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给个体呈现一副正视前方的眼睛线索,会使个体的行为发生明显的变化,即出现眼睛效应。以往研究发现,特质公我意识较高的个体在眼睛线索下会表现出更多利他行为。本研究采用句子重组任务启动被试的状态公我意识,通过独裁者博弈任务,考察眼睛线索与公我意识交互作用对利他行为的影响。结果发现,启动公我意识和呈现眼睛线索均可以显著提高被试的利他行为;更重要的是,眼睛线索下启动公我意识可以促进利他行为。该结果表明,眼睛线索与公我意识交互作用影响个体的利他行为。  相似文献   

There are few extant studies of stereotyping of people with facial disfigurement. In the present study, two experiments (both within-participants) showed positive evaluations of people depicted as wheelchair users and, from the same participants, negative evaluations of people with facial disfigurements, compared to controls. The results of Experiment 2 suggested that implicit affective attitudes were more negative toward people with facial disfigurement than wheelchair users and were correlated with evaluation negativity. Social norms were perceived to permit more discrimination against people with facial disfigurement than against wheelchair users. These factors could help to explain the evaluative differences between the two disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

The present paper explores whether the theory of planned behavior (TPB) must abandon the notion that perceived behavioral control (PBC) has a direct influence on behavior. In a cross‐sectional survey of 895 Swiss residents, our hypothesis was tested by means of structural equation models. Applied specifically, PBC turned out to be a significant direct predictor of one's performance. A general version of the TPB based on aggregated measures, however, revealed PBC's direct influence on behavior to be nonsignificant and, presumably, a non‐universally applicable and thus nongeneralizable part of the theory. Intention determined 51% to 52% of people's ecological behavior, which supports the claim of a strong attitude‐behavior relation. Attitude, subjective norms, and PBC, the 3 TPB components, account for 81% of intention's variance.  相似文献   

Measurement of ecological behavior across different domains has been troublesome. The present paper argues that the lack of agreement in measuring general ecological behavior may be due to the measurement approach that is commonly used. An ecological behavior measure should be grounded on a probabilistic measurement approach that takes the important features of ecological behavior into consideration. Such a measure was developed in a survey study of 445 members of 2 Swiss transportation associations. Three types of ecological behavior measures were included: a general measure, 3 multiple-item measures, and 3 single-item measures. Results are controlled for social desirability effects. Reliability, internal consistency, and validity scores indicate that a probabilistic measurement approach can measure general ecological behavior accurately and unidimensionally.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of compliments on tipping behavior in hairstyling salons. Two female hair stylists cut and styled 115 customers' hair and either complimented or did not compliment the customers while interacting. Results indicated that hair stylists received significantly higher tips when complimenting their customers than when not complimenting them. These results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

长期以来,关于面孔表情识别的研究主要是围绕着面孔本身的结构特征来进行的,但是近年来的研究发现,面孔表情的识别也会受到其所在的情境背景(如语言文字、身体背景、自然与社会场景等)的影响,特别是在识别表情相似的面孔时,情境对面孔表情识别的影响更大。本文首先介绍和分析了近几年关于语言文字、身体动作、自然场景和社会场景等情境影响个体对面孔表情的识别的有关研究;其次,又分析了文化背景、年龄以及焦虑程度等因素对面孔表情识别情境效应的影响;最后,强调了未来的研究应重视研究儿童被试群体、拓展情绪的类别、关注真实生活中的面孔情绪感知等。  相似文献   

A courtroom simulation technique was employed to examine the effects of a communicator's looking behavior on observers' perceptions of his credibility. Half of the subjects heard testimony presented on behalf of a defendent by a witness (one of three confederates) who was visually presented as either looking directly toward the target of his communication (gaze maintenance) or slightly downward (gaze aversion) while testifying. The other half of the subjects merely heard the audio portion of the testimony. The results indicated that witnesses who averted their gaze were perceived to be less credible and, ultimately, the defendant for whom they testified was judged as more likely to be guilty. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for research concerned with the communicative effects of visual behavior.  相似文献   

