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The capability of the human brain for Bayesian inference was assessed by manipulating probabilistic contingencies in an urn-ball task. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in response to stimuli that differed in their relative frequency of occurrence (.18 to .82). A veraged ERPs with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (relative frequency of occurrence > .5) were used for further analysis. Research hypotheses about relationships between probabilistic contingencies and ERP amplitude variations were formalized as (in-)equality constrained hypotheses. Conducting Bayesian model comparisons, we found that manipulations of prior probabilities and likelihoods were associated with separately modifiable and distinct ERP responses. P3a amplitudes were sensitive to the degree of prior certainty such that higher prior probabilities were related to larger frontally distributed P3a waves. P3b amplitudes were sensitive to the degree of likelihood certainty such that lower likelihoods were associated with larger parietally distributed P3b waves. These ERP data suggest that these antecedents of Bayesian inference (prior probabilities and likelihoods) are coded by the human brain.  相似文献   

Advances in conceptualization and statistical modeling, on the one hand, and enhanced appreciation of transactional pathways, gene–environment correlations and interactions, and moderator and mediator variables, on the other, have heightened awareness of the need to consider factors and processes that explain the development and maintenance of psychopathology. With a focus on attentional problems, impulsivity, and disruptive behavior patterns, I address the kinds of conceptual approaches most likely to lead to advances regarding explanatory models in the field. Findings from my own research program on processes and mechanisms reveal both promise and limitations. Progress will emanate from use of genetically informative designs, blends of variable and person-centered research, explicit testing of developmental processes, systematic approaches to moderation and mediation, exploitation of natural experiments, and the conduct of prevention and intervention trials designed to accentuate explanation as well as outcome. In all, breakthroughs will occur only with advances in translational research—linking basic and applied science—and with the further development of transactional, systemic approaches to explanation.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which the P300 component of the event-related potential was recorded during a modification of the Deese-Roediger-McDermott false-memory paradigm. P300 amplitudes and topographies were evaluated in both true recognition of previously presented (studied) words and in false recognition of associatively related, never presented (critical lure) words. P300 topography and amplitude did not appear to differ between true and false recognition. However, false recognition of critical lures produced substantially shorter P300 latencies than did the true recognition of studied words.  相似文献   

The specificity of various child characteristics and environmental correlates of childhood internalizing and externalizing problems was examined using both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses (from ages 2-3 and 4-5 years) in a general population sample of 10-11-year-olds. Specificity was defined according to a between-subjects and a within-subjects method, using parent and teacher reports of psychopathology. Temperamental withdrawal, parental internalizing psychopathology, and early single parenthood (for girls) were identified as correlates that are specific for internalizing problems, whereas temperamental high general activity level was identified as externalizing-specific. Further, parenting stress, poor school results (only for boys), and stressful life events (only for girls) were found to be common correlates of psychopathology. Research implications regarding the findings and the use of a within-subjects method are discussed.  相似文献   

In light of the selective focus on maternal (vs. paternal) psychopathology as a risk factor for child development, this meta-analysis examines the relative strength of the association between psychopathology in mothers versus fathers and the presence of internalizing and externalizing disorders in children. Associations were stronger between maternal than paternal psychopathology and the presence of internalizing (but not externalizing) problems in children, with all average effect sizes being small in magnitude. Relations were moderated by variables that highlight theoretically relevant differences between psychopathology in mothers versus fathers (e.g., age of children studied, type of parental psychopathology) and by variables related to methodological differences across studies (e.g., method of assessing psychopathology in parents and children, type of sample recruited, familial composition).  相似文献   

The present study compared two methods for assessing binge eating and related eating disorder psychopathology in obese children and adolescents. A comparison was made between the child version of the Eating Disorder Examination (ChEDE) and the self-report version of the interview (ChEDE-Q). A total of 139 children and adolescents (aged 10-16 years) seeking inpatient treatment for obesity completed the ChEDE questionnaire and were administered the ChEDE interview afterwards. The ChEDE and ChEDE-Q were significantly correlated for the four subscales: restraint, eating concern, weight concern and shape concern. The ChEDE-Q generated consistently higher levels of eating disorder psychopathology. There was a significant discrepancy for the assessment of a more complex feature such as binge eating. Overall, the current study found lower levels of agreement between the EDE and EDE-Q than previously reported in adult samples. It appears that children and adolescents have difficulties in identifying binge-eating episodes when they receive no detailed instruction. It is concluded that a clinical interview is necessary to identify eating disorders in obese children and that a self-report questionnaire can only be used as a screening tool. Even then, thorough clarification of the definition of the eating disorder features is needed when using a self-report questionnaire.  相似文献   

