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Abstract: This article critically examines Kadri Vihvelin's proposal that to have free will is to have the ability to make choices on the basis of reasons, and to have this ability is to have a bundle of dispositions that can be exercised in more than one way. It is argued that partisans of Frankfurt examples can still make a powerful case for the view that being able to do otherwise, even on Vihvelin's compatibilist explication of 'could have done otherwise,' is not required for moral responsibility.  相似文献   

Some completion is given on a method for measuring color constancy criticized by Pietarinen (1966). Pietarinen's assumption, that our rating categories did not represent a single rank order, is untenable. A closer examination of the stimuli of the original study shows that the color sets included in, e.g., the Ostwald system allow at least for ordinal ranking of the responses, which was the main purpose of our investigation.  相似文献   

Brian Ellis 《Ratio》2005,18(4):462-472
There are three outstanding issues raised by my critics in this volume. The first concerns the nature and status of universals (John Heil). The second is ‘the essential problem’, which is the issue of how to distinguish the essential properties of natural kinds from their accidental ones, and the related question of whether we really need to believe in the essences of natural kinds (Stephen Mumford). The third is that of strong versus weak dispositional essentialism (Alexander Bird), or equivalently, whether there is any place for categorical properties in an essentialist metaphysic (John Heil). This paper addresses these three issues.  相似文献   

The scaling method used by von Fieandt, Ahonen & Järvinen (1964) for measuring color constancy is discussed. It is argued that (i) the underlying scaling model and the experimental procedure they employed are incompatible, and that (ii) the analytical procedure they applied to the data for obtaining the empirical scale values is incorrect. The data are reanalyzed, and the goodness of fit of both the original and the present results is evaluated.  相似文献   

成年人分类概括力水平的年龄差异及其与记忆的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用威斯康星卡片分类测验(Wisconsincardsortingtest,WCST)对青年组(20—25岁)、老年组(60—65岁)和老老年组(70—75岁)共90例被试进行分类概括力水平测试,并在结束测试时询问被试与测试有关的几个问题。结果显示:青年组分类概括力水平明显高于老年组;坚持性错误数、非坚持性错误数和总错误数以及坚持性反应数,青年组明显少于老年组;完成作业平均用时间,青年组明显比老年组短;老老年组WCST多数项目的成绩明显高于老年组;分类概括力水平与记忆密切相关;某些元认知项目与分类概括力水平表现出一致的趋势。  相似文献   

Interest in the study of aberrant behaviors has coincided with widely publicized scandals involving unethical behaviors of individuals in organizations. Consequently, the literature in the organizational sciences has been increasingly focused on counterproductive and deviant behaviors such as aggression, sabotage, or theft and how individual differences can predict such behaviors. As such, research linking personality to counterproductive work behaviors has grown substantially over the last 10 years. However, the majority of this research has relied on traditional personality traits as the dispositional antecedents of such counterproductive behaviors (e.g., the global traits comprising the five factor model). A different yet possibly fruitful framework with which to examine the link between individual differences and counterproductive work behaviors is through the use of aberrant personality traits. The importance of focusing attention on aberrant traits in relation to counterproductive work behaviors is highlighted through a review of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy, followed by a variety of research hypotheses designed to spur future research in these and related areas.  相似文献   

采用眼动记录法,探讨了语篇理解中类别指称对象的可提取性。实验采用3(实验材料:指称对象、非指称对象、特别控制条件)×2(兴趣区:兴趣区1、兴趣区2)×2(工作记忆容量:高、低)3因素混合设计。通过分析第一次注视时间、总的阅读时间和回视次数等眼动指标发现,类别指称对象提取过程中包含激活和抑制两种过程。被试在阅读完上指示表达之后,立即激活了可能的指称对象,但是对非指称对象的抑制却发生在后来的整合过程中;高工作记忆容量的被试能更有效地抑制非指称对象,更容易形成语篇的完整表征,有效提取类别指称对象。  相似文献   

Abstract: Kant has argued that moral requirements are categorical. Kant's claim has been challenged by some contemporary philosophers; this article defends Kant's doctrine. I argue that Kant's claim captures the unique feature of moral requirements. The main arguments against Kant's claim focus on one condition that a categorical imperative must meet: to be independent of desires. I argue that there is another important, but often ignored, condition that a categorical imperative must meet, and this second condition is crucial to understanding why moral requirements are not hypothetical. I also argue that the claim that moral requirements are not categorical because they depend on desires for motivation is beside the point. The issue of whether moral requirements are categorical is not an issue about whether moral desires or feelings are necessary for moral motivation but are rather an issue about the ground of moral desires or moral feelings. Moral requirements are categorical because they are requirements of reason, and reason makes moral desires or feelings possible.  相似文献   

