoid specific extra-maze cues, but rather by locating the correct arm by reference to the entire set of extra-maze cues. The results suggest that locale or place learning and cue or guidance learning, in O'Keefe and Nadel's (1978) terminology, interact with one another in much the same way as does learning about any pair of stimuli in a Pavlovian conditioning experiment.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on simultaneous red-green discrimination procedures with delayed reward and sequences of stimuli during the delay. In Experiment 1, three stimuli appeared during the 60-second intervals between the correct responses and reward, and the incorrect responses and nonreward. The stimulus that immediately followed a correct response also preceded nonreward, and the stimulus that followed an incorrect response preceded reward. These stimuli were 10 or .33 second in duration for different groups. Stimuli during the remainder of the delay interval differed following correct and incorrect responses. Group 10 initially persisted in the nonrewarded choice, but shifted to a preponderance of rewarded responses after further training. Group .33 rapidly acquired the correct response. Similar results were obtained in Experiment 2 where delay intervals consisted of opposite sequences of two stimuli of equal duration and total delays were 6, 20, or 60 seconds. Early in training, generalization of differential conditioned-reinforcing properties from the conditions preceding reward and nonreward to postchoice conditions had a greater effect relative to backchaining than it did later. It was concluded that delayed-reward learning is best analyzed in terms of the conditioned-reinforcing value of the patterns of cues that follow immediately after rewarded and nonrewarded responses.  相似文献   

Is spatial attention reconfigured independently of, or in tandem with, other task-set components when the task changes? We tracked the eyes of participants cued to perform one of three digit-classification tasks, each consistently associated with a distinct location. Previously we observed, on task switch trials, a substantial delay in orientation to the task-relevant location and tendency to fixate the location of the previously relevant task—“attentional inertia”. In the present experiments the cues specified (and instructions emphasized) the relevant location rather than the current task. In Experiment 1, with explicit spatial cues (arrows or spatial adverbs), the previously documented attentional handicaps all but disappeared, whilst the performance “switch cost” increased. Hence, attention can become decoupled from other aspects of task-set, but at a cost to the efficacy of task-set preparation. Experiment 2 used arbitrary single-letter cues with instructions and a training regime that encouraged participants to interpret the cue as indicating the relevant location rather than task. As in our previous experiments, and unlike in Experiment 1, we now observed clear switch-induced attentional delay and inertia, suggesting that the natural tendency is for spatial attention and task-set to be coupled and that only quasi-exogenous location cues decouple their reconfiguration.  相似文献   

The authors examined the ability of domestic dogs to use human body cues (gestures) and equivalent-sized nonhuman cues to find hidden food in an object choice paradigm. In Experiment 1 the authors addressed the importance of the human element of the cue, and the effects of size, topography, and familiarity on dogs' success in using cues. Experiment 2 further explored the role of the human as cue-giver, and the impact of a change in the experimenter's attentional state during cue presentation. This included a systematic test of the role inanimate tokens play as cues apart from human placement. Our results indicate that dogs are more sensitive to human cues than equivalent nonhuman cues, and that the size of the cue is a critical element in determining dogs' success in following it.  相似文献   

Rats’ learning about visual patterns was studied in a computerized Y-maze where wide-angle stimuli were viewed from a distance. Many patterns were available; some were spatially complex and others were more homogeneous figures. Experiment 1 used a discrimination paradigm in which a single S+could be paired with any one of 15 different Ss. Hooded rats learned successively six such discrimination problems. Their learning rate improved across the series, and comparison with controls suggested that the learning-set did not merely reflect simple habituation. Experiments 2 and 3 employed Dark Agouti rats, again learning many discrimination problems. Each problem comprised a constant stimulus which was paired with stimuli which varied in trial-unique fashion. The version in which the constant stimulus was nonrewarded (S) and the varying stimuli rewarded was performed better than the converse, constant S+and varying nonrewarded, reflecting rats’ preference for relatively unfamiliar stimuli. In the constant Stask, rats showed substantial within-problem learning when three novel problems were given per day for 20 trials each. Rats are capable of rapid learning about complex visual displays if we engage their natural dispositions to use vision for distal stimuli and to approach relatively unfamiliar cues.  相似文献   