The starting point of this study was the fact that investigations in the frame-of-reference research were mostly performed on the behavioural level. The present study aimed at studying behaviour of P300 amplitude of the event-related brain potential in a frame-of-reference investigation. Ten healthy volunteers participated in the investigation. Test material consisted of horizontal bars of different lengths presented successively on a screen. Each bar (serial stimulus) was preceded by a prestimulus (anchor) of constant length. Each serial stimulus was to be evaluated according to a 9 step rating scale. There were no significant differences in the overt length judgements of the serial stimuli depending on the 3 different anchor lengths. However, the mean P300 amplitude increased with growing dissimilarity between the length of the anchor and serial stimulus length. Thus, it is assumed that the adaptation level on the internal dimension of stimulus length, which was assumed to be influenced by the anchor stimuli, led to the different behaviour of P300 amplitude.  相似文献   

Using a stepwise discriminant analysis, we demonstrate that the amplitude of P300 is a graded function of the complexity of information processing required of a S following a stimulus. This relationship between cognitive complexity and P300 is apparent only when the S is not pressed to generate fast and accurate discriminant responses to the stimuli. Under a reaction-time regime, a large P300 is elicited independently of stimulus predictability or cognitive complexity. It seems that P300 is a measure of the amount of activity of a general-purpose cortical processor.  相似文献   

Prior research using the Brief Form of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ-BF; Patrick, Curtin, & Tellegen, 2002) has shown evidence of 3 temperament-based subtypes--termed internalizing, externalizing, and simple PTSD--among individuals with symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; Miller, Greif, & Smith, 2003). This study sought to replicate and extend research in this area by conducting a latent profile analysis of higher order temperament scales from the MPQ-BF using a new sample of 208 veterans with symptoms of PTSD. Results suggest that a 3-class solution reflecting internalizing, externalizing, and simple subtypes of posttraumatic psychopathology provided the best fit to the data. The externalizing subtype was characterized by features of antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders on the International Personality Disorder Examination (Loranger, 1999) as well as low levels of constraint and high levels of negative emotionality on the MPQ-BF. In contrast, individuals in the internalizing class exhibited features of schizoid and avoidant personality disorders, low levels of positive emotionality, and high levels of negative emotionality. The simple subtype was defined by low levels of comorbid personality disorder features and relatively normal personality profiles. Findings support the reliability of this typology and support the relevance of the internalizing and externalizing model to the structure of personality disorders.  相似文献   

It is well known that sleepiness is sometimes experienced in the afternoon. A short afternoon nap is thought to be effective in reducing sleepiness. However, sleep inertia occurs even after a short nap, and this could be a major risk factor for injuries from falling by the elderly. In the present study, the effect of self-awakening on sleep inertia after a 20-min. nap was examined. Nine participants (M=74.1 yr., SD=5.0 yr.) took part in the three experimental conditions: the self-awakened nap, the forced-awakened nap, and the control (no-nap) conditon. Analysis showed sleepiness and performance after the nap significantly improved compared with the control condition. P3 amplitude tended to be larger after self-awakening than after forced-awakening. The present study indicates a 20-min. nap reduces afternoon sleepiness, and the application of self-awakening may contribute to higher arousal after a nap taken by this elderly group.  相似文献   

P300 and probability in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The P300 event-related brain potential (ERP) was elicited in three groups of 12 children each, ages 5-9, 10-14, and 15-19 years. A simple auditory task was employed in which subjects indicated with a finger movement when a randomly occurring target tone (high pitch) was presented in a series of standard (low pitch) tones. The probability of the target tone was varied across conditions at 0.10, 0.30, or 0.50 to determine if P300 amplitude would respond similarly across age groups. Immediate memory capacity was measured with forward and reverse digit spans. P300 amplitude increased with decreases in target stimulus probability for each age group and also tended to become larger with age. P300 latency decreased in the same fashion across probability levels as age increased. Digit span demonstrated the usual increase with age. The results suggest that cognitive development is indexed by decreases in P300 latency, and that P300 amplitude changes from the probability of the target stimulus are similar across age groups. The implications for the theoretical interpretation of the P300 and application of ERPs for evaluating cognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the presentation of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in adults is well documented, less is known about its clinical manifestation in children and adolescents. To date, most studies have included combined samples of children and adolescents despite the fact that this age range represents an extensive period of growth and development. This study compares and contrasts the clinical presentation of SAD among children (ages 7-12) and adolescents (ages 13-17). One hundred and fifty children (n=74) and adolescents (n=76) with a primary diagnosis of SAD participated in the study. The assessment battery included clinical ratings and behavioral observation as well as parental and self-report. The results indicate that, although the symptom presentation of children and adolescents with primary SAD shares many features, children tend to present with a broader pattern of general psychopathology, while adolescents have a more pervasive pattern of social dysfunction and may be more functionally impaired as a result of their disorder. These findings suggest that interventions for SAD need to carefully consider clinical presentation of the disorder as it manifests in childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

