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The Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) was created in 1992 partly in response to what was interpreted by some as a shift in the methodological focus of the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR). JCR began to increase its accommodation of postmodern approaches, compared to more positivistic approaches. JCP's mission was thus perceived by some to be more methodologically homogeneous, with a greater focus on traditional experimental psychology in the domain of consumer behavior. Is JCR really more methodologically diverse than JCP? In what other ways are the two journals similar or different? This article attempts to answer these questions with an in‐depth analysis of the articles published in both journals from 1992 to 1998. The articles are reviewed in terms of overall output, authorship, content, research design, and data analysis. Conclusions and implications are included.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
A rden , M argaret . (London). 'Freud and Jung'. Free Associations
C arr , C oeli . (U.S.A.). 'Selling the Feminine'. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal
D avies , M iranda . (London). 'Heroic deeds, manic defence, and intrusive identification: some reflections on psychotherapy with a 16-year old boy'. Journal of Child Psychotherapy
F ordham , M ichael . (London). 'The Jung-Klein hybrid'. Free Associations
G iegerich , W olfgang . 'Killings: psychology's Platonism and the missing link to reality'. Spring
J acoby , M ario . (Zollikon, Switzerland). 'The Psychology of self in Jung and Kohut'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
N eumann , M icha . (Israel). 'The psychology and psychopathology of the second generation of holocaust survivors'. Zeitschrift für Analytische Psychologie
R eis , P atricia . (U.S.A). 'Female gender trouble: pursuing the perverse with Madonna'. The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Jounal
R oose , J eanine A uger . (Los Angeles). 'The Still Point of the Turning World'. In Mad Parts of Sane People in Analysis
S amuels , A. (London). 'Men Under Scrutiny'. Winnicott Studies
S amuels , A. (London). 'The mirror and the hammer: depth psychology and political transformation'. Commentaries by Figlio, K., Shamdasani, S., Mayers, D. and Papadopoulos, R. with a Reply. Free Associations
W yly , J ames . (Chicago). 'Abstract Art and the Unconscious', Quadrant  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are asked to send offprints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in other publications will not normally be reported here, likewise offprints of articles in books, since they may constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject matter of a review.]
Journal of Population :
Dalla Parte dei Bambini: Bollettino del Servizio di Neuropsichiatria infantile degli Spedali Riuniti S. Chiara—Pisa
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'La morte di Ernst Bernhard' (The death of Ernst Bernhard). Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'Alcune Note Introduttive al Congresso' (Some Introductory Remarks to the Congress). Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'Lettera a Honegger' (Letter to Honegger). Rivista di Psicologia Analitica
C arotenuto , A. (Rome). 'La profezia psichica' (Prophesying). Giornale Storico di Psicologia Dinamica
K raemer , W illiam . (London)
K raemer , W illiam . (London)
M eares , R. A. and H obson , R. F.: (Melbourne and Manchester). 'The persecutory therapist'. Br. J. Med. Psychol.
v. O ertzen , K. D. (Zürich): 'Psychotherapie marxistisch orientierter Patienten'
P ignatelli , M arcello (Rome). 'Educazione a vivere attraverso l'analisi" (Education for living through analysis). Rivista di psicologia analitica
P ignatelli , M arcello (Rome)
P ignatelli , M arcello . (Rome.) 'The awareness of the limit as psychological totality.' Rivista di psicologica analitica
S trobel , H. (Dietikon, Switzerland): Lehranalysanden traumen von der Gruppe: Traumreaktion nach Gruppensitzungen (Analysts in training dream about their group). Prax. Psychother.
W ilkinson , A. H. (London): 'Psychosomatic concepts and approach in student health services', chapter 7 in Students in need—essays in memory of Nicholas Malleson  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are asked to send offprints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in other publications will not normally be reported here, likewise offprints of articles in books, since they may constitute part of a volume that can be made the subject matter of a review.]
A llenby , A. I. (London). 'Science and psychology'
B osanquet , C amilla (London). 'Analytical psychotherapy'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa). 'Artists in the creative process of Jungian analysis'
F ierz , H. K. (Zürich). 'Die Bedeutung des Traumes in der Analytichen Psychologie C. G. Jung.'
L eutwiler , A rthur (Zürich). 'Über den Umgang mit Suizidgefährdeten'
P laut , A. (London). Individuation: Ein Grundkonzept der Psychotherapie (Individuation): a basic concept of psychotherapy)
P ouplier , M echthild (Stuttgart). 'Zur Problematik von Sieg und Niederlage'
P ouplier , M. (Stuttgart). 'Über die Einbeziehung von Partnern Partnerinnen in die Stationäre Psychotherapie'
Z oya , L. (Milano). 'Riflessioni sulla terapia analitica delle tossicomanie, con particolare riferimento all'alcoolismo'
Z oya , L. (Milano). 'Un caso di problematica etica inconscia'
Z oya , L. (Milano). 'La terapia analitica di fronte alia vecchaia'  相似文献   