张美晨  魏萍  张钦 《心理学报》2015,47(11):1309-1317
为考察阈上、阈下不同面孔表情下的注视线索提示效应, 实验以阈上和阈下面孔的不同注视朝向为提示线索, 同时变化面孔表情, 要求被试迅速和准确地对随后出现的靶刺激(大写字母)的呈现位置做出判断。结果显示, 在阈上呈现条件下, 注视线索提示效应显著, 且该效应不受面孔表情的影响。在阈下呈现条件下, 注视线索提示效应显著, 但该效应受到了面孔表情的调节, 表现为在注视线索无效时, 判断目标位置所需反应时在正性、负性面孔表情下显著长于中性面孔条件。上述结果说明, 阈上知觉时, 面孔表情虽被清晰感知, 但个体自上而下的控制机制使其被忽略, 因而未能影响个体的注意偏向; 阈下知觉时, 面孔表情得到自动加工, 并影响了个体的注意偏向。  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the hypothesis that a weapon can serve as a cue that will interfere with the eyewitness’ encoding of the weapon-holder's facial features. Extrapolating from Easterbrook's cue utilization hypothesis, an interaction between arousal and attentional focus was predicted. White female college students played a bogus visual discrimination game in which they saw a total of 24 target photos: six black targets holding a weapon in their hands, six white targets holding weapons, six black targets holding objects other than weapons, and six white targets holding objects other than weapons. Subjects were randomly assigned to view the photos while experiencing white noise and threat of electric shock (high arousal) or without such factors (low arousal). Subjects were also randomly assigned to one of four attentional focus levels: face focus, hand focus, background focus, and free focus. A signal detection-type task provided an assessment of identification accuracy. The data revealed a significant “weapon effect”: Subjects were better at identifying photos of targets who were not holding a weapon than they were at identifying photos of targets who were holding a weapon. Focus of attention and race of target also significantly affected recognition accuracy, as did arousal in one of two analyses. No support was found, however, for the predicted interaction between arousal and attentional focus. Finally, subjects showed a strong criterion shift according to the race of target; they were much more likely to make a “seen before” response to other-race (black) faces than to same-race faces.  相似文献   

Currently, some Japanese women use a sanitary mask to hide their faces when not wearing makeup, perhaps because they believe that they are more attractive (or less ugly) when wearing a sanitary mask than when not wearing makeup. The present study examined the effect of wearing a sanitary mask on the perception of facial attractiveness. We manipulated the presence or absence of a mask in the main experiments or an occluder (e.g., notebook) in control experiments and asked participants to rate facial images. The results revealed that attractive faces wearing a sanitary mask were perceived as less attractive than the same faces without the mask, contrary to Japanese women's belief. This is the first study to demonstrate a new phenomenon, the sanitary‐mask effect, in which observers underestimate the physical attractiveness of a mask‐wearing face. Importantly, the pattern of the results of perceived attractiveness was substantially altered when a control object occluded the faces. This suggests that facial occlusion by a sanitary mask has a unique effect, due to occlusion and unhealthiness priming.  相似文献   

汪亚珉  傅小兰 《心理学报》2007,39(2):191-200
已有研究表明,身份对面部表情识别的影响较常见,但表情对面孔身份识别的影响却很罕见。只有个别研究发现了表情对熟悉面孔身份识别的影响。最近有研究使用非常相似的模特面孔图片为实验材料,也发现了表情对身份识别的影响,并提出在以往研究中表情不影响身份识别是因为身份的区分度高于表情的区分度。本研究置疑表情区分度低于身份区分度的必然性,认为过去的研究使用静态表情图片,使得表情自然具有的强度变化线索缺失,才导致表情的区分度相对较低。本研究假设,当表情的强度变化线索得以体现时,表情的区分度就会提高,此时表情识别可能就不会受身份的影响。实验结果支持该假设,证明表情与身份的区分度水平是决定二者识别交互模式的重要因素。表情身份识别之间的相互影响并不能完全证明这两者之间的独立加工关系。此外,研究结果也提示在一定条件下可以部分分离表情与身份信息  相似文献   


In the present experiment, “lost” letters were placed on the cars of team supporters at a major football grand final. Significantly more letters were returned by supporters of the losing team than by supporters of the winning team. These results were interpreted as presenting a problem for the theory that negative mood only increases helping behavior when internal attribution of responsibility occurs (Rogers, Miller, Mayer, & Duval, 1982).  相似文献   

Living with disfigurement can constitute a psychologically challenging position for both adults and young people alike. The present paper explores the potential implications of living with disfigurement for identity through the novel application of identity process theory, a socio-psychological theory of identity threat, to the topic of disfigurement. The theory argues that individuals need to perceive appropriate levels of self-esteem, distinctiveness, continuity, self-efficacy, meaning, belonging and coherence, and that insufficient levels of these principles will induce identity threat. Firstly, the paper outlines those principles most susceptible to threat among individuals living with disfigurement. Secondly, it considers strategies which may be implemented by the threatened individual as a means of coping with identity threat associated with disfigurement, as well as the efficacy of these strategies. The primary focus of the paper lies within the identification of what threatens identity and how health care institutions can facilitate and encourage effective coping strategies among individuals living with disfigurement.  相似文献   

