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R A Clement 《Perception》1987,16(2):193-199
The mathematical analysis of binocular vision introduced by Helmholtz is applied to the problem of the use of disparity information to position a stimulus in depth. It is shown that matching the images from the left and right eyes along radial directions is an alternative to matching images along the horizontal direction only.  相似文献   

van Ee R  Banks MS  Backus BT 《Perception》1999,28(9):1121-1145
When a small frontoparallel surface (a test strip) is surrounded by a larger slanted surface (an inducer), the test strip is perceived as slanted in the direction opposite to the inducer. This has been called the depth-contrast effect, but we call it the slant-contrast effect. In nearly all demonstrations of this effect, the inducer's slant is specified by stereoscopic signals; and other signals, such as the texture gradient, specify that it is frontoparallel. We present a theory of slant estimation that determines surface slant via linear combination of various slant estimators; the weight of each estimator is proportional to its reliability. The theory explains slant contrast because the absolute slant of the inducer and the relative slant between test strip and inducer are both estimated with greater reliability than the absolute slant of the test strip. The theory predicts that slant contrast will be eliminated if the signals specifying the inducer's slant are consistent with one another. It also predicts reversed slant contrast if the inducer's slant is specified by nonstereoscopic signals rather than by stereo signals. These predictions were tested and confirmed in three experiments. The first showed that slant contrast is greatly reduced when the stereo-specified and nonstereo-specified slants of the inducer are made consistent with one another. The second showed that slant contrast is eliminated altogether when the stimulus consists of real planes rather than images on a display screen. The third showed that slant contrast is reversed when the nonstereo-specified slant of the inducer varies and the stereo-specified slant is zero. We conclude that slant contrast is a byproduct of the visual system's reconciliation of conflicting information while it attempts to determine surface slant.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of the locus of perceived equidistance in binocular vision have revealed a characteristic change of its form, depending on absolute distance. This result is commonly taken to indicate influence of vergence-related binocular information, a conclusion that is by no means exclusively dictated by the data. Heller (1997) has suggested an alternative theoretical account that is based on the idea of independently combining the outcome of monocular input transformations without any form of binocular interaction. This article provides an experimental test of the structural assumption lying at the core of the axiomatic foundation of Heller's theory. I test the so-called Reidemeister condition under reduced cue conditions in two settings for each of 7 subjects. The results provide strong evidence for the validity of the Reidemeister condition and thus challenge the view that the locus of perceived equidistance depends on vergence-related binocular information. The discussion of the factors contributing to the monocular input transformations emphasizes the role of the optical properties of the eyes.  相似文献   

Psychophysical techniques were used to examine how subpopulations of visual neurons varying in their ocular dominance interacted in determining performance on a visual task. Using an asymmetric alternating adaptation of the left and right eyes, we manipulated the sensitivity of monocularly driven neurons while keeping the sensitivity of binocularly driven neurons constant. Relative threshold elevations were measured in the left eye, right eye, and both eyes of five observers following different ratios of alternating adaptation. It was found that whereas monocularly measured aftereffects varied monotonically as a function of the adaptation duration of the measured eye, the magnitude of the binocularly measured aftereffect remained constant regardless of how the adaptation was divided between the two eyes. This suggests that neurons differing in their ocular dominance pool their activity in determining sensitivity to a test target.  相似文献   

In the present research the authors examined the time course of binocular integration in goal-directed aiming and grasping. With liquid-crystal goggles, the authors manipulated vision independently to the right and left eyes of 10 students during movement preparation and movement execution. Contrary to earlier findings reported in catching experiments (I. Olivier, D. J. Weeks, K. L. Ricker, J. Lyons, & D. Elliott, 1998), neither a temporal nor a spatial binocular advantage was obtained in 1 grasping and 2 aiming studies. That result suggests that, at least in some circumstances, monocular vision is sufficient for the precise control of limb movements. In a final aiming experiment involving 3-dimensional spatial variability and no trial-to-trial visual feedback about performance, binocular vision was associated with greater spatial accuracy. Binocular superiority appeared to be most pronounced when participants were unable to adjust their limb control strategy or procedure on the basis of terminal feedback about performance.  相似文献   

We report a cross-sectional and a longitudinal experiment that examined developmental changes in the relative contribution of monocular and binocular variables in the guidance of interceptive arm movements. Three- to eight-month-old infants were observed while presented with differently sized balls that approached frontally with a constant velocity under both monocular and binocular viewing conditions. Movement onset indicated that with age infants increasingly came to rely on binocular variables in controlling the timing of the interceptive arm movements. That is, from 7 to 8 months of age movement onset was independent from object size under binocular but not under monocular viewing. In contrast, binocular viewing enhanced the spatial accuracy of the interceptive arm movements at all ages. We concluded that attunement to binocular information is a key process in infants' gaining adaptive control of goal-directed arm movements. However, interceptive arm movements entail the formation of multiple on-line couplings between optic and movement variables, each of which appears to develop at its own pace.  相似文献   

