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Historically, consumers of mental health services have not been given meaningful roles in research and change efforts related to the services they use. This is quickly changing as scholars and a growing number of funding bodies now call for greater consumer involvement in mental health services research and improvement. Amidst these calls, community‐based participatory research (CBPR) has emerged as an approach which holds unique promise for capitalizing on consumer involvement in mental health services research and change. Yet, there have been few discussions of the value added by this approach above and beyond that of traditional means of inquiry and enhancement in adult mental health services. The purpose of this paper is to add to this discussion an understanding of potential multilevel and multifaceted benefits associated with consumer‐involved CBPR. This is accomplished through presenting the first‐person accounts of four stakeholder groups who were part of a consumer‐involved CBPR project purposed to improve the services of a local community mental health center. We present these accounts with the hope that by illustrating the unique outcomes associated with CBPR, there will be invigorated interest in CBPR as a vehicle for consumer involvement in adult mental health services research and enhancement.  相似文献   

The digital era has permitted rapid transfer of peer knowledge regarding products and services. In the present research, we explore the value of specific types of word-of-mouth information (numeric ratings and text commentary) for improving forecasts of consumption enjoyment. We present an anchoring-and-adjustment model in which the relative forecasting error associated with ratings and commentary depends on the extent to which consumer and reviewer have similar product-level preferences. To test our model, we present four experiments using a range of hedonic stimuli. Implications for the provision of consumer WOM are discussed.  相似文献   

  • The postmodern self is so engaged with the symbolic aspects of consumption that many authors have argued that consumption defines the self. Drawing upon the literature in this area, with a particular stress on the symbolic interactionist school of thought, it is the thesis of the authors that many acts of consumption are tribal and role supporting. From this we develop a model: the rubix cube of postmodern consumption. This model places the power of self‐definition squarely on the psychic powers of the individual and not in the realms of consumption. Consumption does not define the self. Evidence, to support this view and model, is garnered from a semiotic analysis of consumption in the motion picture Trainspotting.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research that focusses on consumer satisfaction with child and adolescent mental health services is reviewed. Satisfaction is broadly conceived to include any study where the perspectives of children, adolescents or their parents about mental health services were gathered and presented. Important conceptual issues in research on consumer satisfaction with children's mental health services are discussed. Some of the general methodological issues that have faced satisfaction researchers are also considered. The wide range of methodological variations that have been used to investigate this topic area are outlined. The most significant findings of previous research are presented and critiqued. In conclusion, suggestions are made about the most fruitful directions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper differentiates between the modern and the postmodern approach to advertising. It provides indicators of the nature of postmodern advertisements and proposes a methodology based on critical discourse analysis for interpreting the meaning and understanding the structure of such advertisements. The paper discusses the purpose of the postmodern approach to advertising and argues that its very imagery may further confuse an already confused postmodern consumer. The credibility of the imagery may also be questioned where it is perceived to be an illusion that is incapable of being substantiated. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

Recent developments in qualitative research provide a rich resource of ideas and insights for counsellors and psychotherapists interested in postmodern approaches to theory and practice. The second edition of the landmark Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000) is discussed in terms of its potential value for therapists.  相似文献   

Conclusions We are reminded by the growth of consumer-run approaches of the value of diversity and individual choice in community support of persons with severe mental illness. These ideas are evident in the alternative approaches that have been developed to serve persons who have not been reached by more traditional services. The ACT program, described by Bond et al. (1990), is an example of a service approach designed to be responsive to individuals' day-to-day needs as they define them. Continued development of this type of alternative service should be encouraged.Persons coping with severe mental illness benefit from a variety of community supports and resources. Strategies that encourage consumer involvement, ownership, and control help to provide diversity of services and to empower the consumer. Our efforts, as professionals, to provide community services can be enhanced by (a) supporting diversity of service and resource options, both inside and outside of the professional mental health system; (b) developing services that are responsive to individuals needs as they define them; and (c) facilitating the process of consumer choice in selecting resources options.The author expresses thanks to Marc A. Zimmerman and Richard H. Price for comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

This research investigated cultural differences in stigmatization of out-groups representing Goffman's distinction between “tribal stigma” and “blemishes of character.” We hypothesized that “group-oriented” (vs. individual-oriented) cultures would be more likely to stigmatize nonnormative groups, including tribal out-groups (people of a different race, immigrants/foreign workers) and out-groups with blemishes of character (homosexuals, heavy drinkers, drug addicts), because of higher value of behavioral conformity and/or lower value of uniqueness. Country-level analyses with nine individual-oriented and four group-oriented countries supported our hypotheses and revealed that the cultural value of uniqueness played a more influential role than behavioral conformity. We discuss implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

