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Using a collective case study ethnographic approach, nine individuals comprising three Mexican American families were interviewed about their family bereavement experiences after the death of a child. All families were Catholic, had surviving siblings, and had had three or more years to grieve their loss when interviewed. The deceased children ranged in age from 3 to 14, and all experienced sudden, traumatic, nonsuicide deaths. To provide a broader, contextual picture of their grief experiences, four individuals who supported these family members after the loss were also interviewed. Unique grief experiences were identified, and eight common themes emerged, reflecting the ways in which family members maintained their bond to the deceased: dreams, storytelling, keepsakes, sense of presence, faith-based connections, proximity connections, ongoing rituals, and pictorial remembrances. The cultural implications of family bereavement are highlighted.  相似文献   

In the wake of increased interest in the specific features of suicide bereavement, the current study examines (a) the association between suicide bereavement and complicated grief and (b) the mediating effect of experiential avoidance on the association between suicide bereavement and complicated grief. The tests revealed a significant indirect effect of suicide bereavement on complicated grief through experiential avoidance. This finding suggests that traumatic characteristics of suicide bereavement may inhibit the grieving process by increasing experiential avoidance and emphasizing a cognitive approach for complicated grief of people who have lost their loved one to death by suicide.  相似文献   

The vast majority of bereavement research is conducted after a loss has occurred. Thus, knowledge of the divergent trajectories of grieving or their antecedent predictors is lacking. This study gathered prospective data on 205 individuals several years prior to the death of their spouse and at 6- and 18-months postloss. Five core bereavement patterns were identified: common grief, chronic grief, chronic depression, improvement during bereavement, and resilience. Common grief was relatively infrequent, and the resilient pattern most frequent. The authors tested key hypotheses in the literature pertaining to chronic grief and resilience by identifying the preloss predictors of each pattern. Chronic grief was associated with preloss dependency and resilience with preloss acceptance of death and belief in a just world.  相似文献   

The study of sudden bereavement focuses almost exclusively on its impact on psychological well-being. This research broadens our understanding of bereavement outcomes by exploring the effect of grief on family detachment following sudden bereavement. Moreover, this study examines the relative contributions of resources in alleviating grief symptoms and reducing detachment. Data are collected from medical examiner records and mail-back surveys from family members of victims of suicide and accidental deaths in a large metropolitan area of the United States. A covariance structural equation model allowing for correlated measurement error is estimated using LISREL VII. The results indicate that the most grief-stricken survivors are more detached from family than those who are least grief-stricken. Examination of the direct and indirect influences of resources on bereavement outcomes reveals that self-esteem is the strongest predictor of grief and that it also plays a decisive role in mediating the influences of religious participation and exercise on grief. Expressive support exerts direct effects on both grief and detachment. This research concludes by directing future research to examine more fully the impact of sudden bereavement on marital and family relationships.  相似文献   

This review of the author’s writings on grief focuses on cross-cultural research, research with 19th-century diaries, and qualitative interview studies of couples and families. The cross-cultural studies show that there are strong cultural differences in how people grieve. The diary data show that some people cycle into and out of intense grieving, even for years after a death, and the cycling is governed partly by what they do to control emotions and what they encounter that reminds them of their loss. The interview studies make clear that grieving is, for many people, relational, so looking only at individual grieving we miss much of the relational dynamics that are central to the experience of grieving for many people.  相似文献   

The impact of death on the family system creates a structural void that requires homeostatic adjustments. This paper describes bereavement adjustments in the family system. The author proposes that a family member may be stuck in one of the phases of grieving, which contributes to the homeostatic utilization of one or more of these adjustments. These homeostatic adjustments provide a matrix for abortive grief which may have transgenerational consequences. The author further proposes two stages of grieving in addition to those given by Bowlby (1979, pp. 82–83) and Parkes (1972); that of transformation and actualization. The family system or family-community system may hinder or help the bereaved family grieve, or make the homeostatic adjustment. Judeo-Christian values and rituals are described as relevant to this process.  相似文献   


Grieving the death of a loved one is an experience that many people will face at least once in their lifetime, but the lack of widely accepted guidelines as to what constitutes “normal” grieving results in mourning being a common experience with little universality. Memories may keep the deceased alive in the minds of the survivor and may even interfere with the formation of new relationships. This article considers the process of grieving the loss of a spouse and some of the individual factors, such as age, sex, and personal beliefs, that may account for variability in grief experiences. While several modeh detailing the grief process are discussed, the inappropriateness of establishing expectations for the nature and duration of grief is argued for.  相似文献   