The ecological approach to perception, as developed by James Gibson, is described and applied to how one knows, by means of the haptic perceptual system, various properties of hand-held objects. Four sets of experiments are reviewed in which subjects reported on the extent, orientation, shape, and fractional components of unseen objects wielded freely. For each task, an invariant specific to the object property in question is identified in the structured arrays of rotational moments and strains produced by the act of wielding. Results are discussed in relation to the concepts of attention and stimulation, as reformulated by the ecological approach, and the general theory of perception as information pickup.  相似文献   

There is conflicting evidence concerning the characteristics of binocular channels in the human visual system with respect to the existence of a 'pure' binocular channel that responds only to simultaneous stimulation of both eyes. Four experiments were conducted to resolve these discrepancies and to evaluate the evidence for the existence of such an exclusive binocular channel. In the first three studies, tilt aftereffects were measured after monocular adaptation. The relative sizes of the direct, interocularly transferred, and binocular aftereffects were not influenced by the configuration of the adapting pattern (experiment 1), or by the eye used for adaptation (experiment 2). There were also consistent interobserver differences in the relative sizes of the aftereffect seen after monocular adaptation (experiment 3). Taken together, these data raise questions about the appropriateness of a monocular adaptation paradigm for evaluating the presence of a pure binocular channel in observers with normal binocular vision. In experiment 4, in which the paradigm of alternating monocular adaptation was used, data were obtained that are consistent with the presence of a pure binocular channel.  相似文献   

Monocular afterimages of a vertical line were generated in each eye of binocularly normal individuals and of those lacking binocular single vision or stereopsis as a consequence of childhood strabismus. Fragmentations and disappearances of the afterimages occurred less frequently in the strabismic than in the normal subjects; they were also less frequent in the dominant (nonamblyopic) eyes of the strabismics than in their amblyopic eyes. The afterimages remained visible for longer when presented to the dominant eyes of the strabismic subjects, and a similar effect was found between the sighting dominant and nondominant eyes of normal subjects.  相似文献   

Many parents report that shopping trips with children can be an exhausting and harassing experience. However the ecological features of supermarkets that contribute to disruptive behaviour have not been clearly delineated. A pilot study sought the views of 100 parents and 40 store personnel on the nature of difficulties parents experienced with children on trips to the supermarket. Subjects were drawn from staff and shoppers in each of four urban supermarkets. Results from a structured interview showed that many parents either experienced problems with their own children (62%) or believed that other parents experienced child management problems (99%). Both parents and store personnel considered demandingand screaming to be the most frequently encountered problem, and over half the parents considered that toy departments were the most disruptive areas. A second study comprised an observational analysis of children's behaviour in three supermarkets. This study examined whether different areas of the store were associated with differing levels of disruptive behaviour and product disturbance in children. The study also examined the effects of the presence of store personnel, time of day and socio-economic status on levels of store disruption. Systematic observations of the behaviour of children, parents and store personnel were conducted in each of three observation zones, during the morning and afternoon, in each store. Results showed that highest levels of disruption occurred in areas where attractive merchandise (e.g. toys) were on display, confirming parents impressions and during afternoon shopping trips. The effects of socio-economic status and the presence of store personnel were non significant. The implications of the results for treatment research aiming to develop advice packages for parents for use in community settings are discussed.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1986,63(4):309-322
The resting position of binocular alignment in 1- to 4-month-olds, 6- to 18-month-olds, and adults was estimated by obtaining photographic measures of interpupillary distance in total darkness. The mean dark vergence position in the adult group corresponded to a distance of approximately 100 cm, similar to a previous estimate of 120 cm (Owens and Leibowitz 1976). The mean dark vergence position in the group of 1- to 4-month-olds was approximately 25 cm and in the group of 6- to 18-month-olds was approximately 50 cm. These near dark vergence positions in infants provide strong evidence that inaccuracies in binocular fixation during early infancy are not the result of a divergence bias. The developmental implications of dark vergence, accommodative vergence, and fusional vergence for the control of binocular alignment and distance perception during infancy are discussed.  相似文献   

白才儒 《宗教学研究》2003,1(4):114-119
《庄子》是在人类理性精神发生质的飞跃的大背景下,对春秋战国的全面社会危机进行理性批判,揭示出这种危机背后的深层生态内涵;《庄子》深层生态思想的形成是通过从感性到理性再转向非理性的无意识状态的两次认识飞跃来实现的;道和性是《庄子》生态宇宙观的两个重要基石,万物平等、保性重生等生态思想和伦理规范都是从其中演绎出来的。从《庄子》深层生态思想整体看,道是本根,无为即道的根本存在方式是核心,性是主体内容。  相似文献   

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