Journal reviews     
Böuhle , Alexander . Die Ratio des Mythos: Ein Versuch über die Apriori psychoanaly-tischer Erkenntnis Grotstein , James S. ‘Projective identification reappraised’, Parts I & II. Contemporary Psychoanalysis Hart , David L. ‘Toni Wolff and the first Jung Institute’. Psychological Perspectives Haule , John . ‘Erotic analysis and the shape of eros’. Spring Hillman , James ‘Pink madness, or Why does Aphrodite drive men crazy with pornography?’Spring Reggiori , Joan . ‘The other side of fifty’. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists Orbach , Ann . ‘Psychotherapy in the third age’. British Journal of Psychotherapy Limentani , Adam . ‘Creativity and the third age’. International Journal of Psychotherapy Schafer , Roy . ‘Aloneness in the countertransference’. Psychoanalytic Quarterly Tyson , Phyllis . ‘Bedrock and beyond: an examination of the clinical utility of contemporary theories of female psychology’. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association  相似文献   

Journal File     
This article examines the use of multi-couple group therapy treatment for couples in which at least one member has served in the military. Multi-couple group therapy could provide relief on a taxed system while improving the functioning and well-being of the Soldiers. The authors discuss trauma, the importance of the mission, military hierarchy, and frequent relocation as essential to understanding and working effectively with this population and how multi-couple group therapy could utilize the systemic influences to increase overall therapeutic efficacy. The article ends with a brief discussion on further research ideas.  相似文献   

Journal File     
The Internet can be a problematic place for relationship development. As popular as these approaches are, none apprise the therapist of specific dilemmas critical to the outcome of treatment. The purpose of this paper is to outline the therapeutic dilemmas faced by therapists in treating Internet infidelity. It is the first article of its kind to outline the key dilemmas: (a) seven factors that increase a couple's vulnerability to Internet infidelity, (b) self-of-the-therapist issues, and (c) divisive issues in treatment. A case example demonstrating how to address the dilemmas in a couple experiencing Internet infidelity is included.  相似文献   

Journal reviews     
Journals reviewed: Allain‐Dupré, Brigitte. ‘Né et non né: réflexions sur la fratrie empêchée’, Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse Lanyado, Monica. ‘The symbolism of the story of Lot and his wife: the function of the “present relationship” and non‐interpretative aspects of the therapeutic relationship in facilitating change’ Commentaries on ‘The symbolism of the story of Lot and his wife’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy Mayer, Elizabeth Lloyd. ‘On “Telepathic Dreams?” An Unpublished Paper by Robert J. Stoller’, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Lawrence, Marilyn. ‘Loving them to death: the anorexic and her objects’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis Eshel, Ofra. ‘Whose sleep is it, anyway? Or “Night Moves”’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis Schore, Allan N. ‘Minds in the making: attachment, the self‐organizing brain, and developmentally‐oriented psychoanalytic psychotherapy’, British Journal of Psychotherapy  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
Astor , James and Pawson , Michael . (London.) ‘The value of psychometric testing in the investigation of infertility.’Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Black , D. (London). ‘Some thoughts on the future of analytical psychology, or the exclamation-mark of Dr Schwartz-Salant.’Harvest Casement , A. (London). ‘Psychoanalysis may work, but what is it?’The Economist De Koning , A. (Tilburg). ‘Reflections on the heart’ in The Changing Reality of Modern Man Ghadiali , H. N. (Stafford). ‘The process of scapegoating.’The Midland Journal of Psychotherapy Hillman , J. (Dallas). Egalitarian Typologies versus the Perception of the Unique Hillman , J. (Thompson, Connecticut), Kugler , P. (Buffalo, New York). ‘The autonomous psyche. A communication to Goodheart from the bi-personal field of Paul Kugler and James Hillman.’Spring Hubback , J. (London). ‘Body language and the self: the search for psychic truth.’Chiron Rothenberg , R. E. (Pacific Palisades). ‘Psychic wounds and body scars.’Spring Ryce -Menuhin , J. (London). ‘A sonata in the sand.’Harvest Zahner -Roloff , L. (Chicago). ‘The therapies of performance: The Dionysian, Hermetic and Apollonian archetypes of poetry therapy.’Psychotherapeia and Psychiatry in Practice  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
[Authors are invited to submit for review articles published in professional journals on subjects likely to be of interest to readers of the Journal of Analytical Psychology. Chapters or secrtions of books may also be sent provided the book has not been submitted to our Book Review section.] Beebe , J. (San Francisco). ‘The trickster in the arts’ Gordon -Montagnon , R. (London). ‘Jung: fils rebelle ou prophete?’ Gordon -Montagnon , R. (London). ‘Desire and woman: a Jungian approach.’ Gordon -Montagnon , R. (London). ‘Tentative d'anatomie d'un concept: le soi.’ Salzmann , M. (Paris). ‘Divin Corbeau. Approche d'un my the sibérien’ Samuels , A. (London). ‘Gender and psyche: developments in analytical psychology’  相似文献   