This positional paper originates from our need as researcher/practitioners to establish a meaningful epistemological framework for research into bereaved people's journey through loss and grief over time. We describe how the field of grief research has a long and established biological basis, in keeping with a positivist epistemology. However, there has been a diminution of the influence of logical positivism in twenty-first-century counselling research. We argue that in grief counselling research, naturalistic observation of the grieving process within a logical positivist paradigm, remains a valid and valuable construct. We posit an observational protocol for the grief counselling process which minimises the intrusion of research method into the therapeutic process. We offer this as a means of conducting qualitative research within a bereavement counselling service. Further, we suggest that the development of an observational protocol for a client's grieving process has potential implications for developing good practice in grief work.  相似文献   

通过19次个体箱庭和2次家庭箱庭治疗,对一名12岁复杂哀伤的丧亲女孩W进行了个案研究。发现:(1)箱庭治疗能提高丧亲青少年的个体和家庭功能,促进青少年个体和家庭哀伤任务的完成;(2)W的个体箱庭经历了在混乱重复中寻找秩序、重建自我、转化与整合、自我治愈力展现四个阶段;(3)W的哀伤经验经历了在治疗者促进下分享—象征性表达—主动地象征性表达—直接而主动地表达哀伤经验最终获得哀伤任务完成的变化过程。  相似文献   

Bereavement dreams provide an important, though seldom mentioned or recognized, component of the grief process. As the unconscious presses for recognition of the pain and extent of the loss, dream material is presented to help the bereft move to a new and integrative life position. Religious symbols present themselves to give the grieving a new sense of themselves as individuals and an expanding view of the world. Grief therapists have generally ignored this important component of the grief process, and as a result, little significant clinical research has been done. A comprehensive picture of bereavement will not be developed until increased attention is given to this important area.  相似文献   

When a deaf child is born to hearing parents, a grieving process is initiated in the parents. Unresolved grieving over their child's deafness often makes it difficult for hearing parents to accept the importance of signing, thus increasing the child's problems — further source of grief for these parents. Clinical illustrations are provided of (1) the reciprocal relationship between disruption of the mourning process and disturbance of communication between family members, and (2) the transmission of the dysfunctional relationship between hearing parents and deaf children to the subsequent relationship between the deaf children, when they reach adulthood, and their hearing children.  相似文献   

Following the loss of a child, couple counseling focuses on their grief process as well as the impact of the loss on the marital relationship. Individual differences in reacting to and coping with the loss, different patterns of grieving, and differences in attitudes about relationship issues may cause further distress and increase marital conflicts and adaptation to the loss. When bereavement occurs under traumatic circumstances, the conflicts may be further complicated and involve problems in daily functioning related to distorted cognitions and attributions connected with traumatic bereavement. In this paper, cognitive grief therapy using the ABC model of REBT with a couple who lost a child under traumatic circumstances will be described.  相似文献   

There is increasing attention to the mechanisms underpinning maladaptive responses to bereavement. This study indexed self-defining memories in bereaved individuals with and without complicated grief (CG). Participants with and without complicated grief (N = 40) were asked to describe three self-defining memories. Results showed that CG participants provided more self-defining memories involving the deceased. Both groups were equally likely to report their loved one's death as a self-defining moment, however, the no-CG group showed more evidence of benefit finding in their memory narratives and experienced less negative emotion on recall. The findings suggest that CG is associated with distinctive patterns of autobiographical memory that are linked to self-identity. The pattern is consistent with self-memory system models of autobiographical remembering, and suggests that grieving individuals who experience ongoing yearning for their loved one view their self-identity as more closely linked to the deceased are more distressed by memories involving the loss.  相似文献   

This article is based on survey of 269 households in the state of Victoria, Australia. It elicits some useful guidelines for professional caregivers in relation to eight cultural/religious groups including Australian-born Christians and Arab-born Muslims. The focus here is upon the relationships between the Australian Italian community and personal health outcomes during bereavement. The following sub-strata are examined: community differences in relation to grief and loss practices and traditions; the value of religious communal support and counseling; symptomatological differences from psychosocial and educational perspectives; psychopathological/psychiatric symptoms and beliefs and practice concerning the afterlife. Significant differences were revealed between the sexes on such matters as health problems, grief expressions, psychosomatic manifestations, communication with the dead, beliefs in the afterlife and interpretation of the meaning of loss. Differences in these findings will assist professional caregivers who deal with families experiencing personal death loss to broaden their own perspectives on bereavement, offering specific counselling strategies and care-giving interventions.  相似文献   