  • Consumer confusion is likely to be an ever increasing problem as customers live in an environment where they are bombarded with information and where rapid technological developments are taking place. Although consumer confusion has been investigated in individualistic cultures such as the United Kingdom, it has received little attention in collectivist cultures such as Thailand. This research examines confusion in the Thai mobile phone industry. More specifically, it aims to determine what aspects of the mobile phone industry are confusing and what sources of information are used to reduce or eliminate it. Thai consumers experience confusion and find a number of aspects of the mobile phone industry to be problematic especially handsets, services and tariffs. In terms of reducing confusion, family and friends are the most popular source of information being both credible and reliable. It is put forward that the problems associated with handsets, services and tariffs are due to differing degrees of technological complexity and overchoice both of which are sub‐components of confusion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This research evaluates the stability of time usage relationships among discretionary activities. Traditional economists view products or services as substitutes if both can satisfy the same need of the consumer; they are complements if they are consumed jointly in order to satisfy some particular need. Complementary activities are grouped together in activity sets defined on an a priori basis. Several research questions are developed to investigate the following issues: (a) the stability over time of overall relationships between activities, in terms of visual representation using multidimensional scaling maps, and (b) the validity and stability of a priori classification of activities in activity sets. The results from multidimensional scaling maps are validated using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that time usage relationships are temporally stable. The broad needs of respondents, as represented by interrelationships between activities in sets, were found to be stable. We present reasons for believing that the conclusions of stability are comprehensive and can be used in the real‐world.  相似文献   

The Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) was created in 1992 partly in response to what was interpreted by some as a shift in the methodological focus of the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR). JCR began to increase its accommodation of postmodern approaches, compared to more positivistic approaches. JCP's mission was thus perceived by some to be more methodologically homogeneous, with a greater focus on traditional experimental psychology in the domain of consumer behavior. Is JCR really more methodologically diverse than JCP? In what other ways are the two journals similar or different? This article attempts to answer these questions with an in‐depth analysis of the articles published in both journals from 1992 to 1998. The articles are reviewed in terms of overall output, authorship, content, research design, and data analysis. Conclusions and implications are included.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the tenets of the politics of postmodern philosophy of science. At issue are Rouse’s version of naturalism and his reading of Quine’s distinction between the indeterminacy of translation and the underdetermination of theories by empirical evidence. I argue that the postmodern approach to science’s research practices as patterns of interaction within the world is not in line with the naturalistic account Rouse aims at. I focus also on Rouse’s readings of Heidegger’s existential conception of science and Kuhn’s concept of normal science. Finally, a strategy of defending science’s cognitive distinctiveness in terms of hermeneutic philosophy is suggested as an alternative to the postmodern philosophy of science.  相似文献   

Previous research regarding the effectiveness of brand name signalling has focused mainly on when and how marketers will recover costs. This study reverses this trend by examining how buyers may interpret signals via the brand name, the effectiveness of signalling via brand name in terms of buyer‐value perspectives and how buyers' reactions to signals affect sellers' decisions to adopt a signalling strategy. Signalling theory and concepts from consumer‐based branding research are used to suggest how to evaluate the effectiveness of signalling via brand name in the context of the consumer market – a market in which information is asymmetric. Findings from a number of repeated experiments, using the methodology of experimental economics, demonstrate that the function of a brand fluctuates according to which market conditions prevail for brand and price, the extent of brand differentiation and the magnitude of brand‐building costs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The way consumers behave is fundamental to marketing. Journal of Consumer Behaviour (JCB) is an international journal dedicated to publishing the latest developments of consumer behaviour. To gain an understanding of the evolution and trends in consumer behaviour, this study presents a retrospective review of JCB using bibliometric analysis. Using bibliographic records of JCB from Scopus, this study finds that consumer behaviour research in JCB has grown substantially in terms of collaboration (co-authorships), global reach (countries), productivity (publications), and impact (citations). The major themes explored by consumer behaviour research in JCB include consumer information processing, consumption communities, consumption value, sustainable consumption, intergenerational consumer behaviour, consumer-brand relationship, consumer ethics, and conditional relationships in consumer behaviour. The most recent consumer behaviour research in JCB has considered externalities such as the COVID-19 pandemic and focused on themes such as consumer ethics and sustainable consumption in line with the global movement toward environmental social governance (ESG) and sustainable development goals (SDGs).  相似文献   