A group of 83 adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were subdivided into those with ADHD alone (n = 27) and those with ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder (ADHD/ODD, n = 56). They were compared to each other and a community control group (n = 77) on measures of family conflicts, family beliefs, maternal adjustment, and observations of mother-adolescent interactions during both a neutral and conflict discussion. Both ADHD groups had more topics on which there was conflict and more angry conflicts at home than control adolescents on parent reports. Only the ADHD/ODD adolescents reported more such conflicts, endorsed more extreme and unreasonable beliefs about their parent-teen relations, and demonstrated greater negative interactions during a neutral discussion than the control teenagers. Similarly, only mothers of the ADHD/ODD teens displayed greater negative interactions during a neutral discussion, more extreme and unreasonable beliefs about their parent-teen relations, greater personal distress, and less satisfaction in their marriages than the mothers in the control group. Most findings for the ADHD only group were between the control group and the group with mixed ADHD/ODD but did not differ from either group. Results imply that it is the combination of ODD symptoms with those of ADHD that is associated with the greater-than-normal conflicts, anger, poor communications, unreasonable beliefs, and negative interactive styles seen in ADHD adolescents. These same characteristics typify their mothers' interactions as well such that both the adolescents' ODD symptoms and maternal psychological distress (hostility) make unique contributions to the degree of conflict and anger in the parent-teen relations of ADHD adolescents.  相似文献   

Liebowitz MR  Ninan PT  Schneier FR  Blanco C 《CNS spectrums》2005,10(10):suppl13 1-11; discussion 12-3; quiz 14-5
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a common, chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by a persistent fear of social or performance situations in which embarrassment can occur. This disorder typically appears during the mid-adolescent years and is unremitting throughout life if not properly treated. SAD presents as two subtypes: the more common and debilitating generalized form, and the nongeneralized form, which consists predominantly of performance anxiety. The majority of patients with SAD have comorbid mental disorders, including mood, anxiety, and substance abuse. No single development theory has been proposed to account for the origins of SAD, although current understanding of the etiology of SAD posits an interaction between psychological and biological factors. Risk factors include environmental and parenting influences and dysfunctional cognitive and conditioning events in early childhood. The neurobiology of SAD appears to involve neurochemical dysfunction, as evidenced by studies of neuroreceptor imaging, neuroendocrine function, and profiles of response to specific medications. Clinical trials have demonstrated that benzodiazepines and antidepressants are effective in the treatment of SAD. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are emerging as the first-line treatment for SAD, based on their proven safety, tolerability, and efficacy. Goals for ongoing future research include development of approaches to achieve remission, to convert nonresponders and partial responders to full responders, and to prevent relapse and maintain long-term efficacy. This monograph explores the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and differential diagnosis of SAD, with a focus on neural circuitry of social relationships and neurochemical dysfunction. The prevalence, rates of recognition and treatment, patterns of comorbidity, quality-of-life issues, and natural history of SAD are discussed as well as pharmacologic and psychosocial treatment strategies for SAD.  相似文献   

Rorschach scales were used to examine the quality of thought disturbance and object relations in boys meeting the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition (DSM-III; American Psychiatric Association, 1980) criteria for separation anxiety disorder (SAD). Nineteen urban, middle and low socioeconomic status (SES), SAD boys were compared to a group of 14 male control subjects. The hypotheses of the study were that SAD boys as compared to controls would: (a) have significantly more thought disordered responses as measured by a Rorschach Thought Disorder Scale (Blatt & Ritzler, 1974), and (b) evidence significantly less adaptive object relations scale scores as measured by the Mutuality of Autonomy Scale (Urist, 1977). Results confirmed both hypotheses. The SAD group had more thought disordered responses and more disrupted object relations scores than the controls. Ideas and images of these boys were found to generally be more unstable, boundary compromised, fluid, idiosyncratic, tangential, and psychotic-like than the controls. It was concluded that these boys possess a significant potential to have thinking abnormalities that will interfere with their independent functioning. Concerning their object relations scores, the SAD subjects were found to have significantly fewer benign, adaptive object interactional percepts, and a greater number of dependent and/or clinging interactional object representations (imagery) than the controls. This study supports the viewpoint that SAD boys are deeply psychologically troubled.  相似文献   

The interplay of personality and psychopathology has been of substantial interest since the beginning of medicine and continues to be a clinically significant yet highly challenging focus of investigation. There is considerable empirical support for the important contributions that personality traits provide to the development of and resilience to psychopathology within mixed-age populations. However, the relationship of personality to mental health and psychopathology within the aging population is only just beginning to be studied. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate and to hopefully further the development of informative research on the interaction of personality and psychopathology within the aging community.  相似文献   


The total of all conditioning and learning may be summed up as part of the adaptive patterns for survival. Adaptive learning is the person's way of discovering how to live successfully. He is not just sick or well. In one fashion or another, he learnshow to be sick orhow to be well within a certain milieu. Personality function signifies the integrant of this learning as the individual tries to realize his potentials, live effectively, and achieve gratification. Should his learning be deficient or distorted in any area proportionate difficulties in his total function will afflict him. Such areas of insufficiency or distress expose the psychopathologic process.

The ever-changing patterns of conditioning and adaptive learning continually modify mental function and create a feedback; the learning is used adaptively and adaptation, doubling back, adds to the learning. As the person adapts according to what he is and what he has learned, his ensuing patterns, still in the process of being conditioned, further change him and make him what he will be.


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