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宗教活动场所属地管理是贯彻落实国务院及江苏省新修订《宗教事务条例》的必然要求,更是实现宗教工作高质量发展的根本保证.近年来,江苏省南通市崇川区主动扛起责任、强化组织领导、积极引领宗教界人士和广大信教群众,全力推动大统战格局下的宗教工作创新发展. 相似文献
党的十八届四中全会通过的《关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》全面阐明了依法治国的重大意义,这对依法加强宗教事务管理、运用法治方式推进宗教工作具有重要指导意义。从法律上赋予宗教活动场所法人资格,是法治国家保护宗教界合法财产,正确处理宗教实体与社会各方面关系的必然要求。一、《宗教事务条例》对宗教财产保护和监督的规定及实施成绩长期以来,我国宗教立法一直坚持依法推进,取得了一系列立法成果, 相似文献
改革开放以来,党和国家一以贯之地把抓发展作为执政兴国的第一要务,不断推进经济社会的快速发展。随着经济社会的不断发展,宗教领域的各种矛盾和问题也在不断显现,这 相似文献
党的十七届五中全会通过的十二五规划建议和十一届人大四次会议批准的十二五规划纲要,描绘了今后五年我国经济社会发展的崭新蓝图,对做好新形势下的宗教工作提出了新的要求。 相似文献
《宗教事务条例》(以下简称条例)颁布实施以来,陕西省宗教局始终把学习贯彻条例作为工作主线,狠抓学习培训,加强配套建设,开展主题活动,解决突出问题,收到了明显效果。 相似文献
6月22日至23日,四川省创建和谐寺观教堂现场会在成都市举行。此次以省政府名义召开的现场会得到了前所未有的重视,国家宗教局局长王作安莅会并讲话,四川省委、省人大、省政府、省政协领导出席,各相关省直机关单位负责人、各市(州)政府分管市(州)长、各全省性宗教团体负责人与会。会议通过现场观摩、经验交流等方式对四川省宗教界创建和谐寺观教堂活动阶段性成果进行了检阅,为进一步推动和谐寺观教堂创建活动深入开展指明了方向。四川省人民政府张作哈副省长在会上的讲话着眼全局、深入浅出,充分论证了此次会议的主题,并提出了具体要求,本刊摘要刊发,以飨读者。 相似文献
##正##《宗教事务条例》(以下简称条例)实施5年来,国家宗教局认真贯彻中央要求,严格按照法律授权,努力推进依法行政,积极进行探索,做了大量工作。通过贯彻实施条例,有力 相似文献
Katja Anna Hybel Erik Lykke Mortensen Rikke Lambek Mikael Thastum Per Hove Thomsen 《Journal of abnormal child psychology》2017,45(6):1195-1205
Aspects of executive functioning (EF) have been put forward as endophenotypes in obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD) and meta-analyses support EF underperformance in adult samples. Childhood-onset OCD has been suggested to constitute a separate neurodevelopmental subtype of the disorder but studies on neuropsychological functioning in childhood OCD are limited. The aim of the present study was to investigate performance-based EF in pediatric OCD using observed and latent variable analyses. A case-control design was applied including 50 unmedicated children and adolescents with OCD aged 7–17 years of which 70% were female, 50 pairwise age and gender matched non-psychiatric controls (NP) and 38 children and adolescents with mixed anxiety disorders (MA). Participants underwent structured diagnostic interviews and assessment with a battery encompassing cool EF tasks of working memory, set shifting, inhibition, and planning, and hot EF tasks of decision making and dot probe paradigm affective interference. First, groups were compared on observed variables with multilevel mixed-effects linear regression and analysis of variance. Then the latent structure of cool EF was tested with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and groups were compared on the CFA scores. No significant differences between groups appeared on individual cool EF tasks. On the hot EF tasks the OCD group displayed significant interference effects on the dot probe paradigm OCD-specific stimuli relative to NP, but not compared to MA and no group differences emerged for decision making. In the CFA a one-factor solution showed best fit, but the groups did not differ significantly on the resulting latent variable. The present study does not support cool or hot EF impairments in childhood OCD. 相似文献