Journal reviews     
Articles reviewed: Astor, James: ‘Some Jungian and Freudian perspectives on the Oedipus myth and beyond’. Colman Warren: ‘That within which passes show: Hamlet and the unknowable Self’. Halberstadt-Freud H. C: ‘Electra versus Oedipus à Femininity reconsidered’. Kulish, Nancy & Holtzman, Deanna: ‘Persephone, the loss of virginity and the female Oedipus complex’ Hopkins, Linda B: ‘D. W. Winnicott's analysis of Masud Khan: a preliminary study of failures of object usage’. Miletic, Michael (ed.): ‘Perspectives on the analyst's self-disclosure during psychoanalysis’. Miletic, Michael J. (ed.): ‘Perspectives on the analyst's self-disclosure during psychoanalysis’. Ornstein, Anna: ‘The fate of narcissistic rage in psychotherapy’. Solomon, Hester McFarland: ‘Love, Paradox of Self and Other’. Stack, Carolyn: ‘The analyst's new clothes: the impact of the therapist's unconscious conflicts on the treatment process’. Von Der Tann, Matthias: ‘Was lesen Jungianer in Berlin für das Examen?’–‘What do Jungians in Berlin read for their final paper?’  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
C larus , I. (Stuttgart, BRD). 'Die Tränen, ihre äussere und innere Wirklichkeit' (Tears, their outer and inner reality). Analytische Psychologic
E rlenmeyer , A rvid . (Berlin). 'Jung und die Deutschen'. Analytische Psychologie
H ubback , J udith (London). 'Eve'. In To Speak or Be Silent: The Paradox of Disobedience in the Lives of Women
J ones , P eggy (London). 'Avoiding the edge'. British Journal of Psychotherapy
J ust , W ilhelm (Austria). 'Experiencing One-ness: Unus Mundus-Vir Unus'. In Unus Mundus: Kosmos und Sympathie; Beitrage zum Gedanken der Einheit von Mensch und Kosmo
O dajnyk , V. W alter . (New York). 'Zazen: a psychological exploration'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'Countertransference and polities'. British Journal of Psychotherapy
S amuels , A. (London). 'Educazione ed ecologia: riflessioni psicologiche'. L'immaginale
S amuels , A. (London). 'Men under scrutiny'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'Nationale Psychologie, National Sozialismus und Analytische Psychologie'. Analytische Psychologie
S amuels , A. (London). 'Oltre il principio di compensazione: la modificazione dell'approccio di jung al sogno' (Beyond the principle of compensation: modifying Jung's approach to the dream). Riflessi
S amuels , A. (London). 'Person and psyche'. Harvest
S amueis , A. (London). 'The political clinic', Psychological Perspectives  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
A ffield -N iemeyer , P. (Berlin). 'Laughter and its shadow: archetypal symbols and their history, exemplified by a discussion of the recognition of the Gestalt in the human face, in smiling, laughing, and the fear of being thought ridiculous'. Analytische Psychologic
E rlenmeyer , A. (Berlin). 'Die Funktion des Religiösen und der Über–Ich–Begriff in C. G. Jungs Theoriebildung. Historische und klinische Aspekte (The function of religion and the concept of the super-ego in the formation of C. G. Jung's theories. Historical and clinical aspects)'. Analytische Psychologic
McG lashan , A. R. (London). 'Symbolization and human development: The use of symbols in religion from the perspective of analytical psychology'. Journal of Religious Studies
O dajnyk , V. W alter (New York). 'Meditation and alchemy'. Psychological Perspectives
S amuels , A. (London). 'Gender and the borderline'. Chiron .
S amuels , A. (London). 'On fathering daughters'. Observer
S amuels , A. (London). 'Dimensioni simboliche dell'eros nella relazione transferale–controtransferale: impieghi clinici della metafora alchemica di Jung' (Symbolic dimensions of Eros in transference and countertransference: some clinical uses of Jung's alchemical metaphor). Analysis
S pringer , A. (Berlin). 'The return of the repressed in the mask of the victim'. Journal of Psychohistory
S auer , G. (Berlin). 'Lehrer traumen von Schule und Schulern (Teachers' dreams about school and pupils)'. Beiträge, Pädagogischer Arbeit
U rban , E. (London). 'Childhood and the child within: views of an analytical psychologist'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
V an E enwyk , J. R. (Evanston) 'Switching tracks in psychotherapy: parallel paradigms in psychology and religion'. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy  相似文献   

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