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Grade retention is an intervention that has received increasing scrutiny as policies, practices, and results of research diverge. This longitudinal study examines the reading growth trajectories of students (n = 147) from first- through eighth-grade. Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) analytic procedures provide unique insights regarding the relative reading growth curves among retained students, similarly achieving but promoted students, and a random sample of students. The results revealed that retained students did not experience a benefit in their growth rate (relative to either the preceding year, or to similarly performing but promoted students), and made less progress compared to the randomly selected group of students. While consistent with the extant empirical evidence failing to support the effectiveness of grade retention, these findings warrant careful consideration given both the longitudinal design and the analytic procedures.  相似文献   

This study was designed with two purposes in mind: (1) to measure the effectiveness of Holland's Self-Directed Search for Educational and Vocational Planning (SDS); and (2) to test the validity of Goodstein's (Theories of Counseling. B. Stefflure, Ed., 1965) hypothesis that career indecision and indecisiveness are differentially related to anxiety and vocational maturity. A total of 66 high school males and 60 high school females were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups and tested for anxiety and vocational maturity levels; the experimental subjects were given the SDS. Statistical analysis indicated that the SDS was an effective instrument in reducing career indecision; Goodstein's hypothesis was not supported by the results of the study.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of friendship development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At 3-week intervals during their first term at the university, 84 male and female freshman completed questionnaires regarding their relationships with two same-sex individuals whom they had just met. Results showed that dyads which successfully developed into close friendships by the end of the fall school term differed behaviorally and attitudinally from dyads that did not progress. As the friendships developed, the intimacy level of dyadic interaction accounted for an increasing percentage of the variance in ratings of friendship intensity beyond that accounted for by the sheer quantity of interaction. Ratings of relationship benefits were consistently positively correlated with friendship intensity and increased as the relationship progressed. There were no differences in ratings of relationship costs between close and nonclose friends. Dyadic behavior patterns and attitude ratings at the end of the fall school term were good predictors of friendship status 3 months later. Motivational and situational factors were also correlated with friendship outcomes.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of intellectual development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A longitudinal examination of the relation between separation experiences and the development of separation anxiety at age 3, 11 and 18 years was conducted. Three associative pathways (Rachman, S.J. (1978). Fear and courage. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman) were assessed. Conditioning events were not related to separation anxiety at age 3. Vicarious learning (modelling) in middle childhood (age 9 years) was the conditioning variable most strongly related to separation anxiety at age 11, accounting for 1.8% of the variance in symptoms. Separation experiences (hospitalisations) before the age of 9 were inversely correlated with separation anxiety at age 18. That is, more overnight hospital stays in childhood were related to less separation anxiety in late adolescence. However, none of these conditioning correlates remained significant predictors of separation anxiety in adjusted regression models. In contrast, certain “planned” separations in early–mid childhood were associated with lower levels of separation anxiety at later ages. Generally, the findings were consistent with predictions from the non-associative theory of fear acquisition. That vicarious learning processes appeared to modulate, albeit to a minor degree, the expression of separation anxiety during mid–late childhood suggests that there may be critical periods during which some individuals are susceptible to the interactive effects of both associative and non-associative processes. These findings serve to illustrate the complexity of fear acquisition, the relevance of developmental factors and the likely interplay between associative and non-associative processes in the etiology of fear and anxiety.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of the psychological aspects of myelomeningocele   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The psychological effects on child and family of myelomeningocele, a severe multihandicapping, congenital malformation of the spinal cord, is being followed in a longitudinal, interdisciplinary investigation. The first unselected sample of 30 children has been tested at regular intervals up till school age and their parents interviewed. Results indicate that the condition is often associated with psychomotor retardation in various degrees, depending on the seriousness of neurological complications. An unexpected finding was that performance level tended to improve with increasing age, mean IQ being lowest in the first couple of years approaching normal in the preschool years. After a crisis period from the last part of the child's first year till approximately 2 years, the strain on the family seems to lessen considerably and an improvement of psychological functioning and well-being can be observed. In the preschool years relatively few emotional and behavioral difficulties were registered.  相似文献   