A quantitative review of 55 studies supports the conclusion that job attitudes are robust predictors of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The relationship between job satisfaction and OCB is stronger than that between satisfaction and in-role performance, at least among nonmanagerial and nonprofessional groups. Other attitudinal measures (perceived fairness, organizational commitment, leader supportiveness) correlate with OCB at roughly the same level as satisfaction. Dispositional measures do not correlate nearly as well with OCB (with the exception of conscientiousness). The most notable moderator of these correlations appears to be the use of self- versus other-rating of OCB; self-ratings are associated with higher correlations, suggesting spurious inflation due to common method variance, and much greater variance in correlation. Differences in subject groups and work settings do not account for much variance in the relationships. Implications are noted for theory, practice, and strategies for future research on OCB.  相似文献   

采用Heit和Barsalou的实验范式,以不同分类水平的中文语义自然类概念为实验材料验证实例效应。研究包括2个实验,被试为180名全日制在校大学生。实验1为无修饰词概念的典型性研究.结果表明人们不仅在抽象的水平上表征概念,也在具体的实例水平上表征概念。实验2用不同分类水平的自然类概念检验了在更广泛的概念范围内的实例效应,结果表明,不同分类水平的下位概念和下位概念实例在上位概念中的平均典型性大多显著相关,而且下位概念的实例在不同分类水平上位概念中(如:动物、小动物)的变化趋势和下位概念在不同分类水平上位概念中的变化趋势一致。实验1和实验2的结果均支持了Heit和Barsalou提出的实例效应。  相似文献   

Research consistently demonstrates that sexual harassment is related to a variety of negative outcomes. Negative outcomes, however, may be influenced by respondents' dispositions or response biases rather than by their sexual harassment experiences alone. This study investigates relationships between negative outcomes and sexual harassment over time in an attempt to assess this possibility. Further, little empirical research on sexual harassment has explored the impact of various coping strategies on experiences of harassment over time. Sexual harassment experiences, job-related and psychological outcomes, and coping responses were obtained from 216 female faculty and staff members at a midwestern university at 2 times, 24 months apart. Patterns of results suggests that sexual harassment has important effects on job-related and psychological outcomes that operate independently of dispositional influences or response biases. Results also indicate that sexual harassment at Time 1 is a better predictor of harassment at Time 2 than are coping strategies.  相似文献   

社会图式的范畴化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会图式是社会认知中一个非常重要的概念,随着社会认知“暖“研究的进展,社会图式的研究越来越重视社会情景和人的情感对认知的影响,并大量渗透着范畴化的思想.文章综合了近年来国内外有关方面的研究,阐述了社会图式中范畴化研究的成果,包括范畴的激活、运用和控制.  相似文献   

The training effectiveness literature has paid little attention to the potentially dynamic interaction of individual differences with various phases of training in determining ultimate training success. This study investigates the role of individual differences in explaining the transfer of learning from 1 phase of training to another among pilot trainees in a multistage, aviation training program. Using 3 of the Big Five factors (Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Openness to Experience), the results showed these measures to contribute to the prediction of the number of hours it took for trainees to attain their private pilot's license. Significant interactions between some of these measures and success on an earlier, simulator phase of the training program were also found. The results are discussed in terms of both the role of individual differences in training research as well as the broader issue of transfer of learning between phases of training.  相似文献   

Robert Schroer 《Ratio》2012,25(2):195-206
What are physical objects like when they are considered independently of their causal interactions? Many think that the answer to this question involves categorical properties– properties that make contributions to their bearers that are independent of any causal interactions those objects may enter into. In this paper, I examine two challenges that this solution poses to Physicalism. The first challenge is that, given that they are distinct from any of the scientifically described causal powers that they happen to convey, categorical properties will not qualify as being ‘physical’ properties. Given the right definition of ‘physical’, this challenge can be overcome. I argue, however, that the only way we can have a positive grasp of the nature of categorical properties is via ‘acquaintance’– a non‐physical relation. This second challenge to Physicalism cannot be overcome. 1 1 I would like to thank Brendan O'Sullivan for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.

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