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In this study the authors tested and rejected a recent proposal that response precuing effects depend on the spatial extent of the precues rather than on the number of response choices. Moreover, the authors tested and supported the hypothesis that the number of effectors in the response set is an important determinant of spatial precuing effects. Results of 4 experiments consistently showed that keypress responses generated a qualitatively different pattern of precuing effects than did pointing and detection responses. Together, the results establish a strong dissociation between planning pointing responses and planning keypress responses and suggest that precuing effects in 1-effector and multiple-effector visuomotor tasks are dominated by distinct and separate mechanisms, visual attention and effector selection, respectively.  相似文献   

Self-esteem and performance on word tasks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors investigated word-task performance of 192 postgraduate Indian women, grouped according to high or low self-esteem, after different causal attributions for failure. The subsequent performance of the low-self-esteem (LSE) participants improved after reattribution training. When the LSE participants were induced to attribute their prior failure to external causes, the external attribution not only reduced their natural tendency toward self-blame but also broke the self-defeating cycle, thereby enabling them to improve their subsequent performance.  相似文献   

Experienced readers show influences of orthographic knowledge on tasks ostensibly tapping phonemic awareness. Here we draw on data from an experimental training study to demonstrate that even preschoolers show influences of their emerging orthographic abilities in such tasks. A total of 40 children were taught some letter-sound correspondences but not others. A selective effect of this training was found on their phonemic awareness task performance for the trained items. These findings point to the multidetermined nature of performance on tasks normally considered as measuring phonemic awareness and have implications for theories of the role of phonemic awareness in reading acquisition.  相似文献   

Patients with right hemisphere (RHD) or left hemisphere brain damage (LHD) were tested on Theory of Mind (ToM) tasks presented with visual aids that illustrated the relevant premises. As a measure of pragmatic ability, patients were also asked to judge replies in conversation that violated Gricean maxims. Both RHD and LHD patients performed well on the ToM tasks presented with visual aids, but RHD patients displayed difficulty when the same tasks were presented only verbally. In addition, RHD patients showed reduced sensitivity to pragmatic violations. These findings point to the role of right hemisphere structures in processing information relevant to conversations. They indicate that a crucial source of RHD patients' errors in ToM tasks may involve difficulties in utterance interpretation owing to impairments of visuospatial processing required for the representation of textual information.  相似文献   

Subjects were administered the Children's Embedded Figures Test and four ball-handling tests. Pearson product-moment correlations were low between the measures. Girls scored significantly higher than boys on the embedded figures test while boys scored significantly higher than girls on the striking and throwing tests.  相似文献   

In picture-naming tasks, participants name a picture as quickly as possible. In several studies, when the participant did not provide the picture name in the first seconds after object presentation, the examiner provided phonemic or semantic cues. Under these conditions, word retrieval should be easier, thus lowering the age of acquisition (AoA). The goal of the present study was to collect objective norms of AoA in French without any kind of cue. The results were then compared with other European databases that relied on picture-naming tasks conducted with phonemic or semantic cues. Globally, the data of all the databases are significantly correlated. However, the AoA measures in these databases are always lower than in our study, except in Álvarez and Cuetos (2007), who did not provide any assistance to the participant. Therefore, giving phonemic and/or semantic cues lowers the AoA values, indicating that the values from different databases in this domain should be taken with caution. The objective AoA norms from this study may be downloaded from the Psychonomic Society’s Archive of Norms, Stimuli, and Data, www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments studied the effect of secondary task load on continuous visual search. Two effects were observed when a secondary task was applied. Search speed (which is assumed to reflect the efficiency of nontarget rejection) was impaired, whereas target detection distance (which presumably reflects the efficiency of target detection) increased. These findings are explained in the framework of a two-process model of visual search which assumes that two operations are performed simultaneously during each fixation, that is, automatic detection and controlled search. The secondary task interferes with the operation of controlled search which reacts to this impairment by way of a compensatory slow-down of search speed. This gain in time also benefits the operation of automatic detection which converts the temporal gain into a spatial extension of the area under its control.  相似文献   

The current article presents two studies that aimed to replicate DePrince and Freyd's (2001, 2004) studies demonstrating that high and low dissociators differentially recall neutral and trauma words under conditions of varying cognitive load. We did not find this effect. This lack of replication was apparent for both free recall and word recognition memory and in both studies. In effect, we found little evidence to support betrayal trauma theory, yet observed increased memory fallibility, as demonstrated by lower general recall and (in one study) commission errors, in high dissociators.  相似文献   

Kosslyn (1980, 1983) theorized that performance measures on imagery tasks may vary as a function of the existence of independent processes in imaging ability. The present study determined whether improvement can be made in performance on such tasks with practice. It also considered whether performance on such tasks improves with practice and whether this improvement generalizes. Experiment 1 determined whether improvement in a mental rotation task generalizes to improvement in a geometric analogies task, with both tasks weighted in Kosslyn's find process, but not in a line drawing memory task weighted in Kosslyn's regenerate process. In Experiment 2, we examined generalization in improvement from a geometric analogies task to a mental rotation task. In Experiment 3, we tested whether improvement in an animal imagery task (Kosslyn, 1975) generalizes to improvement in a line drawing memory task, with both tasks weighted in Kosslyn's regenerate process, but not to improvement in a mental rotation task. Performance improved with practice on all tasks. Furthermore, performance improved from one task to another only if both tasks loaded on the same process.  相似文献   