Online customer ratings of products and services are commonplace in e‐commerce; however, the format in which these ratings are presented to consumers can vary. Although not anticipated by classical models of decision making, latter models such as prospect theory and feelings‐as‐information theory suggest that the presentation format of online customer ratings could affect subsequent consumer decision making. In the present research, 3 empirical studies test whether online customer ratings' formats differentially affect consumer purchase intentions. The results offer support for feeling‐as‐information theory and suggest that online ratings presented in a mean (vs. distribution) format result in higher purchase intentions as a result of increased processing fluency. Implications for the presentation of online consumer ratings in e‐commerce, based on these findings, are addressed.  相似文献   

杜伟强 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1929-1938
厌恶与其他消极情绪存在差异, 不同类型的厌恶也不完全相同。可以采用不同的方法来诱发消费者的不同类型的厌恶。产品与服务、宣传、组织行为等均可能导致消费者产生不同类型的厌恶。不同类型的厌恶又会影响消费者行为, 如产品评价、购买意向、支付意愿、延迟决策、口碑、产品消费等。未来可以对厌恶与其他消极情绪对消费者行为影响的差异、不同类型的厌恶对消费者行为影响的差异、厌恶的前因变量与结果变量进行更深入的探索。  相似文献   

Consumers increasingly subscribe to community‐supported agriculture (CSA) programs as an alternative retail channel for fresh produce. Compared with supermarket retailers, CSAs are built around an ethos of community rather than efficiency and economies of scale; and CSA programs demand far greater customer co‐production than supermarket retailers. For instance, CSA members (customers) assume responsibilities for physical distribution, market timing, and financial risk taking—activities that, for customers of traditional supermarkets, are assumed by the retailer or other market intermediaries. Service‐dominant logic suggests that such co‐production activities provide value for consumers. And the expanding demand for CSA programs anecdotally supports the notion that consumers find value in co‐producing fresh produce. However, whether or not co‐production leads to greater satisfaction with a product category remains largely untested. We draw on community theory to test if engagement in co‐production activities leads to satisfaction with a product category. By examining product satisfaction, we test an outcome of co‐production that is consumer‐centric. Results from an exploratory field study suggest that two types of value co‐creation—commitment to co‐production and behavioral involvement in product‐related activities—are positively correlated with product satisfaction. Our results support the notion that value co‐creation provides value for consumers. Interestingly, these findings are antithetical to studies that suggest service convenience constitutes non‐monetary value for consumers. Our study suggests that the community theory is a viable theoretical frame for consumer research on co‐production. Further, our findings suggest that consumer research into the co‐creation of value should incorporate measures of product satisfaction and draw on behavioral as opposed to exclusively attitudinal assessments of co‐production activities. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

补偿性消费行为是指为了弥补某种心理缺失或自我威胁而发生的消费行为, 是一种替代的心理需求满足工具。补偿性机制作为看待行为的重要视角, 可以解释许多看似不理性或不合常理的消费现象。自尊威胁、控制感缺失和归属感缺失是导致补偿性消费的3种动机来源。未来研究可以从以下4个方面对补偿性消费行为进行深入探讨:1)根据补偿机制的不同, 对补偿性消费的表现形式和类型进行细分; 2)评估消费行为的心理补偿效果; 3)探讨除消费外其他替代性的心理补偿方式, 以及消费补偿与其他补偿方式之间的关系; 4)挖掘中国社会文化环境下的补偿性消费行为的特点与产生机制。  相似文献   

The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and self-categorization theory (SCT) were used to predict homeless people’s (n = 80) uptake of housing support services. Homeless people’s uptake behaviour was measured one year after a TPB/SCT-based interview schedule was administered. Congruent with previous research, TPB variables were influential predictors of both intention and behaviour. However, the addition of self-categorization variables, such as friendship group norms and identification as a housing support service user, significantly increased the rate prediction for both intention and behaviour, respectively. The implications of the research are firstly, that social cognition models are useful for understanding uptake of housing support services; and secondly, the addition of self-categorization variables aids in exploring the central role that social norms play in understanding the uptake of these services. These findings are discussed in terms of their impact on theory and practice.  相似文献   

The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and self-categorization theory (SCT) were used to predict homeless people’s (n = 80) uptake of housing support services. Homeless people’s uptake behaviour was measured one year after a TPB/SCT-based interview schedule was administered. Congruent with previous research, TPB variables were influential predictors of both intention and behaviour. However, the addition of self-categorization variables, such as friendship group norms and identification as a housing support service user, significantly increased the rate prediction for both intention and behaviour, respectively. The implications of the research are firstly, that social cognition models are useful for understanding uptake of housing support services; and secondly, the addition of self-categorization variables aids in exploring the central role that social norms play in understanding the uptake of these services. These findings are discussed in terms of their impact on theory and practice.  相似文献   

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