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In Plan 21 of the Xunzi , the essay Dubs titles The Removal of Prejudices1 and Watson calls Dispelling Obsession2, there is a sentence one's eyes slide over rather easily until one tries to fit it into its context and that of the Xunzi generally. Dubs translates it The mind is the ruler of the body and the master of the spirit (p. 269); Watson shows a slight discomfort with the second clause when he gives The mind is the ruler of the body and the master of its god-like intelligence [whatever that is] (p. 129) Koester3 raises a few more doubts with his Das Herz nimmt im Koerper die Stelle des Herrschers ein, es ist der Gebieter ueber die shen-ming (Geister, die im Koerper wohnen) (p. 277). Interestingly enough, the commentatorial tradition seems to have felt no difficulties: Yang Liang's comment is merely a paraphrase of the sentence following, and Wang Xian-jian and Liang Qi-xiong simply quote him4.  相似文献   

胎教音乐对胎儿影响的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李虹 《心理学报》1994,27(1):51-58
该项研究从三个方面探讨了胎教音乐对胎儿的作用。结果发现:胎教音乐可以使胎动时间延长,并证明在胎儿后期即存在条件反射;胎儿出生后能够再认胎教音乐,说明在胎儿后期已经存在听觉记忆;胎儿的性别及神经活动类型是影响其对音乐反应的重要因素。该研究的意义在于:证明了胎儿期心理现象的存在。把对“胎儿期有无心理现象”的历史争论引入了心理学的实验过程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of cognitive distortions concerning women on sexually aggressive behavior in the laboratory. Twenty-seven men listened to misogynous rap music and 27 men listened to neutral rap music. Participants then viewed neutral, sexual-violent, and assaultive film vignettes and chose one of the vignettes to show to a female confederate. Among the participants in the misogynous music condition, 30% showed the assaultive vignette and 70% showed the neutral vignette. In the neutral condition, 7% showed the sexual-violent or assaultive vignette and 93% showed the neutral vignette. Participants who showed the sexual-violent or assaultive stimuli reported that the confederate was more upset and uncomfortable in viewing these stimuli than did participants who showed the neutral vignette. These findings suggest that misogynous music facilitates sexually aggressive behavior and support the relationship between cognitive distortions and sexual aggression.  相似文献   


Abstract: The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between the thought of Richard Rorty and that of his former teacher, Charles Hartshorne. There are important similarities between the two, but ultimately the differences are more readily apparent, especially in terms of the battle between poetry (in the wide sense of the term conceived by Rorty) and (Hartshornian) metaphysics. Hartshorne is defended against Rorty.  相似文献   

背景音乐对中学生阅读理解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以初一、初二、高一、高二72名中学生为研究对象,考察不同类型音乐对有无背景音乐偏好被试阅读理解成绩的影响。实验结果表明:(1)不同类型背景音乐对不同年级被试产生了不同的影响。古典乐对4个年级被试的阅读理解均有显著的促进作用;而流行乐对初中生的阅读理解产生了干扰作用,对高中生则没有产生干扰作用。(2)不同类型背景音乐对不同背景音乐偏好被试产生了不同的影响。对有背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的促进作用,流行乐对他们的阅读理解无显著的干扰作用;对无背景音乐偏好被试来讲,古典乐对他们的阅读理解既无显著的促进作用,也无显著的干扰作用,而流行乐对他们的阅读理解有显著的干扰作用。  相似文献   

The Feminist Self-Disclosure Inventory (FSDI) was developed to assess principles of therapist self-disclosure as described in the feminist therapy literature. This 18-item Likert-type scale was completed in a mailed survey by women psychotherapists (i.e., 41 self-identified feminist therapists, 34 psychoanalytic/dynamic, and 68 other therapists). Results indicated that the FSDI was comprised of five factors [i.e., Therapist Background (TB), Promotes Liberatory Feelings (PLF), Promotes Egalitarianism (PE), Therapist Availability (TA), and Empowering Client (EC)], and that the overall scale had excellent internal consistency and very satisfactory test-retest reliability. Also, feminist therapists endorsed FSDI factors significantly more than psychoanalytic/dynamic and other therapists with the greatest differences on items reflecting overall use of self-disclosure, disclosing sexual orientation, using disclosure to create egalitarianism, and encouraging the client's choice of a role model in the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this article, I assume that musical works are abstract types, and I raise and address a new question concerning musical ontology that may take the types view at least a step further: When do musical works cease to exist? I then propound my view about musical works as types, which is somewhat like the Aristotelian Realist position concerning universals. Next, I address some objections to that view. Finally, I provide some grounds for rejecting alternative views that see Western classical musical works before 1950 (the sorts of musical works the discussion here is restricted to) either as classes or else as kinds.  相似文献   

The effects of sexually violent music on undergraduate males'( N = 75) attitudes toward women, acceptance of violence against women, and self-reported sexual arousal were evaluated. The experimental manipulation involved exposure to sexually violent heavy-metal rock music, Christian heavy-metal rock music, or easy-listening classical music. One month before the experimental manipulation, participants were administered two covariate measures (religious orientation and sex-role orientation); the Attitudes toward Women Scale; the Sex-Role Stereotyping, Adversarial Sexual Beliefs, Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence, and Rape Myth Acceptance subscales from the Sexual Attitudes Survey; and a sexual arousal index. The results indicated that males with an extrinsic religious orientation were more accepting of sexist and rape-supportive beliefs. Exposure to heavy-metal rock music, irrespective of lyrical content, increased males sex-role stereotyping and negative attitudes toward women. An unexpected finding was grearer self-reported sexual arousal in response to classical music. Results are discussed with respect to participant and stimulus characteristics and experimenters'gender.  相似文献   

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