M E Barnes  S C Farrier 《Adolescence》1985,20(77):199-205
Children in grades five and six were interviewed in 1969 and a follow-up phase was conducted in 1978 using those children who had answered the 1969 phase and who were now out of high school. The purpose was to determine the stability of self-concept over a decade, and to investigate changes or differences that occurred within and between the groups over time. Data were analyzed using self-concept as the dependent variable. The independent variables measured in relation to self-concept were sex, race, and place of residence. Pearson product-moment correlations and paired t-tests indicated that the majority of youth undergo minimal changes during this age span.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability of a physiological event over several weeks. The physiology analyzed was the electrical event of the heart. Two operationally defined components of the typical heart response were examined. The technique gave very reliable data within a given day. Moreover, when the data for 20 weeks were added, the overall standard deviation was very small, but there were unpredictable physiological variations from day to day. The data suggest that comparisons between psychological tasks using physiological events as the dependent measure are best done in close temporal contiguity.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of top-level executive performance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Competency ratings were obtained from a hybrid selection system on 98 top-level executives in a predictive validity design. Hierarchical linear modeling results indicated that "resource problem-solving-oriented" competency ratings predicted initial performance. "People-oriented" competency ratings predicted subsequent performance trends. Utility estimates suggested that the system generated an additional $3 million in annual profit per candidate selected. Groups of executives with similar performance trends were identified who had encountered qualitatively different situational circumstances. Findings imply that a model of executive performance must contain main effects for person (competencies) and situation (economic-industrial) characteristics on both subsequent performance and performance trends. Future research needs to examine which situational circumstances moderate relationships between executive competencies and initial performance or subsequent performance trends.  相似文献   

A short-term longitudinal study was conducted to determine whether self-regulation at 4 years could be predicted from child and maternal measures obtained when the children were age 24 months. The subjects were 69 children and their mothers drawn from the general community. Criterion behaviors assessed at 4 years were those suggestive of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Of the 24-month child measures, maternal ratings of the child's impulsivity and attention span, plus an objective measure of delay ability, were the most effective predictors. Maternal negativity, as assessed in mother-child interaction, predicted the criterion behaviors, even after the child's behavior as an elicitor of maternal behavior was controlled. Maternal child-rearing attitudes on the dimensions of warmth and aggravation were also effective predictors, even after controlling for the child's emotionality as a possible determinant of maternal attitudes. It is argued that the results with the maternal attitude measures provide support for the hypothesis that maternal behavior is a contributor to the development of self-regulation.This research was supported by a State of Ohio Academic Challenge Grant to the Bowling Green State University Clinical Psychology Program, and by a Basic Grant awarded to the first author by the Bowling Green State University Faculty Research Committee. The authors are grateful to Eric Dubow, Douglas Ullman, and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and criticisms on previous versions of this article.  相似文献   

During October and November of 1983, three subsamples were selected from three schools in Mesa, Arizona: 34 students in 6th grade, 34 students in 8th grade, and 34 students in 10th grade. A battery of Piagetian-type tasks were individually and randomly administered to each subject. Seven tasks examined projective spatial conceptual abilities, and three tasks examined Euclidean abilities. The same battery of tasks was again administered to the same subjects during November and December of 1984 when all the subjects were in the next grade, that is, 7th, 9th, and 11th. Because of attrition, the number of students tested during the second year were 33, 30, and 28, respectively. To test for significant differences between grade levels, a chi-square one-sample procedure was used. Out of a possible 50 tasks, significant differences were detected in 36 (72%). Those findings, along with an examination of the percentage of students passing each task, support the notion of sequential development of spatial conceptual abilities.  相似文献   