陈莉  李文虎 《心理科学》2013,36(3):586-591
随机选取中美大学生各30名,探讨在中西方文化背景下,背景表情对个体知觉目标表情是否会产生影响。结果:(1)当有背景表情时,中国被试对目标表情强度评定的时间比无背景表情时的评定时间长;且背景表情与目标表情一致时,中国被试判断目标表情的强度最强;不一致时,则最弱;而美国被试对目标表情强度的评分及反应时不受背景表情的影响。(2)当背景表情发生变化时,中国被试对于图片的再认正确率显著高于美国被试。结论:美国被试会将注意力放在目标表情上,不易受背景表情的影响,而中国被试对目标表情的判断会受到背景表情的影响。  相似文献   

幼儿对不同的情绪面孔图片存在不同的注意偏向,考察情绪效价与面孔类型对幼儿无意视盲的影响,可以帮助我们进一步认识幼儿对情绪面孔的注意偏向。本研究采用静态无意视盲的实验范式,通过2(面孔类型:符号化卡通、真人)×2(情绪效价:积极、消极)被试间完全随机设计,考察了111名幼儿(62.5±3.6个月,男生60名)在无意注意条件下对不同情绪效价和不同类型面孔的觉察情况。结果表明:(1)幼儿对积极情绪面孔的觉察率显著高于消极情绪面孔;(2)符号化卡通面孔与真人面孔的整体觉察率不存在显著差异;(3)积极情绪面孔中符号化卡通面孔的觉察率高于真人面孔。综上,情绪效价对无意视盲的影响会基于面孔类型的不同而不同,幼儿对卡通积极情绪面孔有更显著的注意偏向。  相似文献   

幼儿对不同的情绪面孔图片存在不同的注意偏向,考察情绪效价与面孔类型对幼儿无意视盲的影响,可以帮助我们进一步认识幼儿对情绪面孔的注意偏向。本研究采用静态无意视盲的实验范式,通过2(面孔类型:符号化卡通、真人)×2(情绪效价:积极、消极)被试间完全随机设计,考察了111名幼儿(62.5±3.6个月,男生60名)在无意注意条件下对不同情绪效价和不同类型面孔的觉察情况。结果表明:(1)幼儿对积极情绪面孔的觉察率显著高于消极情绪面孔;(2)符号化卡通面孔与真人面孔的整体觉察率不存在显著差异;(3)积极情绪面孔中符号化卡通面孔的觉察率高于真人面孔。综上,情绪效价对无意视盲的影响会基于面孔类型的不同而不同,幼儿对卡通积极情绪面孔有更显著的注意偏向。  相似文献   

The Effect of Upward Feedback on Managerial Behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Un feed-back de gratification a été donné par des subordonnés aux managers australiens d'une firme internationale de prestation de services. Dans cette recherche quasi-expérimentale, la perfomance au travail de ces managers, a pu être observée six mois plus tard par les subordonnés comme s'étant accrue par rapport à la performance initiale et à ceux obtenus par un groupe de comparaison. L'efficacité personnelle modère la portée de ces résultats suggérant qu'elle joue un rôle clé en déterminant des réactions comportementales au feed-back de gratification. L'orientation vers un but d'apprentissage fut corrélée de manière significative à leur performance subséquente.
Upward feedback from subordinates was provided to Australian managers in an international professional services firm. The job performance of the managers in this quasi-experimental study was observed by subordinates to be significantly higher six months later, compared to both initial performance and subordinate ratings of a comparison group. Self-efficacy moderated this finding, suggesting that it plays a key role in determining behavioral reactions to upward feedback. The managers' learning goal orientation correlated significantly with their subsequent performance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Facial width-to-height ratio is a sexually dimorphic metric that is independent of body size and may have been shaped by sexual selection. We recently showed that this metric is correlated with behavioral aggression in men. In Study 1, observers estimated the propensity for aggression of men photographed displaying neutral facial expressions and for whom a behavioral measure of aggression was obtained. The estimates were correlated strongly with the facial width-to-height ratio of the stimulus faces and with the actual aggression of the men. These results were replicated in Study 2, in which the exposure to each stimulus face was shortened to 39 ms. Participants' estimates of aggression for each stimulus face were highly correlated between Study 2 (39-ms exposure) and Study 1 (2,000-ms exposure). These findings suggest that the facial width-to-height ratio may be a cue used to predict propensity for aggression in others.  相似文献   

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