The present study examined the differential contribution of cortical and subcortical brain structures in emotional processing by comparing patients with focal cortical lesions (n = 32) to those with primarily subcortical dysregulation of the basal ganglia (Parkinson's disease n = 14). A standardized measure of emotional perception (Tübingen Affect Battery) was used. Only patients in the more advanced stages of Parkinson's disease and patients with focal damage to the (right) frontal lobe differed significantly from controls in both facial expression and affective prosody recognition. The findings imply involvement of the fronto-striatal circuitry in emotional processing.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that situations requiring the division of attention between competing activities can tap abilities which are central to cognitive functioning. This paper attempted to determine whether there are identifiable characteristics in the single tests that will help to predict changes in general factor loading when they are presented as components of competing tasks. The framework for the study was provided by the theory of fluid (Gf) and crystallized (Gc) intelligence. A battery of single and competing tasks was presented to 126 subjects. The competing tasks represented a variety of within and across factor combinations from different levels of the Gf/Gc hierarchy. Modality of presentation was also varied in some combinations. The results indicate that single and competing tasks measure the same broad ability of the Gf/Gc theory and that general factor loadings can decrease as well as increase in the competing task situation. There is also evidence that these tendencies depend, to some extent, on the degree to which the tasks require the same cognitive factors or use the same sensory modalities. Overall, it is assumed that competing tasks do make greater demands on general ability but that, unless the requirements of the single tests themselves are relatively small, performance breakdown, with an accompanying decrease in general factors loadings, is the likely outcome.  相似文献   

Motor performance and concurrent cognitive tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty students tapped between two targets while concurrently performing either a verbal or a visuospatial cognitive task. Speed of tapping and consistency revealed right- and left-hand disruption during solving either the con-current verbal or visuospatial task respectively. Accuracy of performance in terms of hitting the targets was not selectively disrupted by the cognitive activity. The results are discussed in terms of an attentional model of lateralization of cerebral function.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the hypothesized information-processing mechanisms, thought to be reflected by the slope and intercept of the regression of choice reaction time on stimulus information or information transmitted could account for performance on two novel laboratory tasks. In addition, analyses were performed to determine whether these theorized mechanisms represent stable within individual abilities or task specific capabilities. Analysis indicated that the slopes obtained from two different choice reaction time paradigms were unrelated while intercepts were moderately correlated. Examination of the pattern of zero-order correlations further showed that regression components were not meaningfully related to performance on either novel task, suggesting that knowledge of information-processing mechanisms, as assessed in choice RT paradigms, did not enhance the understanding of performance in more complex tasks.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate whether a specific subgroup of learning-disabled children (attention-deficit-disordered, ADD) differed from their normal counterparts on Piagetian tasks of conservation. The subjects were 34 third-and fourth-grade children. Seventeen children had been diagnosed as ADD; the remaining half were designated as normal. The two groups were equivalent in chronological age, mental age, and intelligence. The results indicated significant differences between the two groups on tasks tapping conservation of substance and number. These results may support the theory of a lag in the development of conservation in children with specific learning disabilities (ADD). Implications of the present research for therapeutic and remedial programs that serve ADD children are also discussed.  相似文献   

31 college age men and women who consume less than three caffeinated beverages per week agreed to participate as subjects in research on the effects of acute caffeine intake on low intensity task performance. All subjects performed two randomly administered test conditions: (1) caffeine (5 mg/kg) and (2) placebo on separate visits following an initial 1-hr. orientation visit. Subjects were administered the beverage 30 min. prior to performing 12 separate tests assessing basic mathematics, simple response, logical reasoning, hand-eye coordination, and spatial and assembly skills. The Spielberger State Anxiety test was administered immediately after consuming the test beverage and once again at posttest. Analysis showed that caffeine did not significantly affect performance on all tests with the exception of the peripheral awareness (hand-eye coordination) test on which performance was higher after ingesting caffeine. The placebo treatment produced no effect on state anxiety, which contrasted with a significant rise in anxiety after caffeine consumption. State anxiety values were significantly greater after caffeine treatment relative to the placebo at pretest, and this difference persisted at posttest. These results demonstrated that the dose of caffeine increased scores on state anxiety for individuals who consumed less than three caffeinated beverages weekly but had very little effect on performance of low intensity tasks, except for a hand-eye coordination test involving peripheral awareness. Perhaps longer continuous performance of more demanding tasks would be more sensitive.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified a population of neurons in the postsubiculum that discharge as a function of the rat's head direction in the horizontal plane (Taube, Muller, & Ranck, 1990a). To assess the contribution of these cells in spatial learning, Long-Evans rats were tested in a variety of spatial and nonspatial tasks following bilateral electrolytic or neurotoxic lesions of the postsubiculum. Compared to unlesioned control animals, lesioned animals were impaired on two spatial tasks, a radial eight-arm maze task and a Morris water task, although the performance scores of both lesion groups improved over the course of behavioral testing. In contrast, lesioned animals were unimpaired on two nonspatial tasks, a cued version of the water maze task and a conditioned taste-aversion paradigm. In addition, lesioned animals showed transient hyperactivity in an open-field activity test. These results support the concept that neurons in the postsubiculum are part of a neural network involved in the processing of spatial information.  相似文献   

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