Grief is our emotional response to the deaths of intimates, and so like many other emotional conditions, it can be appraised in terms of its rationality. A philosophical account of grief's rationality should satisfy a contingency constraint, wherein grief is neither intrinsically rational nor intrinsically irrational. Here I provide an account of grief and its rationality that satisfies this constraint, while also being faithful to the phenomenology of grief experience. I begin by arguing against the best known account of grief's rationality, Gustafson's strategic or forward‐looking account, according to which the practical rationality of grief depends on the internal coherence of the component attitudes that explain the behaviors caused by grief, and more exactly, on how these attitudes enable the individual to realize states of affairs that she desires. While I do not deny that episodes of grief can be appraised in terms of their strategic rationality, I deny that strategic rationality is the essential or fundamental basis on which grief's rationality should be appraised. In contrast, the heart of grief's rationality is backward‐looking. That is, what primarily makes an episode of grief rational qua grief is the fittingness of the attitudes individuals take toward the experience of a lost relationship, attitudes which in turn generate the desires and behaviors that constitute bereavement. Grief thus derives its essential rationality from the objects it responds to, not from the attitudes causally downstream from that response, and is necessarily irrational when the behaviors that constitute an individual's grieving are inappropriate to the object of that grief. So while the strategic rationality of an episode of grief contributes to whether it is on the whole rational, no episode of grief can be rational unless the actions that constitute grieving accurately gauge the change in a person's normative situation wrought by the loss of her relationship with the deceased.  相似文献   

In what way is the bereavement process following suicide different from other types of bereavement? The participants were 30 survivors of suicide and 30 survivors of car accidents who were interviewed twice at an average of six months, and the second measure was taken at an average of nine months after the death, with standardized questionnaires to measure depression and grief reaction. Measures of shame, social support, family adaptation, psychological distress, and prior losses were also obtained during the second interview. All survivors were parents who had lost a son aged between 18 and 35 years. The results indicate that suicide survivors were more depressed than accident survivors at the first measure but this difference disappeared at the second measure. Survivors of suicide experienced greater feelings of shame and had experienced more life events after the death than did accident survivors. There was also a greater history of loss in parents bereaved by suicide. Parental bereavement after suicide appears to differ in several ways from other types of bereavement and appears to happen more often in vulnerable families.  相似文献   

Across most of human history, infant and child mortality rates were very high, suggesting the death of a child was a challenge faced by many ancestral parents. Prolonged grief likely harmed grievers’ fitness, yet grief is ubiquitous and often protracted, thereby presenting a puzzle for evolutionary arguments. We integrate existing theories of grief with patterns of parental bereavement to examine how human psychology has been shaped to respond to the death of a child. We contend that variation in life history strategy may explain the relative difficulty with which individuals recover from losing a child. We propose that the same physiological mechanisms underlying detachment and grief during dissolved romantic relationships may also underlie the intensity of parental attachment and bereavement. This theoretical review thus integrates evolutionary theory with extant grief research to provide a functional analysis of the immense suffering associated with the loss of a child.  相似文献   

Although military children are typically as resilient as the general child population, the ongoing conflict has exposed military children to unusual stressors such as repeated deployment, severe injury, or the death of a parent or sibling. U.S. forces have experienced more than 5,600 casualties during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, with growing numbers of suicides among Service members. These deaths have affected thousands of military children. Most bereaved military children experience adaptive grief characterized by deep sadness, longing for the deceased person, and being comforted by positive memories of the deceased. A smaller number of military children develop childhood traumatic grief, characterized by trauma symptoms that interfere with adaptive grieving. Children with traumatic grief get “stuck” on the traumatic aspects of the death such as picturing the imagined or real details of the death; imagining the pain their loved one experienced in the moments before dying; wishing for revenge; and becoming angry at those who do not understand or share the child’s thoughts and feelings about the death. These children avoid reminders of the deceased person. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment for children with trauma symptoms including those with traumatic grief. TF-CBT may be particularly suitable for military families. This article describes the clinical application of TF-CBT for traumatic grief in military children.  相似文献   

This commentary discusses key themes in four conceptually related papers in this special issue on military families. Individually, the papers highlight the importance of the experiences of young children, the vital role of family narratives, the need for effective communication in families with a combat-injured member, and the need to understand the many dimensions of grieving and loss. Taken together, they compellingly make the case for family-centered care approaches and interventions. They also emphasize the need for families to understand and make meaning together of the experiences they have undergone and that this is a long-term, ongoing, dynamic, and interactive process.  相似文献   

This paper is about how bereaved children are supported in school. After narrating parts of a case study of one bereaved family and their interaction with schools over a prolonged period, it explores some educational management implications of bereavement, grief and loss. It argues that the effectiveness of interactions by the individual teacher will have a correlation with the support systems created by the educational management team. The structures and ethos of care created by management are a vital part of recovery in bereavement. Evidence from the case study proved typical of wider study in the field of the educational management of bereavement. Indications were that educators responsible for whole-school response had training and support issues needing urgent address. In particular, the process of establishing, in school, a climate of successful, meaningful and open communications about death relies on the provision of personal support systems for the teachers. Such support is dependent upon an educational management team that is able and willing to prioritize these issues and to challenge aspects of its own management thinking.  相似文献   

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