A prospective longitudinal study assessed the development of the mother-child relationship within the context of other important aspects of transition to parenthood. In the prenatal phase, 238 women who were 8 months pregnant with their first child completed a set of questionnaires. At 1 month post-partum, 165 of these women completed a second set of questionnaires, and a subset of 86 were observed for 1 hour at home with their infants. When their child was 2 years old, 62 of the 86 mothers completed questionnaires and were observed in interaction with their toddler in the laboratory. The several hundred individual variables were reduced to internally consistent composite variables, 5 in the prenatal phase, 7 postpartum, and 14 in the toddler phase. Preliminary analyses reported in this paper assessed the structure of relationships among the composite variables within each phase (Pearson correlations) and whether there was significant prediction from one dimension to another across the phases, beyond stability in the predicted dimension (multiple regressions). Causal modeling analyses are still in progress. The results indicate that the development of maternal attachment is a gradual process and that feelings of attachment are related to a number of other measures of women's psychological well-being. Parenting confidence was found to play a central role in adaptation to motherhood within each phase, as well as from the prenatal to postpartum and postpartum to toddler phases.  相似文献   

In order to examine further some of the effects of the experience of unemployment on school leavers of both sexes, measures of self-esteem, depression and locus of control were administered to 57 males and 56 females prior to their leaving school (Time 1), and again 5 months later (Time 2). At Time 2, the subjects had either returned to school, found employment, or were unemployed. The longitudinal nature of the design enabled statements about causality to be made. Group and sex differences at Time 1 and Time 2 were analysed using discriminant analysis and factorial analysis of variance. Results showed a clear effect of the experience of unemployment on the unempoyed, with the unemployed group increasing their scores on depression and external locus of control, and decreasing their self-esteem scores. Sex differences for depression and self-esteem were found at Time 1, and for depression only at Time 2. Significant employment group x sex interactions were found for self-esteem and locus of control at Time 2.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of gender-related cognition and behaviour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gender schema theory proposes that children's acquisition of gender labels and gender stereotypes informs gender-congruent behaviour. Most previous studies have been cross-sectional and do not address the temporal relationship between knowledge and behaviour. We report the results of a longitudinal study of gender knowledge and sex-typed behaviour across three domains in children tested at 24 and 36 months (N = 56). Although both knowledge and sex-typed behaviour increased significantly between 2 and 3 years, there was no systematic pattern of cross-lagged correlations between the two, although some concurrent relationships were present at 24 months. Future longitudinal work might profitably focus on younger children using reliable preverbal measures of gender knowledge and employing a shorter lag between measurement times.  相似文献   

Friends with benefits relationships (FWBRs) uniquely combine friendship with sexual activity but differ from romantic relationships in that they may be less likely to be exclusive or long lasting. A longitudinal analysis of the trajectory of FWBRs is presented, in which participants in FWBRs at Time 1 reported on their relationship outcomes at Time 2 (N = 192). Results demonstrated that a plurality of FWBRs transitioned into having no relationship of any kind at Time 2 (31%). Those who wanted their FWBR to transition into a friendship typically obtained that outcome (59%), whereas those who wanted to transition into a romantic relationship did not (15%). Time 2 relationship status predictors and further implications of FWBR trajectories are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the incidence of posttraumatic stress (PTS), with respect to levels of exposure to traumatic events, in a British student population. Respondents (N = 700) completed a standard questionnaire booklet that contained a posttraumatic stress disorder interview. The questionnaire collected personal demographic information and was used by researchers to ascertain whether respondents had experienced a traumatic event. Consistent with previous American studies, PTS was found to be relatively common; 23.3% of the sample showed either current or past PTS. Female participants had a significantly higher incidence of PTS than did male participants, although the latter were more likely to report having experienced a traumatic event. The experience of trauma was significantly associated with the likelihood of PTS. The authors discuss implications of their results in terms of long-term consequences of unresolved trauma.  相似文献   

Using a longitudinal design, this study explored the relation of urban high school student attitudes toward school, work, and self-esteem beliefs to work-based mentoring, mentor satisfaction, and employment status. Participants included high school students taking part in a formal work-based mentoring program, students who established informal mentoring relationships at work, students who worked without a mentor, and students who were not employed during the academic year. While there were no significant group differences in the measures at the start of the year, results at the end of the year showed that students in the formal mentoring program believed more strongly that school was relevant to work than those who worked without a mentor. Students with mentors had higher levels of self-esteem than those who did not work. Students who were highly satisfied with their mentors had higher levels of self-esteem and believed more strongly that school was relevant to the workplace than students who did not work. The implications of these results are discussed and future research areas are identified.  相似文献   

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