Spatial memory of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) for hidden objects was investigated via a visible displacement problem of object permanence with a detour paradigm. Experiment 1 showed that dogs were able to spontaneously locate a disappearing object in a detour situation. In Experiments 2 and 3, dead reckoning and allocentric spatial information were put in conflict. Results revealed that dogs simultaneously encoded both sources of information when they had to bypass an obstacle to locate a hidden object. Experiment 3 also revealed that, over the course of testing, dogs gradually learned to rely predominantly on allocentric cues when the detour involved several reorientations. The current study reveals that spatial memory of dogs for hidden objects in a detour task was guided by flexibility in processing spatial information. Dogs could simultaneously encode dead reckoning and allocentric information to locate a disappearing object and used them hierarchically according to the complexity of the detour they encountered in the environment.  相似文献   

Sixteen preschool children were administered a two-choice discrimination problem consisting of three stimulus compounds: the consistently rewarded stimulus, the consistently nonrewarded stimulus, and the ambiguous stimulus which was nonrewarded when paired with the positive, but rewarded when paired with the negative. When both pair of stimuli, positive-ambiguous and negative-ambiguous, were presented together the subject was required either to choose or to avoid the ambiguous stimulus depending upon the stimulus with which it was paired. In Experiment 1, when each of three stimuli (positive, negative, ambiguous) varied along one nonspatial cue dimension (color), performance was better on negative-ambiguous trials than positive-ambiguous trials. In Experiment 2, when the positive and negative stimuli varied along three nonspatial cue dimensions (colors and form) and the ambiguous stimulus varied along one of these dimensions (color), superior positive-ambiguous over negative-ambiguous performance was obtained. These findings complement those reported for other subjects and confirm Berch's (D. B. Berch, Learning and Motivation, 1974, 5, 135–148) predictions regarding use of differential numbers of cue dimensions.  相似文献   

Using a cued conjunction search task, Anderson, Heinke, and Humphreys (2010) demonstrated larger effects from cueing target colour than from cueing target orientation. In this study, we separated the implicit (nonexpectation-dependent) and explicit (expectation-dependent) effects of orientation and colour visual cues. In Experiment 1, we replicated the original findings for short cue durations (100–200 ms), demonstrating that cues matching the physical property of the target on 80% of trials exert a rapid effect on search. These early cueing effects on reaction times were supported by evidence of guidance from cues on early eye movements. Experiment 2 introduced a feature to the cue that randomly matched the colour or orientation of the target. When cue orientation was predictive, there were strong implicit effects based on whether the colour of the cue and target matched. When cue colour was predictive, there were only weak effects from the cue's orientation. Implicit effects from cue colour remained when orientation-predictive cues were used and colour was unlikely to predict the target (Experiment 3). The data suggest that strong effects of colour cueing result from a combination of implicit and explicit processes, whereas effects from orientation cues are largely limited to the explicit guidance of visual search.  相似文献   

In the first experiment rats were given either 16 or 48 nonrewarded or continuously rewarded trials prior to 24 continuously or partially rewarded trials, followed by extinction. Increased resistance to extinction was found for increasing numbers of nonrewarded trials when they were followed by partial reward, but not when followed by continuous reward. Similarly, more continuously rewarded trials followed by partial reward tended to increase resistance to extinction. Because of the theoretical importance of the effect of continuous reward followed by partial, a second experiment was performed where the range of the number of continuously rewarded trials was extended to 0, 48, and 96. Contrary to many theoretical predictions, resistance to extinction increased as a function of increasing amounts of continuous reward.  相似文献   

This study addressed the view that object superiority depends on the informativeness or task relevance of particular contexts. It was hypothesized that target search is facilitated to the extent that global properties of a complex stimulus provide informative cues to target location. Results of Experiments 1 and 2 showed that when the target appeared at variable relative positions it was identified better in a coherent context than in an incoherent one. Because the coherent context was presumed to contain informative global cues to location, the results confirmed the hypothesis. Experiment 2 also indicated that when only informative local properties were available, search was facilitated, albeit to a lesser extent than when global properties were available. Overall, the results extend the informativeness view of object superiority effects.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and great apes from the genus Pan were tested on a series of object choice tasks. In each task, the location of hidden food was indicated for subjects by some kind of communicative, behavioral, or physical cue. On the basis of differences in the ecologies of these 2 genera, as well as on previous research, the authors hypothesized that dogs should be especially skillful in using human communicative cues such as the pointing gesture, whereas apes should be especially skillful in using physical, causal cues such as food in a cup making noise when it is shaken. The overall pattern of performance by the 2 genera strongly supported this social-dog, causal-ape hypothesis. This result is discussed in terms of apes' adaptations for complex, extractive foraging and dogs' adaptations, during the domestication process, for cooperative communication with humans.  相似文献   

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