作为一种武术文化,少林功夫是在中国佛教文化背景下中国武术与禅宗心地法门经过长期和合而成的、以"紧那罗王"信仰为核心、以以武演禅为表现形式,历史悠久的佛教文化体系。同时,少林功夫也体现了鲜明的禅道特色,是中国传统文化现代转化过程中最为耀眼的"软实力"之一。 相似文献
This study investigated hot and cool aspects of cognitive control in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The study aimed to: (1) replicate the postulated response inhibition deficit of children with ADHD; (2) explore whether children with ADHD choose disadvantageously in a decision-making task and to explore the mechanisms underlying the expected response pattern; and (3) study whether performance on a combination of hot and cool executive control measures has predictive value for an ADHD diagnosis. The sample consisted of 20 children with ADHD and 22 normal developing children (NC, 8 to 12 years) matched on age, FSIQ, and gender. Two paradigms have been applied: (1) the stop signal paradigm, and (2) the adapted children's version of the IOWA Gambling task. There were no group differences for both paradigms. Both groups chose in a reward-oriented manner and seemed to develop the ability to take future consequences into account in making decisions. Moreover, feedback resulted in direct behavioral changes. Children with ADHD did not have a specific response inhibition deficit or a decision-making deficit. 相似文献
2002年11月5日至6日,由曹溪南华禅寺主办、中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所协办的“曹溪南华禅寺建寺一千五百周年禅学研讨会”在广东历史文化名城——韶关市隆重举行。参加会议的有百余人,提交论文75篇。与会的佛教界代表有:传正、妙峰、圣凯、仁空、慧觉、愿广、理净、道坚、法广、崇观、菩提、法缘、崇慈、智楠等,学 相似文献
HAN Zhen 《Frontiers of Philosophy in China》2020,15(4):547
The COVID-19 pandemic will inevitably change the evolutionary process of human civilization. It not only affects everyone’s understanding of globalization, but also makes people reflect on many cultural values and on the institutional arrangements of society. The underlying problems are ultimately men’s survival and life’s meaning. The outbreak, which was so sudden, has forced people to reconsider the possible forms of a reasonable lifestyle, the relationship between individual and collective rights, the boundaries of men’s right to freedom, the relationship between man and nature, the relationship between man and other creatures, and so on. 相似文献
应台湾台中谷关大道院的邀请,以中国道教协会副会长黄信阳为团长的大陆道教界参访团一行36人,于9月3日赴台,参加了谷关大道院举办的"八八蟠桃圣会",并参访了台湾部分道教官观和道教团体.参访团由中国道教协会5人、湖北省道教协会6人和武当山道教协会25人共同组成,成员包括中国道教协会副秘书长张立光、湖北省道教协会会长吴诚真、武当山道教协会副会长刘文国等. 相似文献
近30多年来,对注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的认知缺损机制的关注一直停留在"冷"执行功能领域,为更全面地揭示其执行缺损机制,文章旨在从"冷""热"执行功能的角度来探讨ADHD的缺陷。论文简要回顾了注意缺陷多动障碍的界定、生理基础和若干理论模型,着重阐述ADHD儿童在经典"冷""热"两类执行功能任务上的表现差异。总结认为ADHD儿童并非在所有类型的"热"执行任务上表现落后,ADHD儿童的表现要视情感和动机的卷入对不同任务情景的作用性质是消极还是积极而定,文章也比较分析了几位研究者相关的理论解释。 相似文献
结直肠癌是常见的消化道恶性肿瘤,然而在临床上得到诊断时大多已经到了中晚期,错过了最佳的治疗时机.近年来,随着基因相关技术及生物信息技术的迅猛发展,结直肠癌诊断方法得到不断改进,但早期诊断仍不尽如人意.因此现有的诊断模式值得我们去深思,从哲学意义上探索更为完善的诊断模式. 相似文献